What Are We Doing

By CutiePatoot33

401K 7.8K 523

"I have a deal to offer you" he says while going through his phone. I look at him confused and questionably. ... More

Lips Of An Angel
Chapter 27 Telling Her
Chapter 28 Not sorry
Not A Chapter!
Chapter 29 Second Dates With Messages?
Chapter 30 It Wasn't Me
Chapter 31 I beg your Pardon?
Chapter 32 BBQ and some old friends
Chapter 33 Adam Emerson
The End or Naw?
Flashback 2
Flashback 3
Flashback 4
Wedding Ah Weddings
My Other Books


8K 196 24
By CutiePatoot33

I was on the floor crying, thinking about everything that has happened in the last few minutes. I can't believe he said that, then why lead me on! My thoughts were interrupted by a voice. I look up and see my brother with a sad smile on his lips.

"Hey sis are you okay? tell big bro what's bothering the pumpkin pie" he talks like he's talking to a baby. I roll my eyes and sniffle.

"It's nothing really you could go back downstairs " I say to him then putting my head back down on my feet that's pulled up to my chest.

"It's can't believe jack made you cry, this is what I was trying to avoid" he says frustrated running a hand through his hair then putting his hands on his hips.

"What are you talking about?" I asked raising up my head, confused more than ever. Seth sighs and sits next to me.

"I know everything. I know you were with jack in Australia I know he liked you I know everything" he says truthfully he looks at me with sad eyes.

"What do you mean like me? Jack doesn't like me, he has a fiance Seth" I say rolling my eyes and putting my head back down again.

"What are you talking about? of course he likes you, he told me himself"

"Yeah well he told me differently" I say shrugging. Seth's hand goes over my shoulders and he kisses my temple.

"You want me to go punch him in the face for you?" He asks after a few moments of silence. I chuckle and shake my head.

"You sure? He may be my best friend but he did make my little sister cry, I'll do it" he says seriously. I laughed then looked up at him.

"No I don't need you to do that I'm fine" he sighs.

"Alright then if you want me to punch him just call me there's always a free punch waiting" he says and we laugh. He kisses my temple again and stands up.

"Alright I just came here to tell you dinner is ready, so, let's go eat some food!" Seth shouts at the top of his lungs making me laugh. I got up wiped my tears away and walked down with Seth to the dining room.

I enter the dining room and jacks not there.

No me forget him he doesn't love you
Now move on!
My conscience says.

Oh hush me!

I frown and walk to a seat.

"Alyssa don't forget your flight's tomorrow" my mom says excitedly. I snap my eyes to her confused as ever.

"Flight?" I asked and she looked at me like I'm crazy.

"Yes hunny your flight to New York for the charity" she says telling me about it like I already knew.

"Mom you did not tell me about any flight" she gasps and looks at me in realisation that she did indeed forget to tell me.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, go on now pack!" She says shooing me before I can even get a chance to take a bite of my food. I groan and walk upstairs and started packing.

After and few hours of finishing up packing my clothes I was insanely tired. I walked to my bed and dropped on the bed. I lye there for a while before I realized I didn't eat! I just shrug it off and say I'll eat extra tomorrow for not eating today.

Yeah that sounds about good!
Sounds like an plan!
I thought to myself and fell asleep after the thought.


I woke up and did my morning routine. I went in my closet after my shower and put on some clothes to go to New York in. I pulled out a beige long sleeve top with a light blue ripped jeans and my nude heels with my grey jacket.

I don't normally wear these clothes as they are usually at the back of my wardrobe, but I feel like I need to bring them out and start wearing them, try something new. The heels are Ashley's. I got all these clothes when Ashley went shopping, she always bought me clothes like this for. Well now it has come to good use and she will be proud. I don't know why but I'm feeling for a change I don't know what got over me.

I grab my suitcase and purse, yes I have a purse now, and walk downstairs. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I hear two loud squeals. I wince at the sound and looked at the culprits. It was Ashley and Amelia. Ashley runs up to me and starts crying.

"You" sniff "look" sniff "So" sniff "freaken beautiful!" She squealed again and hugs me, by the time she breaks the hug she has tears coming down her eye.

