I'm a badass, I'm a nerd and...

Av XxSweetSilencexX

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I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^(part one of Part 2)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^(part two of Part 2)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^(Part 3)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 4)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 5)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 6)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 7)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 8)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 9)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^(part 2 of Part 10)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 11)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 12)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 13)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 14)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 1 of 15)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (sneek peek part 15)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ ( part 2 of15)
I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^(p3 of 15)
I'm a Badass I'm a Nerd&I'm armed&dangerous Kiss me if you dare -.^(16)
I'm a Badass, I'm a nerd.......(p2 of 16/ Could this be the END?! o.O)
I'm a Badass I'm a Nerd And this is seriously THE END...

I'm a Badass, I'm a Nerd and I'm armed and dangerous. Kiss me if you dare -.^ (part 1 of part10)

7.2K 129 51
Av XxSweetSilencexX

Ok so this is not the whole part 10, just a taste. It's still a work in progress but I felt you guys needed a taste since ya'll are like so thirsty for some. So this is Part 1 of part 1o.

Thanks to everyone for reading, voting, commenting and encouraging!!



-yours truly. <3

"Kayoko are you ok?"


If she was someone else I would have said that but she's such a sweetie that I can't.

I just woke up, and I totally cried myself to sleep.

Crap! I bet I have mascara all down my face!!

Caramel looks at me sadly.

"Relax CarMax, I'm fine. Except the fact that I probably look like a clown."

She laughs. "Yeah you do actually, I have some napkins and mascara in my purse." She says and then she starts digging in her purse.

I smile at her then close my eyes.

Gosh, I haven't cried like that since.....I was a baby?

Hell I don't know! All I know is that I don't ever cry! Especially if it's for a boy!

But I cried for him....

"AHA!!" Caramel screams, scaring the shit outta me. "I found it!! I don't know if I can do this as good as Carmel but I can try."

I turn my face towards her and let her beatify me again,

Ugh I feel like a Barbie.

Oh and I hate those too, when I was five I used to bite the heads off them.

Yes, I was a strange child.

I try to keep still as Caramel puts the make-up on me but now I gotta pee!!

I bite my lip and shift. Hurry up Caramel!

"Would you stop moving?!"

"I can't! I gotta go pee!"

"What are you? 3?"


"Fine go pee!"

"Passengers please buckle your seat belts we are going into landing." Says the pilot

NOOOO!!! Does the world not know how much I need to pee?!

So I look out the window as the plane goes down.

And try to think about everything but water.

"Eh, where's um, Chris?"

"Don't know actually, he said something about the clouds."

Clouds? Clouds make rain and rain is water.


Ok we're almost there.

I close my eyes.

Ok so think about.....uh... The accent! Right I gotta have an accent.

I'm good with a British accent.

My mom's friend is British, I've known her since I was five and I used to mock it.

In my opinion all accents are awesome!

"Ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed your flight..."


I un-buckle my seatbelt and run to the bathroom.

When I get out I see Caramel, Bentley and Chris outside by a huge blue limo!

Blue! How hot is that?!

I grab my backpack and suitcase and run outside.

This is so awesome!!

Two different countries in a week?

"Finally, let's go!"

Caramel hops in the limo, I hop in after her, then Chris and my darling Bentley hops in and lays on the floor, he's such a good boy.

"Chris were where you?"

"With the captain."


"I always go up there, when something goes wrong I'm always the one to drive it."


The rest of the car ride Caramel and I talk about the accent.

She says I'm really good but I have to remember not to overdo it and to always use it.

I'm thinking that I should have brought some dog food before we left, when we pull up to this huge mansion.

I mean it's HUGE.


There is a man, a women and a little girl standing outside my the front door.

The people I know to be Violet's step mum, her dad and her little sister.

When the car parks Caramel is the first to get out and she offers me her hand, which I take so I can slide out and Chris fallows behind along with Bentley."

"My, my you must be Kayoko well If I didn't know better I would think that they cloned my daughter...they didn't did they?"

I laugh. "No Mr. Calve, My name is Kayoko Cash, it is an honor to be serving as your daughter for the time being."

I walk up and shake his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, oh and this is my wife Gloria and my youngest daughter Brianna."

I stoop down, smile and stick my hand out for Brianna to shake it. "Hi Brianna! It's so nice to meet you."


Like literally chomps on my arm!!

I almost curse but I can't,

I gotta be a good girl.

"Brianna!! Oh I'm so sorry Love, she's a bit shy around people." Violet's mom asks.

"No it's fine. Brianna why did you bite me?"

"Because you aren't my sister!"

"Your right, I'm not your sister I'm here to protect her. But I would love to be your friend while I'm here. Is that ok? "

She beams at me. "Yes! we can be best friends! You can come up to my room and we can have a tea party?"

"Sure, but after I get settled in alright?"

She nods happily and the goes skipping into the house.

Seven year olds, Pfft if only we all thought like them life would be so much simpler.

