Just Me And The Dads( Stony A...

By fabulousfangir123

18.5K 472 259

This may seem like a typical fan fictional story for the fan girl or boy or whatever inside us but it definit... More

our little spidy
Let's go home
parenting rule #1:buying all the crap
parenting rule #2 compromise
parenting rule#3- bumps and bruises
birthday cakes / and candle wishes
Beer, money and ...Jack ?
The Fearsome Tales Of Peter and The RUNAWAY SHOPPING CART
Peter ... was where ?
captin drunksicle
Alone At The Bar
a friend named W- part 1

Salt and PeppeR

631 16 7
By fabulousfangir123

Steve pov

I woke up to the sound of Peter crying and tonys voice trying to calm him down. I slumped out of bed and walked towards peters crib.

Tony - " shhhh.. come on Peter why are you crying ?"

I smiled as I put my hand on tonys shoulder, making him jolt back.

Steve - "Language "
Tony- " oh yeah .. sorry"

Peter laughed and slowly fell back to sleep in tonys arms.
He placed Peter back in his crib and smiled at me.

Tony -" you know .. I still don't know how you talked me into this getting a baby thing"

Steve-"haha me neither, but I'm glad I did"

I looked into tonys loving eyes and smiled.

~ time skip ~ ( because it's about  time we have one of those )

Tonys p.o.v

Peter's five now. A toddler . A smiling happy boy. He sleeps less now, usually getting up at 5 in the moring. I'm tired.
My eyes had dark circles and I had less energy running through my vains.
Damn, nobody said being a father would fuck up my sleep.
Steve seemed fine. He played with Peter alot and seemed to have not lost energy . But what can I expect, he's the one who wanted the damn kid.
*sigh*  I'm starting to re-think this fathering thing....

~later that day ~

I forced my legs to walk down the long haul to get something to drink.
The tiled floor felt cold under my feet.

"Hey babe" I heard the soft voice from the kitchen call out.
"Hey ..." I said in a groggy voice back.

"I guess someone's not in a good mood"

"*sigh* just tired .. "

"Can we talk"
The words felt sudden. Out of no wear I'll say.
" Yeah" my words felt tense...

" tony .. you've been acting a bit different. Are you ok?"

Damn .. I hate it when he does that.

I fiddled with the cup in my hands, a cold cup. I'm tired.
My eyes met Steve's. His big BLUE  eyes piercing into mine. The cup fell from my hands and smashed into pieces on the floor. Steve stood up and  imediatly tried looking for the broom to pick it up but I couldn't move. I stared at the shattered pieces. Together they made something. But when missing a piece it can't do shit.
I grabbed onto the shoulder rest on the couch and lifted myself up. My feet carefully stepped on the cold liquid, my eyes Staring at the ceiling, slowly closing.


My eyes struck open and looked at a scared captin still looking for a broom. I nodded. He turned back and continued looking. I stared back at the ceiling. It looked nice, calming. I couldn't look away. It looked as if it was closing in, like I could ... touch it. Its rough surface. I let go of the couch, my legs moving a bit forward. My feet stepping on the glass, but I didn't feel it. My hands reaching up. My feet were now sliding. I slipped. My hands hitting the floor. Pieces of the cup now scattered.

A clear, but muffled voice yelled.
The footsteps running towards me.
His arms wrapped around mine, a sweet embrace, that lifted me back onto the couch.

My eyes opened and looked up at steve.
I slowly raised my hand and touched his cheek.
"I.. I love you. ...
" dont say that tony .." Steve said , his words shaking.
"I see the light "  I dramatically let out a last breath and let my hand fall across my chest. Steves expression went from worried to annoyed.
" * sigh * get your ass up, I'll  get some bandages."
He got up and went to the bathroom with a relived look. Smaller foot steps came running down the hall.

Shit ... it's Peter

I grabbed a small blanket and laid it across my chest. The toddler came running down practically almost slipping on the floor.

" Peter be careful there's glass"

He stopped in front of the broken glass and looked at me.

He smiled

" look dad !" 

The boy held a piece of paper with a spider drawn in the middle, surrounding it were webs.

" I'm  so proud of you Peter it looks great, go put it on the kitchen counter ok" I gave him a smile and  he returned the smile before running off to the kitchen. Steve walked in with a first aid kit and some alcohol.
" woah cap, what are planning to do with the alcohol, that shit burns."

" I know" Steve smiled and lifted the blanket along with my shirt.
He opened the first aid kit and grabbed the tweezers.

~5 very long minutes later trying to pull glass out of tony's chest ~

" Well maybe don't step on glass next time"

" it wasn't my fault i slipped"

" calm down I'm done"

"Thank god..."
" are you ready for the alcohol?"

"Nooo!! Steve plzz!!! That hurts !!"
I complained , looking at steve with puppy dog eyes.

He leaned forward and laid his soft lips on mine.  God I love him
" it only hurts for a few seconds" he whispered in a calm voice.

I smiled

Yes I'm working on it
I know I always say that
But I finally added some drama and I want to add more
Sorry for the short chapter... but I'm trying to update more and they're may be a few short chapters but there'll be more updates
I love you fricking people
See you in the next chapter

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