I Didn't Choose To Be This Wa...

By morguewrites

62.1K 1.2K 1.8K

First time doing an "X reader" so bare with me through this. (Y/N) is a suicidal 15 year old girl. She wears... More

True Cross Academy
New School, New Life
What Happened?
First Day At Cram School
Panic Attacks
Back to Ikebukuro
A Fun Camping Trip
May be away for a while...
Lost In The Woods
The Trial...
This Better Be A Normal Day Or Someone Is Getting SLAPPED!
Her Past.
Our New Teacher?!
An Abnormal Day At Cram School!
The Exorcism Games- Part 1
Oh My God! Authors Note :)
My Friends' First Chapter :)
The Exorcism Games- Part 2
100 Facts About Me
Holy Jesus On A Cracker.
A/n rip Author-Chan's Wrist
Happy Birthday!
Happy New Year!
3k Promise!
Book 2!
Wattys 2018!
thank you for 6k, but how?!
say this alot but HOW DID WE GET TO 7K?
wOaH kIdS!1!1 8.7k???
10k WTF
lil life update
face reveal: one year later!
its been another year holy shit (ft. my glow up????)

The Exorcism Games- Part 3

418 14 0
By morguewrites

Well, I was told to wait 2 weeks until I started writing this again but, pssh I finished the first chapter for the other story and I'm ready to write this chapter so...ya girls a rule breaker. Enjoy my crap :)


(y/h)- your height

*Your POV*
Finally, after 3 months of training and a suffocating 7-hour drive to the stadium, we are here. The Exorcism Games. "Let's get to our place to warm up," Yukio says as we get past the ticket booths. We hear screaming fans on our way in. I heard various things said, and they were...good. That's a first. People admiring me? I can't believe it. I heard at the end we have a meet & greet with some fans. These fans consist of previous students of True Cross Academy, people who are really into feminism since only 5 out of 70 schools had a female tribute, family, current students from True Cross, and people who thought it was cool at a girl who is about (y/h), was battling demons and being really fucking badass. Nobody is going to be there for the last reason, but everything else was pretty much accurate. I'm just ecstatic to be out of that car. 

We went as a class. A CLASS. Do you see the issue? If you don't, I'll recap the car ride. Bon and Rin were fighting for whatever reason, Shima kept hitting on Shiemi and Izumo. Maru was trying the stop Shima from bothering them. And Shura was asleep the entire time. I was done with that crap so, I got up and I yelled "Shut Up! We are going to be in this car for 4 more hours! We are 3 hours in and I'm this close to snapping someone's neck! Understood?!" Everyone nodded. "Good." I said. Then Rin said, "Sometimes she's scarier than Yukio when she's angry." I smirked because I am. When I said 'I was this close to snapping someone's neck' I put up my hands like this-

"Okay, we're here! (Y/n) and Rin, go practice, True Cross is going up first." Shura says. We obey orders and we practice. Luckily we are allowed to use our powers. That would've sucked if we couldn't. I unsheathed my sword and began swinging it around in the air. I could hear the swish of the blade in the atmosphere. Then, something happened...I couldn't breathe. I started hyperventilating and I felt shaken. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!" Rin yells. I can't speak. I fell backward and I dropped my sword. Yukio and Shura come running up to me. "(L/n)! Answer me!" Shura yells. "Shura, Rin, Yukio...it's getting dark. It's getting dark! It's getting blurry!" I yell out of panic. "Woah woah woah! Okay, let's get her into the locker room. Guys! Come help us!" Yukio yells. Everyone looks taken aback by what just happened. Then...it's all goes dark.

*Rin POV*

"Is she gonna be ok?" I ask. "We might have to forfeit if she doesn't calm down." Yukio states. We get somewhere to put her down and I was told to stay with her. I hate seeing her like this.

~Time Skip~

*Your POV*
I see lights which are very bright. "Ow. My eyes." I say. "You're awake!" Rin screams. "Shut up! I just woke up!" I yell back. "Sorry." He says with guilt. "It's fine. Can we still compete?" I ask. "It's not the best for your health. So probably not." He says with some disappointment in his voice. "I'm sorry," I say feeling kind of guilty for messing everything up. He looks at me like I did something wrong. 


"I've been a burden since the first day of Cram School. I'm a waste of space. I should just kill myself." I say. Rin looks shocked. "It's not your fault!" He defends. "Rin, I want to go home. I can't do this. I wanna go back to Ikebukuro! Where I was alone and didn't have friends. I wasn't an issue for people to deal with there!" I start sobbing into my knees after that and Rin hugs me. "Please don't leave. I need you here. You're not a waste of space and you're the most amazing girl I've ever met. You shouldn't feel that way about yourself." Rin says. "But, can we go back to Cram School. I don't wanna he here anymore." I ask. He laughs and says "Yes."


Authors Note- I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I've been having panic attacks lately so I've been resting and stuff. Also is like 1:30 am right now. I'm going to sleep now. Foster The People is one of my favorite bands.
Morgan Out!
Total Words- 782!

Future Morgan: Okay, I am almost finished and I am actually super proud of myself haha

Edited on June 19, 2021 @ 9:16 pm

New total word count- 842

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