What Are We Doing

By CutiePatoot33

401K 7.8K 523

"I have a deal to offer you" he says while going through his phone. I look at him confused and questionably. ... More

Lips Of An Angel
Chapter 27 Telling Her
Chapter 28 Not sorry
Not A Chapter!
Chapter 29 Second Dates With Messages?
Chapter 30 It Wasn't Me
Chapter 31 I beg your Pardon?
Chapter 32 BBQ and some old friends
Chapter 33 Adam Emerson
The End or Naw?
Flashback 2
Flashback 3
Flashback 4
Wedding Ah Weddings
My Other Books


7.8K 193 13
By CutiePatoot33

I blink my eyes open to be greeted by the beautiful sunny morning. I smile and look around my room with all memories from yesterday coming back to me. I'm home again, I'm so happy. I walk to my closet pulled out a white short pants and a light blue crop top, my black lace panty and bra. I walk to my bathroom and take a nice long shower. Twenty minutes later i get out of the shower then go brush my teeth and hair. I walk out put on my clothes and went to the kitchen.

I enter the kitchen to see my mom by the stove making breakfast.

"Morning hunny" my mom says as she sees me.

"Hey ma whats up?" I ask my mother as i take a seat on the stool by the island.

"Nothing just making breakfast for everyone before they come" she says.

"Wait everyone? Why is everyone coming over?" I ask.

"Oh we're all going to the beach today sweetheart, we always do this hunny, every time someone comes home we go beach the next day" she says.

"Oh yeah that's right" i say remembering.

"Alyssa dear i got an invitation for this charity event and i really don't feel to go this time, will you mind going for me?"

"Mom you know i hate going to those things because i have to dress up and put on make up, I'm too lazy for that, you know this" i say making a 'you know I'm right face'. I seriously am to lazy for those events. When i was younger mom always forced me to go, but now, i'm a grown woman.

"Hunny you know i wouldn't have asked you if i hadn't tried anything else" she say looking at me with puppy eyes.

I roll my eyes, "ugghhh fine i'll go" i say in an lazy tone.

"Oh thank you're such a darling" she says walking up to me and hugs and kisses me on my temple.

"Mom" i call being crushed by her hug.

"Yes dear" she answers.

"You're burning my bacon" i say she gasps and runs to the food that's still in the pan. Oh i hope my bacon is okay, i think to myself.

I'm eating my pancakes and bacon when i hear the front door open, then i hear little patter of feet.

"Auuunnntttiiieeee alllyyysssaaaaa" i hear kayla shout running in the house. She is too cute.

"Aaauuunnnntttiiiieee kaaaaayyylllaaaa" i shout back, then i hear little giggle come toward the kitchen. Kayla walking in the kitchen and stops by the kitchen doorway.

"I'm not auntie kayla silly, I'm just kayla" she says giggling I gasp faking sock.

"Really are you sure" i ask her

"Yes silly" she says running up to me. I open my arms laughing while i pick her up.

"Oh well I'm sorry, now i know" i say smiling at her.

"Mommy says your not suppose to apologize for stuff that doesn't need an apology" she says.

"Oh well your mommies right" i say smiling.

"Now Ms. lady where is my kiss?" I ask her making her giggle again.

"Its right here" she says pointing to her lips.

"Well can i have it?" I ask her. She puts her index ringer on her chin and patting it like if she's thinking about it.

"Yes of course!" She says rather loudly and a little too excited. I laugh at her behaviour then pat my cheek.

She leans in and give me a big kiss.

"Thank you bubba" i say smiling and put her down.

"Hey where's my kiss?" She says with a pout on her face as i put her down.  I lean back down and give her a big juicy kiss.

"Ewwww" she says wiping her cheek and i just laugh.

"Hey where is my kiss?" I hear someone say at the door. I look up and see its my stupid brother, I roll my eyes and walk back to my breakfast.

"Seth just come eat, and where is everyone else?" My mother asks.

"Sarah is coming in just finishing putting on her makeup in the car, Ashley is with Amelia because Amelia wanted to show her something in the back and Jack and Vic is outside talking" Seth says while stuffing his face with bacon.

"Where is Sofia?" My mother asked stopping everything and looking at him.

"She's with Ashley and Amelia" he says.

"Kayla, sit, now, you have to eat" my mom tells kayla who was standing in the kitchen listening to our whole conversation.

"Come bubs come sit with auntie" i say patting the stool next to me. She walks over and i help her get up on the stool. Mom places her little plastic plate in front of her with her plastic knife and fork.

"Eat you hear me" mom sternly says and she nods.

"Why isn't she eating?" I ask my mom while i cut her pancakes up in pieces.

"I don't know we have to force her these days" mom says worriedly.

After we all sat and ate, kayla is still eating while everyone is outside playing in the yard. I told my vic i would stay with her till she finishes her breakfast.

"Hey baby girl you okay?" I ask her, she nods as I pass my hand through her hair.

