STALKER (Completed)

By Silkbutterfly

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"Are you ready to experience real pain?" Jimin couldn't pretend any longer. He's never had this type of physi... More

STALKER part (1)
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By Silkbutterfly


When Jimin awakes he feels drained. Mentally and physically drained. Before he could have another thought, everything that happened to him prior to passing out came rushing back to him.

He bolts out of bed and rushes over to the door. This time it's locked. Jimin bams on the door with his fists and yells for and hour, but the Stalker doesn't come. Jimin goes back into panic mode.

"Where is he?" Jimin says, to himself.

He paces back and forth worried about where the Stalker is and what he might be doing. He starts praying to God that his brothers are all okay.

He wishes he knew what was going on. He's pulled from his thoughts when he hears the click of the door.

He turns around to see the Stalker walking in and he rushes over to him, looking for any signs of death. It weird but he needs confirmation.

"Where were you!? Did you hurt them?"

Jimin grabs the Stalker by the hands looking for blood, gloves anything that might give him a clue. The Stalker snatches his hands away from Jimin.

"Change of plans, were leaving." The Stalker says, as he plunges another needle in Jimin's arm.

Jimin jerks back from the pain of the needle grabbing his arm and pulling the needle out himself.

'He's fast with that damn needle.' Jimin thought. He didn't even see him go for it until it was to late. He hates been drugged.

'What does he mean, there's a change of plans?' He thinks. Jimin feels the effects immediately. He has to know if Taehyung and Jungkook are okay.

"Are they okay? Kookie and Tae? Did you hurt them? Did you!"

The Stalker couldn't resist lying.
He needed his fixed, since they would be on the run for a while and he wouldn't be able to torture him like he wanted.

He smiles that evil grin, that Jimin has come to detest, as he lets the lie pour out of him like water.

"They're both dead. Honestly it was quite difficult to pull off, but I had to kill them both. I ask you to make a choice and you didn't."

He got his fix.

Jimin felt like someone just punched his body with a jackhammer. He couldn't handle the lie. Knowing that he was the one responsible for their deaths was unbearable.

The thin line that was holding Jimin to his sanity, just broke. He wanted to die right along with them.

His captor caught him right before the drugs completely took over and he hit the ground. He made quick work of getting Jimin settled into the trunk of his car.

He makes sure that his hands and feet are tied and that he was gagged. It was a long drive to Busan.

The Stalker had a small house there. He wanted to take a boat from Busan to Japan. He knew it would be risky but easy enough since his face wasn't plastered everywhere and no one knew Jimin had even been kidnapped.

Now that he thought about it, it was the perfect conditions to get him out of the country. He couldn't believe how stupid the police were. He also couldn't believe how easy it was to do everything he had planned.


After they finally finish eating, Dr. Samont insisted that they go to sleep. He told them they would get up bright and early the next day.

The boys argue against it, but they were no match for Dr. Samont who got his way and made them all go to sleep. They thought they would be getting up bright and early but they stayed asleep until well after mid morning the following day.

It was the most sleep they'd gotten since Jimin was taken and they all had a better mind because of it.

Dr. Samont wants to relocate to a better facility that had better technology and a conference room. They made reservations and checked into a hotel.

They also rented out a conference room. Dr. Samont invites two of the lead detectives associated with Jimin's missing case. When everything was all settled and done. It was Dr. Samont, his assistant who had flown in that morning. The boys and the two lead detectives, all sitting around a conference table.

Dr. Samont takes the lead to start off the meeting.

"I want to start off by saying the police have agreed to work with us and share any and all information they have about Jimins missing case. With that being said let's get down to business. I created a profile of the "Stalker" based on all the information I received from the Stalkers own words, friends, family, and co-workers along with everyone in this room. What the stalker suffers from is a Personality Disorder. Can someone dim the lights please."

The lights dim.

"Thank you. A Personality Disorder is identified by a pervasive pattern of experience and behavior that is abnormal with respect to any of the following two: thinking, mood, personal relationships and the control of impulses. The Stalker's Personality Disorder is a bit more complex as he encompasses more than two. I won't get too detailed about it, but what I will tell you is what they all have in common. •Self-centeredness that manifest itself to a me-first self-preoccupied attitude. •Lack of perspective-taking and empathy. •Manipulative and exploitative behavior. •This oriented or superficial understanding of self and others perception. •Being unable to see his own self objectionably. •He has unacceptable disagreeable or self-destructive behaviors. •Childhood or parental relationships, which may have contributed to some or all of these personality disorders. •He is socially negative. •Changing the rules of the game introducing variables or otherwise influencing the internal world to conform to his own needs. Any questions?" Dr. Samont concludes.

