
By Frozenbeenie

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A 16 year old girl had grown up with a gang known as "the Violets". she grew tired of their criminal ways and... More

Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 3: Flora
Chapter 4: Benjamin
Chapter 5: Martin
Chapter 6: Revealed
Chapter 7: The party
Chapter 8: Drunk
Chapter 9: Sober
Chapter 10: Drawing
Chapter 11: Jersey?
Chapter 12: Beach
Chapter 13: Discover
Chapter 14: last day
Chapter 16: Martin!?

Chapter 15: the truth

132 7 7
By Frozenbeenie

Benjamin's p.o.v

Where is she? shes been out for a week and she hasn't returned my text or calls in days. Im starting to get worried.

"Have you heard of Flora?" i asked impatiently and frustratingly tapping my foot on the floor at the cafeteria with the guys and savanna. "no, she hasn't shown up, you think something something bad happened?" Tyler asked frowning. I tugged on my hair over thinking. "I'm going to her house, i don't care if she hasn't text back, i have to check up on her" i said standing up "but dude, we're in the middle of school" Joshua pointed out "i don't care, I'm worried about my Flower" i walked out of school and onto my motorbike to Flora's house. i nervously walked up to the door and rang the door bell.

In high-speed, Serena opened the door looking at me with wide eyes, her beautiful looks were replaced with black bags under her eyes, pale skin, and messy hair. she looked awful, it looked like hasn't slept in days. "Benjamin!" she gasped "Serena...are you okay?" I asked shocked. she pulled my arm and yanked me in. "what happened?". "Have you seen Flora?! please tell me you have!" she begged. "W-what do you-"."Im sorry Benjamin, Serena, please sit down" Morgan cut me off bringing Serena to the touch. "sit down Ben" he told me, i sat on the couch across from them confused, Serena started crying. Morgan rubbed her back for comfort "please tell me what going on" i begged. Morgan looked at me studying me and sighed.

"I guess its time to tell him" Serena cried "alright sweetie" he sighed preparing himself. i was getting more nervous then ever, what happened with Flora?? "When Flora was 2, she was kidnapped by someone...we haven't seen her in 14 years... then Serena found her crying in a alley, she didn't know it was Flora at the time but after finding out her name, seeing her eyes, hair and that she was sensitive to smoke, we knew she was ours" he explained. this is unbelievable, thats why she never said anything about her childhood "and last week on monday, we discovered her books and floor on the floor everywhere...the window was open and we think she got kidnapped again.." he added. i stood up "what did the police say??" i asked "they are trying their best to find her but there is no luck" he said "what have she been doing all those years?". "that i don't know, she refused to tell us" agh!!! Flora! please stop keeping secrets! "I'm looking for her" i said speed walking to the door "how? this city is too big! you cant find her by yourself! besides, the cops are doing what they can" he stopped me "i have to at least try! i wont give up on her! i have to get her back" he starred at me, " i see" he walked towards me and gave me a piece of paper "if you find her, call me" i nodded and ran out to my bike and drive towards the city. i didn't know where i was going or where would i look, but I'm going to find her one way or another. She only knew her parents for 3 years. the rest was a total mystery, i ran out to the park calling her name repeatingly until i hope she answers back

