Where We Left Off - The Shield

By harleyreigns

41.1K 943 99

Corey Gonzalez and Jaylynn Conners both return to WWE after leaving for 7 months due to injuries. But before... More

1. Back At WWE
2. First Match Back
3. At The Hotel
4. Lunch Date
5. Weird But Fun Night
6. Triple, Triple Threat
8. Seriously
9. Info On Our Friendship
10. Some Time Out
11. I Think You Should Rest
12. The Triple Threat Match
13. Waiting Room
14. Going Home
15. New #1 Contender
16. Wrestle Mania!!
17. She's Back
18. I'm Sorry
19. Raw
20. Chicago
21. Quality Time
22. Thick As Thieves : Part 1
23. Thick As Thieves : Part 2
24. Hotel
25. Funeral

7. Wasted

1.6K 43 3
By harleyreigns


We came back to the hotel and once again changed outfits cause we have certain things we like to wear when we go out and drink. Even though I won't be getting drunk, I'll probably only have one drink if that since I'm not feeling right but I don't wanna bring the party down so.

"Wow, we are wearing the same thing once again." Jay said as she walked into me and Romans room.

"Great minds think alike." I said.

"True, everyone's pretty much ready." She told me.

"Well just a sec." I said cause I was gonna tell her what was going on with me.

"Oh yeah what did you wanna tell me? I also have something to tell you to." She asked.

"Well," I started.

"Hey come on girls, we're leaving." Dean said cutting me off.

"I'll tell you in the morning after your done being hung over." I told her as we walked out.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"It's ok." I whispered back.

"Are you two always gonna match?" Roman asked me.

"Probably." I answered and we all walked out and took an Uber to the club that Seth and Dean picked, so I'm kinda thinking there's just gonna be naked women around everywhere.

"Are you sure your okay to drink?" Roman asked me in a low voice since everyone was ahead of us, he must of known I didn't want anybody to know.

"I'm not drinking that much, I don't wanna be even sicker." I answered.

"Did you tell Jay that your sick?" He asked.

"No, I was going to but Dean interrupted us, so I told her I'll tell her in the morning after she's done being hung over." I answered.

"Wow, does she really get that drunk?" He asked.

"Normally yes, I'm surprised she wasn't last night, they were drinking." I answered.

"Well Dean got a little out of control by the way Seth talked, he ended up taking care of him all night because Paige and Jay were passed out." Roman explained.

"And he's ready to get drunk again tonight, he really sounds like a party animal." I said.

"Oh he is." Roman said as we got in the Uber and he drove us to the club.

"So what's the name of this place?" I asked Dean.

"69." He answered.

"Dear lord." I mumbled.

"Hey its hot." Paige said.

"Just because your in that position every other day doesn't mean that it's hot." I said and everyone started laughing.

"I'm kidding Paige, I'm just being a bitch." I told her.

"Yeah you are." She said chuckling.

"Both of you stop being bitches and come on." Jay said, we were already at the club. We got and went in, we went straight to the bar and ordered some drinks.

"I'm shocked, this looks like a typical strip club." Jay said.

"Yeah I thought there would be naked women everywhere, no men." I said.

"Well Deans full of surprises tonight." Paige said as we all put our shot glass together before chugging them down. I'm gonna end up regretting this.

1 hour later

"God this is a little bit ridiculous." I said, Me, Roman and Seth are helping Jay, Dean and Paige back to the hotel room. They all drank to much, I only had two shots and I feel like I'm gonna puke. I happy I didn't do more shots like everyone else, but at least Roman and Seth aren't flat out drunk, they also took it easy tonight.

"I'm not shocked that they did this." Seth said, he was helping Paige, I had Jay and Roman got Dean.

"Their gonna need AA if they keep doing this." Roman said as we finally got them into the hotel room, we took them to their rooms, Jay and Dean together in their room. Paige in her and Seth's room.

"God, this is the last time this week I'm helping their drunk asses." Roman said as he laid Dean in the bed, I laid Jay right beside him.

"Try rolling him over, he'll choke if he lays on his back." I told Roman, thank god Jay laid on her side.

"This really is ridiculous." He mumbled as he rolled Dean over.

"Is he even still alive?" I asked as I started to take Jay's high heels off.

"He's breathing, I think." Roman answered, I chuckled.

"I'll get some trash cans in here for them, just in case they don't make it to the bathroom in time." I said and grabbed one of the bathroom cans in their bathroom and I took the one from me and Romans room since there not so big.

"Hopefully they'll be okay the rest of the night." I said as we got everything we thought they would need for the night.

"Yeah I sure hope so, let's go to bed." Roman said and we turned all of the lights out except for one, which was a lamp on the dresser so they have some kind of light incase they need it.

Me and Roman walked into our bedroom, I actually grabbed one of Romans shirts because I wanted to wear it for bed. I went into the bathroom and took off my top and skirt. I put his shirt on and I only had my boy shorts underwear on with it, nothing else.

I just didn't want Roman seeing my tits or anything, even though he'd probably see my butt if I bent over but I most likely won't have to do that, and his shirt came mid thigh on me.

I grabbed my top and skirt and walked out of the bathroom, I put that in my suit case. I turned around and Roman was shirtless and had basketball shorts on.

"There's my shirt I wanted to wear." He said chuckling.

"Want it back?" I asked.

"No your good, I'll just go shirtless tonight." He said and got in bed and turned on the tv.

"Wanna watch a movie for bed?" He asked as I walked over to my side of the bed which was the left side, so if I lay on my right I'd be facing him since that's my favorite way to lay anyways.

"Sure." I answered and climbed into bed.

"How you feeling?" Roman asked as I snuggled up to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Surprisingly I'm good." I answered.

"Are you really sick?" He asked.

"Let's just say, something is a little wrong with me right now but I know how to handle it and I've already seen my doctor." I answered.

"Well what is it?" He asked.

"I really want Jay to know first, whenever I really get a chance to tell her, you'll know after." I answered.

"I'm fine with that." He said, I slightly smiled and closed my eyes. Roman was so darn comfortable that I was asleep in just a few minutes.

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