
By Frozenbeenie

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A 16 year old girl had grown up with a gang known as "the Violets". she grew tired of their criminal ways and... More

Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 3: Flora
Chapter 4: Benjamin
Chapter 5: Martin
Chapter 6: Revealed
Chapter 7: The party
Chapter 8: Drunk
Chapter 9: Sober
Chapter 10: Drawing
Chapter 11: Jersey?
Chapter 12: Beach
Chapter 13: Discover
Chapter 15: the truth
Chapter 16: Martin!?

Chapter 14: last day

149 7 0
By Frozenbeenie

I woke up and dug out the dress Savanna picked out for me. Actually, it was basically a long aqua blue shirt that was long on the back and short in the from with a strapless black top connected. it was very cute. i could still hear Savannas words when she found it "adorbs!!!!" Shes so girly. shes such a nice person next to Christina, Krista and Victoria. if i never decided to shut everyone out and be a fake nerd, she could be my Best friend in school.

I did my normal morning routines and put on the "dress" and some black flats. Krista begged me to curl my hair, and if i don't do it, savanna will tell on me. I had did so after 20mins, placed a jean jacket over it, put the small hoop earrings Victoria picked out for me and i was done. I looked at the mirror and glanced at myself...who is that? that is certainly not me. i look... more formal then my style that "rosa" would wear (not my dog)

I went over and picked up the half heart keychain and smiled at it. i connected it to my backpack. my phone beeped, huh? i looked at it and saw your sexy prince...Benjamin -_- he must've put his number in here when he had my phone. i read the message underneath. "good morning beautiful ;)" i felt a blush coming. "dork" i replied. "awe, is that how you should talk to your boyfriend? ;)" boyfriend???! "i never remember discussing this" . "yeah well, i discussed it with Benjamin...he approves ;D" . "Well tell Benjamin that i didn't approve, now go to school you dork" i giggled "awe...okay, he's disappointed ;(" i rolled my eyes and put my phone in my bag.

"Morning mother!" i greeted as she types her new story "hey there- oh! you look lovely today" she noticed "thank you!" i kissed her cheek "breakfast?" i heard dad in the kitchen. "um, can i take it to go? and can i get a ride?" i know it was a surprise to ask for a ride but i cannot skate with this dress...thingy! he looks at me shocked "oh...sure!" he smiled placing some toast, fruit, water and yogurt in a brown bag and handed it to me. "lets go!" he seems excited.

We entered his super expensive car and arrived at school. everyone was eyeing on the car shocked not knowing who owned it "bye dad!" i kissed his cheek exiting. "be safe!" he yelled before driving off. i saw Tino and Brandy next to each other with their jaws dropped "since when your dad was the owner of Michael Kor!?" Brandy gasped "thats a stupid question" i spat. "bitch" she hissed walking away with her usual black mini skirt and sweater and high heel boots.

"Excuse her" Tino smiled "you look really nice, did Savanna pick it out?". "yes, the girls begged me to wear this today, and do this to my hair and put these earrings on" i explained holding my earings. he always give friendly smiles. i noticed him wearing a thick blue long sleeve shirt, jeans and blue vans. Speaking of long sleeve...I'm cold!! My legs are freezing. i hugged myself. he chuckled "come on, we'll be late for school" he said climbing up the stairs "um...Tino?" I called making him stop looking at me "yes?" ."i just want to say I'm sorry for what happened 10th grade..." i frowned "oh that, its okay, i get that you weren't interested. besides, I'm just glad that your happy now" he smiled again continuing to walk into the building.

Tino and I were in the same chemistry class. we were lab partners and we were told to mix up some chemicals in the lab. as usual, i had to cover my mouth and nose. Tino was the first to talk as i read the instructions. "hey..." he smiled. i ignored him "so listen... we've been lab partners for 6 months and i was just wondering..." i knew where this was going "will you be my girlfriend?" i put the instructions down and looked at him "sorry dude, i don't do dating, its a waste of time" i admit harshly. i didn't noticed at the time, but i heard rumors that i hurt him pretty bad... I really did feel guilty

I walked into the school building as every.single.student.stares at me! i spotted some jocks wink at me as i walk towards my first period. this is not the attention i can get use to. i saw Ben stand leaning next to my desk waiting for me. i can see his keys hanging from his belt loop. the other half of the heart was still there. this spread a smile on my face.

