Raddish Boy

By koropokurru

148K 8.1K 1.5K

I saw a series in youtube called 2 moons. I watched it and instantly fell in love with the character of Beam... More

Beam in the city
I Missed the Fridge
The Boy from the Alley
Raddish Boy
The New Tutor
The Wolf Brothers
Nim, Dim, Beam
Beam is mine
Here Take a Bite
Meet the Parents
The Bakers Daughter
Nothing Compares to You
The Love Potion
Stupid Forth
My Heart Not Ready
The Doctor Gang
The Engineering Moon
Under the Rain
Beam's Raddish Keychain
The Jealousy Game
First Kiss?
Out and Proud
Us Against the World
The Masked Maniac
At My Limit
The Most Embarrassing Moment
The Only Exception
Welcome to the Family
Nightmare in Broad Daylight
The Young Master
Strike one
Strike Two
Strike Three: Game Over
My Love Rival
Turning Tables
Only if it Fits
The Mating
Trust No One
Battle to Live
Innocent Tears
Wolf Cry
Safe and Sound
Not One But Two
Thanks for the Support

What Really Matters

3.2K 212 30
By koropokurru

"Forth's POV"

I thought that seeing Beam again after ten years would end up all my problems. But now I'm inside my room, facing a bigger concern. How am I suppose to undress him?

It probably sounds perverted, but I'm not undressing him for that reason. He fainted as soon as I kissed him when we were still under the rain. I had to leave my motorbike at the waiting shed and carry this guy on my back to get him to my house. What on earth did happen? It was such a mood killer. I was just about to slip my tongue in when I felt him slowly leaning on me. If I was not alert at that time to catch him, he might have hit the pavement.

He is still unconcious but breathing peacefully in my couch. I should change his wet clothes before bringing him to my bed. I took out a towel and the most comfortable pair of shirt and shorts from my closet. I did not know how to undress him. My hands are trembling. I looked at him closely and his bare neck is exposed to me. It has always been like that, pale smooth and white. My god he was so enticing. I tried to touch him but my hands were burning with each contact.

Should I wake up my mom and ask for help? But what for? We were both guys after all. Why should I act like he is a girl. Then I saw him shiver again.

I can't leave him like this. I need to act fast or he will get hypothermic. I tried to close my eyes while unbuttoning his polo. Oh god why am I putting malice at this. I was only gonna change his clothes for goodness sake.

I opened my eyes a few times so I can do it quickly but every time I do so, I nearly stop just to stare at his delicate body, especially those pink nipples. When I arrived at the lower half of his body, my breath became unsteady. I started getting chest pains. It was like I 'm having a heart attack. I just put in my mind that if I do it faster, Beam can rest already in my bed. I will not put much detail on that but I swore to god, I died repeatedly while drying him, down there. Just a few drying with the hair and he's all done. I transferred him to the bed carrying him like my bride. I set up a comforter on the floor for me.

I turned of the lights. After a while, I can hear him shivering and grinding his teeth. I got up to check on him. His hands and feet were as cold as ice. I did not know what to do, so I covered him with more blankets. It seems like it did not do any help so I climbed on the bed and join him under the blankets. I draw him near to my body to lock our body heat.

I can feel him relaxing slowly but he was still freezing. I had an idea but my consience was telling me it's illegal. I had to do it if I want Beam to warm up. I took of all my clothes and went back to bed with him under the blankets. This way my body heat can warm him up faster. I felt him dug his face in my chest and his hands under my body. He warmed his feet between my legs. He was like this when he was still a kid, he was still doing it up until now that he's grown. I was smiling at his actions. He never did change after all. I rubbed his back because he likes me doing that. Soon he was sleeping soundly and so did I.

I woke up the next morning when I felt something squirming under my embrace. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my little precious Beam staring at me unbelievably. He was flushing. I thought he had fever but when I held his cheeks and forehead, his temperature seems fine.

"Beam are you okay?"


"Yes it's me." I was worried that he might be feeling something.

"Your.. naked.."

OMG! I nearly forgot. I was still hugging him comfortably while I'm not wearing anything. I stood up and ran to get clothes from the closet.

He tried to cover his face but his blush has extended to his neck making it obvious.

Just when I was able to put my pants on, I felt pair of arms wrap around me from the back. I stopped putting the shirt and face him.

I hugged him in return and brushed his untidy hair.

"How have you been Beam?"

He was not responding. He just kept crying like I really did die.

"Your friends told me that you thought I'm dead. What made you think of that?"

I hear him talking in my chest.

"I saw you when you stopped breathing and Aunt Lyn told me you died."

"Huh? Your aunt? But she was there during my recovery..."


My chest hurts. My back hurts. My head hurts. Every part of my body is aching. And why do I feel so tired and heavy like I was drained off my life force.

I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the dazzling light of an unfamiliar room. I looked around but I can't twist my head due to this neck brace.

Am I in the hospital? What happened? The last thing I remember was Beam. He was angry at me and called me stupid. Then.. wait.. he told me he liked me then he ran away. The I came looking for him and oh.. I heard a loud crash and Beam crying on my side.


I looked at the voice. It was my mom.

"Oh my Lord! Your awake. I'll call the doctors."

She ran outside and came back with people in white uniforms and coats.

"Mom. Why are you crying?" I asked while all the people around me did some checking on my body.

"I'm.. I'm.. just glad that your awake now." She was crying and at the same time smiling.

"What happened to me?"

