A Ghosts Secrets

By valblue1314

200K 6.8K 2.8K

In this story Danny was alone when he stepped into the portal and gained his ghost powers. Danny is held in a... More

Unlikely Meeting
Ghosts Exist
Stay Away
Robin The Defense Lawyer
First Mission
Yes Or No
The Facility
Shouldn't Exist
Strange Readings
Into The Ghost Zone
The New King
Not Reliable
Rescue Mission
More Harm Than Good
Revealing Secrets
The Halfa
We Need An Army
To Protect
Prepare For War
We Will Fight
Halloween Special!

Never Make Fun Of A Halfa

4.1K 158 36
By valblue1314

Phantom woke up about two hours later when he heard someone knocking on his door. He managed to stand up and he opened the door to find Robin standing on the other side and Phantom smiled a little. He let Robin into the room and closed the door before he sat on the bed, at least his head didn't hurt anymore.

Robin sat next to Phantom, "Are you okay?"

Phantom smiled just a little, "Why does it seem like everyone's been asking me that lately?"

Robin smirked, "Because we're all worried about you and have no idea what else we should ask."

Phantom laughed just a little, "I guess that's fair, at least I'm not freaking out in a corner."

Robin remembered the panic attack Phantom had when he first came to the mountain. Robin frowned slightly and hugged Phantom and the halfa smiled, "You really like hugs don't you?"

Robin smiled, "I don't hear you complaining." Robin kissed Phantom on the cheek and the ghost teen pulled down his hood as he started to blush.

"You really need to stop doing that."

Robin laughed, "But your blush is so cute." Phantom glared at the young hero and kissed him on the lips to get his revenge on the bird. Once he pulled away he saw that Robin was blushing and Phantom smirked as Robin buried his head in his hands.

"Take my advice, never make fun of a halfa."

Robin took his hands away from his face and he was still blushing which made Phantom smile. "I'll keep that in mind, I wasn't making fun of you though." Phantom shrugged and they sat in silence for a minute, Phantom seemed fine now so Robin wasn't as worried about him.

Robin eventually managed to drag Phantom out of his room and Cujo got Phantom to play with him. Several hours passed before the zeta tubes announced Batman's arrival which confused Phantom. The team went to meet him and Phantom leaned against the wall simply because he wanted to know what was going on.

Batman looked at him, "This might concern you Phantom." Phantom put his hands in his pockets and went to stand next to everyone else. "We found out about some suspicious activity concerning the light and a new villain."

He brought up a picture and Phantom growled while Cujo barked, neither of them liked what they saw. Batman raised an eyebrow, "Do you know who this is?"

Phantom nodded, "That's Vlad Plasmius, he's tried taking over the ghost zone and the human realm multiple times. He's not a new villain, he's just got something big planned if he's working with the living. He's also powerful, I doubt anyone in the League can beat him with all of the powers he has."

Batman looked straight at Phantom, "What makes you think you can?"

"Because I've beat him before, I also have powers that he doesn't know about which gives me an advantage. There's also the fact that we're both ghosts, fighting a ghost isn't like fighting a living person. None of you would stand a chance, if you want to take him down you'll need me for that."

Batman mentally sighed, why did it seem like Phantom was always right at times like this. Batman reluctantly nodded, "Fine, if anything involving Vlad comes up we'll inform you."

Phantom crossed his arms, "Then tell me what you know so far."

"We don't know much, he's been seen with several members of the light and they've been more active lately. From what we can tell they've been importing and exporting unknown items from many different places."

Phantom thought for a second, "If you find out anything else tell me immediately. So why did you come here, didn't you say you weren't going to give the team any missions for a while?" Phantom still wasn't happy with that decision but he wasn't in the mood to argue with him right now.

"Black Canary told me what happened, I've decided that I might have been a bit too quick to judge."

Phantom rolled his eyes, "Really, what gave you that idea, the fact that I'm a ghost? Or maybe it was when I got pissed at Black Canary and ice spikes started forming out of nowhere. Maybe it was when you said my old name and I got pissed at you, tell me I'm curious."

"All of the above, you've proven time and time again that you're not just some teenager. That's why this team is going to continue to go on missions instead of having to wait for a few weeks."

Phantom actually looked a bit impressed, "So you finally figured it out, you even admitted that you were wrong. At least you're learning how to deal with ghosts, be proud of yourself Batman." Then Phantom walked out of the room and Cujo actually barked at Batman happily before following.

Once Phantom was far enough away from the group he sighed, what was Vlad up to?


I know it's short but I'm hoping you liked the chapter enough to forgive me. See you next time dear readers!

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