Come Back For Me | Jughead Jo...

By honey_starlight

405K 9.5K 5.7K

❝I don't know what you went through, and I know we aren't going to go back to where we were for a long time... More

Chapter 1: Nostalgia
Chapter 2: Locker Buddies
Chapter 3: Rekindle
Chapter 4: Youth
Chapter 5: Sleep Over
Chapter 6: Confidential
Chapter 7: Venom
Chapter 8: Bad boy
Chapter 9: Abandoned
Chapter 10: Conflict
Chapter 11: The Truth
Chapter 12: The Hurt
Chapter 13: Caretaker
Chapter 14: Realization
Chapter 15: Pressure
Chapter 16: You Came Back
Chapter 17: Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 18: Security
Chapter 19: Reveal
Chapter 20: Panic
Chapter 21: Reality
Chapter 22: The List
Chapter 23: Redemption
Chapter 24: Retreat
Chapter 25: False Promise
Chapter 26: Grief
Chapter 27: Cold
Chapter 29: A New Day
Chapter 30: Revelation
Chapter 31: Deprived
Chapter 32: Slither
Chapter 33: Restoration
Chapter 34: Bang!
Chapter 35: Desperation
Chapter 36: Search Party
Chapter 37: Reach
Chapter 38: Heart Beat
Chapter 39: I'm Staying

Chapter 28: Reunion

5.1K 122 68
By honey_starlight

↳ Saturday

Jan. 14th↲

I took a hefty bite of the large toasty cinnamon roll in my hands. Looking up, I saw everyone stare at me with bated breath, expecting to hear a wild tale, so I gave one to them.

"Well," I chewed. "I guess I should start off with me being pregnant."

My dad slammed his palm on the table along with Jughead, both exclaiming loudly "WHAT?!" as my mom gasped and covered her mouth, eyes wide.

I looked at them all with a surprised stare, a smile slowly creeping on my face. "Woah! Geez, guys. Cut me some slack!" I laughed a little. "I'm not pregnant."

My dad looked at me with pure anger which drilled into me. My smile quickly faded, seeing that it wasn't the time to joke.

I cleared my throat quickly. "Sorry. Uh... so I took off with no idea where I was gonna go..."

I told them everything; from the wacky conversations, I've had with the most interesting people, working my first job at a diner, all the way to coming home.

"I was going to come home by the time school was about to start anyways. I just needed to get away because of that list," I looked at Jughead. "I didn't want to worry anyone with it."

"List?" My Mom questioned, confused. Both her and my dad turned to Jughead for answers, to which he opened his mouth, unable to speak for a moment as he tried to form his story.

"Uh, I was going to show you guys. I swear! I was expecting someone to be crossed off the list when I would tell you guys, but no one was hurt and it slipped my mind," Jughead tried to justify himself, before looking at me for help.

"It's fine. It's not a big deal anymore," I dismissed it all. "Listen! Can I go take a shower real quick? I haven't had a decent one since I left."

"Well sure, dear!" My Mom smiled at me.

I looked at Jughead, who looked back at me, not knowing what to do. I could tell he didn't want to be alone and be potentially chewed out for that list by my dad.

"Uh, Jug. I have some pictures I want to show you in the meantime. Come on," I waved him over.

Jughead quickly got up, taking his plate with a remaining cinnamon roll, and followed me up the steps. I brought my backpack with me, which held my camera.

Thankfully those assholes didn't take my bag away too. I would've been really sore over losing my camera.

I took out the SD card, filled to the brim with beach pictures and portraits of some interesting people I found along the way.

"You look through these, and when I come back then we can talk," I placed my hand on his shoulder, then handing him the SD card.

He took it without another word and inserted it into the computer. I grabbed a fresh pair of warm clothes, like my favorite olive green sweater and comfy loose pants. I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower, realizing how truly dirty I was. The soap in the hotels wasn't that amazing, at least compared to my girly shampoo and conditioner—scented with coconut and vanilla.

I got out of the shower, feeling as though I was reborn again. I styled my dark hair, making sure my waves wouldn't come out as frizzy. I then threw on my clothes and walked into my room to find Jughead looking at a picture of me on the beach. I had a timid smile since it was a selfie, and on that day I wasn't the only one at the beach. My hair was flying everywhere but thankfully not in my face during the shot.

Jughead turned to me with a frown on his face, but more of an angry disappointed stare. I closed the door behind me, not wanting my parents to hear whatever conversation we were about to have.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to not push him.

