Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

673 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Eighteen

11 1 0
By SdarkDeathgod

Jun was trapped inside of the man's personal space that was separated from the real world. Things start to pick up when Jun's Knights managed to withstand one of the masked man's powerful punches. After being knocked to the ground, the Knights get on their feet and prepares to attack. The man goes into a fighting stance and prepares as well.

Masked Man: Don't disappoint me, boy.
Jun: Gladly!

The two Knights attack once more as they charge at their target. When they were close enough, both swings their swords at the man but he casually blocks the attacks at the same time with each of his hands.

Masked Man: Too...slow!

He counters by again striking the body of the Knights but this time, they weren't able to handle it and crumbles into pieces. Jun was in total shock by this.

Jun: N-No way...
Masked Man: I told you not to disappoint me.
Jun: You weren't able to do that before.
Masked Man: Of course since I wasn't really giving it my all. But now that you were being serious, I had to as well. So, what now? Are you going to try and summon more in order to outnumber me? Why please, go right ahead. No matter how many you call, I'll simply break them down.

Jun was starting to panic as sweat runs down his face. But he snaps out of it and tries to think straight.

Jun: No, no. I have to stay calm. While I'm stuck here, Zerra is fighting his Servant all alone. I need to beat him as fast as possible. But...how...? (thinks to self)

While Jun was trying to keep it together, the man becomes impatient and suddenly rush towards him with great speed. Without any time to react, he grabs Jun by the neck and lifts him up. Jun immediately starts to gasp for air.

Masked Man: Do you really think I'll give you a room to breathe? You really are taking this fight for granted.
Jun: Y-You're...wrong...!
Masked Man: Struggling is futile. Why not just accept your fate and let me kill you. I'm sure you're tired as well.
Jun: W-What are...you talking...about...?
Masked Man: You were involved in this War, right? I'm sure you wanted to live a normal life but all of that was taken from you. Why don't you just disappear and be free from it all?

Jun's vision was starting to become blurry. In the midst of the conversation, the faces of Zerra, Maya, Erica and his mother flashes in his head.

Jun: S-Screw....you....There are people...waiting for me...back home! I can't just...die here!
Masked Man: You were mistaken. I'm not ordering you to die not suggesting it.
Jun: Yeah...? Here's what I think...about your "order"...!

Jun grabs the glove on the same hand that was grasping his neck. As he did, his hand glows blue as mana starts to flows from the gem on the glove to Jun's hand. Mere seconds later, the gem cracks a little. The man sees this and quickly react.

Masked Man: What the--?!

He lets go of Jun's neck but as he did, blue mana particles appear and cover Jun's entire right leg. With one powerful kick to the man's stomach, his enemy goes flying several feet backwards before hitting the ground. He lies there for a moment while moaning in pain. Jun on the other hand was breathless and starts panting hard. He looks at his right leg to see that the mana particles had already disperse.

Jun: I....I-I can't believe that actually worked.... (panting)

The man get on his feet while still holding his stomach in pain. Even though he was wearing a mask, blood was dripping from within, indicating that he was coughing out blood.

Masked Man: Y-You damn...b-brat.... (coughs)
Jun: I can't imagine the pain you're feeling right now. I must have felt like getting hit by a truck.

The man coughs a few times and realize what just happened.

Masked Man: You sneaky brat. You wanted me to come close, didn't you?
Jun: Nope. T-That was all you. But I'm glad that you did.
Masked Man: I can't believe you absorbed the mana of my gloves. What's more, using the same mana, you reinforced your legs to make them hit harder.
Jun: To tell you the truth, your the first one I've used it against. I never actually thought that I could pull it off.
Masked Man: You're just full of tricks, aren't you? Well, no matter.
Jun: Hey, hey. Don't try and act cool. I'm pretty sure I've broken some bones of yours.
Masked Man: You just want to end this fight since you look like you're at your limit as well. That move must have strained your body since you've never used it before.
Jun: Me? Tired? I'm just getting started.

