Eirisse & The Witches of Luci...

By RoseVarelas4

5.8K 197 80

21-year old Eirisse did not know she belonged to a different world, one where mythical creatures exist. She w... More

Author's Note
0 |Prologue (Part 1)
0 |Prologue (Part 2)
1 |Trespasser
2 |Not Human
3| Her Wounds
4| Shopping for Black
5| Rogues
6| Soulmates
7 | Beautiful Stranger
8| Dinner With Him
9| Dancing in the Rain
11| Bitter
12| Visit
13| The Wizard
14| Worried
15|The Queen
16| She's mine.
17| Stay Away
18| Confession
19| Air and Earth
20| Forgiven
21| Werewolf
22| Not Even Friends
23| Water
24| Zeke and the Wizard
25| New Home, His Home
26| Teasing
27| This is not fun...
28| Blair
29| Missing Him
30| Marked
31| Energy-less
32| The Queen's Meadow
33| Consumed
34| His Demon
35| Moon Tea
36| The Demon Within
37| Free-Not
38| Archery
39| Alone with the Queen
40| My Sister Hates Me
A/N: Frustrated!
41| Andrรฉ vs. Eirisse
42| Sister-bonding
YouTube Trailer!
43| I Feel Your Pain, Love
44| Blurry travel
45 |Our Broken Bond
46 |Food, I'm on my way!
47 |Rogue attacks
48 |Alpha, help me.
49| What did I miss?
50 |Training with my mate
51| Awakening
52| Spiritual Spell...Give her my power
53| Epilogue

10| Alone With Him

127 3 0
By RoseVarelas4

New Update!

I'm trying to update as much as possible everyone, but please be patient when I don't.

Sometimes I have a lot of homework, so do please understand this university write <3

Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment down your thoughts!

"Where the heck did you guys go in the middle of a-"

"We're back though, aren't we? We just went for breakfast." Ethan cut off her mother in mid-sentence in a harsh tone. He seemed a little pissed and I hope it has nothing to do with what just happened out there. He jogged straight upstairs, ignoring everytone's stares and we heard his door slam, making me close my eyes in guilt.

"That boy has been rather moody these days...Has he told you anything?" Ethan's mom asked me quietly, while the rest went into the kitchen, except Luke. I blushed, looking away. It's best if I didn't say anything.

"No, he hasn't," I answered and excused myself to my room as well, hoping to avoid questioning. I went up the stairs slowly, trying to think if Ethan really liked me. He's really handsome, but there's just something missing, I'm not sure what. He is a really nice guy, he just proved it, but then, I don't feel like there's a bond. An attraction. I see him only as a friend, as much as he tries, he will not be successful.

When I was almost at the top of the stairs I noticed that Luke was still looking at me. He hadnt moved from his spot at all. He hasn't taken his eyes off of me since I walked into the house with Ethan. His blank expression didnt give away an emotion at all. He was rather quiet, just the opposite of yesterday. He didn't even say hi or a smile when I looked at him. Nothing, just this cold stare of his that sent shivers down my spine. He was following me like a predator would with his prey.

I looked away from him as I took the last step upstairs. My ankle was a little swollen, but I could manage it a little better now. I sighed in relief as I started making my way to my room but stopped in my tracks when I stood in front of Ethan's door. I walked closer and raised my hand, but stopped it midway. I was about to knock and tell him that he didn't need to worry, that I wouldn't tell anyone, but he may be taking a shower, so I'll just wait until we can be alone. I hesitated for a couple of seconds before giving up and walked past his room and into my own, straight into the bathroom. Never had I noticed that he had been standing on the other side of the door, leaning against it, and waiting for me to knock. A knock that never came. A tear slowly being shred, and a heart being broken.

I finished my shower and wrapped the towel around me. Out of nowhere, my tattoo started burning again, making me bend over in pain. I yelped and squeezed my eyes tight shut. At the same time, my ankle and my ribs hurt like hell. I kneeled down on the floor and covered my mouth to not let any sound out. My ribs burned like hell, making my eyes water. Were they healing? I tried to control my breathing as it was ragged. My lip hurt from biting down on it too hard.

