Bad Asses Don't Die

By kwhite36793

60.1K 1.8K 116

Alex has lived with her abusive Uncle ever since her mother was murdered right in front of her eyes by strang... More

Chapter one:
Chapter 2:
Hopefully More Frequent updates
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Sequel Is Up!!!!!!

Chapter 22

1K 36 1
By kwhite36793

"I'll just let you two deal with this." I try and get out of the upcoming awkward situation and am about to head up the stairs when Nate grabs my arm.

"Nice try." He said. "But you may be the only thing that can calm him down." He tells me. Fidgeting with his hands, when he let's me go.

"Uggghhh." I groan and stomp my feet towards the smell of Jason.

I find him. Grabbing his hand I pull him to Nate and keep hold of his hand rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand. Immediately he tenses smelling the mate bond. "Fuck." Was his only reply as he turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Still holding on not expecting the sudden change in direction I fall banging my head into the corner of the stand next to the stairs. Unconsciously letting go of Jason's Hand I fall to the floor. "Ugh." I I groan at the impact.

"Shit. Alex." Jason turns back around and bends down on one knee. "I'm so sorry." He says. Basically begging for forgiveness.

"Damnit Jason." Nate mutters. "Give me your shirt." He orders Jason.

"Excuse you." Jason seemed taken aback that his beta dare to command him.

"It's your fault. Therefore. Your shirt." He pauses. "Mate." Nate says rudely. Jason's eyes widen but he pulls off his shirt. Nate looks at my eyes. "Look at his abs. Get lost in them...or something." He tells me trying to help take away the pain from my head. I look at Jason's face and he smiles at me. Nate puts me up against the staircase wall. Jason take my hand and puts it on his bare chest over his heart.

"It's alright babe." He whispers. Nate ties the shirt around my head. I tear it off and stand up. Nate goes to stop me and accidently hits me in my bleeding head. I glare at him. Major headache.

"Shit Alex sorry." He mutters.

"You just had to make me punish you both." I said smirking at him. Both Jason and his eyes go wide. I take each of their hands and pull them into the bathroom that has two sinks.

"Kiss." I tell them smirking. Both there mouths open in shock.

"Alex." They both growl at me. I smirk mischievously. "I could die of a brain injury now kiss before I die. I need amusement if I'm gonna have the will to live." I can see the hint of amusement in both their eyes, with anger, and concern, amongst it. I see both their eyes glaze over. Mindlinking. Great I cross my arms and I start to get dizzy as blood drains down my face.

They shrug turn to each other and they kiss. My mouth falls to the ground. I didn't expect them to actually do it. And it seems like they're enjoying it. "Okay guys." I whisper barely able to talk. "The sad fact is while I'm about to faint I'm still really turned on." Which I think is abnormally weird and I kinda feel like a freak. They both look at me concerned. Jason bends down picking me up bridal style. I feel him running and still conscious I slightly wave to the doctor.

"Hold her hand Jason. She needs the mate bond. And Nate I realize you guys are like family. Hold her other hand." The doctor commands. Little does he know.

Both of them give me their hands Jason kisses my left hand and Nate holds my right to his heart. I feel much better. I sit up. Both my mates jump back surprised. As does the doctor.

My fangs are about to come out but I hold them in staying strong. "Why is she glowing gold?" Jason asks shocked.

"I have absolutely no idea." Says the pack doctor. "It might have something to do with her being a hybrid." He whispers. Suddenly I fall back down on the bed. Feeling revived.

I look at Jason. "How does he know?" I asked him.

"We told him when you were first in the hospital that it was a possibility." Jason says. "There was something in your blood he had to know everything about you."

I nod slowly. I look at the doctor. "Wanna go on a trip?" I ask him questioningly.

He looks to Jason who nods agreeing it a good idea. "Luna, I cannot, but I do have a very capable doctor under my command. More knowledgeable then possibly even me. Luna." He bows his head.

"Oh quit the formalities." I wave my hand at him. "That will do. What is this doctors name?" I ask the head doctor.

"Ryder." He stated simply.

"May I see him?" I ask.

"Actually,." A girl walks in black jeans and a doctor's coat on. " I'm a girl." She smiles finishing her sentence.

"Oh thank god. Honestly I'm so sick of guys." I tell her Earning a whimper from both Jason and Nate.

I squeeze their hands. Then let go of them. I stand up. "Nice to meet you." I shake her hand. "Do you like shopping?" I ask her.

She cringes in disgust. "Absolutely not." She crinkles her eyebrows. "You?" She asks curious.

"Oh I absolutely despise it." I tell her smiling. "Can you fight?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm not too shabby. Though I sure as hell ain't the best." She says.

We let go of our handshake. "Take care of my daughter." The doctor tells us all and walks out of the room.

"Sooo..." I say in the empty abyss. "I guess we better get back to the packhouse and fill you in." She nods.