Flora's p.o.v

I sat in the park next to Anthony, it cant be any awkward having Benjamin's brother right next to me in a foggy misty and empty park. "am i dead?" i asked calmly looking at him leaning back on the bench relaxing. He laughed looking up "no"."then why am i here?"."how long has it been since you seen Ben?". my heart sunk "a-a week" i admit breathlessly. "how you think he feels?"."you don't understand! I'm doing this for him! if i leave again, they'll hurt him just like they hurt you! i'll blame myself! its my fault you and your dad is died! if i helped-"."its not your fault you know" he cut me off "you were just scared"."but i should've been more brave to help you". he shakes his head and stands up "walk with me" we walked through the misty park of New York "theres a lot of things we all should've done, but never do it. my brother should've stayed by moms side but he didn't"."what do you mean?"."i told you that he made a lot of bad choices. like first, became a drunk, doing different girls every night, destroying private property and burning down abandoned houses" oh my god...did he really do all that?! I gasped "he went to jail for 6 months and finally settled down after his friend told him to live his dream for me, thats all i ever wanted. and when he met you, the more you two were together, i feel the happiness you gave him".i cried "but...i lie to him all the time! if he ever found out about you and I, he'll hate me! and i don't want that!"."What makes you think he'll hate you?" I stared at him "i-i-i...". he raised his eyebrows "I'm waiting flower" he smiled. oh great, he's just like Ben "correction, Ben is just like me" he laughed "what the-"."your dreaming princessa, you think i cant hear you?"."i guess...but i don't know, he seems to miss you a lot when i first saw your picture, if he'll find out i let you die, the person he adored the most, he will hate me" i explained. he starred at me blankly and patted my head "I'm not a dog" i pouted. he laughed "i can see why he likes you, your adorable"."am not"." are too"."shutup"."make me"."okay, you and Ben are very annoying" i pointed out glarring "you still love him"."what are you getting at?"."your a real challenge aren't you?" He crossed his arms grinning. is a ghost really flirting with me "I'm not flirting" opps i forgot he could hear me "I'm out" he laughed walking away "wait! your just going to leave me here?" I yelled out "be careful in the future princessa! it wont be a pretty one!" with his last words he disappeared into fog.

I opened my eyes in my room. i remember telling the gang that i was feeling to sick to go outside, i was in the base by myself while everyone was out stealing from people and trying to find kids. so far, no luck. thank god too. those little kids and teens should not be going through what i did. i went to the small kitchen this place had and looked in the fridge ,take out, pizza and some weed wrapped in a plastic bag "really?" i said to myself. nothing was in my satisfaction. By this time, i would be coming home from school and eating moms amazing food

I sighed closing the fridge and felt someone hug me from behind. "you hungry?" i heard Michael asked. i rolled my eyes and slipped his hands off me. "what do you want?" i asked trying to remain calm "i brought you food" i turned at him "why?" i mugged "just being nice, just kidding, martin told me to drop this off and go back to the park" he explained putting a brown bag on the table. i'll take it if its from Martin "whatever" i went to grab the bag when he pushed my stomach gently "what?" i hissed "you're not going to say thank you?" seriously? "No"."awe, why not?" his hands grabbed on my sides "get away from me!" i pushed him but he tightened his grip in a painful manner. i couldn't breath. "i don't like the way you talk to me" he smirked. "get off!" i yelled trying to let loose, but he was to strong. "hm.. I wonder what your boyfriend will think of you in a gang...he'll probably hate you for it. and that you let his brother die" my eyes widened "h-how do you-!"."you talk in your sleep sweet heart" he laughed.his breath stinks of weed.i cant breath my eyes are getting heavy. no i cant let this guy take advantage of me... sleepy... sleepy...

(Earlier) Martin's p.o.v

I saw a burger stand at the park. I went over and ordered something for Flora to eat. "didn't you already eat?" Michael asked next to me. "Its for Flora" i admit checking the order "why do you even care for her?"."its none of your business you bastard" i said in a blank expression. he laughed, why is he always laughing? he's such a pothead. "Flora!!" i heard someone yell. "what was that?" Michael asked exhaling smoke from his breath. "i dont know, but here take this to Flora" i gave him the bag of food. he bowed as if i was a king, dumbass "and if you hurt her, you'll regret it" i glared before running off to the voice that was calling Flora.