"Everything. Literally everything," he huffed, before turning back to the computer. "I just can't help but be mad. You left me, stuck in this stupid shitty town at one of the worst moments in my life, and while I was going through all of that you were taking a selfie on a beach. How do you think I feel?" He ranted, his voice stern and harsh.

I couldn't look him in the eyes, not able to face him like this. I didn't know what to say.

"I know. It wasn't fair-"

"Damn right it wasn't!" He raised his voice, making me flinch. He quickly lowered it, not wanting to alert my parents from downstairs, also noticing me react.

He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his dark hair. I think that was the angriest I had ever seen Jughead, and I hated myself for it.

He turned away from me and back at the computer, closing the picture from our sight. I pulled my sleeves down to my palms, giving myself a sense of security.

"Jughead," I began, timidly. "I don't know what you went through, and I know we aren't going to go back to where we were for a long time, maybe even ever. But if I knew that you were about to go through the worst time of your life, I wouldn't have left. I swear."

He remained turned away, letting the silence say everything. I left the room to put on a little bit of makeup before returning to see that the computer was completely turned off and he was on his phone.

Looking back up to see me, he said: "You ready?"


With that, we jogged downstairs to find my mom and dad in the living room, an odd site considering usually one of them was at work.

"Hey, guys. I'm going to Pop's. I'll be back at around six. Okay?" I told them.

They looked at each other for approval, not knowing if I should leave or stay.

"Alright. But no later than six. Right, Jughead?" My father looked over at him with a stern dad glare, brow raised.

"Right, sir," he gave a slight smile, which faded when he looked back at me. He was the first to walk out. I could tell Jug was still upset with me, which was to be expected.

The two of us walked back into the freezing cold, feeling even worse than earlier. He picked his jacket off of his bike and shrugged it on, probably not helping to warm him up since it'd been sitting outside for more than thirty minutes.

We both got on the bike, me clipping on the helmet, wrapping my arms around him once again. We were off to Pop's.

Once we had arrived, it felt much different than before. There were slightly fewer people, and it was slow, possibly from the harsh winds and snow outdoors.

Jughead guided me to a more secluded booth in the back corner of Pop's. We sat across from each other, avoiding eye contact until the waitress came over.

"What can I get you two?" She beamed at us, notepad and pen at the ready.

Finally, we looked at each other. I then turned to her. "I'll have a hot chocolate please."

Quickly, she scribbled it down before looking at Jughead.

"Make that two. I'll have whipped cream on mine," he noted.

"Oh! Me too! And can I get some of those big marshmallows?" I added.

"Yeah. And that for mine also."

"Okay," she breathed, slightly overwhelmed. "So that's two hot chocolates with large marshmallows and whipped cream?"

"Yes," we both said in unison.

She tore out the paper and smiled at us. "I'll be right back with that."

Once she walked away, we felt comfortable enough to look at each other.

He twiddled his thumbs as I clutched my sleeves.

"Jughead... what happened?" I pleaded, wanting to know so I could help him in any way.

He took a deep breath, raising his brows. "Well, it all started when you left. That night, my father was accused of Jason Blossom's murder."

My eyes widened, placing my hands down on the table. "What?! He did it?!" I gasped.

"No!" He replied rather angrily. "Look. I need you to listen to me, okay? Just-... don't say anything until I'm done."

I covered my mouth and nodded, literally giving him my word.

He let out a deep breath before continuing.

"So my dad got sent to jail and I stayed with Archie for a while. The whole day, on the 18th, we called everyone on that list since you said that you'd come back if everyone was fine. I texted you and you read it. What happened?"

The silence between us was prominent, and I quickly pointed at myself, wondering if he wanted me to talk.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes."

I cleared my throat. "I, um... I won't lie to you. It was a mix of reasons. First of all, it was the beginning of winter break and I thought I'd cut loose a little. Second, I was afraid to come back. I didn't know if Derek would carry out his plan. And third, I knew you and my parents would be mad at me. I had also just settled down in Shellville. It was relaxing being by the beach and I haven't been relaxed in months."

The waitress returned, interrupting us with some hot chocolate.

"Here you both go! Two hot chocolates with giant marshmallows and whipped cream."

"Thanks," we said simultaneously, before turning back to each other.

"That's all I have to say. Anyways, continue."

Jughead blew on his hot chocolate and set it aside to cool, while I continued to blow on mine.

"After that, everything got worse. I left Archie's to stay at my dad's trailer, where I holed myself up for days until Betty came by..."

His eyes widened as he looked at me as if he had remembered something horrifying.

"What?" I asked, intrigued.