"Can you tell auntie why you're not eating?" I ask her my hand still in her hair. She looks at me and what she tells me after makes me furious.

"Auntie sarah says i need to watch my weight because I'm getting too fat" she says on the verge of crying. My blood ran cold all i saw was red. She told my nieces that, my nieces my babies, she hurt my babygirls feeling, did she also tell sofia this?

"No baby you aren't fat your beautiful, we love you just the way you are, do you know if you don't eat you'll get sick, auntie, mommy and daddy, no-one in the family will want our baby sick okay," i tell her. She smiles nods her head and starts to eat. I smile at her.

"Baby i'll be right back i have to go talk to auntie sarah about something" i told her and she nods. I walk outside to the back and i spot sarah sitting on a chair outide. I walk up to her.

"Listen to me you little bitch, you go anywhere near my nieces again i will make sure you show up missing, you got that" i whisper in her ear trying not to cause a scene in front of the girls.

"Bitch you can't tell me who i can and can't see" she says loudly causing jack to look, everyone else was too wrapped up in the fun to notice.

"I can when it comes to my nieces you telling them they need to loose weight, hurting there feelings, just because your mother fcked you up don't mean you gotta fck up my nieces with your shit, bitch I'm warning you back the fck off" i tell her looking her dead in the eye.

"Alyssa" i hear jack say my name. I feel his presence right behind me. "Whats going on" he asks. Sarah just looks at me with a smile on her face like she won, no bitch you didn't, i thought to myself. I turn around to look at jack. He looks at me and says.

"Come lets talk somewhere privately" i nod and start walking back to the house, i feel him following me. Kayla runs out as i reach the door.

"Excuse me did you finish your food little lady?" I stopped and asked her.

"Yes auntie, all of it" she pulls me towards the kitchen and shows me her plate.

"Good girl go show mommy" i high five her then give her the plate to carry for her mother to show her.

I walk upstairs to my room jack still behind me. He closes my door behind him and locks it.

"Mind telling me what all that was about down there?" Jack asks. I roll my eyes, he's so oblivious.

"I was telling your fiance to stay away from my nieces, that's all i was telling her" i say to him and cross my arms.

"What did she ever do to them? Is this about us?" He asks. I laugh humorously.

"Really, do you really think i would go after some chick for you, you know into not that type of girl" i say then chuckled.

"Thats not what i meant" he says sternly.

"Yeah i know what you meant" i said then rolled my eyes.

"Then tell me why you were technically ganging up on her in the yard, in front of all the kids" he says raising his voice. He sighs and rubs his hands over his face going up through his hair.

"Sorry i didn't mean to ra-" i cut him off.

"No the reason why i was ganging up on you fiance is because that bitch is telling my nieces my baby girls t-that t-they're FAT!"  I shout out the word fat, tears sliding down my eyes.

I feel arms come around my waist then he leans down and puts his face in my neck. I want to push him away so bad, but i just can't bring myself to do it.

"i'm sorry" he says then kisses me on my neck.

"I'm sorry" he says again and kisses me on my neck again. He does that again and again and again until i fall into this world of amazing kisses. He kisses coming up to my mouth. He pecks my lips softly and i just go crazy, I'm not in this world anymore, The pecks go into a deep kiss, His lips are so soft and amazing its like it was made for mine. My hands go around his neck making the kiss deepen if that was possible. His hands on my waist pulls me closer to him. The kiss goes from passionate to very heated.

"I really am sorry bunny" he says then moans. I snap back to reality open my eyes big and push him away breaking the kiss, but he has a firm grip on my waist so i can't go anywhere.

"Jack let me go" i say trying to put on a firm voice but i can't.

"No alyssa we need to talk about this" he says holding onto me tighter.

"Jack let me go there is nothing to talk about" i tell him still trying to wiggle free.

"Alyssa stop!" He shouts. I stop and look at him. I can't take this. All i can think about is that he lied to me the whole time. I was being a fool loving him and he lied. I can't even look at him anymore.

"Jack stop" i say to him.

"No i won't stop, alyssa I'm sorry about sarah and everything but i need you i cant go a day without you, if i do i go crazy, and i know you can't go a day without me. I tried to tell you so many times"

"Jack stop" i say turning away from him.

"But i just couldn't get the words out, i enjoyed every minute of being with you"

"Jack" i say weakly, i hate being this weak in front of him.

"I know you fell for me during that time i know you were in love with me since high school"

"Jack please, stop" i say closing my eyes.

"Do you bunny,  do you love me?" He asks.

"Bunny look at me, please" he grabs my chin and turns my face.

"Bunny look at me and answer me, did you fall for me even more when we were together in Australia ?" He asks again.

"Jack stop" i say eyes still closed.

"I need to know bunny did you love me in high school and did you fall even deeper in love with me our time in Australia?" He asks softly.

I open my eyes and looked into his chocolate brown ones. I closed my eyes and opened them again, a tear slid out.

"Yes i did"

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