
By exposedff

30.2K 779 30

What will happen when Aubrey Graham, a well-known doctor, and Angela Manning, a sixteen year old minor, find... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven (Part 1)
Chapter Seven (Part 2)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

1.6K 50 19
By exposedff


"Aubrey," I heard someone whining, opened my eyes to see Angie sitting on top of me, in a pink sports bra and the pajama shorts that I told her were too short.

The shorts were riding up her sides giving me a great view of her ass. I sat up against the headboard and gripped her ass before pulling her into me. Angie was basically sitting on my hands and it was sexy as hell. That was pretty much everything I saw when I looked at her lately, all I would think about is how I have a sexy girlfriend in my bed who loves me, and I love her, and it's not that bullshit love where you're just in to the same things, I would do anything to make her happy.

"Ow," she said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong?"

"Your cast hurts," she pulled my right hand from under her. I really hate this, I can't write anything, cook anything, I can barely type on my blackberry, all because I was speeding. I'll never do that again.

"Baby?" she said softly.

I looked up at her.

"I made you breakfast," she smiled at me before pecking me on the lips.

"You woke up early to make me breakfast?" I was amused since Angie almost never woke up before me.

"Yeah now c'mon," she climbed off me and pulled me out of bed, I followed holding her hand into the kitchen where I saw a stack of pancakes waiting for me with bacon on the side.

I picked up the fork on the right of the pancakes and realized that I wouldn't be able to cut the pancakes myself. "Angie, can you cut these up for me?" I held up my hand as an explanation.

She giggled before she picked up the knife and fork from my plate, cutting the pancakes into smaller pieces, "You want maple syrup?"

"Yes, of course!"

Angie drenched my pancakes in maple syrup before sitting down in front of me watching as I ate. Eating wasn't as hard as I expected it to be.

"Are you going to work today?"

"No, tomorrow, but I do have stuff to work on today."

"You want help?"

"Yeah, sure."

"So I have a question Angie."

"Mhm, what is it?"

"Why did you want to know about my relationships? Like the real answer." Her asking why my relationships had failed had me on edge, was she worried about our relationship? She also said I should look for someone else, she was joking, but it had meaning behind it.



"Okay, well I saw um a box of condoms on the nightstand, and I was thinking about us, and I just wanted to know what I was getting myself into." She was looking down and playing with her fingers.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "I'm not having sex with you," I paused, "not anytime soon anyway."

"Okay, good, no offense but I was having second thoughts about it?"


"I mean not that I don't want to do it, but I'm scared, it's going to hurt."

"Sucks. You shouldn't be having sex anyways." I laughed at her.

"By the time I'm 17, I'm losing my virginity."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, and it's going to be great."

"Not if your hymen is getting ripped to shreds," I retorted.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"My hymen is not 'getting ripped to shreds.'"

I laughed at her, "Haven't you had the sex talk?"


"So you know that I would rip your hymen to shreds and you most likely wouldn't have an orgasm?" I honestly didn't understand why girls were always in such a rush to lose their virginity.

"You would?"

I thought about it, when I didn't think about how wrong my actions were, I could see myself doing it.

When I only thought about her I could do anything, because I wasn't hurting her, well not anything she couldn't take. I wasn't trying to inflict pain on her. I just want her, all to myself, to love her, care for her, make love to her, everything.

When I thought about my future, I pictured Angie in it. She would be a psychiatrist, helping others who have gone through what she went through. But I also pictured her driving to a home in the suburbs, and I would be at home waiting for her with our two kids. I tried to push the image to the back of my mind, but I was still dreaming about it every once in a while.

"Your food is getting cold, baby." Angie was walking past me towards the fridge.

I felt myself getting hard and tried to focus on something else.

"Tell me about your friend Angie."

Her head snapped in my direction and she looked a little scared, but she quickly put on a smile.

"Oh Sianna? She's my best friend, I can tell her anything."

"Anything? Like stuff you can't tell me?"

"Well I could tell you, but I doubt you'd care."

"I care about whatever you care about." I loved to hear Angie talking about things other than her father, it made me feel like she could be happy in the end.

"Okay let's just get to know things about each other," Angie picked up my plate and put it in the sink before sitting on the breakfast counter.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Brown, what about you?" I assumed it would be pink, since she wore it all the time.

"Pink," she smiled at me.

I pulled Angie in front of me and stared up at her as I thought of a question. She rested her feet on the back of the chair I was sitting in.

"When did you have your first kiss?"

"When I was twelve, and you?"


"Wow, okay Mr. Player, when's your birthday?"

"October 24th. You're May 4th, right?"

"Don't make this game boring, it's not fair that you know my basic information."

"I forgot your height," I rested my hands on her thighs.

"5'7", you're definitely over 6 feet."

"6'2", are you good at guessing people's height?"

"Kinda, I would've guessed 6'3" for you."

I stared at her legs and felt myself getting hard again, I was annoyed that she could do this to me without trying. "Can you put some clothes on?"

"Why? You've seen me naked. Am I just too sexy?" She posed on the counter.

"Whatever floats your boat, either way, you need some clothes," I got up and walked to my bedroom before she could see why I asked her to put on clothes.

