Raddish Boy

By koropokurru

148K 8.1K 1.5K

I saw a series in youtube called 2 moons. I watched it and instantly fell in love with the character of Beam... More

Beam in the city
I Missed the Fridge
The Boy from the Alley
Raddish Boy
The New Tutor
The Wolf Brothers
Nim, Dim, Beam
Beam is mine
Here Take a Bite
Meet the Parents
The Bakers Daughter
Nothing Compares to You
The Love Potion
Stupid Forth
My Heart Not Ready
The Doctor Gang
The Engineering Moon
Under the Rain
Beam's Raddish Keychain
What Really Matters
The Jealousy Game
First Kiss?
Out and Proud
Us Against the World
The Masked Maniac
The Most Embarrassing Moment
The Only Exception
Welcome to the Family
Nightmare in Broad Daylight
The Young Master
Strike one
Strike Two
Strike Three: Game Over
My Love Rival
Turning Tables
Only if it Fits
The Mating
Trust No One
Battle to Live
Innocent Tears
Wolf Cry
Safe and Sound
Not One But Two
Thanks for the Support

At My Limit

3.4K 203 27
By koropokurru

"Forth's POV"

"Beam! Untie me. I'll kill my brother."

When I said that I will kill my brother, I really ment it. His god damn joke was not funny. He has been playing tricks on me since we were young, but this one has went overboard. I can tolerate him since he is my own blood but to involve Beam in a psychotic prank is unforgivable. The emotional stress he has brought me and Beam was beyond our brotherhood. He should be taught a lesson.

At that point, my adrenaline was surging. The sanity I have was long gone. I hope my parents would forgive me if I kill my own flesh and blood. My heart was pounding ecstatically. My breathing was labored. All my muscles went stiff. Even after beating my brother, my hands were still shaking. I cannot control my emotions. I really thought that Beam was going to sleep with some other guy to save my life. At that point, I did not care about myself. I did not fear anything. I was only concerned about Beam's safety. It did not matter if I will become a murderer. Even if my soul goes to hell for killing all our kidnappers, I will do it. No one! I repeat! No one touches Beam except me.

I stood up and punched my brother hard who is still down on the floor after I strangled him. That's what he deserve. I heard Beam sigh. I looked at him. He was slumped in the chair. His head was lying on the backrest and eyes closed. He must have been exhausted after all the mind fucking torture game of my brother. I was no longer thinking rationally. My mind lost control of my body. I really thought that I will loose him. I took the chance while he is still defenseless. I attacked him like a hungry predator and lavished his lips.

When I realised that I was kissing him wildly, I really intend to stop. I was only drawn by the surge of the moment. What I was doing was not right. But he was not fighting it. Actually he gave in and locked his arms around my neck. He was responding to my touch. It was the first time Beam and I had such a kiss. It was damn deadly but it was good. If my brother Seff did not butt in at that moment, I might have ripped Beam's clothes to pieces and fucked him there.

I held on my last self control. We were not the right place and it's not the right time.

"Were not done yet. I'll continue this at my room." I whispered to his ear seductively.

Beam pushed me away and glared at me.

"What?" He was surprised by my words.

"Beam. Lets continue this at home. I don't want Seff looking around when I take you."

"Who told you I will allow that? In your dreams Forth."

"Don't tell me you did not like that."

"Shut up Forth. I was only carried away in the rush of all this kidnapping."

"Tell that to your face Beam. Your drooling." I was looking at him as I licked my lips.

"Wha-aaa!! Get away from me! You and your brother, both of you have brain damage." He ran away and went outside.

He was so freaking cute. He was blushing while escaping from the scene. He must have realized what he looked like.

We decided to have dinner at my house so that my parents can meet Beam, the adult version of him. The last time they have seen Beam was when he was still 8 years old. Seff gave us a lift. Beam and I were at the back seat. I was observing him. He is staring blankly at the window. I wanted to approach and sit beside him but he pushes me away. Everytime I scoot closer he gets annoyed. He is still not in the mood after I teased him.