A sudden knock on the bedroom door made me stop moving and breathing. I opened my eyes and waited for the person to go away. I took deep breaths and slowly stood up as the pain was subsiding little by little. A second knock stopped me and I sighed, defeated. I wiped away my tears that had stopped at the corners kf my eyes and leaned against the bathroom door slowly. I went out and headed to open the bedroom door. My breathing was back to normal by now, but my body still ached. I opened the door slowly my eyes on the person's feet.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked out of a sudden, taking me by surprise. I didnt expect him here at all. I blinked a few times before looking up and catching up to what was going on. He wasn't wearing a shirt, making my heart stop and stare at his six-pack. My goodness, this just increased my heartbeat all over again! I tried to breathe but it was stuck in my throat. I snapped out of it slowly, looking up at his face. God he was gorgeous. I inhaled a deep breath as I took in his beauty once more. Wait, what did he say?

"Uh, yeah, I'm- I'm fine. Why?" I asked him, stuttering on the way as I saw him checking me out slowly from head to toe. I became more body-conscious and shifted from one foot to another in hopes of him stop staring. He gulped and looked up at me into my eyes with a different expression in them. It looked like lust, but they quickly changed into something more like sympathy. They became a darker color, making me furrow my eyebrows. These creatures were sure very interesting. It amazed me at how they could do that. Immediately the guard from my first night here came to my mind. How his eyes became golden, as well as Ysabelle's.

"Were you crying? Did something happen?" He asked, panic in his voice. His tone drew me out of my thoughts. Crying, what? No. When I didn't answer, he took my answer as a yes. His eyes widened and went straight to look at my ankle, which was not touching the floor for obvious reasons. I gripped the door tighter, hoping he would leave. I didn't like the idea, but the way he was looking at me made me think he wanted to help me.

"Are you hurt?" He asked impatiently once again while scanning my face for an answer. I just blinked, not knowing what to answer. I noticed he has walked closer, our faces were closer, making me take a step back. I became flustered and looked at this shoulder instead of his face, not wanting to become distracted again.

"I'm fine. My eyes got irritated from the soap, that's all." I lied, looking at his fine chest instead of his eyes, finding it rather sculptured and having me think what it would feel like to sleep on him. A sign that I'm lying: I don't look someone in the eyes. But he doesn't know that.

"I thought I heard you scream. My room is next to yours, so..." He paused, trying to not look at my body, which was still wrapped up with a towel. Water drops were running down my neck, but I didn't want to distract him again. My eyes almost widened at his comment. It couldn't be possible. All my screams were muffled by my hands, he couldn't possibly hear that. What? How could he? Or could he really? I am going to need to know what kind of abilities werewolves have. Hot werewolves, should I add. Stop it! I facepalmed myself mentally, what am I thinking now?! No, bad Risie. You can't think of him that way.

"As I said, it was just the soap," I paused, looking up at him, "it always burns" I added half-truthfully in a true, yet indirect way. I didn't really specify what.

"Lunch will be almost ready," he added, changing the conversation softly before turning around and walking into his room. He looked troubled and didn't dare to hide it. He looked concerned and I just hope I didn't raise any more questions.


Lunch came and went but Ethan didn't come out of his room yet since we got back. I was now lying on my bed, wondering how long he was going to ignore me or his family for the matter. I stood up and walked to the dressing table, opening the top drawer, and taking out a small notebook with a pen and writing a small note. At least he would read me if he doesn't want to see me. He had no other choice.


I walked out and stood in front of his room, which was across from mine. I hope the humor would lighten up his source mood. I threw the piece of paper under his door and knocked once before hurriedly going back into my room, shutting the door behind me as silent and fast as possible. With my heartbeat clear in my ears, I placed my ear on the door and listened carefully as a door was opened, his, and closed again. I let out a relieved sigh and tried to calm my breathing.

I will give him time to accept his feelings and to accept that I only like him as a friend, even if he's cute and sweet. I'm sure Emma would hate me knowing I rejected a charming guy like Ethan. Yet, she would understand that I wouldn't go out with someone I didn't like.


