Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

673 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Seventeen

12 1 0
By SdarkDeathgod

While Jun and Zerra were in the middle of admiring the view of the ocean, they were unexpectedly attacked by a masked man and a little girl. After protecting her Master, it was obvious to the both of them that their attackers is a Master and a Servant. The girl cockily stands in front of her Master and provokes Zerra with a grin.

Mandy: Let's see what you've got...old hag.
Zerra: I'm going to rip that mouth off your little face, brat.
Mandy: Oh....Scary...(sarcastic)

The wound of Zerra's arm slowly starts to heal itself. Even though he was wearing a mask, he was obviously staring at Zerra's newly healed arm.

Masked Man: So the rumors were true.
Zerra: Rumors?
Masked Man: I've been hearing stories of how a talentless managed to get his hands on one of the most powerful Servants to be summoned.
Zerra: He is not talentless! He's--!

Jun place a hand over Zerra's shoulder and stops her from talking, much to his Servant's surprise.

Zerra: But, Jun...! (looks at Jun)
Jun: It's fine. Don't let his words get to you. Besides, he was half right.
Masked Man: "Half" you say?
Jun: That's right. I was indeed worthless but that was in the beginning. Now, I can proudly say that I have every right to be her Servant and her Master. (looks at man)
Masked Man: Oh? Then I shall test you and see for myself if that is true.
Jun: Bring it.

Zerra takes a step forward and as intense flames starts to emit from her body. She glares at the man's Servant but she only replies with a grin.

Mandy: Careful. You might bite off more than you can chew, old hag.
Zerra: That name...is Zerra, brat!

Zerra launch herself towards Many with great speed. Once close enough, all the flames that she had created gathers to her right hand. With one powerful hit, she strikes her target right on the stomach. The force of the blow was so strong that it sent shock waves throughout the area. However, Zerra couldn't celebrate because Mandy was still on her feet. What's more, the force of the punch didn't even move her an inch. Zerra was in shock when her target was staring at her while still grinning.

Zerra: Wh-What...? Impossible...
Mandy: My turn. (murmurs)

In a blink of an eye, Mandy counters with an uppercut to Zerra. The punch throws her a couple of feet backwards in the air but lands on her feet on the way down. However, her vision was blurry and was having a hard time standing.

Zerra: What the hell...? (holds head)
Jun: Zerra!

Jun was about to go to her side but she gestures with one hand not to do so. She talks to him without taking her eyes off of her enemy.

Jun: Zerra, are you alright?
Zerra: Y-Yeah...I'm fine. That took m-me by surprise though.
Mandy: You really are an old hag. All that power and you didn't even scratch me.
Zerra: This is only just the beginning. Don't get cocky, brat.
Mandy: Sigh. Your bark is worst than your bite.

Zerra once again summon flames around her body but Mandy wasn't impressed.

Mandy: The same trick won't work the same time. Do you know why?

Mandy slowly takes off the leather jacket and throws it away. Jun and Zerra were surprise to see that her skin was covered in scales with a dark green color.

Zerra: Scales?
Jun: What in the world...?(murmurs)
Masked Man: Don't be too surprised. You're going to lose your head if you're that easily startled.
Zerra: Just what...is she?
Masked Man: Her identity is something I cannot just give away. Unfortunately, I already know what you are.
Zerra: What? How?
Masked Man: With all the information I've gathered plus that incident at the city park, it was quite obvious, my dear Phoenix.
Jun: Tsk. Looks like the secret is out.
Masked Man: But the one I'm more worried is you. (points at Jun)
Jun: Huh? M-Me?
Masked Man: Your magic is very dangerous and I won't take any chances.
Jun: Shit. You even know that much.
Masked Man: Which is why you and I will fight as well.
Jun: W-What?
Zerra: I'm not letting you near my Master!
Masked Man: It is already done.

The man snaps his finger and instantly, both he and Jun disappears without a trace.

Zerra: Where the hell did you take him?!
Mandy: Now, now. You're hair is going to turn white if you constantly worry like--.

Zerra accelerates toward Mandy with great speed. She strikes a punch but Mandy blocks it with both arms.

