The World Turned Upside Down(...

By Odayanaka

76.2K 2.1K 1.2K

Perci Jackson, hero of two absolutely wonderful prophecies, finds herself stuck in a new world. Of course, de... More

Meeting grayson
Bruce Wayne, Bat Cosplayer Extraordinaire
Training with the justice league
Kid Flash and Speedy
Text Messages
5k special ;Chrismas Snowboarding/ Skiing
Avengers Part 1
Avengers part 2
Avengers Pt 4
Avengers pt 5
text message 2
Pt 6
Text 3
Pt 7
Harry Potter pt1
Harry Potter 3

Avengers Part 3

2.6K 85 27
By Odayanaka

SeaBird pov

"Ole!" I shouted as I ducked a blow from the alien. I just realized it looked like a big crap scorpion. One of those big red ones you find under your bed. But like 30 times larger.

"Watch out!" I heard whistling behind me and ducked. A shield flew from behind me and hit the monster in the eyes. "Now ya see me!" I shouted. The monster roared in pain from the shield. I took a smoke bomb and pelted it in the eyes. Getting smoke bombed in the eyes hurts a lot ya know. Cough cough don't ask how I know this.

Lightning came down and decked Scorpio in the back. I raised an eyebrow at this, because I knew the lightning wasn't from me. Gee Perci! How do ya not know it's yours?  Well for one, I know when its mine because I summoned it. And two, this dude in weird armor + cape came down with a hammer and smacked the tail.

The scorpion squealed and Artemis hit it in the face with a volley of arrows. Scorpio swung it's tail at her face, and before she was hit. She got yanked up in the air by Iron Man. Mr. America appeared and grabbed his shield from the ground.

Another lightning struck the beast and this time it was me. Gee how are you sure?  Cuz' i heckin' summoned it. A knife whistled through the air and hit the creature in the eyes. What is with the poor creatures eyes? The monster roared in agony as black liquid squirted out. 

"How did you defeat the other one?" I shouted at America. He shouted back. "You need strength to knock it out!" I laughed and contacted the Mind Link that was up.

Supey, can ya come over here?

Why, I need to fight my monster.

Ya need strength to knock it out. Green dude can do it.


"Got a friend coming with Super Strength." I called out to America. A grappling hooked on to the monster's scales and a person soon followed. Red head nailed it in the head with a deadly heel. I realized the heel had a blade attached to it. Double ouch.

The red head zoomed off, and I heard a loud battle cry echo through the sky. Artemis turned and looked at me laughing. "Super?" She yelled at me, I nodded back also laughing. 

An blur of black and blue sailed through the air and nailed Scorpio in the head. The alien let out one last cry before slumping onto the street. A huge boom echoed through the block, a second followed soon after. Dust billowed up and I shouted in the mind link.

 Supey jump away! Robin blend into the shadows! Aqua lad, alley! M'gann, invisibility! KF run! Arty, Alley! Meet up at long island beach! Super boy stay close nearby Artemis, M'gann you too. KF and Aqualad. Robin you got this! Get there by 8 p.m!

Agreements echoed through the link. M'gann closed the link and we all split up. Superboy jumping after Arty. M'gann was visible for a moment before invisibility took her. I took my attention off the others as I quickly flew away nearing falcon speed when its diving. I landed near Times Square, hid my wings, took off my mask and blended into the crown with my hoodie's hood up.

I started running after I got away from the large crowd to get to Long island faster. I ran into an alley after checking no was there. And transformed into a simple pigeon. Flapping my wings I flew toward Long island beach. 

I flew over to where Camp Half Blood would be. Then I almost fell out of the air in shock. It was there! I carefully flew and settled on the Hermes Cabin. My heart breaking silently as i viewed the campers. I saw some familiar faces. Connor, Piper, Chris, and- Is that me? It looked like me... but male. 

I was confused, i shrugged my bird shoulders before flying into the air toward the barrier. It was about 6 p.m. I had time to enter and look around, so I turned back into human. I ran through the barrier silently and started walking through campers. I gazed around sadly. "Hey! Are you new?" A voice asked me. I stiffened before turning around. It was male me.

I just shrugged. He studied me for a moment, before grinning. "I'm Percy." he scratched his head. "I'm Perci." I told him. He looked confused. "No I'm Percy?" I sighed. "Perci with an I, not Percy with a Y. "Oh." He laughed sheepishly.

"Fight me." I smirked at him. Percy looked surprised. "What?"

"I said fight meh." I stared him. "Ummmm... Sure???"

I started walking toward the Arena. Stopping by the sword area, and 'grabbing' a sword which was Riptide with glamour on it. I stood waiting in a part of the Arena. Percy walked near and shrugged before pulling out a pen. I had a 'confused' look on my face. He uncapped the pen and Riptide sprung up.

I nodded, before charging at him. Jumping in the air, then swinging my sword down, his sword raced up and blocked my blow. I instantly flipped over him and landed in a crouch on floor behind him. I tossed my sword to the side as he turned around. He looked confused, then i pulled out a single Escrima stick and extending it into a bow staff.

Spinning it around i charged toward Percy and before i reached him, I stuck the staff in the ground and vaulting over him. I landed behind and swept my stick toward the back off his knees. He jumped over it, spinning to face me. He charged at me, and i smirked.

The battle ended up being a tie. I checked the time and found it was 7:30. I smiled sadly, before erasing all memories who saw me in the camp. Including male me. I sighed before flying to the actual beach.

I flew over it, trying to find my friend. I spotted a familiar mop of red hair. I landed beside him and yelled "BOO!" He screamed and it was beautiful. I laughed while he glared at me. The rest of the group greeted me. 

Robin had bought some food and piled it out in front of us. We ate and chatted, talking about strange things we saw. I heard a familiar conch shell sound. I could tell Superboy heard it too,

I jumped to my feet, sprinting before snapping open my wings and launching into the air. Pulling out Riptide mid air, I flew as fast as i could to the oncoming hoard of monsters heading to Camp Half-Blood.

God! I typed this in one night. hope you enjoyed it. XD  

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