Love Hurts So Much.(mpreg Zar...

By mnopqrstq

17.4K 751 111

This story describes about mr malik a trillionnaire man in the whole world ,,,,he owns the airtel company in... More

Episode 1.
Episode 2.
Episode 3.
Episode 4.
Episode 5.
Episode 6.
Episode 7.
Episode 8.
Episode 9.
Episode 10.
Episode 11.
Episode 12.
Episode 13.
Episode 14.
Episode 15.
Episode 16.
Episode 17.
Episode 18.
Episode 20.
Episode 21.
Episode 22.
Episode 23.
Episode 24.
Episode 25.
Episode 26.
Episode 27.
Episode 28.
Episode 29.
Episode 30.
Episode 31.
Episode 32.
Episode 33.
Episode 34.

Episode 19.

383 18 1
By mnopqrstq

Harry's pov.

I cant let that monster separates me from my son,,,

If it means i have to kill him,,,,,i will gladly kill him,,,,

My son is my life,,,i cant leave without him,,,,

If they didnt believed me back then,,,,why would they want now to take my son away,

Today we wake up early in the morning,,,,we took bath and as usual my son and jb cheered me up,,,

Our lawyer came and we drive to court,,,

We arrived and i saw that monster smirkling at me,,,,i just shrugged,,,

Now attention court,,the judge said,,

Then i saw niall hugging zayne,,,,i felt angry but i know i have know right to be,,,he never loved me and he will never love me,,

But am lucky to have my son who loves me and jb,,

Harry styles is sued by zayne malik of taking away his son and ministreating him,,,the judge said,,,

No your honour he is lying i swear on my child,,,

He is the one lying your honour niall said,,,

Yes he is lying many people said am a liar,,,,those zayne gave money i think,,,

Maintain order now the judge said,,,,

Now lets hear the child's testmony and i will come to my decision the judge said,,,

Sir my mom is not a bad person,,,they are lying i swear,,,

My mom is my friend,,,,he takes care of me,,,he gives me some homework to do after am off from school,,,

My mom loves me so much,,,when he is sad i always cheer him up and he smiles immediately,,,

I cant let anyone seperates me from my momy,,,i will die sir,,if am not with my momy and my super auncle,,,

From what i have heard ,,,i conclude with my final decision that the child will stay with his mother and the child's parents are expected to solve their difference and the case is dismissed,,,

I was very happy my son came and run towards me hugging me and kissing me,,,

We went outside and mr malik came and told me it is not the end,,,he will make sure to take my son away from me,,,

I just shrugged and walking to our car when niall came and zayne and told me that they will marry and have their own kids but they will take my son away even if they have to kill me,,

I just enter inside our car and we drove away,,,,,,,,

Son am happy that you took my side,,,

Of course mom,,, i love you unlike that bad man who was lying about you,,

I hate him momy,,i will never love him,,,

No son he is still your dad ,,dont hate him ,, okay son,,,

No mother i will hate him,,,and my son run towards his room crying and closed the door,,,

I run towards him, ,

Son please open the door,,,stop crying please,,,

No mother you want that man to take me away from you

No son i will not let him take you away,,,please open the door,,

Go away mother,,,you dont love me,,,you want that bad man to take me away ,,

No son i will not ,,,now open the door please and i will promise you son,,,

Really mother???

Yes my baby,,,

My son opened the door and run to me hugging me,,,

I love you mother so much,,,dont let that man take me away,,

I love you so much son ,,,,,,and i will let him seperate us away ,,,he will have to kill me first son, that is how much i love you,,,

Mother lets sleep now ,,,okay son come here and i will sleep in your room,,,

My son stopped crying and fall a sleep saying mother stay,dont leave me alone please,,

Jb came and told me ,,,,its good he sees a mother and a son bonding,,,

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