Mandy: Didn't anyone tell you not to interrupt someone who's talking?
Zerra: You're the one who talks a lot. (eyes glow)

With her other hand, Zerra creates a sword-shaped weapon from her flames and with one slice, she cuts off both of Mandy's arms clean off her shoulder with green blood spewing everywhere. She stumbles a few feet backwards while shouting in pain as her lifeless arms fall to the ground.

Zerra: Serves you right. Now tell me where--.

Mandy's expression change from pain to a sinister grin.

Mandy: Gotcha.(murmurs)

Mandy flails her shoulder and splash Zerra with her blood. The moment it made contact with her body, the clothes that she was wearing starts to melt and in no time, reach her skin as well.

Zerra: Her blood...is acid...?!

Zerra quickly emits her flames on her body and evaporates the blood in a matter of seconds. However, the damage was done and she had multiple burn marks on her.

Zerra: That was a dirty trick!
Mandy: Anything goes in a war. Oh, and your divine regeneration won't be able to fully heal any wounds from my poisonous blood. It'll take much longer for you to heal them.
Zerra: A little pain is nothing compared to someone who has no arms.
Mandy: I don't think that will be a problem.
Zerra: Huh?

Mandy's shoulder grows two new arms but this time, her fingernails were sharper.

Zerra: Interesting. So you can grow new limbs.
Mandy: And that's not all. Cutting my arms was a mistake. A mistake you'll take to your grave.

The two arms on the ground starts to change it's shape. Moments later, the arms have transformed into two snake-like creatures. Their bodies were covered with the same scales as Mandy and they were much more larger than an anaconda. Green liquid flows from their mouth as the two surrounds the cautious Zerra.

Zerra: I see. Indeed that cutting them off was my mistake.
Mandy: But I'm glad you did. My Noble Phantasm only activates if any of my limb gets cut off, including my head.
Zerra: Then decapitating you is pointless.
Mandy: Exactly. Now prepare yourself because you'll die here in my...Lernaean Swamp: Pit of the Serpent!

Meanwhile, Jun finds himself in a place where there was nothing but pure white in every direction. Confuse by his surroundings, the masked man appears several feet from him.

Jun: Where....W-Where am I...? (looks around)
Masked Man: Calm yourself. I've brought you to my personal space. Think of it as a mini Reality Marble assuming you know what that is.
Jun: I know what a Reality Marble is. I've seen one personally.
Masked: Oh, did you now? Then that means you've faced a Servant who can use it. Thanks for the information.
Jun: Why did you bring me here?! Where's Zerra?!
Masked Man: She's back at the beach but my Servant is keeping her company. Not sure how long she'll last though.
Jun: You shouldn't underestimate her.
Masked Man: I don't. That's why I've separated you from her because you know very well that you won't last a second in an one-on-one fight.
Jun: You sure about that? I might surprise you.
Masked Man: Surprise me? You really think that--.

Hit sentence was cut when he gets cut by a spear. Standing behind him was one of Jun's Pawns. He quickly fights back by delivering a straight punch at the suit of armor as it crumbles into pieces. He was in disbelief for a moment but soon calms down.

Jun: See? Surprised you, didn't I?
Masked Man: I see you've improved.

He place a hand over his wound and seconds later, it was healed up.

Masked Man: From what I've learned, you usually use a book in order to summon those things. But in this case, you didn't. What did you do?
Jun: As if I'll tell you. But you look like a smart guy. Go figure.
Masked Man: Hmmm. Indeed.

The man just stands there and actually thinks about it. Jun on the other hand was feeling the pressure as sweat drops from the side of his face.

Jun: This guy is dangerous. I have the feeling that if I make the smallest mistake, it's going to cost me my life. (thinks to self)

After a moment, the man finally comes to a conclusion.

Masked Man: I know that you have the Mana Eater magic.
Jun: So, you figured it out?
Masked Man: It made perfect sense after I placed the pieces together. You...absorbed the book, didn't you. It's the only reason why you could summon them without any gestures or incantations.
Jun: Sigh. I was hoping you'd be wrong.
Masked Man: Interesting. So you've gain total control over your puppets, huh?
Jun: What, you scared of being outnumbered?
Masked Man: Quite the opposite. I enjoy a challenge.