"You got hit by a car. I thought we will loose you." She held my hand tight.

The first thing that came in to my mind was Beam.

"Beam. Where is he? Is he okay?"

"Yes. Yes. He's fine. Don't talk to much now. Your wounds are still healing."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Two weeks my dear. You were asleep for two weeks."

The doctors then started doing some tests on me. They asked questions regarding my memory and calculations and asked me to clench my fist or put out my tongue. They told me to raise my hands but when they told me to raise my legs, I couldn't. It felt like my lower half was missing. They all looked at me suspiciously. I saw one of them drawing a needle and pining it lightly in my hand.

"Can you feel this Forth?"


Then he pinned it on my legs

"How about this one?"


"Can you move your toes for me?"

"I don't feel them"

They all looked disheartened after the examination. They stepped outside of the room and talked to my parents. Mom came back crying.

Unfortunately after that car accident I was left with big wounds in my head chest and legs. Then some minor bruises in other parts of my body. What the doctors worried about the most was the paralysis of both my lower extremities.

I woke up every day in the hospital getting better and better each day. Mom told me that I died in the site where I got hit by the car. The ambulance personels who brought me to the hospital were reviving me on the way. At the hospital I was immidiately brought to the operating room that took 12 hours of non stop surgery and repair of broken bones and blood transfusions. Mom said I was lucky for I am living my second life. Everybody at school thought I already died.

The following day. Kurt and Seff came to visit me. They were happy that I was already concious.

"Have Beam visited me already?" I asked my brothers in excitement.

They looked away and right before they can answer Aunt Lyn came in my room happily seeing me awake.

"Forth! So it's true. You're awake."

"Tutor Lyn. Why isn't Beam with you?"

She looked exactly like my brothers.

"Forth. I have to tell you something... Beam left for US after the accident. His dad came to fetch him and sadly her mom was in coma."

During my entire recovery period it was Belle and my brother Kurt who stayed with me. They always visited me in the hospital and they have been my biggest support. It was also the start of their friendship and soon after highschool a romantic connection.

My parents told me that Tutor Lyn soon followed in US. She was my only hope of hearing anything from Beam. I did not even had the chance to get her email adress or Beam's contact details. I was so frustrated with my disability. I was angry to the world.

The therapy was painful and gruelling. It took me two years to be able to walk again. When I went back to school, I was the same year level as Belle. She became my classmate and bestfriend. She helped me with my studies until highschool. My brother Kurt did not like me getting close with her. All the people thought that we were childhood sweethearts at that time.

I told Belle about how I feel for Beam and how I missed him. She was a shoulder to cry on and she knocks me back to reality every time I get crazy when I meet someone whos name is Beam

End of Flashback

We were at the dining table to have breakfast. I was preparing Beam's favorite vegetable omelet. He was looking at me like he still can't believe that I'm alive.

"But why do you think Aunt Lyn had to lie about me dying?" I asked.

"Maybe I have to ask her about that. Can I borrow your computer?"

I gave him my laptop and he started a video chat with her aunt.

"Aunt Lyn! Forth is alive!"

"I'm.. I'm sorry Beam for hiding the truth.. but your dad can explain it better than me. You should ask him."

Beam looked puzzled. But he did not waste any moment and called his father.

"Dad! How could you and Aunt Lyn lie to me about Forth's death!" He was angry.

"Don't blame your aunt. It was my idea."

"But why would you do that?"

"When we arrived that night at the hospital where mom was admitted, the doctors already told me to prepare for the worst. I was just hoping that you can see her for the last time before she die."

"What did it had to do with mom."

"When you came, she woke up from coma. Not only that, she started improving slowly and responding well to her treatment. The doctors told me that your presence was a big factor for her recovery. You were like a medicine to her. I thought that if you knew your friend was still alive, you might want to go back and leave mom at the time he needed you most."

"But that was years ago. Why did you not tell me after that? Dad!!" Beam is whinning.

"I hate you dad! Your the worst." He's throwing tantrums like a spoiled brat.

"You young man! Say that again and I'll stop sending you your allowance!"

Beam was silenced after hearing the word allowance.

"You don't have to go that far dad. I was just joking. I love you from the bottom of my heart and your the best dad in the world! Your the most handsome dad in the world. Hahaha. So now can you raise my allowance?"

"Shut up!"

"Dad! I was kidding! I love you!" He's being a kid.

"Beam. I love you so much. Sorry if dad had to do that. I was selfish. I did not want to loose your mother. And I did not know how to tell you the truth after that. I thought you might hate me."

"I never thought of that! I love you even if your a jerk most of the time. You had to do that for mom. I understand."

With that, Beam settled all his questions and looked at me questioningly.

"By the way Forth... who.. changed.. my clothes?"

"I did" I talked to him while staring at him like a hungry wolf.

I just want to make fun of him at that time to wash all those thoughts from his head.

"Hey Beam. It's still raining outside.. Do you want to go back to bed and cuddle?"

He blushed from head to toe with the idea and dropped his jaw. This was the moment I was waiting. He's just so cute when he gets shy. I had to control myself from attacking him that time. He ran away covering his face and locked himself in my room.

"Beam! Open up."

"Shut up Forth! Go away!"

"You know that's my room right? I have the keys right here Beam."


Chapter 20!! Hahhaha...😂😂😂

That was the best way I can explain forth's "death" hahhaha!!

I'll start properly with their college life tomorrow 😚😚😚😚

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