It was her Boyfriend calling her name over and over worried, people was starring at him like he was stupid. i ran over and covered his mouth "Shutup you dumbass! Youre making a scene" i hissed removing my hand. he glared at me "you! what have you done with Flora!" he yelled, he needed to stop doing that, I'm getting a headache. "Nothing at all" i admit crossing my arms "she went missing for a week! do you know anything about this!? tell me!" he grabbed my shirt furiously. damn, this guy really cares for her huh? "let me go and i'll tell you everything" his face softened up and let go "alright, spill it" he said regularly. "shes back at the base" he looked at me confused and glared "the fuck? what base?"."shes been a member of our gang since she turned 10. i took care of her ever since she was brought to us at the age of two" his face went pale "what...?" His voice cracked "shes not dangerous if thats what your thinking" i rolled my eyes "why would you kidnap her!"."i never mentioned kidnapped"." Her dad explained everything to me". oh, i get it now "yeah well, shes not dangerous, she's a good girl. she always refuse to do bad things. i don't want her to be a bad girl, although its hilarious how she beats the crap out the guys when ever they are drunk" i laughed. i saw a short smile form on his face "yeah, she almost killed me when i was drunk" he admit trying to hide his smile in a serious face. "Yeah, i took care of her for those 14 years until she finally ran way" i sighed "the cops are looking for her" he admit. i starred blankly "i figured" i sighed "tell me where she is" he begged. i looked at my watch "the guys shouldn't be back till 6,thats an hour from now. lets go now" i walked off "but wait" he stopped me "you never explained why you care for her, what are you to her?" I hesitated "that doesn't matter right now..and I'm martin by the way" I walked off. he followed behind

"You know where the street is at?" i heard him ask. i look behind him and saw him talking on the phone. "alright, see you soon" he hung up the phone "who you call?" i asked "someone" whatever. we reached the door in the alley. it was getting dark real fast. i dug in my pocket "1.0 here, you know the place" i said through my walky talky.

Benjamin's p.o.v

Flora was a gang? thats unbelievable, theres no way a girl like her could be one...but then again... Martin said that she refused to anything bad. this explains all the lying shes done... its explainable... He took out a walky talky from his pocket "1.0 here, you know the place" he said talking though it. "this is the day" he sighed and looked at me placing his hand on my shoulder and nodded. he took out some keys and opened the iron door.

We walked in and saw Flora struggling out of some guys grip "get off of me now!!!" she shouted crying. his grip looked it was deep in her sides. The guy speeded at the speed of light to punch the guys face. he lunched back to the wall holding his bleeding nose. i ran towards Flora holding her sides crying "you alright?" i asked looking at her. she looked at me surprise "w-what are you doing here!" she cried more.

"I told you not to touch her!" Martin hissed grabbing the guys shirt furiously. he only laughed. i hugged Floras back close. the guy laughed "if it isn't Floras boyfriend" he laughed. martin slammed him on the wall. the guy just laughed "now i don't know much about your brother but Flora might" he grinned. my brother? my eyes widened ,i backed away from Flora. she turned sobbing like crazy "tell him! tell him how you let his brother die!" he laughed. she held her mouth "Benjamin..." she called taking a step, i stepped back frightened. she let my brother die..? "i can explain.." she cried. i didn't say anything "i didn't know it was your brother at the time...but when i saw him... he looked at me begging for help... i was too scared to move.." she tried her best to speak, my eyes stayed widened "when i found out that it was your brother...i-i hated myself even more then when i let him die..."."but you-"."i didn't want you to know anything! i didn't want you near me when we first met! I was trying to keep everyone from getting hurt! and then...your brother told me about all bad choices that you've done when he died..". "how could he possible tell you that..." I tried to keep my voice from cracking "my dreams...about the drinking...the fire...jail... he's a lot like you...or you're a lot like him...I'm sorry ben.. I'm sorry i ruined your life!" she cupped her eyes crying even more. i stared at her in shock. my brother...told her all that? i felt a tear come out.

I heard clicks "Awe, isn't that sweet?"a man with red hair and a scar on his chin grinned holding out a gun with 5 others guys. "step away from Michael" he grinned at Martin, Martin backed away from the guy and stepped near Flora. she looked at him in fear. i froze. "so you think you can run away from us again?" the scar man asked. he-he was the one that killed my dad and Anthony! my heart dropped. "You planned to let Flora escape Martin? thats ashamed, you've been a good member of our gang for a very long time"

All the guns were pointed at the three of us. "please! just let Ben and Martin go! Take me instead!" Flora cried. "good idea" the scar man was about to pull the trigger then both me and martin ran to cover her. we were both hit painfully...painfully on the shoulder, everything got dizzy...

Sorry for the cliff hanger! i'll post this tomorrow!

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