[DISCONTINUED] The Originals...

By CompellingHumans

124K 1.6K 181

Just a book of imagines about Elijah Mikaelson! ~ Possible swearing and violence. I made the cover, please do... More

After 100 Years
Giving Witch's Gifts?
Meta-Human Pt 2
Trapped By His Mother
Tristan's party
It's her choice...
New rebel vampire
Bullets kill humans
I helped
Secrets and True Heartbreak (Pt 2)

Paranormal Pool Party

6.7K 87 6
By CompellingHumans

Twenty one is still really young for a witch of New Orleans. However, you are the most powerful witch to ever have lived and you still don't know all your powers or how to use them. You could be one of the biggest dangers to humans, werewolfs, witch's and even vampires. You personally vowed to use your powers for good, but one day, your most hated college 'pal' invites you to her 21st birthday pool party. It was an open invitation, meaning anyone in New Orleans could attend but you got a personal invitation for you and one friend. Your only friend is Max and he doesn't even know of your powers and abilities. Plus, pool parties weren't his thing. You invited him anyway and to your surprise, he agreed to go with you.


The day of the party came in such a blur. You didn't feel like you were thinking straight and you felt somewhat dizzy when you concentrated. You pushed all your thoughts aside as you dug out your nicest bathing suit and put it on along with some black shorts and a cover up top. You grabbed your towel and a change of clothes just as Max knocked upon your door.


Within a matter of hours, you had been in the pool once with Max and had yet to see the birthday girl herself.
Stepping out of the shadows opposite you was Elijah and Klaus. They knew of you, you had bumped into them a few times but you never really chatted much. They stood tall in their usual attire, leaning against a wall. You suddenly felt very self conscious of yourself, sitting half naked on a deck chair in the bright sun beaming in from the window. That's when it hit you. You only felt self conscious around people that judged you or if they were someone you like. You looked around to see if Adelaine was anywhere near but she was not. So it must be Elijah again. The one you see as the nicest, strongest, bravest and most attractive. That's exactly when Adelaine appeared. Out she came from behind Elijah and Klaus, batting her long fake eyelashes, showing off her rockin bod and flawless nails. All to...
All to Elijah.

You store across, angry at her. Adeliane you thought. Get away you thought. That's when you felt your face begin to burn and your hands begin to sweat. You looked down to your feet to see black appearing below them and then to your hands to see them going red. You unclenched your hands from the fists they found themselves in and began to breathe in and out to calm yourself. All in this time, Adeliane had managed to come over to you, Elijah and Klaus not far behind. "You made it! Nice to see you, twerp!" She hollered across the pool area with a chuckle at the end. "I knew you'd bring the gay narcissistic dumbass with you. You have no friends after all!" She continued to laugh like she never stopped and she wasn't going to either. "Let's see. You have a crush on him-" she points to Elijah. "-Elijah, right?" She asked although you knew she'd answer for you. "Well, plumper, he's not into you. He's into me. So I suggest staying away from us both and his brother too for the matter!" She scolded and cursed. Nothing would stop this girl ruining your life if that's what she wanted and it is what she wanted. "Stop!" You whispered. "What was that? You want more, slag?" She mocked you as everyone from the party had gathered around you both. "I said, stop!" You spoke in your normal tone as your hands became fists once more and you rose to your feet. "Stop? Now why would I do that?" She laughed in your face. "I SAID, STOP!!" You yelled into her face as your hands became warm again and the pool water started to bobble. "Are you doing that? Get out now!" She called, starting to look horrified. "Never ever talk to me like that or any of the other times you've talked to me before AGAIN!" As you shouted your lungs out on the last word, your arms shoot up in front of you and the water in the pool rose to the ceiling. It came puddling down onto everyone who laughed, sniggered, teased or joined in with Adelaine as she bullied you over the past six years. The only people to remain dry were you, Max, Klaus and Elijah.


"Y/N, I most certainly do not like Adelaine. She is always so horrible to you and I wish I could stop her for good. And Y/N, I like you." Elijah concluded after you had left the pool area and started walking home. "Well thanks, Elijah, for always supporting me even when I don't recognise it. And Adelaine was right." You tell him. "She wasn't right about anything she said about you , Y/N." Elijah became determined. "But she is. I like you, Elijah." You finally confessed this to him, your first and only crush in your life. "Well then. That means I can do this." Elijah told you and you gave a confused look as he stopped you both in front of your house. He gently closed the gap between you and set of fireworks between you both. You'd waited so long for this and here it was, your first kiss and with Elijah.

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