Bad Asses Don't Die

By kwhite36793

60.1K 1.8K 116

Alex has lived with her abusive Uncle ever since her mother was murdered right in front of her eyes by strang... More

Chapter one:
Chapter 2:
Hopefully More Frequent updates
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Sequel Is Up!!!!!!

Chapter 25

978 35 16
By kwhite36793

"Al!" I hear someone yell. I swivel around on my toes.

"Russell!" I yell back. He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"How's my cousin's girl?" He asks me.

"I'm good Russ. How's it going?"

"Alright." I look around.

"I wasn't told there was gonna be sorority girls here Russ." I glare at him. I glance as Dean goes and starts talking to a couple girls.

"I wasn't told you were gonna be here Al." He winks. "Come on let's grab a drink." I walk behind him as we head to the kitchen. There's a bowl of punch on the table. I raise my eyebrows.

"Dammit Russ. You're really gonna risk this again?" I ask him pointing at the bowl. "Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"I have someone on it 24/7 Al. It'd be fine besides its full ain't nobody stupid enough to actually drink out of it. Just for show." He tries to explain. But I know someone's been drinking out of it. I've seen a few have the solo cups. I take the bowl and dump it in the sink.

"Alex! What the hell?" He yells at me.

Nate stands in front of me. "She's trying to protect you Russell. You know as well as she did how much it cost her covering for you last time."

Russ slumps in one of the chairs. "I know. I'm sorry." He stands up and opens the fridge. He grabs a couple beers. He opens them throwing the caps away and hands one to me and one to Nate. Jason comes in and gets a beer from the cooler.

"Whats up? He asks. I shake my head and smirk at him. "Jerk." He mutters and pushes me into Nate. Nate wraps an arm around me.

"I'm gonna go talk to some people." Nate says then kisses my forehead and walks out of the kitchen. I drink my beer and look at Russ. The beer tastes different, I drink it anyway. When I finish it I get a weird feeling.

"You son of a bitch." I tell him. "God dammit Russ. You asshole." I turn around and look for Nate or Jason. I need to get out of here right now before I do something I regret. I look around frantically for them. I try to mindlink them but it's blocked. Dammit. Push through it Alex.

Russ grabs me and I try to push him away. But before I can figure out what he's doing he gets to good of a hold on me. I look around for someone desperate to make eye contact. No point in yelling even with werewolf hearing they wouldn't be able to hear me over the music, and guests. I see Dean. Russ doesn't know I know him. He looks at me. I mouth help. And his eyes widen. He can't use his vampire speed in front of so many people. He tries to push through the crowd but I'm already at the top of the stairs. He pulls me into one of the rooms and throws me on the bed. He locks the door. Suddenly the heat is unbearable. I NEEDED relief. I run to the rooms bathroom and shut myself in. There is no lock. Who the hell doesn't have a lock on their bathroom door? Ugh.

"Come on Alex you're gonna give in I know it. There's no point in trying to fight it." I WANTED it. Hurry Dean. Please. Please, please get Nate and Jason. Russell starts pulling on the door. This door is even unlike any other bathroom. Holy shit it's literally built for this. For drugging people with a fucking horny pill and not giving them any chance.

"You're really gonna rape me Russell?" I scream at him. "Of all people." i yell. "I fucking kept you out of jail. I thought you were telling the truth."

"You thought wrong Ally," He yelled back and pulled harder. Someone starts banging on the door. Dean. He kicks the door down and I hear them fighting. I can't go out. I have to stay in. I'll give in.

"Alex?" Dean yells. I talk to him through the door.

"He gave me a fucking horny pill. " I'm almost in tears. Not only do I NEED the relief i really WANT it.

"Shit." He mutters. "I couldn't find them. Jason left to get some more beer."

"Find Nate NOW." someone walks into the room. Dean's leaning on the door so I can't come out.

"What the hell's going on?" Ryder asks.

"She's been drugged. Mindlink Nate. Tell him it's an emergency, tell him it's Alex."