"How will this information help us find Jimin?" Namjoon says.

Dr. Samont turns towards the detectives.

"It helps us create a profile. This profile tells us numerous types of information. Part of it being where the Stalker is most likely to hide. According to my profile it's abandoned places. Have the police check any abandon buildings?"

"No we haven't. Why would we do that?" The detective asks.

"Because that's a great way to stay hidden from everyday people. It also gives a fair amount of seclusion and the space you need to do what you want. Start checking abandoned buildings within a fifteen to twenty mile radius. I guarantee his hide out is some where in between that."

The detective pulled his phone out and immediately started to make phone calls. They set up a grid for abandoned buildings within the radius.

They find the Stalkers hide out and hour and a half later. The boys and Dr. Samont rushed to the sight hoping to see Jimin, but the Stalker had already taken Jimin and left. Leaving everyone disappointed.

Dr. Samont wants to walk through the building to get a better feel for the Stalker and get some clues as to where they might have gone, but thinks it might be too much for the boys to handle.

"I want to walk through this building. Will you be Okay coming along? I don't know what will find or what will see."

The boys take a look at each other and decided to follow Dr. Samont. The Building is a fairly big size. There are lots of broken out windows and abandon rooms.

The building sits back about a mile or so from the main road. No one would come out here. It was a perfect place to hide someone and you had a great view to watch and see if someone was coming. It was dark in the inner part of the building.

They need a flashlight to maneuver through. When they made it to the second floor they saw lights hanging from different parts of the hallway. You could tell someone had been here.

They start to go through the rooms and for the most part there was nothing in any of them except trash and broken glass. There are only a few more rooms to check at the very end of the hall.

When they open the third to the last room they saw a TV and a camera. They all saw a massive wardrobe. There was a make up table. A random refrigerator and cleaning stuff. They didn't expect to see so many things in this abandoned building.

They all walked in to explore, but doctor Samont reminded them not to touch anything. The camera monitor that was inside the room has a video-feed to the other two rooms.

"He was watching him." Dr. Samont says, looking at the monitor.

Some of the boys walk over to look at the monitor too.

"What's this?" Jin says.

"Hey! Isn't that board similar to the one in our security office?" Tae says.

"It is! Can we rewind this too?" Jin says.

"I think we can!" Hobi says, reaching down to pull up the lever to rewind it, but Dr. Samont stopped him.

He looked up confused.

"I don't think it's a good idea for any of you to watch this." Dr. Samont says, holding Hobi's hand in place.

"Someone get a detective in here!" Dr. Samont yells towards the door. The detective and I will watch it."

"But Dr. Samont-"

"I know what type of person this individual is. None of you will be able to handle the images that will come across that screen and I don't think Jimin would want you to see it either. I know it's hard but could you all please wait outside for me. I promise I won't let be long."

Dr. Samont says, as he waits patiently for the boys to leave. The detective walked in right after they walked out. A hour passed before Dr. Samont and the detective walked out of the room.

He walked over to the next room. As he looked around he started talking to himself.

"Why did you leave? What made you change your mind?"

Dr. Samont turns and looked at the boys.

"I think he's planning to make a run for it."

"A run for it?"

"Unfortunately there was no audio on the tape, so we couldn't hear what his plans were, but I could tell his obsession with Jimin was something he doesn't want to give up. I think he going to try and leave the country. If that happens, our chances of finding Jimin drop dramatically. We can no longer keep this a secret. We have to let the public know that Jimin was kidnapped. We have to have more eyes looking for this man than the police can provide. How do you want to do that?" Dr Samont asks.

"I know." Yoongi says, "ARMY. You want eyes everywhere. ARMY can get the job done." Yoong says, with confidence.

"Who's ARMY?" Dr. Samont asks.

"ARMY is an extension of us. They are the shield that protects us and the spirit that pushes us. They are our heartbeat. Without them there is no us and without us there is no them. We are one."

"Then do it!" Dr. Samont says, "Send out your ARMY!"


✨🌿As always let me know what you think!!🌿✨

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