I was wondering if I should let my parents know about me and Beam. I mean about the dating thing. I'm pretty sure they have nothing against it. They liked Beam since he was a kid and they were hands off with my past relationships. What I was worried was if Beam was ready to be introduced to my parents as my lover. He has been shy to everyone before about our relationship. I was a bit happy now that he became more open about it especially to his best friends. He lets me bring him to school and every morning. If I get the chance, I hold his hand at break time during the moons practice. He does not withdraw to it anymore.

I remained where I was seated but I extend my arm to carress his back. He likes it when I do that. I can feel him restrain for a while but eventually gave in to the sensation. He subconciously dropped his guard and crept closer. He leaned on my shoulder and snuggled closely. I can feel him dozing off. Seff was looking at the rear view mirror. He was smirking. I kicked the driver's seat to tell im to focus on the road.

The drive back to the city was very long. It took us four hours. How far did Seff brought us? Beam has already slept in my arms. He was constantly shifting to find a comfortable position. He was like a kid cuddling for warmth. I luckily kissed him many times while he was still unconcious. He won't know about it. I heard a faint growl from this cute guy's stomach. He is hungry. He woke up to the sound of his own tummy grumbling.

"Forth? Are we there yet?" He was rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Almost. Are you hungry?"

I leaned down and kissed his temple but he pushed my chin away.

"mm-hmm." He answered sheepishly.

"I hope Kurt has prepared dinner already."

"Hey raddish boy. I have candies here." Seff commented.

Seff drew out a candy from his pocket and passed it to Beam. He took it without any hesitation and put it in his mouth, then he lay his head on my lap and pull my arm to wrap it around him like a blanket. I used my free hand to brush his hair gently. My heart was rejoicing at his actions. He was already comfortable doing lovely things with me.

When we arrived home, Seff left us and went back to his own house. He said he had some emergency papers to finish. I thought he was joining us for dinner. He was already married and has his own family. Beam and I went in but the house was quiet. My parents were not around. Even Kurt is missing. Beam looked puzzled. I heard Beam's stomach again. The last thing we ate was our early lunch at our restaurant date. I had to quickly prepare something for us. I took some left overs from the fridge and cooked a decent meal. Beam set up the table. Once the food landed on his plate he did not wait any second, he immediately dig in. While eating at the dinning area I noticed something wrong about him. He looked flustered.

"Beam. Are you okay?" I was concerned.

"Yes. Why?" He was not chewing his food.


I stood up and checked his forhead. His burning up. He looked at me questioningly.

"Are you sure your fine? Your a bit feverish."

"Hmmm.. now that you mention that, I feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded." He answered while consuming the last peas on his plate.

"Why don't you go ahead and rest on my bed. I'll get you some medicine."

"Can I borrow your shower and some clothes? Maybe I just need a bath."

I washed the plates while Beam took a shower. I can hear him singing stupid songs while cleaning himself. The moment I got inside my room, my phone rang. When I checked the caller, it was Seff.

"Seff. I was about to call you. Do you know where the people are? Dad, mom and Kurt are missing." I asked.

"How do you like my gift? Haha!"

"What gift?" I did not get what he was saying.

"I drew them out of the house so you can have raddish boy all by yourself."

"What? What do you mean you drew them out?"

"I set a vacation stay for them at a hotel spa. The house is all yours until tomorrow."

"You jerk! You planned all this?"

"Yeah.. and Forth, one more thing. I accidentally gave your boyfriend a sex drug stimulant. Thank me some other time. Bye! Hahaha!"

The line was cut so I was not able to react to what he said. I tried to call him but he turned off his phone. What sex drug? and when? Then I recalled Beam taking a candy from him. God damn it! What did he do this time.

I noticed that he already stopped singing. What could have happen? I got worried about Beam. I knocked on the bathroom door but he was not answering.

"Beam! Answer me. Are you okay in there?"

Still no answer. I knocked louder.

"Beam! Im going in!"

The door was locked. I forced my way in. When I got inside I saw him sitting inside the tub. The shower was still on.

"Beam! Why are you not answering?" I asked while approaching him.

Once I got closer, I saw him all flustered and trembling. He was breathing fast and his chest was stumping. What did Seff do now? I turned off the shower and took the towel to dry him. Before I can start drying him, he held my hand to stop me from what I was about to do. He looked me in the eyes. He was smiling with eyes half open. It must be the effect of that stimulant. I can't tell him that he was drugged by my brother.

