Love Hurts So Much.(mpreg Zar...

By mnopqrstq

17.4K 751 111

This story describes about mr malik a trillionnaire man in the whole world ,,,,he owns the airtel company in... More

Episode 1.
Episode 2.
Episode 3.
Episode 4.
Episode 5.
Episode 6.
Episode 7.
Episode 8.
Episode 9.
Episode 10.
Episode 11.
Episode 12.
Episode 13.
Episode 14.
Episode 15.
Episode 16.
Episode 17.
Episode 18.
Episode 19.
Episode 21.
Episode 22.
Episode 23.
Episode 24.
Episode 25.
Episode 26.
Episode 27.
Episode 28.
Episode 29.
Episode 30.
Episode 31.
Episode 32.
Episode 33.
Episode 34.

Episode 20.

400 20 0
By mnopqrstq

Zayne's pov.

I was home feeling angry at today's judge decisions,,,

I will not let that low life harry took my son away  from me,,,i will have to do something,,,

Then i remembered his dad can do anything for money, 

I called him to talk,,,

Styles i want you to kidnap my son from harry and bring him here,,,and you will hold my son telling harry that he will chose to give me my son or you will kill my son,,

Okay zayne consider it done,,,

I gave him money,,

I was walking in my compound patiently waiting for styles to come with my son,,

Sir i heard my bodyguard calling me ,,,,styles is with your son at the building you told him to go,,,,

Lets go then,,,,

We arrived their and my son was asleep,,,

I decided to call harry,,,

To give him a suprise,,,

Hi harry ,,,i know you dont want to talk to me but i have our son here,,,

You monster where are you,,,i will kill you,,,

Am at block 60 come and lets see how you will take our son,,,,

I started laughing how harry sounded so desiperate in the phone,,,,

He came and was shocked to see his father holding a gun and our child, 

Dad please give me my son,,

No harry i wont give him to you,,,,

Give me back my son please father,,,

No harry and dont dare call me your father,,,,i am not infact your mother gave birth you with another man,,,

That is why i despise you so much,,,

No dad i know you love me,,, harry was crying,,,,

Now harry stop crying like a little child i told him,,

Just let me take our son or your dad will kill him,,,

No i wont let you take away my son nor will i let my father kill my son,  you all are monsters,,,,unless you kill me then you can take my son away from me,,,

Styles put our son down and started fighting with harry and they were fighting who will have the gun,,

I saw my son running towards harry,,,

Momy please lets go,, 

Then i heard a gun shot,,,

Harry shot himself in the stomach and fall down,,,

Mother,mother,,dont leave me alone please ,,,

I got scared to death and run towards harry,,

Please dont die harry,, why did you do this,,,,

Move away from my mother you bad man,,, i hate you ,,,i hate you,,,if my mom does not wake up it will be all your fault ,,,,

Momy please dont leave me with this bad man,   i will jump from the building and follow you mother if you leave me,,,

My son was crying and i called an ambulance and took harry to the hospital,, 

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