He turned and noticed me, his jaw dropped, his eyes widened, and he almost tripped as he removed his hand from my desk "whoa..." he continued to stare at me "take a picture, i'll last longer" i joked walking towards him. he smiled and lifted my chin "i don't have to take a picture, because you're all mine". "i don't recall" i sat down trying to hide my blush. All the girls in class glared at me while all the boys glared at Ben. thats a first.

The whole day went by pretty awkwardly. Ben dragged me to the cafeteria. i got a PB and j sandwich and sat next to Ben. "you look so adorbs!!!" Savanna squalled excitedly scaring the life out of me. since when she had this lunch?? "Thanks..." i giggled "do you like it Ben?? huh? huh?" she asked jumping in her chair "yes, i really do" he smirked kissing my ear. it send me chills down my whole body. "you really do look hot, almost as much as me and my new hair cut" Julian laughed fixing his hair "if i didn't fix up your ugly ass you would still look the same, your still ugly" i laughed. he gasped holding his chest in a dramatic stance "that hurt, alot" he lied. "whatever" i rolled my eyes eating my sandwich. "i see you have the heart" Ben smiled "yeah well... i thought i could give my backpack a makeover" i lied giggling. "love you my little Flower" he kissed my temple. i could hear girls cry behind me. "I'm sure you do, dork"
"Your not even going to return his words? what a bully" Joshua laughed "really? bully? did you forget what happened in the park last year?" he went quiet. thats that i thought. i giggled

I was in the park riding in my first skate board. feeling the wind in my face as my hair was in a tight bun. "hey looser!" the emo looking boy,Julian, called out. "The fuck you want?!" i hissed "whoa their chika,cool your tits" a stupid musician named Joshua came over with him and pushed me off my board. i landed near Tino and Tyler sitting on a bench. they looked at me shocked and quickly helped me up." okay?" a weird looking guy asked, as usual, i ignored him like i do with other people "are you hurt?" Tyler asked. my anger grew as i stare up at Julian and Joshua laughing at me holding my board. i snapped and beat the shit out of them. as they fall on the ground, i lean on the bench catching my breath "stupid asses! thats what you get for trying to bully me!" i yelled before grabbing my board and skating away. they thought i was a weak nerdy girl that allows to get picked on, not me.

The end of school has arrived, i bit my nails nervous as i walked outside with Ben. "you alright?" Ben asked wrapping his arm around me. "Yes" i lied smiling. he took off his forest green leather jacket and placed it over my jean jacket. i smiled at him. he's such a good person under the cockiness. I'm not letting him get hurt because of me, he's too special to me, and i promised Anthony too.

I rode with Ben home where he kissed me good bye for a good 10 minutes, returned his jacket and went home. i ate my food with mom and dad then later went to my room. I sighed as i closed my door. this is it... Goodbye good life and hello hell. I looked through the cloths i bought in the mall. nothing but black. i figured i would pick out something comfortable instead of the usual leather i was told to wear. i took off my clothes and put on a long sleeve black shirt, leggings and black knee high boots. i threw out everything from my bag (except my sketchbook) and shoved my cloths inside.i looked over at my mess. was that he same kit kat Ben try to give me? i put it back in my bag and sighed. i looked for my old leather jacket that had "violet" on the back. it was under my bed and i quickly put it on.

I glanced around my room before i hit out the window. Goodbye mom, dad, Ben, everyone... This is for your safety.

I ran out to New York and into the alley that brought back memories. the disgusting smell of garbage filled the air around me. i knocked on the metal door of the base. my heart beats out of my chest repeatedly. A small door on the door slide open revealing brown eyes and a tear drop tattoo near the right eye. "who's there ese?" Julio asked in his spanish cholo ascent "who else will it fucking be you fucking dumbass cholo" i hissed, his eyes looked down at me surprised. he slide the small door close and opened the actual door "whats up mami? you looking good" he winked, ew. "shut up" i hissed walking pass him.

The base was a dark area that always smelled like Ramon soup and Chinese. the room was brightened by a single light bulb in the middle of the room "hey guys! look whose here!" Julio announced, the rolling chairs that was around the table were filled with the stupid members that i grew up with. "ah, i knew you'll come if i threatened your little boyfriend" Nicolas laugh stroking his furry red beard. i just wanna yank on that thing and throw him to what ever Hawaii was.