He rubbed the back of his neck, taking in a deep breath. "You're going to be mad at me."

"I won't," I assured him, wanting him to confide in me with anything that happened.

"Oh no. You will."

"Just tell me!" I begged, leaning closer with a slight grin.

He looked at me, almost pitiful. He exhaled.

"I kissed Betty."

My grin faded and I slowly leaned back into the cushion of the booth. "Oh."

Jughead saw how it affected me and was quick to defend himself. "It was all my fault. Betty was being really nice and it was the heat of the moment. She rejected it. So don't blame Betty at all. It was me."

I crossed my arms and felt my lips tremble as I tried my best to hold my tears. I let out a weak defeated laugh.

"You know, I told you I wasn't going to be mad. I didn't say anything about..." my voice began to fall apart just like my heart. "...being sad."

I hid my face in my sleeves so he wouldn't see me like this.

"Hey, hey, hey," he softly said. I felt him sit beside me and pull me into his arms. "I'm really sorry. I am. I just didn't know if we were broken up or not. Hell, I still don't know. But I didn't feel anything for Betty when I kissed her. I was just looking for something to fill your void."

I kept quietly crying, still upset of course, but also because I missed Jughead holding me like this. I cried even more because I missed Jughead.

I quickly calmed down and wiped underneath my eyes so my mascara didn't look too smudged or runny. I raised my face from my sleeves and took my hot chocolate and quietly sipped it.

"Sorry about that," I tenderly spoke. "Continue."

Jughead left his arm around me and continued to talk, less mad than before. "Well," he sighed. "After that, I didn't talk to the gang. I still haven't seen them. I only saw Betty here and there since she wanted to make sure I was alright. The only other time I saw everyone was when we went to look for evidence to help save my dad and watch the video of Jason Blossom being murdered by his own father who-"

"Wait! Clifford Blossom killed Jason?!" I exclaimed.

"He hung himself too," Jughead added, finding my surprise amusing.

I sniffled, my eyes still wide in shock. "Wow. That's pretty low."

"Then while I was at home some serpents knocked on my door and gave me the jacket, telling me that I'm apart of the family. I had no one else, so I took it. Now I'm a serpent."

I gave a hesitant nod, not replying because of the large marshmallow in my mouth.

"Only a week or so ago, Archie's dad got shot right over there," he jabbed his thumb back towards some booths near the front door.

"What! Is he okay?" I turned to him with worry.

"He's fine. He was in a short coma a few days ago but now he's already moving about. Archie's a bit wigged out about it, of course. I saw him yesterday to see how he and Fred were doing," Jughead assured me. "And that's what you missed. That's how Riverdale nearly broke into two while you were gone, just like last time."

I looked down at my lap, not knowing how to react to all of this.

"I-... I'm never leaving Riverdale."

He scoffed. "What?"

"You heard me. I'm never leaving again. This is already so much. I mean, you're a serpent. Fred got shot. Jason's dad killed him! And I just left for the dumbest reasons!" I began to cry again. I felt so emotional today, mostly because that carjacking really shook me up. "I'm so sorry, Jughead!" I sobbed.

He brought me into a hug, letting me cry on his shoulder. After patting my back and shushing me, calming me down, I did calm down. I leaned on him as he still had his arm around me. We both drank our now cool hot chocolates quietly, looking at the snow fall outside as we thought to ourselves.

"So, when you left..." Jughead began.

I looked up at him, curious. "Hm?"

"Did you mean what you said?"

I shook my head. "Not a word. You?"

"I didn't mean it when I said you should go. That was the biggest lie I have ever told," he laughed a little.

"Good," I nodded. "Look. I... um. The past few months I was distant from you. It was a poor attempt at trying to make my leaving less painful for you but that probably only hurt you even more. I'm sorry for that too. But just so you know, it really hurt pushing you away when you were so patient and good."

"It's okay. As long as it wasn't ill-willed," he calmly spoke. His expression changed slightly, seemingly more solemn. "Are we still... you know."

"Together?" I asked.


"I don't know," I gave a tired stare. "I want to though."

Jughead shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I'm in such a weird place right now. It's like, I'm so mad at you, but I missed you so fucking much."

"I know," I assured. "It's okay. We'll work on it. Nothing has to happen right now."

He agreed, and we were both relieved that we had reached a civil point.

AN: Ayeeee! I tied it back with the show! I also couldn't have them be mad at each other any longer because I started to cry (I've had a really sensitive past two days I wrote this okay??) so I had to make them happy.

Also sorry for missing a week or so! I was making more chapters for your pleasure ;)

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