Jun shows a confident grin but his thoughts were the complete opposite.

Jun: S-Shit. He's right though. That move took a lot out of me than expected. I should be able to fight for several more minutes but I have to end it before that. Besides, he won't be able to fight properly in his condition...(thinks to self)

Unexpectedly, the man goes into a stance that look like he was ready for another round. Jun notice that his body was emitting a thin layer of aura.

Jun: W-What are you doing? You're too hurt to continue.
Masked Man: Hurt? I wouldn't call myself a mage if something as broken bones can stop me from fighting.
Jun: What are you saying? Those gloves of your are worthless now!
Masked Man: Perhaps...But I have one finally thing up my sleeve. By channeling my mana throughout by body, I can temporarily cut off the pain from my internal wounds. It'll feel like I wasn't wounded in the first place.
Jun: S-Seriously...?

The man's speed greatly increased and was able to get close to Jun in seconds. This catch him completely off guard.

Masked Man: Yes. Seriously.
Jun: Oh Shi--!

Before Jun could finish his sentence, he was bombarded by multiple fast punches to his body. But the man was attacking too fast for Jun to find an opening to escape.

Jun: T-This...! This is bad...! If I don't do something soon, I'll...die! (thinks to self)

As he was punching, the man notice that the front part of Jun's body was slowly being covered by a layer of mana particles.

Masked Man: Nice try but that isn't going to...WORK!

He delivers one powerful strike to Jun's chest which completely cancel out the layer of mana. Once he was unprotected, the man continues his barrage of strikes.

Jun: S-Shit...!
Masked Man: This is your end!

With one last punch to the face, Jun flies backward before falling on the ground. His body was covered in bruises from the assault and could barely move. Despite his condition, he manage to sneak a peek at the man. He sees that he looked worn out and was breathing harder. The aura that was surrounding his body was also starting to fade away.

Jun: I don't know what kind of magic he's using but...it's obvious that there's a limit to it. This...This is my chance. I have to risk everything on this next move. (thinks to self)

Jun was feeling pain all over his body but he eventually was able to get on his feet, barely.

Masked Man: What's this? Still want more?
Jun: Heh. That's...my line. You're at your limit as well.
Masked Man: It doesn't matter. One more direct hit will finish you off.
Jun: You're not getting anywhere near me.

Suddenly, two beams of light appears on both side of the man. This comes to a surprise but he doesn't let it show.

Masked Man: Still resisting? No matter how many you summon, it'll be the same!
Jun: Not this time.

When the light disappeared, in their places were two suit of armors but this time, each of them were holding a massive metal shield. The man couldn't help but be caught off guard by this.

Masked: W-What...?!
Jun: NOW! PIN HIM!!!

Before he could make a move, the two summoned soldiers crushes the man in between their huge shields. The force of the blow was so strong that Jun could hear the bones in the man's right arm breaking.

Jun: I...I did it. I managed to summon two Rooks at the same time.

Suddenly, Jun feels pain throughout his entire body. His breathing was heavy as well as experiencing a painful headache.

Jun: I think...I overdid it. Looks like I'm at my....l-limit...(coughs)

Jun limps toward his enemy and stops a couple of feet in front of him. The man had no strength left and was pinned tightly between the shields. He could only stare at the young mage that was before him.

Masked Man: Who would have thought that you'd be able to defeat me.
Jun: You were underestimating me just because I'm still learning. That was your mistake.
Masked Man: Indeed. I was certainly...a mistake. But it doesn't matter.
Jun: Huh?
Masked Man: You won't be able to leave this place without my consent. Even if you kill me, it won't change anything.
Jun: W-What...?!
Masked Man: While you're trapped in here, you won't be able to aid your Servant. As we speak, my Servant is slowly killing her prey.
Jun: Shut up! Zerra won't die that easily!
Masked Man: If it's a one-on-one, then I believe your Servant has a chance. But not in this case.
Jun: What are you talking about?
Masked Man: Right now, she's fighting five opponents. She doesn't stand a chance.
Jun: F-Five...? Just what the hell is your Servant?!