"Shut up!" i hissed glaring "aww look, shes getting pissed, hey... did your boobs grow?" George grinned a sinister smile. I covered myself glaring "don't be such a pervert!"."awe...but you should already know me by now sweet heart" he walked over to me,i punched his cheek making him fall back passing out. i looked around looking for Martin. he wasn't around "wheres martin?" I asked "he'll be back with our new member" Ruben answered picking his teeth with his toothpick. i need Martin around, he's the only one that cares for me in this group of bastards. and i like to see this new member, when i see him, i'll kill him for taking pictures of Benjamin!

"Put your things in your old room, we have business to discuss later" Nicolas explained waving me away. i saw Hosh drink up three beers. oh hell no... i walked behind him when he didn't notice and slapped my hand on his shoulder holding it. He jumped and turned his head slowly to look at me behind those Len glasses he always wear. ladies and gentlemen, this is Josh , a creepy guy with a friendly look on his face, its all an act but he's the only one in the gang that is deeply afraid of me, the others are decent, he's such scary cat when it came to me. even if his looks were creepy. If I'm not around to mess with him, he's the second most violent of us all "What do you think your doing?" i asked coldly. His eyes showed total fear. i love scaring the shit out of him. "you know what happens when you get drunk do you?" i asked monotone. he didn't anything. i grinned evilly and took off his glasses gently and gripped them in my hands "don't make it happen or i swear you wont see the light of day" i broke the glasses on the grip of my hand and sprinkled the broken pieces over him walking away to my old sorry excuse for a room.

I could hear a bottle break behind me in a can as i entered my room. Good choice Josh, good choice. but he's number two of the nicest guys in the gang. Kinda. i looked in my room. rusty walls, old single twin bed with thin white sheets, a sink with no running water, ever, and a window that reveals the parks view. i gently threw my backpack on my bed and sat down covering my face. i hate these people so much...

I saw a shine on the wall and turned to see where it came from. the light from the window was reflecting off my half heart keychain. I disconnected it from my backpack and held it close to my own heart. i wonder what Ben will think when he finds out i went missing. a single dropped to my cheek. "Flora?" I looked up and saw Martin standing by the door way with a concerned look on his face. more tears fell down my cheek and i felt myself standup and hug him. he quickly hugged me back. his head rested over mine.. he was about the same height as Anthony. Thinking about Anthony reminded me of Ben. i cried harder in Martins arms "shh shh...its okay..." he hushed petting my hair "i don't want to be here Martin...but they threatened someone close to me..." i cried. "i know, and I'm sorry. i'll do everything i can to make this work" he whispered.

i backed away and looked at his charming brown eyes. "Martin...why do you do this..?" i asked making my voice crack looking down. He stayed silent to wait for me to continue "you care for me for then anyone here, you warn me about what will happen, you know what to do when i inhale chemicals...who are you..?" i finally asked after all these years. he sighed looking away "i cant tell you...all I'm asking is that you should trust me. i'll tell you one day? okay?" he cupped my cheek rubbing off my wet tears with his thumb. i nodded in responds gripping on the keychain in my hands.

"Come on, lets go back to where everyone is" he walked away while i followed behind putting the keychain in my pocket. everyone stood around the table near a nap. i see that George finally woke up. There stood a guy next to him. he had short gold hair, i think blueish green eyes and had a goofy-cocky smile across his face. he looked familiar, but i couldn't put my finger on it. We walked over between Nicolas and Josh, who tried to scoot away from me. i grinned at this sight. "nice to see you show up Flora, this is Michael, our new member" Nicolas introduced, Michael? That sounded familiar... "nice to see you again Flora, or should i say Rosa" Michael laughed. "you didn't slip while riding your board did you?" "your that men i bumped to at the streets!" i yelled shocked. he laughed amused "finally you remember" i rolled his eyes with that goofy-cocky smile that seems to never leave his stupid face. "you fuck face took a picture of my boyfriend!? i'll fucking kill you!" i stormed off to grab his neck until a strong grip of hands pulled me back. It didn't stop me from trying to kill the guts out of the guy that just laughed at my action. it only made me more angry "Flora! stop!" Martin yelled "you are going to pay you fucking bastard! how dare you! i'll kill you right here right now!!" i yelled. Martins grip got stronger and swooped me against his body. "stop, i'll take care of this" he whispered in my ear quiet enough for only us to hear. i sighed and calmed my body down. i trust him.

