
By Rayofsunshine1233

181K 3.6K 676

It's been three and a half years since I ended things with Jace. I haven't talk with him since but I hope he'... More

Story Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Is this actually real?!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Im sooooo sorry
Chapter 23
Coming soon
Other stories
Mr. Herondale

Chapter 21

4.5K 117 14
By Rayofsunshine1233

Chapter 21- Love

Clary's pov-

Once everyone was in their rightful spot, the bridal music started and everyone stood. Izzy started her descent and she looked stunning. I believe I even saw a tear in Simon's eye.

Her father walked her to the alter and reluctantly handed her over to Simon.

"Hi" Simon said quietly when they reached their spots. She laughed gently, "Hi" she replied the same way.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here today to not only witness the joining of Isabelle and Simon, but also to witness what it truly means to be in love. This couple has reached a point in life where they no longer want to be without each other.

"They are to be connected in every sense, they are to be supporting each other from now until eternity, they are to be loving each other everyday for the rest of their lives.

"When you look into the eyes of this couple you can see the happiness floating. You can see the love and the hope for the future." The minister said. As he continued I found myself thinking back once again.

Simon used to always tell me he could practically see the love in my eyes, and that's how he knew that I was in my rightful place with Jace. I guess the more I think about it, the more I regret throwing it all away.

The minister finished his speech and then it was time for the vows, Simon started.

"Love is defined as an intense feeling of deep affection and while that is true, to me love is more than that. To me love is the smile that you don't even realize you're making when you see the person.

"To me love is the way that you're heart speeds up slightly when they hug you or kiss you or even just look at you the right way. Love to me is the way you can wake up in the mornings and still kiss each other and not even care about morning breath." Simon said with a laugh.

I hadn't taken my eyes off Jace this whole time. In my head, I see the memories of when I would look over at him and he would already be looking at me with a smile on his face.

I remember the times when we would wake up and he wouldn't let me out of bed until I kissed him because he insisted that he loved me anyway that I was.

I remember the times I would lay my head on his chest and his heart would beat just a little bit faster, letting me know that I affected him as much as he did me.

I shook myself out of my trance and looked back over to Simon and Izzy. I could feel myself tearing up but not for Simon's speech but from my own regrets.

Jace's Pov-

I couldn't stop myself from thinking of the morning that we would wake up together. The sun would be coming through the windows perfectly, we would be smiling and laughing.

I would make a joke and she would hit me with a pillow prompting me to tackle her down to the bed. We would roll around together joking around.

"Love is the way that you can see her at her worst and she still looks stunning to you." Simon continued.

My eyes shot over to Clary when he said this.

"To me love is never giving up no matter how hard it gets and Isabelle lightwood, I vow to never give up on you." He said.

Never in my life have I regretted a decision more than I do right now. I should have fought, I should've ran straight to her and begged her to think it through, I shouldn't have just let it happen.

"I vow to wake up every morning and kiss you. I vow to continue to smile when you walk into rooms and I vow that my heart will never stop speeding up for you. You are my always and I can't wait to see where this next adventure takes us." Simon finished. I could see tears in Clary's eyes.

Next it was Izzy's turn.

"Simon you have been there through everything. You have always been there whenever I needed, even if it took plane rides at 1:00am to get to me." she said with a laugh. "I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself.

"You will always be my rock just like you always have been and I vow to spend my life trying to repay you. I vow to be there day and night. I vow that in times when you can't love, I will love enough for the both of us.

"I've made plenty of bad decisions in life, but I think one of the best ones I've ever made was giving my heart to you." she said with a smile.

"And as much as you have my heart, I know that I have yours as well. I vow to spend my life earning every piece of that heart you are willing to give. I love you Simon, and I will use eternity to prove it to you." she finished with tears in her eyes.

The minister took over from there and they said their I do's. Once the ceremony was over we headed to the reception.

We sat down and ate our food, took pictures, and spent time together before reality kicked back in.

Soon enough it was time for speeches from Clary and I.

Clary stood up and raised her glass. "Isabelle and Simon are easily two of my best friends. Without them my life would be a little dull. I want to thank them and wish them a happy life. From my experiences with them and with the world, I've learned that most times, the small moments in life make for the best memories.

"Some day you're going to think back and you're not going to remember all the details of your prom or your graduation day but you'll remember the sleepovers with friends, or the time that simon made a mess at the movies. The small moments are the ones that count. I wish to you a lifetime of little endearing moments between you two. Congratulations!" Clary finished.

Next it was my turn.

"These two met in the beginning of high school. They fell in love and managed to keep it all together until now. They survived the drama of high school, the struggles of long distance, and even the challenges that come with the beginning of adulthood. They have kept there relationship alive through all of those obstacles.

"Someday, when you two are struggling, I want you to think back to this moment. I want you to picture the smiles on your faces. I want you to hear the words I'm saying.

"Life is going to throw many curveballs at you two and the only way to survive them is to get past them together. I wish to you many more triumphs over the difficulties of life. Good luck, lovebirds!" I said with a laugh at the end.

Only the strongest survive those obstacles, but I always imagined that Clary and I were one of those.

Maybe not.

Bye Angels,

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