"He's on his way. Jason's back he's coming up too. I'm gonna go back downstairs."

"Ok." Dean says. She closed the door behind her.

I hear her leave the room. I turn the handle, it's too much. "Dean please. Help me." I slam into the door surprising him. I manage to get out of the bathroom.

"Alex you're gonna regret this. I can't." He says backing away from me. I use my vampire speed and I'm directly in front of him. I play with his belt buckle.

"Please Dean." I beg him. "I need it, the heat it's unbearable." I undo his belt.

"Alex, don't." He says. "I don't know how long I can resist you." I can see I've already made him hard.

I push into him. He groans as I grind into him. "Alex. Stop." I push off his leather jacket and play with the bottom of his shirt.

"Please Dean. Come on I know how much you want to." I put my hand under his shirt, tracing his abs. I push up his shirt. He pulls it over his head. I push into him. I kiss him he doesn't kiss back at first then goes into it. He pushes me against the wall. He pushes into me grinding our hips together. I moan. I pull him to the bed. I fall back onto it and he positions his knees on each side of me. He kisses my neck. I bring my hands to his pants. He puts my hands on my chest still kissing me. He puts his elbow on my arms and pulls away from the kiss. Holding me down.

"Dammit guys hurry the fuck up." He screams, as I push myself against his hard. Someone runs into the room.

"Get out of here." Jason growls at him. I grab onto Dean's pants.

"Please. I need you." I plead with him. I know how Jason and Nate are they won't do it with me while I'm drugged. Unless I seduce them and I really need it now.

"I'm sorry." He says as he gets up and leaves the room. I groan.

"Why'd you make him leave." I wine.

Nate locks the door and they both sit on the bed. "Please. Help me." I pull Nate towards me and unbuckle his belt. "Please. Nate." There's tears streaming down my face. Nate looks at Jason. Jason shakes his head.

"She's drugged Nate. It's not like she's giving consent." Jason tells him sighing.

Nate looks at me crying. "Jason she doesn't cry very often. She needs this, and it's not like we haven't done it before. It's not like I want to do it when she's like this either. Would you rather Dean do it?"

"Honestly kinda." He punches the wall. "When that bastard wakes up I'm gonna kill him. Her wolf doesn't even care what the hell did he use?"

Jason walks to the bathroom and goes through the medicine cabinet. He grabs some ibuprofen and a Listerine cup, filling it with water. He brings it to me. He opens my mouth and tells me to swallow it. I do. "Hopefully you'll feel better in a little bit babe." He kisses my forehead and I groan.

"Please Jason." I beg him. He just gets off the bed walks out slamming the door.

"He's thanking Dean." He tells me. I tug his shirt and pull him on top of me.

"Naaatee." I groan. I take his shirt off. He grinds against me. I groan. I unbutton his pants and slide them down his waist. He gets of the bed and kicks them off. He gets back on the bed and puts a knee on each side of me. He reaches up my leg and pulls down my underwear. Suddenly my vision goes blurry. "Nate, I can't see." I tell him.

"He gave you a sleeping pill babe it's alright."

"I'm gonna kill him when I wake up." I say as my head hits the pillow.


"Alex wake up." Dean shakes me awake.

I groan, "Go to sleep." I tell him.

"You can go back to sleep in a few minutes we gotta go meet the others in the cellar." He pulls me up. I try to open my eyes.

"Can't." I mutter. I try to get out of bed but fall.

"Shit." He swears.

"One sec." I find my underwear and pull them on underneath my dress. "Jacket?" I mutter. He puts the jacket over me and picks me up bridal style.

"I gotcha hun." He tells me. He speeds me down to the cellar. He knocks and Nate opens the door.

"Still out?" Nate asks. I feel Dean nod. He tries to take me but I push him away. "I'm sorry." He whispers but I just turn into Dean.

He takes me inside. "Here." Dan says. He holds something under my nose.

Suddenly I'm awake. Dean has a black eye. He sets me down. "Thanks." I mutter.

"No problem." He looks down at his feet. Jason walks up to me and grabs my arm.