"Damn...shes violent, i like that in woman" Michael smirks. i saw a beer bottle on the table and threw it at him, he ducked down just in time for the bottle to explode on the wall. he looked at me with wide eyes surprised "i promise you'll be dead by the time I'm done with you" i hissed. I am very violent when I'm here in the base, i release all my anger on everyone here, even though i was a sweet girl normally, i picked up the violence from during the years. only to be released to the dirt bags i lived with. "alright, damn" Michael hissed under his breath. "anyways!!" Nicolas complained impatient. "We are going to discuss the kidnap plan that we never accomplished that year ago because somebody snitched!" Nicolas looked at me glaring "well your the one that came up with the plan! kidnapping kids is wrong! and not to mention that you kidnapped me from my parents when i was two!" i snapped. He looked at me surprised "so you know huh?" he grinned stroking his beard "yes i know! and i'll get you back for this" Martin put his hand on my shoulders looking at me as if he was telling me to stop. "not if he don't want your boyfriend hurt" fuck...I'm trapped.

After a long discussion of the plan. go off to the park at sunset and grab every kid we see, yeah go ahead, I'm sure you wont get caught so easily. I sighed walking to my room. this day couldn't get any worst.

Serena's p.o.v

"Do you think Flora's been acting weird?" I asked Morgan as i type on my laptop writing my new novel "red Fangs" I'm more of a teenager at heart, i love writing fiction and fantasy. its one of my passions. "you're right, she even asked for a ride to school, that never happens" he pointed out eating a huge bowl of captain crunch, he acts like a teenager, but then again, so do i. his hair was still messy from this morning and his beard was growing out. he looked handsome like that. reminds me of the first time i met him in high school, he had all the girls and i was the nerd that always shut people out. the only one i really liked talking to was my older brother. "do you think we should check up on her?" i asked shutting my laptop. "yeah" he put his bowl in the sink. we walked towards Flora's door. Rosa was sitting by the door looking up at it crying for some reason. "whats wrong?" Morgan asked petting her head. she cried even more scratching up on the door. wouldn't Flora hear her by now. Morgan and i looked at each other worried. he opened the door in a panic. we looked around the room cautiously. it was super cold in here! her books and phone were thrown all over the floor. the window was open. "oh no!" i cried covering my mouth. Rosa whimpered all over the room wanting to know where Flora had gone. "did she get kidnapped again!!?" i cried "i don't know! but call the cops!" Morgan freaked. i dug in my pockets for my phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"They say they cant do anything if she hasn't been missing for 24 hours! fuck!!! they don't know what we are going through right now!!!" i screamed throwing my phone across the room frustrated. Morgan held me tightly trying to calm me down when clearly, i could feel his muscles tightening in anger.

I don't know if many mothers ever experienced having their children getting kidnapped when they were only 2 and magically appeared in a alley finding them crying at 16. loosing my little girl almost made me go to a mental hospital.

I'm not the best when it comes to lost. my little brother was killed at age 9 in a random shooting back when we lived in New Jersey. I never knew my mom or dad, my big brother and i had to support ourselves after loosing our brother when he was 13 and i was 12. we ran away to New York with a lot of walking and begging. We were taken to a foster home until we reached the age 15 and 16. my brother had to work to pay off our small apartment. but he was very bright when we were in high school, we decided to be in the same grade instead of separate. i always stuck by his side instead of making friends, i didn't want to be close to them then loose them.he was a very charming boy with silver-blue eyes like me. we were the new kids at a very crappy public school near the apartment, everyone there loved "cute" we were because of our eyes. a popular boy named Morgan always tried to flirt and tease me, but i brush him off every time.

After the day of our graduation, i agreed to be his girlfriend. I recently found out that when i went to the apartment to tell my brother, there was police cars everywhere, they had told me that he went missing and have no idea how it happened. they gave me a box that was filled with money and a note saying 'if i ever turn out to die or gone missing, i saved this all for you little sister, i love you' i had nobody in my life anymore. Morgan promised me that he'll support me for the rest of our lives. our careers kicked in, we got married and had a beautiful daughter,Flora

Flora was a baby that hardly ever cried, even if she was hungry, which worried me deeply. we were told by a doctor that the neighborhood we use to live in was filled with few amounts of drug air and barbecue gas. Flora had sensitive lungs that prevented her from crying. so Morgan and i discussed to move in a single house that was away from harsh air and near a meadow.

Flora turned 2 years old and we wanted to take her to see the ducks at the park. hours later, a man in a mask kidnapped her in sight. another lost in my life had been made, and i couldn't stand any of it anymore.

"Its okay, lets just hope nothing bad happens with her..." Morgan said squeezing me "i don't want to loose my baby girl again..." I cried hugging him. He didn't say anything comforting me. i hope shes okay...

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