I sat down against the headboard and picked up my laptop and glasses.

Angie came in two minutes later with sweatpants and a tank top on.

"You wear glasses?" she asked sitting on the bed with me.

"Usually contacts."

"Do contacts hurt your eyes?"

"No, not really, you get used to them,"

"You look much older when you wear glasses," I looked over at her not sure how to respond. Was she only with me because I looked 'much younger than my age'?

"Like my actual age?" I looked back at the laptop.

"No, older than twenty-eight too... But it's okay, you're still cute," she smiled at me and pecked me on the lips.

"So that Natasha nurse, who is she?"

My head snapped in her direction, "Why are you bringing her up?"

She moved back a bit and the perky smile she had was gone. "I had been thinking about why she hated me, I mean, she doesn't know about us, so why does she hate me?"

I couldn't answer her question. I didn't want her to think Natasha knew anything, because in reality she didn't. She was just assuming the way she did when we were in a relationship. She would assume I was cheating and try to 'catch me in the act' when I just had to work late, or visit family.

But Angie is a part of this too, "She assumes I'm fucking you, but that's just the way she is, don't worry about her."

Angie looked at me wide eyed before responding, "So she hates me because she thinks that you're fucking me? Why would she think that?"

"I'm confused... I'm basically fucking you. I mean not yet, but..."

Angie's cheeks turned red, "Um, so I have to tell you something, and I should've told you earlier but, I didn't and I'm sorry."

I raised an eyebrow at her and she continued, "Sianna, was getting really annoyed with me, and she was mad because I wasn't telling her what was going on, like she knew something was wrong, but I was embarrassed to tell her. So she threatened not to be my friend anymore, and she's all I have, she's stuck with me through everything."

She stopped speaking to look down and start playing with her fingers.


"I told her," she was still looking down, "everything."

I ran through my head what 'everything' meant, everything with her father, or everything that happened after? We sat in silence for five minutes.

"She promised to keep our secret Aubrey."

"What the fuck Angie? You know that we can't tell anyone about that! Even if you decided to tell her, all you had to say was 'My father was abusing me' you told her everything! You let me lie to my mom, but you told your friend everything?" I got up and walked to the living room, I didn't want to see her right now.

"Please Aubrey? I know she'll keep the secret, I have bigger secrets on her!"

"Call my mom. Tell her now." I handed Angie the phone, "Don't talk to me until you've told her and apologize for making me lie."

I walked back into my bedroom and took a nap.



I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Angie. Her eyes were puffy and red. I remembered what had happened before I went to sleep and was disappointed that I had let myself be so harsh on her, I did have a really bad temper. "Come here," I held my arms out to Angie.

"I can't, your mom is here, she wants to see you."

I silently cursed myself for saying things that I didn't mean, now I would have to deal with my mother's wrath, and even though she was quiet and small, I knew she was serious and she still slightly scared me.

"Alright," I picked myself up from the bed and thought about what she would say, and what she had already said to Angie.

"Hi Mom," I said quietly as I walked up to her. I saw her hand fly up towards my face and instantly felt the sting. I winced in pain but tried to stand my ground.

"What the hell were you thinking? I trusted you, do you realize what kind of hell you've gotten yourself into?"

"Yeah, I think it's worth it. I don't think we'll get caught."

"Are you crazy? In no way whatsoever is this 'worth it.' She is 16 years old Aubrey, 16."

"Yeah and she'll be an adult soon, I know it's a risk."

"So you would be okay with losing your medical license? Having to register as a sex offender? Possibly going to jail? Having to pay up to 10,000 dollars as a fine because you decided to have a sexual relationship with a 16 year old?!"

I frowned at her "I don't have a sexual relationship with her."

"Why should I believe you? You lied to me before."

"Because I didn't want you to react like this! Listen Mom, I love Angie, I know you like her too, don't hate her because I'm dating her. I want you to support this, we'll be fine."

"No, I'm not letting you do this, if you don't call CPS, I will."

I looked at her hard, "You're not doing anything, I'm not letting her go into the system! You know why I had her with you in the first place. If you do anything to hurt her, I'm not forgiving you. Ever."

"You've been with her for two and a half months Aubrey, it's not a real relationship."

"If I feel this way about her now, how do you think I'll feel when she's older and I can marry her? You know what, I love you, but I'm not letting you hurt Angie. It's not happening."

"I'm so disappointed in you Aubrey." She shook her hand and walked out of my door. I turned around and Angie had tears flowing down her face.

I walked over to her and Angie buried her face into my chest, I felt the hot tears soaking through my shirt and I rubbed her back in an attempt to make her feel better.

Angie quickly pushed herself off of me and walked to the guest room. "Angie," I followed after her.

"I can't do this Aubrey. What your mom said is completely true, and I love you so I can't do it."

"And I love you, so I can't let you leave me and not know what to do."

"Do you know what to do right now Aubrey?"

The truth was, I had no idea what I was actually doing. I love Angie with all my heart so I was doing everything I could to protect her, even if that meant putting myself in danger. She knew and she was scared. I had to fix that, and show her I would be here with her, and that I wouldn't leave.

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