The Detective Princess (Yusuk...

By ElRottoSoldato

46.8K 1.5K 601

The wind blew in my face as I rubbed my hands together to heat them up. My scarf doing little to no help but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hope and Despair: An Ironic Duo
A Demon full of Hope
A Lovely Night
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
lmfao sorry

Chapter 8

1.9K 62 19
By ElRottoSoldato


Ryuji wouldn't leave my side the entire time we were at Mementos. It's been two days and he still protects me. I got to admit... It's cute seeing how overprotective he was. It shows how caring and loyal he was to his friends and family.

Makoto seemed determined to find out who the Phantom Thieves were. I wanted to stop her but the principal chose the worst time to assign me a list of events for the rest of the school year. They wanted me to attend the Hawaii field trip the second-years had to go.

I didn't want to go there again. I came home with horrible sunburns...

I sighed and walked over to the hideout with Ryuji walking beside me.

"I don't want to go to Hawaii again... It means I have to worry about the students getting lost there."

"No, that means that you'll be keepin' us from meeting those hot babes, huh?" He hung his head dejectedly, making me laugh and cover my mouth.

"No, I won't ruin your vacation at all. I'm going to be taking care of the other students and turn a blind eye to your things, if that is what you would like," I suggested and saw Yusuke already at the accessway.

"Dude, you're the best," Ryuji pumped his fists in excitement and grinned. "Hot babes, here we come!"

"Good afternoon, Yusuke," I nodded my head with a smile and leaned against the railing beside Ryuji.

"Y/N, it's nice to see you again. How have you been?"

"Stressed as usual. With all the files my work has given me and the chores our principal has given me, I haven't been able to have some free time lately. Hopefully, I can finish everything I have to do by the end of this week," Yusuke and Ryuji listened to me ramble about my work for a couple of minutes before Ann arrived. She bought herself a box of treats to kill time while we all spent our time on our phones.

Ryuji hummed as if he understood what I was saying but he always looked like a lost puppy. It came to the point where Yusuke had to ask what something meant for him. It was probably the only time Ryuji didn't tell him he was weird. He usually talks about how eccentric his vocabulary was.

I leaned back against the wall and had a small chat with Ann about her modeling career, which led to Yusuke trying to convince Ann to be his muse. He was really trying his best to find the motivation to paint.

"What's taking him so long? If he doesn't come in the next few minutes, I'll have to return to my apartment," I checked the time on my phone and sighed.

"Same here. I have to focus on my schoolwork. Apparently, I can't do my next photoshoot without raising my marks. Y/N, do you think you can tutor me?"

I smiled at her with a nod.

"Of course, I'm sure I won't disappoint."

She smiled back and twirled her hair. She liked doing it whenever she was bored.

"You shouldn't worry if you disappoint me or not. After all, if I don't raise my marks even with your help, it would be because I didn't put much effort into my work."

"You put effort into your work?" Ryuji snickered.

"Shut it, you! You're just jealous everybody has better marks than you!" Ann bit the inside of her cheek and glared at Ryuji. I watched as the two quarreled like children. They looked like they could make a cute couple.

They have this chemistry.

Then, my phone vibrated against my coat.

Goro: Hey, I'm on my way home. Do you have work tomorrow? I'll be having the day off tomorrow.

Y/N: Pancakes in the morning?

Goro: You know me so well, huh? I bought the ingredients beforehand.

Y/N: It's settled.

"What are you doin'? Texting that Akechi dude?" Ryuji looked over my shoulder with a scowl on his face. I turned my phone off and shook my head.

"You act as if he's the worst person to ever exist. Tell me, why do you dislike him so much?"

"Uh, didn't you two argue whether we were good guys at that interview? You heard what he thinks about us!"

"But, it doesn't mean you should have a grudge against anyone who does not agree with you guys. It is rather immature, don't you think?"

He huffed and crossed his arms.

"This guy's bad news. I know you're gonna keep him from findin' out about us but still. Somethin' about him pisses me off with that 'charming' attitude..."

I frowned. He was bad news. And so am I. After all, we're the cause of mental shutdowns all over Japan. So to have Ryuji berate Goro like that was like he was berating me as well.

But I stayed quiet to avoid any conflict. Defending Goro's actions would be like feeding charcoal to a raging fire. It will get worse and worse.