We meet Joe at the pack house packed and ready to go. He looks at me. "Ready, Luna."

"We are not leaving tell morning Joe. And on the Moon Goddess if you don't stop calling me Luna I might have to slit your throat!" I yell exasperated.

"Yes Luna." He says. Then realizes what he says and looks at me scared for his life. I just sigh and walk into the living room.

Both the boys chuckle at Joe. Ryder side steps him and sits on the couch across from me.

"First of all you tell anyone in the pack this I'll slit your throats. Understand me." Jason looks at both of them seriously.

"Yes Alpha." They both reply in unison.

"Well." I say looking at Jason, then back to the two on the couch directly in front of ours. "I'm a hybrid." I tell them. Ryder acts like she knows. Joe at first thinks it's a joke then looks at me and realizes I'm serious.

"And most importantly I'm the daughter of the vampire king." I pause. "And the granddaughter of the werewolf king." I tell them. And before they register what I say. "Oh and also. The three of us are mates." I say gesturing towards Jason, Nate, and me. "And Nate's my first love."

"Dammit Alex. Couldn't you give them a little time to process it?" Jason sighs. I look at them and realize they are both taking it like a normal person. But are loyal. They both have a sense of humor as well.

"At least I'm not gay!" I say then bolt off the couch yelling 'gay' all the way up the stairs into Jason's room. I lock the door. I hear him pound on the last step and go through all the rooms trying to find me. He goes to open the door and realises it's locked.

"Alex open the door." He tells me. Trying to hide his emotions from me. I narrow my eyes.

"Never!" I yell back at him. I sit on his bed and smile at the door. Then I hear the doorknob turn. He had a key. "Well duh idiot it's his own damn room." I mutter to myself as I hide under his covers. I here Ryder tell Nate that she'll go get packed, and Joe say he wanted to spend one more night with his mate. Nate tells them both to be here by 8 in the morning.

I here the door to the room shut and pulls the covers tighter around me. Nate turns up the tv downstairs. Jason walks over to the bed. "Alex." He says in a raspy voice.

"Yes?" I whisper still under the blanket.

"Please take that blanket off of you." He asks. He asked so nicely I take it slowly off of my head peeking up at him only uncovering my eyes. But it gives him just enough leniency to pull all of the blankets off of me. He gets on the bed. Still shirtless. I stare at his abs trying to avoid his eyes. I lick my lips.

Sexual Scene Ahead!

He turns me towards him. "Hi." He tells me.

"Hi." I say back. I look at his delicious lips. He looks at mine.

"Hi." Says Jason again.

"I uh." I pause licking my lips trying to stop myself from drooling over his body. "think we already covered this." I tell him.

"Then let's move on." He whispers huskily. I nod. He puts his hand on my jawline and pulls me into a kiss. He pulls me on top of him. I kiss him needily. Needing to know more about his body. "It's getting dark out." I whisper to Jason. He smiles into our kiss.

"That's what happens at night." He tells me. "Everyone goes to sleep." He pauses. "Or does other things." He hints his voice still raspy. As he says other things he moves himself slowly against my middle, hinting at what happens in the dark.

I groan and pull off my shirt. Needing at least a little skin touching him. He flips me onto my back and licks his lips. Then plants a wet kiss on the cleavage that is showing. I shiver. He pushes his hard against me. I jut my middle up into him. He groans and attacks my lips. He licks my lips during the kiss. Asking for entrance. I open my mouth granting it to him. His tongues searches my mouth leaving no nook or cranny untasted. He takes off his shorts leaving only an open pair of boxers on his body. I play with him with my hands. He growls in pleasure. He takes my bra off after he sees me attempting to. He starts kissing my belly button and going up to my breasts. He cups them in his hand massaging them. He sucks on both of them causing me to push his head down into me. He gets harder at that. Knowing he turns me on is causing him pleasure and power right now. He tugs at my shorts asking permission. I nod and he rips them off. He's barely controlling himself as I push his boxers off of him. I start to push my panties of and and he pulls them off for me.

He plays with me at first then finds the right hole and looks at me for permission as I run my hands through his hair. I nod my head with so much need and he slowly puts himself inside of me and starts thrusting slowly. He kisses my neck where he would mark me.

"Do it." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks me. His eyes changing color controlling himself. I nod. He thrusts a couple more times causing us both to groan and then he bites me. I grit my teeth, and dig my nails into his arms trying not to scream in agony but then after a few seconds it turns into pleasure. I shiver. He retracts his teeth and licks the spot. He starts thrusting again faster and faster. Our make-out session heating up. I bite his lip lightly and he groans and thrusts faster yet. Causing us both to max out. We both shiver and fall back onto the bed panting. After a couple of minutes he pulls me into him. My back to his front. I sigh deeply.