"Fuck off." I glare at him. I walk over beside the couch and I set the alarm for six. I don't give a shit I'm going for a run later. I sit next to the couch on the floor and lean my head on the side of it. Ryder sits on the couch and and Dean on the side I'm on. Dan sits in one of the chairs, Jason in the other. Nate spralls out on the other couch while Sam lies in front of the couch Dean's on. When all of them are asleep I look at Dean. He's looking at me.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted last night. I should've been able to stop that, it's happened before and I controlled myself, I don't know what happened. There are no excuses to put you through something like that." I tell him. "Thank you." He smiles at me.

"No problem. The reason you couldn't control yourself is because Russell put enough in it to drug your wolf, vampire, and you. " He said. "But I need to tell you-"

Nate shifts on the couch. I mouth morning run to him and he nods. I can see his adam's apple move up and down nervously in the dark. It's not gonna be good.


The alarm goes off and I shoot off the floor. On edge. I sigh turning off the alarm, I head to the bathroom. I get in one of the showers and clean off all my makeup thats run down my face. I slam my head against the bathroom wall. I should've know what the taste was. Maybe I did and I just ignored it because I needed a drink. I start to cry again. I slide down the wall down to the ground. I'm sobbing, still hitting my head on the wall.

"Alex?" Dean whispers. "You alright?"

I finish cleaning my face and hair, "Yeah, sorry." I tell him.

"No problem. I'm ready to go when you are." He says.

"Can you hand me the towel on the farm sink?" I ask him.

"Yeah one sec." I hear his footsteps walk to the end of the elongated bathroom with 6 shower stalls. He pulls the curtain back a little and hands me the towel. I wrap it around myself and walk out of the stall.

"Thanks." I tell him. I can feel him staring at me. But after last night I can tell he feels awkward about it. I grab my running clothes from one of the cubbies and head into the living room to get to the closet. Everyone's awake. They all look at me then look down at their feet. It's not like I'm showing anything. Prudes.

I pull on my clothes and grab some socks, pulling on my running shoes. In my sports bra and short shorts I walk out of the closet and head to the safe. Opening it I grab a few weapons. I go back to the bathroom and put up my hair. I grab a pin out of the bathroom cupboard that doubles as a knife.

Jason walks into the bathroom. He tries to talk to me. "Maybe it's not the best day to go for a run." He tries to reason.

I turn towards him. "Jason. I'm going for a run. I need to cool off a little. Besides Dean's going with me it's not a big deal I'm not going alone. I can handle myself." I tell him.

He just nods. "OK, hurry back." He walks away.

I sigh. "Jason." He stops. I walk up to him and turn him towards me. "I'm sorry about last night, it was my fault. I should've expected it. I didn't think. I've just been so stressed lately."

"I know. It's not your fault babe." He pulls me into him. " I miss you." He says. I pull away from him and bring his head down to mine. I kiss him lightly on the lips.

"I miss you to. But if that ever happens again, either you or Nate better fuck me. This is my concent right now. Got it?" I tell him.

He smirks slightly but nods. "Now go shower you stink." I push him slightly. He pushes me back.

"Go for a run lazy." He tells me. And gives me another small peck on the lips.

"Mhhmmm." I shake my head at him.

I go back into the living room and Dean's already at the door. I give Nate a kiss. "I'm still mad at you." I tell him. "You can ask Jas what I said." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a longer kiss.

"Ok love birds." Ryder says. "Shew." she motions me to leave jokingly. I chuckle at her and walk to the door. Dean opens it for me.

"Thank you." I say as I slip outside. He closes the door behind him. "Ready?" I ask.

"Think you can beat me?" He chuckles, I notice his eyes drift down to my bare stomach.

"Always." I smirk back at him. And start running. The vampire speeds ahead of me. The cheater. I follow him and catch up tackling him. I'm beside him on the ground laughing. "Told you."