I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes I was still wearing the towel around me from the shower I had taken. I had helped around in the kitchen and got a little dirty. I do not know how I fell asleep but didnt really payed much atention to it. I looked around me, noticing it was already dark. How fast had this day gone by? I forgot about dinner; if Ethan didn't want to be where I was, I would just eat during a different time zone. His childish acts frustrated me, he should just make up and stay friends with me. Is I that bad that we cant even see each other? I sighed and closed my eyes once more. Tomorrow will be a new day, and hopefully, Ethan will get over it. I felt nervous, afraid he wouldnt accept my friendship, but I guess I will just have to deal with it. It's not like Im staying here forever either.

I got up from bed and put my undergarments and a pajama to go back to sleep. I put on a new bandage on my ankle and noticed that my ribs didn't hurt anymore. They were healed! I smiled wide and lied down, closing my eyes, falling asleep almost immediately...



"I'll find you no matter where you hide... It's better if you don't make me go take you away." The evil voice of a woman whispered in my left ear slowly, making me open my eyes wide awake. She started laughing afterward, giving me goosebumps and uncontrollable shivers.

"Your mother will not protect you this time... No one will save you!" She added, whispering in my right ear as I sat in a wooden chair. I was tied to the chair with tears rolling down my cheeks as I felt a knife go through my throat from behind me slowly, and  painfully. It burned as it went slowly inside my flesh. My mouth had a gag that made my mouth numb from bitting so hard, muffling my pained screams. I was in the darkness again, but this time there was a spotlight on me, but it was pointless for I couldn't see who the evil woman was. The light burned my eyes as I tried to look at the mysterious woman.

Sweat was dripping from my face, blood flowing out of my throat and down my clothes, the wetness sent shivers down my body. My eyes started closing painfully slow. If I was going to die, I wanted it to end quickly.




I opened my eyes with a gasp, and quickly threw my hands to my throat and looked at my hands, looking for any bleeding. Nothing. I sighed in relief, closed my eyes and lied back down. My heart was beating so quick that I thought it would skip a beat. I waited a few minutes until my breathing became normal to sit up and wipe away my sweat. It had all been a terrible dream, that's all. I sighed in relief once more.

I looked around and noticed it was already morning. I walked towards the window and saw the sun high up in the sky, making me think I had slept in until late morning. But who cares, it's not like I was going out. I walked towards the closet and picked a new outfit for the day, a white crop top with light denim shorts. I sat down on the edge of the bed and stopped to think about everything that has happened. I thought about my parents, how were they dealing without me right now? Had they moved on in a matter of days or were they still looking for me in that basement? I sighed, tears welling up in my eyes, homesickness striking once more. Damn it! I looked up, blinked quickly and stood up. I have to distract myself from these emotions.

I don't know how but, I'm starting to accept the fact that I may not go home in a long time, maybe never, regardless of feeling homesick. I still know very little about this place, about the creatures roaming here, about the things that are happening to me, to my mind. But regardless of that, I am fine. I just hope I find someone who knows more about this and helps me get out of here. I don't want to get too attached to these people and then have to leave them.


Listen to: (Day6 hi/hello 2:52)

The morning went by rather fast. I had found a note on the outside of my room from Ysabelle, saying she had duties to attend to. There was no one in the house either, so I was alone for a while, gladly.

My foot was bearable to stand on. I know I shouldn't, but I had to do something or else I'll die from boredom in here. I remembered a song I liked back home and stared humming to the rhythm.

I did my bed to the rhythm of the music in my head and swayed to the sides romantically. I may not look like the girl who does these things, but, no one's watching and, who cares? I'm in the mood.

When I finished, I started dancing slowly and swayed myself out to the hallway, closing my eyes when it got to the last minute of the song. My ankle burned, and I winced, but I tried to bare it. I let out a breath and continued.