End Sexual Scene

He has his arms wrapped around my stomach. His thumb caressing my stomach. "Can Nate come in here?" I ask after a couple minutes. I turn around to face him. He seems to really think about it then nods. He mind-links him. Nate walks into the room.

He realizes everybody's Naked under the covers. He pulls off his shirt and his shorts. Leaving just his boxers. I smile at Nate and kiss him. He pulls my back towards him and wraps his arms around my stomach. And to both mine and Nate's surprise Jason scoots towards me. Skin to skin meaning Nate's hands were just above Jason's hips touching him, and Jason wraps an arm protectively around both of us.

I smile at him. His eyes closed pretending to be asleep to ignore us. I kiss him on the lips and he kisses me on the forehead and puts his head over mine. My head tucked comfortably in his neck, my hands on his chest.


I groan as someone shakes me awake. "Come on hon." Jason whispers, and kisses my nose. Then he kisses the spot where he marked me. I smile remembering last night. Finally I open my eyes.

"Time is it?" I mutter asking Jason.

"Four thirty." he says smiling. I groan again.

"What day is it?" I ask him. Not remembering do to the earliness.

"Thursday." He chuckles at me.

"Its rest day." I say pulling him into me.

"No it's not. Nice try. Nate told me Sunday was your rest day." He says amusement lacing his voice.

"We can change it to Thursday." I said feeling completely drained.

"Na uh. No matter how much I wanna just wrap my arms and keep you here with me you gotta get up." He says. "You're tired from the marking." He explains. "It's best to get up and fight it." He says encouraging me to get up.

"I just wanna stay with you." I wine and look at his face with puppy dog eyes. I see him break.

"Fine." He says and pulls my bear body into him. I kiss him on the lips and nuzzle my head back into his neck. I smile at my success.

Then someone comes barreling through the door with an air horn. Both me and Jason fall of the bed not expecting the sudden noise. Still wrapped in the blanket I try and see who it is.

"I knew you would manipulate him into staying in here with you." Nate explains his sudden intrusion. "But it's time to run." He tells me smirking.

"Uh uh. " i say shaking my finger at him. "It's gym day. It's thursday. Nice try buddy." I get to beat the shit out of him.

He smiles mischievously. "Actually babe it's Jason's day." He winks.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you anyway." I stand up getting out of the blanket and run up to him. He runs away from me. I stop at the door remembering I'm naked.

Jason chuckles at me. "Stop laughing at me. You did this to me." I say my back turned to him. Referring to my tiredness. I shut the door.

"I know." he says. And before I realized how close he was he wraps his arms around me and puts his face in my neck. "I'm sorry." He says. His voice muffled by my skin.

"I'll get over it." I tell him, turning around to face him. "Why are YOU still naked?" I ask him.

His eyes twinkled in amusement. I shake my head at him and pry his arms off of me. "Nate brought your clothes up." He says gesturing to the bags. I nod thanking him. I grab a sports bra and underwear, shorts, and a Olympia Sports shirt out of my bag, while Jason stares at me.

I go to Jason's closet and get a pair of his boxers and a pair of shorts and throw them at him. He shakes his head at me as I walk into the bathroom to go to the bathroom and get dressed. I wash my hands and pull on my clothes. I walk out to see a half dressed Jason. My eyes trace over his abs. He walks up to me. He puts both of his hands on my face. "Hey beautiful." He says before he kisses me. And like usual I melt into the kiss. After a couple of minutes he pulls away and grabs my hand. I pull him into my old room with me and I grab my boxing gloves. I tape my hands and put them on. I lightly punch him in his abs playfully. Suddenly he throws me over his shoulders laughing at me.

He finally puts me down when we reach the stairs. We walk to the gym his arm around my waist. Unlike the first time I came to this gym no one stares at me because the gym was closed. Jason being Alpha is allowed at any time. "I don't wanna fight I will just do the punching bag." I tell him. He nods and holds the punching bag for me. I roundhouse kick the bag. Then as I land on the leg I kicked with I just my other one out straight, hitting the bag. It causes Jason to back up a few feat. We do that for two hours. Suddenly someone comes up behind me and wraps there arms around me. I tensed at first then relaxed into Nate's body. The mate bond calming me immediately.

He hands me the thermos of tea and I drink it. Jason sets up the mats in the actual gym area of the gym. Like the basketball court. When he finishes. I do a couple cartwheels to warm up. Then I do two cartwheels a roundhouse and a double twist roundhouse. Jason and Nate watch me in fascination. I flip in the air twice. Then I jump off of the walls. After another hour of that it's 7:35. We walk outside to see Joe and Ryder waiting for us. We run back to the house and everyone gets their stuff. Jason carries a four person tent. And both Joe and Ryder cary single tents. Everyone has a compact sleeping bag and a harness if we ever need to use them. Every single person has a back pack a gym bag over the back pack and a duffle bag.

We meat Dan, Dean and Sam at the pack line. Here we go.

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