I stand up. Then I vampire speed away from him. He catches me but tackles me to the ground. We're in a park. Too early for any kids to be here. He's on top of me. But we're not laughing this time. He's staring at me. At my lips. My eyes. Transferring between each of my eyes. But he sighs and stands up. The weird thing is I kinda wanted him to kiss me. I mentally slap myself I have two mates. But this feels kinda like that. What the hell is wrong with me.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

I nod. "I think it's a good idea." I walk over to the swings.

"OK look." He says as we sit down on the swings. "I'm not good with relationships. I've never been completely honest with a girl, like ever."

I look at him. Where is he going with this.

"I've never really been attracted to anyone, not the way I am you. I don't know why this is happening. And I know everythings is um really hard for you already. With ya know Nate and Jason, and with your brother missing. That's alot." he sighs and swipes his hand through his hair. "And I don't want to make anything harder for you or ruin a friendship with you because you're really cool." He stands up, he hits the swingset, almost toppling it over along with me. But he grabs my waist and catches me just in time. He looks at my lips but pulls away again.

"You're my first love." He mutters out. "I know that does nothing to affect the way you feel about me, I just wanted to tell you. I needed to tell you."

He looks at me like I'm gonna slap him. I breathe in deeply. "If it doesn't effect me why am I feeling the same pull towards you I feel towards Nate and Jason?" He looks confused.

"What do you mean?" He sounds hopeful.

"When we were on the ground I felt this pull towards you. I wanted to kiss you." I tell him looking him in the eye. I can't do this.

"Maybe you should talk to your moon goddess. Maybe this is something to do with her." He tells me. "I'll head back to the cellar. Link the boys if you need anything. This is something you need to do by yourself." He tells me. I nod, and he speeds away.

I walk over to the fountain. It's still dark out. I must've set the alarm for 5'o clock. "Oh Moon Goddess, what's happening to me? Why is it happening to me? This isn't fair to me, let alone to them. What's wrong with me?" suddenly the trees start glowing and a wolf comes out of the woods. Silver, larger than any other I've seen. It shifts into a women as it walks.

"Dear Alex." She says to me her voice soothing. "There is nothing wrong with you my dear girl. You are just part of something, something larger then you could ever imagine. You are part of a prophecy."

"What prophecy?" I say unphased by what just happen. But I kneel in respect.

"Stand my darling." She commands. I do as she says and we both make our way over to the bench seat near the fountain. "You're prophecy is a complicated one. One you must translate for yourself. I cannot tell you the meaning. Those around you know of the prophecy but they believe it a tale."

I nod along to what she's saying.

One whose mother was slain,

whose father is evil.

Come forth to save her brother.

The path reveals five lovers,

one there her whole life,

her protector

another her savior,

another only faithful to her,

one ashamed of his past,

and the last a dark soul changed forever.

She will save the world,

join four different forces together,

fighting the forces of evil.

She will be betrayed by one

that strikes her blood.

She must make a choice,

to stand and fight,

or see her world destroyed by her own fire.

"Wha-" I try to ask.

"You agreed." She scolded me like a child.

"I did."I nod my head. "So this is real. Me and Dean I mean. Why would I have five lovers? I don't understand why the universe would do this to them. It's not fair to them. Not at all."

"I'll talk to Nate and Jason. Through the mindlink. They'll know it's me. But for now, so you don't forget the impact of your choices I'm going to tattoo the prophecy on your hand."

She grabbed my hand and rubbed my wrist. Suddenly slowly a tattoo was forming. From my wrist up to two inches before my elbow was a tattoo of the prophecy. I look up to question the Moon Goddess again. But she was gone. I ran back to the cellar. Into the closet. I throw on come clothes, including a leather jacket. They don't need to see the tattoo. I walk out and don't make eye contact with anyone. Except Dean. I just nod my head. He sighs in relief, he doesn't have to fight it, well at least not after I tell them. Hopefully.

Dan can tell how off I am so he takes the lead. "We're gonna go back to the woods tomorrow morning. I scouted last night their waiting there for us." He pauses, "Guys they're with Ross Trainer." Everybody started freaking out."