I spinned myself around, smiling like a lunatic, imagining my brother was here. We used to do this someyimes when we were alone in the house; we had our good times. I opened my eyes and froze when someone took my wrist in theirs and forced me to a stop. My eyes widened in recognition of this familiar person. I gasped and jolted myself backwards, shocked by the closeness of our faces. He wrapped his other arm around my waist tightly, almost gripping it, stopping me from falling. Our faces were close again, looking into each other's eyes intensely. I was panting from the spinning I had done, my heartbeat was loud and fast, my breathing ragged from his beauty and surprise. Our breaths were mingling together basically. I didn't complain though, I loved the scent of it. So fresh.

I gulped and tried to take my hand out of his grip, but he didn't let go, making me gulp again. His face didn't give away any emotion. His face got closer, and I licked my lips as I stared at his, not sure if I wanted what I thought he was going to do. I slowly looked up into his eyes, but he was already staring at me deeply. My mouth became dry from the sudden everything.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked in a husky voice, his grip loosening around my wrist slowly. I pulled it out quickly and rubbed it slowly, easily the pain away. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out.

"Uh," was all I could say. He raised his eyebrow, waiting for me to answer him. I was still trying to pull away from his gaze.

"None of your business." I answered once I managed to get my brain working, walking past him towards the stairs.  Stupid, stupid. Stupid brain! Why must you always betray me this way? I closed my eyes for a second in relief that he hadn't seen me. I kept scolding myself internally for letting him see me that way. I opened my eyes and continued walking, but he had caught up to me in a matter of seconds. Man, this wolf and his super speed.

"Hey, you shouldn't be walking around like that. You should be more careful." He called behind me. I rolled my eyes and didn't stop walking, as if. I started descending the stairs, but his grip came back on my arm, stopping me in my tracks, and half turning my body around from his strength. God he was so breathtaking. I inhaled deeply his sweet aroma and gulped again. Sparks were burning my skin, in a good way, on my arm.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" He growled, he sounded outraged. I stared at his angered expression, while mine was emotionless. My heartbeat didn't slow down and I hated him for it. He confused me sometimes. He had no right to touch me this way anyway. However, I couldn't push this feeling away when he touched me, I liked it, it was foreign yet, pleasing to the touch. I somehow loved the attention he gave me , how he wanted my attention as well, most of the time, he didn't like being ignored at all. I loved how his raspy voice sounded when angry. I felt shivers down my spine as these thoughts invaded my mind. I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, I heard you," I replied, pulling myself out of his hand, the sparkles I felt made me nervous. I left him with an are-you-kidding-me expression while I descended the stairs again, trying to get out of my trance. I didn't turn around and didn't hear him following me either. I sighed and continued walking toward the front door. I opened it but was shut by Luke once more. He took hold of the hand that held the door in his hand and got in front of me. His tall frame blocking the exit. Wow, he stood up tall and I felt small once again. I hated it. My brother always made this stance when he wanted me to feel less than him.

"What's with you?!" I cried, irritated by his actions.  Why was he following me around and being so clingy? He had a hard-facial expression that angered me. I crossed my arms and glanced up at him, tapping my foot on the floor, waiting for him to answer me. He had this hesitant expression as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself. His anger falling down slowly. I sighed, tired, and tried to push him to the side but he wouldn't move at all.

"Move!" I ordered, but he didn't even flinch. I groaned, frustrated.

"What do you want? I just need some air! Like, fuck can't I even go outside for a walk?" I protested while looking away from him, a small pound formed unconsciously on my lips. I hadn't had a day for myself at all since I got here. I liked him, but I didn't like being followed around by him or Ysabelle, they were too possessive over me. He sighed, taken aback by my sudden outburst. Defeated, he sighed once more and took my shoulders in his hands softly, making me look at up him as he lowered his face down to mine. He was tall enough to make me crank my head up.

"I'm just worried, okay? When I found you, I thought you were dead. I want you to recover quickly and this is not helping." He motioned towards my bare feet and stared deep into my eyes. Where did this Luke come from? Does he care about me? Why was he so worried about me? He had no reason to. My expression softened and stared at him. It was hard staying mad at him when he lookedh as defeated and troubled as he did now.