"You're a sweetheart, Brandon is inside the house, he's not too happy about the idea of some strange girl being in our house, shall we go in?" Violet's mom asks me.

I nod and signal for Caramel and Chris to come with us.

Caramel is mentally screaming in her head, I can tell by the grin on her face.

The house is bigger on the inside then the out.

It looks like something you see in the movies.

"You room is upstairs to the right, your female friend can stay in there with you and your male friend can stay in Brandon's room. The dog can stay with you, is he trained well?" Violet's dad asks.

I nod. "He's very sweet and he listens to every word."

He nods "Good, well I'll let you get settled, Brandon is in his room if you want to meet him."

I smile and nod as they walk off.

I turn to Caramel and we both squeal.

"Holy shit! Can you believe this?!"

"No! It's so amazing! Oh my gosh!

"O my gosh, o my gosh, o my gosh!" A male voice comes from behind me and I turn around.




I'm guessing the boy behind me is Brandon. No one told me my 'brother' is a fucking Roman god! Black hair, hazel eyes, nice body and he has this mysterious bad boy look about him. He's like, perfect!

I mean damn! This boy is like the definition of sexy.

I know you guys are probably all: What about Nick!!

I KNOW!! but if you were here you'd be drooling over this boy too.

O crap... am I drooling?

I close my mouth, and obviously it was wide open.

"Um, you must be Brandon...I'm..."

"Before you bother with introductions, I think I should let you know that I don't care." He says coming down the stairs.

Oh great, as if him being the boy in every girls fantasy isn't bad enough, he has to be a jerk too?

I glare at him.

Be a good girl Kayoko.


"Ok then, C'mon you guys." I say instead of what I really want to say. I start up the stairs and when I pass Brandon by, he trips me..

I get up and brush my dress off. I turn to Brandon, who's smirking and crack my knuckles.

"Ok, I'm a let you slide on that one, cuz you obviously don't know how capable I am of kicking your ass. But the next time you pull a stupid stunt like that I swear I will...."

(These next words by me have been blocked for your safety. Thank you and have a nice day)


"Think about that next time you decide to mess with me." I turn and continue upstairs, leaving him with a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh yeah," I say, pausing at the top of the steps, looking down at him. "Chris is your new roommate, treat him with respect or sleep with one eye open... your choice."

I say and then walk down the hall and into Violet/my room.

"Guess you told him." Caramel says as she and Bentley enter the room.

I laugh.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You need to straighten your stance! Stand taller!" Caramel yells at me.

As soon as we got settled she started my training.

She is a really mean teacher, I can tell you that much.

We've been at it for two hours! My body aches and I really wanna take a nice hot bath. It's late and I'm sooo tired.

"Caramel can we please stop? I need a break, we just got here! Can't we just chill?"

She sighs. "Fine but we have to train sooner or later."

"I'd rather later."

"Me too."

I laugh. "Well I'm gonna go take a bath."

"Kay." She says and then plops down on the bed.

Luckily there is a bathroom in each one of the rooms and Ms. Calve brought us towels earlier.

I start the bath water.

I think I'll wear my snoopy P.Js

Ok for all you guys who are like: What the hell? Snoopy? Really?

Hells yeah! I love my snoopy! I almost named Bentley that.

I get my P.J's close the bathroom door and strip.

I hop in the tub and I'm all: BUBBLES!!

Yes, I'm a very strange girl.

So after I get out of the tub I find Caramel totally passed out on the bed as Bentley lays at the foot.

Poor girl.

I climb into the bed and I can feel myself drift not that long after I put my head on the pillow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~12:oo A.M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I can never sleep at this time of night. Maybe it's because I stayed awake all those years to listen to my parents argue.

I sigh and sit up and sigh.

Caramel is still fast asleep in bed, lucky her.

Maybe I can go fix me some coffee, believe it or not coffee makes me sleepy.

See? Told you I was strange.

I hop over Caramel.

Bentley instantly wakes up and starts to fallow me.

"Stay. I'll be right back." I whisper and he sits, looking like a guard dog.

I run down the stairs quietly and I walk into the kitchen.

Oh great...

"Why are you up?" I ask him.

He's sitting on the counter drinking milk.

"I couldn't sleep with all your snoring."

"Ha-Ha very funny." I say pouring coffee into the coffee maker.

"Why are you up?"

"You're really asking? I thought you didn't care."

"I don't."

"Then don't ask."

"You know it hurt my feelings when you yelled at me earlier." He pouts.

Oh my gosh, he's so cute when he pouts....

No! Bad Kayoko.

"And? What you want a cookie or something?" I say a little breathless, but I'm hoping he doesn't notice

"I want apology.

"Yah, and I want you to magically disappear but sadly that's not gonna happen."

He scoffs and then hops of the table and goes upstairs.

AWW I hurt his feelings!! Poor baby!

Ok so this is your taste, hope you like it.

I'll post the rest soon!!

love you guys

-yours truley <3

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