The man mockingly laughs as a response. This irritates Jun which made him punch the man on the face. He then grabs him by the collar and glares straight at him.

Jun: Tell me! Tell me your Servant's identity!
Masked Man: M-Might as well. It doesn't mean anything if you know.
Jun: Then spit it out damn it!

There was a short pause before the man finally answers his question.

Masked Man: She's a Hydra.
Jun: H-Hydra...? That monster is Greek mythology?
Masked Man: The very same. As of right now, I can see what's happening back in the real world.
Your Servant has dug her own grave when she sliced my Servant's arms off.
Jun: Get me out of here! Now!
Masked Man: Your Servant is going to die and there's nothing you can do to save her! Once she's dead, your position as a participant in this War will be taken from you! You...LOST!

Again, he mocks Jun by laughing. He was about to punch him again but stops when the truth was finally settling in. He lets go of his collar and steps back a little as he hangs his head. He goes quiet for a moment which the man noticed.

Masked Man: What's this? Giving up? Well, if I was in your shoes, I'd do the same as well.
Jun: You're...wrong....(murmurs)
Masked Man: Eh? What was that?

Jun lifts his head up and then delivers a punch to the man's face.

Jun: There is a way out of here.
Masked Man: You damn brat! You don't know when to give up, do you?!
Jun: How can I be thinking of giving up when Zerra is fighting that monster of yours by herself!
Masked Man: Tsk. You're all talk. And how do you plan of escaping? My word is absolute and if I say you can't leave, then you can't!

Jun slowly goes down on one knee and place his hand on the floor. The confuse man could only watch and wait.

Jun: You said this space belongs to you. You made this from your magic. And that magic feeds on your mana.

The man thinks about Jun's words before finally able to tell what he was planning.

Masked Man: Y-You can't be serious! Are...Are you going to absorb the mana from my space?!
Jun: Correct.
Masked Man: But that's suicide! You're body won't be able to handle that much mana at once!
Jun: It's true that there will be side effects but I won't allow myself to get killed.
Masked Man: You're damn insane! Fine! If you die, then it'll be good news for me! Go ahead and die! DIE! DIE! DIE--!

Jun quickly stands and strikes another punch to his foe. This time, the attack was strong enough to knock the man unconscious. Jun kneels down once more and again place his hand on the floor.

Jun: It's true that up until now, I've only been turning inanimate objects into mana. This will be the first time I'll be trying to turning someone else magic into mana. But this is the only way I can escape from here. I swear to you Zerra, I'll be right there. Just...hang on!

Jun's hand starts to glow blue. As he starts to absorb the mana from his surroundings, several blue vein-like patterns appear on his hand that slowly crawls up his arm. The pain he was feeling was unbearable but he continues on.

Jun: My body...feels heavy.....It feels like I'm...being torn apart....! I must endure this...!!!

Cracks appear throughout the area as the ground trembles that grows by the second.

Jun: Zerra! I'm....on my way!!!

Several minutes earlier. Back on the beach, Zerra was still fighting the masked man's Servant, Mandy. At this point, two large serpent-like creatures had wrapped themselves tightly around Zerra's body. Aside from them, there were two others who were by Mandy's side. Zerra was trying to break free but the strength of both serpents were too much.

Zerra: D-Damn...! These things are...strong...!
Mandy: You really are stupid aren't you, old hag. You thought that my Noble Phantasm only works on me? Well you're wrong! It also affects these serpents so if you slice any of them, they will split into two more as well!
Zerra: Shit. This is bad.
Mandy: Me and my Master will take out anyone who gets in our way!

Zerra continues to struggle as Mandy gives out an evil laugh. The two serpents that were holding Zerra slowly moves closer to her and opens their mouth, revealing their row of sharp teeth.

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