"This is the happiest moment of my life!" She says squealing again and hugs me again. I laugh and turn to everyone in the living room. Vic and mom are smiling, Amelia is acting exactly like Ashley, Sarah is glaring, Sofia and Kayla are look at me like they just saw a princess and Jack has no emotion on his face whatsoever as he looks at the ground. I frown. I walk a little more in the living room but stop when I see Seth walk in from the kitchen. He had a pancake stuffed in his mouth and some in his hand and as he notices me he opens his mouth and the pancake falls out. I laugh.

"Guys could you all like not look at me like you've seen a ghost" I say starting to walk to the kitchen without my suitcase and purse. I don't know why everyone is so shocked? Yes it's not something I would usually wear but you know I can't say I don't like something if I don't try it. I walk to the cupboard and took out some cinnamon squares and poured in a bowl.

While pouring the milk Ashley and Amelia walk in their eyes still shining with happiness.

"I'm so proud of you!" Ashley says again and I laugh.

"Alright guys calm down I just wanted to try something new that's all" I say sitting taking my first spoon of the cereal.

"And? Do you like it? Is it comfortable? Most of all! Do you like it!" Amelia and Ashley say at the same time. I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Yes it's comfortable and I might wear more clothes like this more often" I say and they scream in unison which makes me laugh even harder.

"Guys we gotta leave for the airport, let's go!" Jack shouts. Oh wait what we? What does he mean by we?

"Ashley who exactly is going to New York for this charity thing?"

Please just be me
Please just be me
Please just be me
Pllleeeaaasseeee god let it just be me!!!

"Jack, Seth, Sarah, you and me" she says with a smile and bounces off.

Of course it's not just me. I sigh and walk out the kitchen to get my bag to put it in the car but someone already took it.

What the heck?

"Jack took it to the car" my mom says walking up to me with a smile, I smile back.

"Come here give your mama a hug before you go" she says and I chuckle I give her a hug and she kisses my cheek.

"Have an safe flight okay"

"Okay" I reply then I feel little arms wrap around my legs. I look down and see Kayla and Sofia, I laugh, bend down to their height and they ran into my arms.

"We're gonna miss you auntie" Sofia says and I smile and kiss her cheek.

It's alright bubba I'll be back before you know it" I say and I kiss both of them on my cheek before I stand up hug my sis and walked out to the car.

When i was outside, I hug Amelia and kiss her cheek before she ran inside.

"I'm gonna miss you" she says and I smile.

"I'm know I'm gonna miss you too, when we come back you Ashley and me will go shopping, sound like a plan?" I ask her and her face lights up as she nods, I laugh kiss her on her cheek again and entered the car with Seth Sarah Jack and Ashley.

New York here we come!
Note the sarcasm.


We are now exciting the airport in New York. It took us five hours to get here, it's lunch time and I'm starving. We have a car waiting for us as we exit the airport. We hop in and Seth starts driving.

We arrive at the hotel and might I add it is absolutely gorgeous. I gasp as I see it. We drive around the huge fountain to get to the entrance we get put the car and Seth give the vallet our car keys as the bellboys ran to the car to get our bags as we enter the building. It takes my breath away. A beautiful crystal chandelier in the middle with the baby angels on the roof, everything is just golden and beautiful. We walk up to the receptionist.

"Hi Jack Henry two rooms" Jack says to the woman who is eyeing him like a piece of candy and Sarah just glares at her while I roll my eyes at them.

Like for real grow up
Conscience says

Finally we agree on something
I tell my conscience.

Jack got the keys and started going towards the elevatorand we follow. We enter it and jack speaks.

"Alright here are your keys, Seth and Ashley you share a room while Alyssa Sarah and I share the penthouse" he says then hands Ashley there key. Wait what I share a room with Sarah and Jack hell no! I am not doing that! I am staying as far away from him as possible, well I'm trying to but he just keeps showing up everywhere. God I hate this! Please let me get to share with Ashley. I groan then I realized I groan out loud my eyes widen then turn to see everyone is watching me.

"Sorry was thinking of something" i say with smile then turning back around looking at the elevator door. At the corner of my eye Jack was about to say something but the elevator dings indicating that Ashley and Seth reached their floor cutting him off. They wave bye and the elevator closes back while we're still going up.

Sharing a room with those two have made my visit here terrible! Gosh I just wanna choke them in their sleep then chop them up and sell them to people as meat. I am so sorry for that vision I just gave you. But you won't understand what I mean unless you have gone through it! Ugghhh this ride is so awkward and it's taking-


The elevator door opens again leading to a hallway cutting me off. We walk out into the hallway Jack walking in front of Sarah and I to open the door. He swipes the card and opens the door. They enter as I hesitantly enter, when I enter a gasp passes my lips.