He reach for something in the pocket of his jacket. He pulls out two black gloves and put it on his hands. At the back of the gloves was a transparent gem embedded on them.

Masked Man: You better not pull any punches.
Jun: Wouldn't dream of it!

Eight beams of light surrounds the man. Moments later, eight Pawns appear within them. Each of them points their spears at their target.

Masked Man: Excellent. Now this is a fight!
Jun: Let's how you handle this!

All eight Pawns charge at the man at the same time. Just before their spears could reach him, the gem on the man's gloves glow. At the last moment, he was able to dodge every spear with ease and counters back with a punch to the face of all eight Pawns. The force was so strong that their bodies crumble into pieces. This time, it was Jun who was in disbelief.

Jun: H-He's strong...(murmurs)
Masked Man: You've got to do better than that, boy.
Jun: You're asking for it.

Two beams of light appears in front of Jun. Moments later, two Knights appeared.

Jun was nervous at first but gives a sigh of relief.

Jun: Good. I'm not feeling weak or anything even after summoning two Knights. That Mana Stone I got from Neo really is impressive. (thinks to self)

The man stares at the two new summoned suit of armors and analyze them.

Masked Man: Oh? I haven't seen these two before. Instead of spears, they're wielding swords. Am I assuming that these are stronger?
Jun: Shut up and see for yourself!

The Knights charge at the man with great speed. They closed the gap between them and their target so quickly that it caught the masked man off guard.

Masked Man: They're fast! (thinks to self)

One Knight strikes his sword at the man but blocks it with his hand. However, the other Knight kicks him on the stomach and made him lose his balance as he stumbles step back. Just when he regain his balance, the first Knight slash him again and connect but only rips part of the man's leather jacket. He quickly jumps several feet backwards and distance himself.

Masked Man: That was unexpected.
Jun: I nearly got you there.
Masked Man: Indeed. I didn't expect for them to think on their own. They even formed a plan in order to take me down. You've improved so much in such little time.
Jun: I have no plans of getting myself killed. I'm going to take down everyone of you and win this war!
Masked Man: Your overconfidence will get you killed, boy.
Jun: Say what you want but that's what I intend to do!
Masked Man: Then, are you saying that you can beat Valerie?
Jun: Valerie....You know her?
Masked Man: Who hasn't. Everyone in this War already thinks that she'll be one of the last two standing.
Jun: What, you're saying that you can't beat her yourself?
Masked Man: I'm not stupid enough to fight her head on. Beating her requires more planning and with enough time, I'll be able to come up with a strategy to take her down.
Jun: Sorry to burst your bubble but if anyone who's going to beat her, it's me!
Masked Man: Sigh. You keep saying that yet you still have trouble defeating me.
Jun: You say that as if your back isn't against a corner.
Masked Man: Well, it isn't.
Jun: What?
Masked Man: Let me show you why you shouldn't underestimate your opponent just because you managed to get a few hits.

The gems on the gloves glow once more. Jun sees this and prepares himself.

Masked Man: Double Haste.

In a blink of an eye, the man was able to get close enough to the Knights and deliver a powerful punch to their chest. The force of the punch throws them a couple of feet backwards as they hit the ground hard. Despite this, they didn't crumble and remained intact but there were cracks in the area where they were hit. The man seems to be impressed by their firmness but Jun on the other hand was surprise of what just happened.

Jun: Your speed suddenly increased. It's those gloves, isn't it?
Masked Man: Who knows. But I'm surprised that your little soldiers managed to stay in one piece. In a way, they're like a lesser version of Servant. They're strong enough to hold their own but not that strong to defeat a real one. Well, they won't be able to defeat me either.
Jun: We'll just see about that.

Jun summons back eight Pawns but the man wasn't intimidated at all. He adjust the gloves on his hands before going into a fighting stance.

Masked Man: Don't disappoint me, boy.

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