"Forth. What's happening? I feel so weird."

"Lets just dry you up so you can rest. Your going to get sick. Whatever your feeling now will wear of eventually."

I sat down beside him at the edge of the tub. His skin was burning. I can feel him reacting to my touch. He was very sensitive. He was looking at me while moaning seductively. He was submitting himself to me. He was like in heat. I can see his eyes pleading for me to take him.

"Forth. Help me."

"Hang in there Beam. Your almost done." I rubbed the towel to his head.

"Forth. I can't take it anymore. Do something!"

I can't have sex with him yet. Not like this. He was under the influence of drugs. I don't want to do something that we will regret in the future. I was the one who was thinking rationally. Even if it's hard, I should control my lust.

He turned the shower on and laughed. I got wet with my clothes still on.

"Beam. What are you doing? I just dried you already."

"Take a bath with me."

He was very fast. He stood up naked and removed my shirt.

"Beam. Your out of yourself."

"What's the matter? I thought you wanted to have sex."

He unbuckled my belt and removed my pants. Now we were both vulnerable. He was looking at me. I can't stop blushing. He really was in the mood for something naughty. The cold water was not doing anything at all.

We both got in the tub. He sat down between my lap facing me. His arms locked around my neck. I can feel in my chest his rapid beating heart and something hard pulsating at my abdomen. He was aroused. He bit my neck.

"Ahhh! Beam. Don't do that."

"Shut up Forth. Just this once."


He whispered into my ear.

"You wanted to take me, right? Do it. I need you."

I was also getting aroused and was getting lost at how sexy he is. His skin was so delicately white and soft. His nipples were swelling pink. I got to fight it. The temptation was so alluring. I was at my limit.

I took responsibility and slowly worked my way to his little Beam. My hand slowly pumped him down there. He was cringing ecstatically with every stroke.

"Forth.. it's not working."

"Calm down. It will be over soon."

I felt his hand touching me down there. He was playing with my manhood.

"Beam. No. This is not right."

"Say it Forth. If you don't want what I'm doing, then I'll call Pha to do it with me."

Damn it. He's making me insane.

"Beam. Your not on your mind right now."

"It's getting painful. Hurry up Forth. Put it inside me."

I just can't. I stroked him faster while I licked and lightly bit his pink nipples.

"Ahhh... Forth!!"

My insides were crying to take him. But my heart says no. What am I suppose to do? I was hard too.

He was touching me in different places. He kissed me and took over. His tongue roamed wildly inside my mouth. When he was not still satisfied, he went and licked my neck and throat. I had to stop him. He is on his way down to little Forth. The situation is getting out of control. It's getting dangerous. I continued playing his monster and played with his tender nipples. I felt him nearing to orgasm so I pumped him faster. He hugged me and dug his nails on my back. It was painful but if it will help him release then I did not react.

"Forth! I'm cumming... Ahhh!!!"

A warm sticky fluid spilled on my hand. I felt the explosion of his essence. He breathed heavily and layed down tired and groggily at my shoulder.

When I felt him relax, I had to clean him again. He was already unconcious when I brought him to bed. His breathing peacefully. I dressed him and I went back to the bathroom to clean myself as well and finish my orgasm.

I dived into the bed and wrapped him in my arms. He responded naturally. I hope what I did was enough. It's the best I can do without destroying his ego. I almost lost my self back there at the bathroom. When he wake up tomorrow, he will surely feel bad about it. I kissed him in the forehead and used my arm as his pillow. I soon was lulled into the dream world.

My sleep was disturbed in the middle of the night when I felt someone moaning under the sheets. I removed all the blankets and saw Beam touching himself.

"Beam. What is it? Do you still feel the urge?"

"Forth. I think it's back."

Chapter 26. 😶😶😶

Im sorry if it took me one week to update. I m not sick. I perfectly well.

I had a hard time writing a smut. I clueless on what happens next after the hugs and kisses. Everytime I plan to write, nothing comes out of my head. I was doing my research on how guys properly do it and reading on other stories to get ideas on how to write one.

Sorry if this chapter is not that good. I tried my best to make sexy. Im not really good at it. I'll try better on the next chapters.

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