The Truth, The Lies, and the...

Galing kay Directioner5340

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The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)
Chapter 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love
Chapter 2: What The Hell Happened Between You and Stiles?
Chapter 3: Atlanta Here I Come
Chapter 4: Flashback
Chapter 6: Marco's Back
Chapter 7: How Stupid Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 8: Oh are you in pain? You poor thing.
Chapter 9: I'll see you soon
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday Banshee
Chapter 11: I don't want to live in a world without you
Chapter 12: DAD!
Chapter 13:I need to talk to Deaton
Chapter 14: Falling
Chapter 15: Please Wake Up
Chapter 16: Don't Ever Leave Me
Chapter 17: Who are you?
Chapter 18: Deal With a Demon
Chapter 19: 66 Pure Souls
Chapter 20: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 21:Blue like a Soul
Chapter 22: Not all hope is lost
Chapter 23: You gave us quite a scare
Chapter 24: You Called?
Chapter 25: I love you.... your sourwolf loves you
Chapter 26: Something that only you would know
Chapter 27: Time To Find A Necromancer
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 29: A familiar face
Chapter 30: You Seem A Bit... Upset?

Chapter 5: Cheesy Werewolf Bobble Head

1.9K 76 6
Galing kay Directioner5340


I clambored down the side of the motel building and ended up jumping down the last few feet.  I hated leaving him all alone in that room, just like I did every other night when I.....  I shook my head.  My head was reeling with ideas on how to win him back.  I have to win him back, I will win him back.

Though this is Stiles that I'm thinking about, and if Stiles is good at anything, it's being stubborn.  I pursed my lips and crossed my arms as I turned down the small alleyway between the motel and an appartment building that led back out to the parking lot, to my car.

My mind was so preoccupied that I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings.  All I was thinking about was winning Stiles back and getting back to my car to get a good nights sleep.  I better move my car in the morning before Stiles sees it.  I had just stepped out of the alleyway when I felt a sharp pain smack the back of my head and everything spun... until it all went black.....


I groaned as I blinked my eyes open to the bright sunlight shining through the window.  I peered over to the alarm clock that read 9:30am.  I yawned as I slowly pulled myself out of bed and slowly made my way over to the bathroom when I froze.  My eyes landed on the window that was slightly ajar.  I quirked an eyebrow as I walked over to it.

I pulled the window fully open and stuck my head out examining for any sign that someone had tried to break in.  Though that doesn't make any sense, who would break into the second floor when there is a perfectly accessable 1st floor set out windows?  The only people I could think that would come up here are..... but that's impossible.  No one new I was leaving until I was already gone.  There's no way one of them could have followed me, is there?

I guess the could of followed my scent, I pretty sure two of them know my scent very well.... but they wouldn't, right?  I'm just over reacting, I'm just paranoid.  Not even Derek would bother following me all the way to Georgia after our big fight.  Part of me just deflated at the thought.

With a sigh, I slammed the window down shut and flipped the lock as I made my way to the bathroom.  I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt.  I snatched my wallet from my old jeans pocket and made my way down to the front desk.  With a wave, I made my way into the parking lot.  I was almost to the bus stop when I froze in my tracks as I caught sight of Derek's car.... Derek's freaking car.

That can't be Derek's car, he wouldn't followed me this far.  He...... that's his car.  I new for sure when I saw the cheesy bobbly head I'd bought him last christmas sitting in the from windshield.  It was a cartoon werewolf that I found amusing and although he wouldn't admit it, I knew he found it funny.

I quickly made my way up to the car and slid my key into the lock as a last check, and sure enough the door opened right up.  I gasped as I ran my hands over the leather seats and I gently sat down on the drivers side.  He's here, but where?  And why do I care so much?

I frowned at that's when I noticed the bundle of papers sitting on the passengerside seat.  I glanced around nervously as I grasped the papers with curious hands. 

The first page I pulled out was a small map.  There were little red dots all over what I recognized as California.  I rose an eyebrow as I flipped to the next page.  It was a news article titled Mass Murder in SanDiego.  I flipped to the next page only to find another news article labeled Mass Murder in Los Angelos.  I frowned, what have you been up to Derek.  I glanced around again as my frown deeped.

Derek wouldn't just leave his car like this, especially if he was following me, he's better than that.  He knows that I didn't want anyone following me, he would've at least thought to move his car before morning.  I pursed my lips before I shook my head and tossed the papers back into the seat and climbed out of Derek's car, locking the door behind me.

It doesn't matter, I don't care.  I'm done with the secrets, all I'm doing is getting involved with something that probably just.... whatever.  I began my walk back to the bus stop but  found myself looking back one last time with worry written all over my face.  I do care... I just hope he hasn't gotten himself hurt.  I shook my head as I finally forced myself to look away as the bus pulled up and I made my way onto it.


I felt myself finally coming to as someone seemed to be messing with something on the back of my head, but I didn't seem to have any energy to fight.  Eventually a blindfold fell from my face and I had to blink a few times before a familiar face became clear in my vision.

"Well hello Derek" the man sneered evilly, while managing to keep an amused smile on his face "this bound to be lots of fun."  He let out a deep chuckle as I just glared at him.  It was Marco..... back from the dead.


Hey guys, so there it is, Chapter 5 of Slowly fading book three.  Left you with quite the cliff hanger.  Also for those of you who might be reading this without having read the previous book, Marco was the big villan in the last book.  So thanks for reading guys and I promise to update again soon!  ^_^

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