It was absolutely beautiful. As you enter you have an open kitchen in the living room, and you walk in more there is a sitting area made of glass so you can look out at the city with a door leading towards the outside pool.

We walk through the living room to see three doors. I walk to one and open it to see a beautiful room. I could stay here forever. I walk into the room and there is a white fluffy bed against the brown and white wall by the door, a zebra print stool at the bottom of the bed, a flat TV on a beautiful dresser with a purple couch and a glass coffee table with glass doors leading to the balcony with brown and cream strip curtains.

I guess the other two doors are jack and Sarah's room and the washroom.

There was a knock at the door having me run to the door and open it. A boy with our bags is standing there with a dimpled smile. I let him enter and two other boys enter with our bags, well mostly Sara's, she technically packed everything she owned. Jack came out to see the boys there bringing in the bags giving them a tip when they were finished. I thanked them picked up my bag and walked straight to my room.

I can't stay around him for long I go crazy. It really hurt me what he did.


After a few hours of lying down on the bed and watching television, while ordering room service I see that its time to get ready for the event. I pull out a towel and head to the bathroom as a knock on the door came again, this time jack got it. I walked out into the living room and Ashley entered the house with her make up kit and a bag filled with what I'm guessing is her curling iron and her dress.

"Holy shit!" Ashley shouts out when she sees the place, I laugh and she looks at me with an amazed expression.

"Girl can we switch?" She says causing me to laugh again. I don't answer I just walk into my room shaking my head and she follows. As I close the door behind her she shouts again in an high pitch sing along voice.

"It's time to get ready!!" I groan. She laughs and puts all her stuff on the bed preparing for when i come out the shower. I start heading for the shower again to start getting ready groaning as i walk.

After a few minutes I get out the shower, wrap my towel around me, went brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom. I enter my room and I see Ashley in her dress curling her hair. She looks amazing. She's wearing a long bright red dress that has a long v neck with the straps are twisted like rope and a low back. While I just have a plain long white silk dress with a really low back with a long v neck and a slit going up my left leg stopping at the top of my thigh.

"Girl get that dress on so I could do your makeup" Ashley says. I walk to my suitcase and pull out my dress as Ashley's gasps fill the room.

"Oh my god girl you could have told me you were my competition" Ashley says making me chuckle. I put the dress on and walk to her to she can do her magic.

A few hours later, well it fells like a few hours later as she took so long to do my make up! The charity starts at seven it is now half past six.

"And there" she says grinning like a Chester cat.

"Jack will wish he never said those words once he sees you" I look at her confused. How did she know what he said?

"I heard the whole fight when I came looking for you, that's how Seth came up, you needed your big bro so I sent his ass up" she says making me chuckle and shake my head.

"I don't care what he thinks anymore" I say as I got up from the purple couch in my room.

I walk to the body length mirror on the side on my bed and  gasp as I see myself. I look so different.

"You like?" She asks

"Yes!" I say a little do loudly and excitedly. She did a smokey eye with a lipstick that made my lips look pinker and fuller then she straightened my hair making it look shiny as it cascades down stopping at the middle of my back. I love it. I walk up to her and hugg her.

"I love it thank you!" I say jumping up. Then realize I don't have on any heels. I walk to my bag again and took out a black lacy heels that Ashley bought me eons ago. I put them on and now I'm complete.

I turn to see Ashley finishing up her make up.

"Girls we're leaving!" Jack shouts.

"Alyssa is going with Seth and I!" Ashley shouts back to jack. I guess he was fine with that because I heard through front door slam.

"Yes I just saved your life, your welcome" Ashley says as I laugh, this girl is crazy.

We were ready at seven on the dot. I guess we have to be late. No fashionably late I say in my head in a sexy voice. Oh my I'm going crazy. We leave the penthouse and we met Seth in the lobby. He looked at Ashley and almost died of seeing so much beauty. He looked so happy, his eyes shone with love and amazement, I'm so happy for them. I smile when he takes her hand in his and make their way to the car. Well talk about third wheel! I walk out with them and saw that we're going in a limousine. I go crazy in my head, excited about riding in a limo.

We enter the limo and it's off to the event.

I wonder how jack will behave when he sees her 😱

Can't wait!!


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