"Really? You care?" I asked softly, yet suspiciously, hesitant about believing him. He smiled lightly and nodded. My insides just melted with his smile, it was charming. I felt flustered all over again. Well, his actions have been nothing more than flattering. He slowly crouched down and motioned for me to get on his back. He had this bizarre manner of showing his affection up until now. He has a wolf inside him after all.

"Piggy ride?" I asked, smiling faintly, surprised by his sudden action. He just motioned his head towards his back. I hesitated but walked slowly and finally wrapped myself around him, his scent filling my nostrils. I took a deep breath as I wrapped my arms around his neck and ahivered as my hands touched his chest. I smiled widely to myself as he got up and started walking out to the backyard of the house. I liked being this close to him, his skin, even through the clothes, sent sparks all over my body. I inhaled deeply his skin and closed my eyes at the scent. He smelled of this masculine, fresh and addicting pine fragrance. It didn't smell like a perfume. It was almost as if it were his natural scent. I smiled again. I want to smell it everyday.

My eyes widened at the beautiful sight I had before me. Wow! The garden I had seen at night was gorgeous during the day. There were all kinds of flowers grouped in different matching colors. I bet they all smelled delicious. Peonies always did.

"Wow!" was all I could say. He chuckled and took me over to a small pond in the middle of the garden and sat me on the edge of it. He sat beside me rather close, making me nervous as our bodies touched a couple of times as I shuffled to make myself comfortable. I rubbed my thighs and looked down at the water, appreciating the colorful fish swimming inside. I hovered my hand over the water, touching its surface.

I could feel him staring at me, so I looked up and indeed he was. I ingaled a breath and blushed for being caught staring, but he didn't. He smiled instead.

"I love it when I make you blush," he whispered, his hand slowly caressing my cheek. I felt myself blush harder as his skin burned against mine.  His touch always sent me off thw rooftop. I took hold of his hand  with my fingertips and brought it down. I didn't mean to be rude but, he was making me a little uncomfortable.

"Another pick-up line of yours?" I asked, feeling butterflies in my stomach as I hated him for making me feel this way. He chuckled, holding my hands in his. I looked at them and blinded, not knowing how to react at his sudden moves.

"I don't have another girl to say them to but you." He replied. Wait, what? Was he hitting in me or what was going on? I've had guys coming at me with similar phrases, but when they came from his mouth, my world became filled with sparks.

"Oh, so you want another girl to say them to?" I demanded in a jealous tone, which I didn't want him to hear, but it was too late. I facepalmed myself internally. Great going!

He laughed light-heartedly. "No, I mean-"

"No, I didn't mean it to sound like that, I-"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But, truth is, I like teasing only you like this. Only you." His voice deepened when he said the last phrase, his eyes looking dreamy when he he looked at me. My heart stopped for a moment. He looked so cute.

Our eyes locked and we stared into each other's eyes. We stayed like that for a while, not speaking a single word. He was beautiful... My heart became normal again, being here calmed me down. His presence calmed me down for a reason.

"You're beautiful," he murmured, and I gulped, it's as if we were thinking the same ideas. I smiled softly at him and noticed we were still holding hands, but I didn't mind. His touch was soothing.

"Thank you, for worrying, but I'm almost healed..." I paused and thought about what I wanted to ask him. Why was he being so close?

"Can I ask you something rather, personal?" I asked, looking down at our hands nervously.

"Sure, I don't have a girlfriend," he replied. I immediately looked up into his eyes, blushing when I saw him smirking. What, how did he know?!

"Tsk, I didn't mean that, stupid," I stated, looking down again, my face felt so hot right now. I tried of thinking of something else as I was jumping up and down inside. I'm happy he's single, but... wait, did I just think that? Oh my God, what is happening to me?!

"Cute," he mumbled, making me blush harder. Damn it.

Thank you for +100 reads!
Thank you all for supporting my stories. I appreciate it so much.
If you have any questions about me or my story/stories don't be shy and comment down your questions, comments and feelings!
Next episode will be up soon! 😉

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