You Are My Sunshine ~ Jeffmad...

By PeggyAtTheDisco

4K 201 219

In a world where you can only see black and white, Thomas Jefferson gets quite the shock one day when he meet... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

207 15 16
By PeggyAtTheDisco

"Dolley, I told you, we didn't have sex!"

"Well, I mean, his roommate coulda been there and y'all had to lie, or-"


Dolley snickered, throwing James a playful look as she shut off the TV. She turned towards him, a steaming mug of apple cider in her hand. She took a sip, waiting.

"Wow," James said sarcastically. Rolling his eyes, he came over and took a seat next to her. "You turned off Stranger Things for me? New season and everything!"

"Oh, shut up! Spill the beans, James!" Dolley hissed, kicking him. He winced, pulling his knees up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around them, resting his head on top.

"Oh, was amazing, Dolls. He's so fucking sweet! The fuck? One human should not be that awesome! So, like, we went out to get ice cream first. The dude got white chocolate raspberry swirl! On a waffle cone!"

Dolley whistled, shaking her head. "He didn't!" James nodded. "He did!"


"I know! And then we went to this huuuuge field, to look up at the stars. He pointed out constellations to me. He's such a nerd. Gah, it's so cute though! And then we kissed!"

James blushed just from the memory of it. He lifted his hand up, his calloused fingers grazing his lips, where Thomas' soft ones had been the previous night.

"And he's such a good kisser!" He exclaimed. "Like, fuck! And then he pulled away and just kinda..kissed my jaw and neck? I don't know. It was magical. His lips are magical."

Dolley made a face, kicking James again. "Gross! I don't want to hear about your sex life!"

"We didn't-"

"Shut up, continue the story!"

James let out an annoyed huff, rolling his eyes at his sister before continuing.

"Then he fell asleep in my lap. I drove him home, and we cuddled until we fell asleep," He finished with a shrug. "Oh! And did I mention that he's hot as fuck? He's got this..edgy pastel punk vibe. It's really feminine, but honestly gorgeous. I thought I was going to melt right then and there. My knees were literally weak. God, it's just..he's just.."

"You love him?" Dolley questioned, all playfulness put aside. She gazed at James seriously now, her bright eyes cautious and careful. She couldn't say the wrong thing, not now.

James had always been sensitive about dating and relationships. When he didn't get those little crushes on his classmates in the second grade, he ran crying to Dolley. When in 7th grade, after he'd been teased for staying in the corner with his book, he'd come home in tears and locked himself in his room. All through highschool, he didn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. He thought something was wrong, that he was incapable of loving or being attracted to someone. He could see now that that wasn't true. Meeting Thomas was one of the best things to ever happen to him. He felt normal. He felt..whole.

Still, Dolley's question caught him off guard. Did he love Thomas? He was certainly very attracted to him, and cared deeply for him. That..that was a part of love. Wasn't it..?

"Well, I- I'm not sure," James admitted. Embarrassed, he shrugged and looked at the ground. "I think..I think there's a good possibility that I'll be able to love him, soon."

Dolley nodded, chewing the inside of her cheek as she tried to find the best possible way to say what she was thinking. "That's good, James. But you know, if he hurts you, I-"

"Trust me, there's going to be no need for this to result in violence. I think, and I really believe this, that he loves me back. There's just something about him, Dolls. He's just so amazing. I reallt don't think he'll ever hurt me, not on purpose at least.

"Well, alright. If you truly believe that," Dolley sighed. She looked up at James, her features arranging themselves into a slightly sad smile. "I just don't wanna see you hurt, that's all."

James smiled and stood up, brushing off his legs. He turned to Dolley with a grin, looking as if he was about to start crying and squealing all at once.

"Well, I have to go study for an exam now. It's movie night tonight, right?"

Dolley nodded slowly, her attention slowly drifting back towards the TV. James bounced out of the room, looking happier than he'd looked in ages.

Thomas better not ruin this, or else Dolley would personally come and murder him. And she wouldn't back down on that threat either.

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