"Ryuji, will you seize your bickering? You don't have any respect over Y/N's partner and it's clear she does not enjoy having you complain about him," Yusuke furrowed his eyebrows and sighed in frustration.

I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"Yusuke, it's alright. We all have different perspectives on someone. Ryuji just doesn't like Goro, and I can't force him to love him as his fans do."

Ryuji scoffed and turned away while grumbling.

"I'm just sayin'..."

"If you say so, Ryuji. Anyways, I'll have to leave. Akira doesn't seem to be coming and I have work to do..." I cleared my throat and smiled at everyone.

"Alright, bye, Y/N. I'll text you if you miss anything," Ann waved at me.

"I understand. It is unusual for our leader to be so late, after all. Be safe, Y/N," Yusuke smiled. I returned his smile before looking at Ryuji, who leaned against the railway.

"I'll see you, Ryuji," I smiled and hugged him before leaving them. There weren't many people in the stations for some reason. Maybe they were afraid of the train accidents lately. I felt a great pressure of guilt over my shoulders as I rode the train home. There was a mother with her child on the seats. The mother seemed to be holding her son tightly as if she were on alert.

Maybe I can make things right. If there's a chance to leave this mess I was in. I didn't want to do this anymore but what if Shido does anything to Goro? I can't just leave him like that... I had to keep him from growing insane from his power. It's been influencing him lately. And to be honest, it was bothering me. He's been a little selfish lately, too.

When I finally made it home, I saw Goro in the kitchen making dinner, which was surprising because he vowed never to cook ever since he almost burned the kitchen down. He was trying to make pasta...

"What? The Goro Akechi is actually making dinner? Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" I grinned and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt him chuckle as I pressed my cheek against his back.

"Am I not allowed to cook anymore?"

"I mean, you did say that cooking was something you would never do for as long as you lived, after all..."

He tensed up and laughed uncomfortably.

"That was an exaggerated moment of me. Of course, I didn't mean I would stop for as long as I lived."

"What are you making?"


"Ohh! I didn't know you could make teriyaki! You shouldn't keep stuff like this from me!" I exclaimed.

"No, I'm learning how to. See?" He moved to show his phone propped up by the fruit bowl with a cooking tutorial playing.

"Don't burn the kitchen down again. The apartment smelled horrible for such a long time," He scoffed at me and put the spoon down to look at me.

He gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and held me close to his body. Our warmth mixing with each other.

"When will you ever let that go?" He mumbled against my lips.

"Never. I like seeing your face whenever I mention it," I grinned and poked his nose. "It's adorable."

He rolled his eyes and rested his chin on top of my head.

"I came home to relax, not to be teased by my girlfriend."

"It's part of the contract. You should have gotten used to it by now," I kissed his cheek and walked to the bedroom to change into one of Goro's shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

I sat on the bed and checked my phone.

No messages from Akira and the others...

What could possibly have happened?

Maybe they're already in Mementos trying to find a target.

I laid on the bed and grabbed a book from my nightstand. It was finally time to finish this book I've been trying to finish in the past week but my schedule was always busy. I would read it when we were in Mementos but it was too dark for me to do it.

I read the book for maybe ten minutes until Goro walked into the room. He laid next to me and sighed tiredly. I reached out to run my hand through his soft hair and rested my head against his stomach.

"How'd it go?"

"I don't know. I felt like I put too much sauce on it but something about it makes me confident I followed the instructions well."

"You act like you're doing some kind of science experiment, Goro."

He looked up with a look of disbelief.

"If you skip one step in making a dish, the entire thing falls apart. Now I know why you're always trying to get the precise amount of everything whenever you cook. One wrong move and it will be too sweet or sour for any human to eat."

"I'd love to test it out, though. You didn't burn down the kitchen, what's the worst that could happen?"

He gave me another look that said 'you-really-want-me-to-answer?' and covered his face with his pillow.

"Stay with me tomorrow. I know it's a Tuesday but I want to spend this time with you. I don't really know when's the next time I'll have a day off, seeing all this commotion of the Phantom Thieves have been making everybody paranoid."

I hummed and sat up with my legs crossing over each other. He shifted his body so that he had his head on my thigh as I played with his hair. It was obvious he liked it when I did that. I could see himself shiver a little when I pull his hair too.

Should I go to school tomorrow or stay at home with Goro?

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