"What the hell is he doing with them?" Jason growled.

"He's playing them." Dan tells him. "The way he acts around them." He glances at me weird. As does everyone else in the room.

They're hiding something. After everything. I grab my stomach. "What the hell is up with you guys?" I ask them.

"Um." Nate steps forward. "You're not just half vampire, and werewolf." He sighs. Dean puts his right hand on my shoulder and squeezes it.

"You're a lichen Alex."

"Not again." I sigh. "Anything else you'd like to tell me because I'm about ready to freakin explode you guys need to stop keeping this shit from me. It's getting old. I'm about ready to do this on my own." I glare at them all.

"Daewon." Dean muttered something.

"Excuse me?" I ask him.

"You're um a.." Dean pauses and backs away. "You're a demon."

"Shit." I look at him. "You're kidding right? How is that even possible?" I hold up my hand as Jason tries to reply.

"Forget it, I don't want to know." I tell them. "Just forget it." I say.

"Alex." Dan starts.

"Is there something else now? Besides that my whole life's been nothing but a fricken lie?" I ask him.

He looks at the ground. "Now that you know you a lichen your gonna get tattoos. And possibly another power. Although I am unsure of another power."

I clutch my stomach. "Is that what this is?" I ask as I pull up my shirt and there's a tattoo of swirling flames glowing red. The heat. Suddenly as the tattoo finishes the pain is relieved. But my legs give out and I collapse. Dean catches me but the jacket falls off my arm. Jason and Nate both see it. Dean carries me to the couch. He sets me down, then walks over and sits in one of the chairs. Nate comes over to me and reads the prophecy tattooed into my arm, out loud.

"One whose mother was slain,

whose father is evil.

Come forth to save her brother.

The path reveals five lovers,

one there her whole life,

her friend,

another her savior,

another only faithful to her,

one ashamed of his past

her protector

and the last a dark soul changed forever.

She will save the world,

join four different forces together,

fighting the forces of evil.

Leading the supernatural.

She will be betrayed by one

that strikes her blood.

She must make a choice,

to stand and fight,

or see her world destroyed by her own fire."

I bite my lip as I watch both my mates reaction. I see the fire in their eyes, I feel like they regret accepting me and each other as mates.

"It's you." Nate mutters. "I'm the friend, Jason the savior. Do you know any of the others." He glances at Dean, who stands up.

"Only faithful to her." Dean says. Jason pushes him back down into the chair, angry.

"Jason!" I yell at him and stand up.

"I thanked him for not giving into you yesterday! I fucking thanked him!" He goes to punch him. I glance at Dean pleading with him to stay in the chair as I put a hand on Jason's chest. He calms down slightly.

"Why am I not enough?" Jason asks. "Hell why are we not enough!?" he yells, and I can see how hurt he is.

"I know how unfair it is to all of you." I tell him. "I pleaded with the moon goddess, Jason." I grab his hand. "I don't know why, I asked Jason. I can't ask for you to accept it. Either of you." I turn to Nate. "It's your choice, and you can reject me as your mate. I will accept that." I tell them.

I close my eyes waiting for both of them to reject me.

I open them when they both walk up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. They looked at each other. "Never." They said in unision. "I accept you and your lovers." Jason says, then Nate repeats it. They pull me into a hug. "I still ain't gay." Jason mutters.

"Sure you aren't." Says Nate smirking.

"If I'm gay you're gay boo." Jason says pushing Nate around like brothers fighting, or should I say a gay couple. Nate pushes back. Suddenly there is arms wrapped around my waist as Dean pulls me into the chair on top of his lap. As he tickles me, I can't help to feel a sense of joy as I watch the boys fool around and Ryder in Sam's lap, Dan watching us all with a smile. Wait Ryder in Sam's lap. What the hell happened when I was gone? Sam's playing with Ryder's hair but I notice when he looks at his brother and smiles.

"Why are you so hot?" Dean asks. For a second I thought he was flirting then I realized the concern on his face. The last thing I remember is Dean saying "Guys." as I fainted in his arms.

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