A Ghosts Secrets

By valblue1314

198K 6.8K 2.8K

In this story Danny was alone when he stepped into the portal and gained his ghost powers. Danny is held in a... More

Unlikely Meeting
Ghosts Exist
Stay Away
Robin The Defense Lawyer
First Mission
Yes Or No
The Facility
Shouldn't Exist
Strange Readings
Into The Ghost Zone
The New King
Not Reliable
Rescue Mission
More Harm Than Good
Never Make Fun Of A Halfa
Revealing Secrets
The Halfa
We Need An Army
To Protect
Prepare For War
We Will Fight
Halloween Special!


4K 153 18
By valblue1314

Phantom woke up in a white room, he figured out where he was immediately. He would have tried to escape right then but he had ghost proof handcuffs on his wrists. If he had to guess he'd say that they've added a few things to the defenses so he couldn't escape again.

It wasn't long before Phantom heard the door's lock click and the door opened, Maddie and Jack walked into the room. He growled and his eyes started to glow brighter, that resulted in him getting punched by Jack. Maddie glared at him, "You'd better behave, you're not getting out this time." The two left and Phantom sighed, he either had to figure out how to escape again or wait for the team.

Phantom thought for a few moments before the door opened again and he was dragged to a room. Phantom struggled to get away but he couldn't, the cuffs weakened him so much that he couldn't do anything. He could only yell and curse as they cut him open, he needed to get out, if he couldn't get out on his own he hoped that they team would find him.

*At Mt. Justice three days later*

The team hadn't heard anything about Phantom, Batman was doing everything he could to find him. Batman tried to find out who had told them that the Injustice League was planning something but he couldn't find anything. He did everything he could to find something but everything lead to a dead end.

Batman eventually wondered if the GIW had taken Phantom again, he instantly paled. If the GIW had captured him again then they were probably hurting him at that very moment. Batman's hands flew across the keyboard and he found the locations of hundreds of GIW facilities.

Batman glared at the screen, it would take awhile to narrow down the list of facilities. More time than Batman wanted to spend on it, he needed to find Phantom before something really bad happened. Batman thought of something and contacted Robin, having someone else help him would speed things up a bit.

Robin picked up as soon as Batman tried to contact him, Robin's full attention was on Batman immediately. "Robin, I need you to help me narrow down this list, Phantom may have been taken by the GIW and we need to find where they're keeping him." Robin nodded and as soon as the list was sent to him he started working, he had never worked this fast before.

When the team saw him in the living room typing away on his halo-computer they looked at him curiously. Kid Flash walked up to Robin, "Dude, what are you doing?"

Robin didn't take his eyes off the screen, "Helping Batman with a possible lead on Phantom." They all wanted to ask him questions but they left him alone, the less distracted he was the faster he could work. That's how they ended up checking on Robin from time to time as the day went on.

They were all impressed with how focused Robin was, he wouldn't move aside from when he was typing on his halo-computer. It took four days to hack into each of the facilities systems and rule out those facilities. The facilities systems weren't connected in case someone did hack in or tried to crash the system.

That was the only smart thing these guys seem to do, they're firewalls were hard to hack but that was about it. Phantom had mentioned several times that these guys were idiots but Robin didn't know they were this stupid. They didn't try to encrypt their files, they only set up one firewall, and they weren't even password protected!

Robin got lucky and found the facility they were holding Phantom in and he contacted Batman immediately. Batman looked through the files to figure out when would be a good time to get Phantom and as he looked through them he felt sick. Imagining what happened to Phantom was bad but seeing it was worse, so much worse.

Batman immediately called Black Canary, Green Arrow, Dr. Fate, Flash, and Martian Manhunter. The only reason he didn't also call Superman was because he was already on a mission. Once all of the Leaguers he called showed up he took a deep breath and pulled up a normal picture of Phantom.

"I'm sure you all remember Phantom and that he went missing a week ago. We've found where Phantom is being held and we, as well as the team, are going to go rescue him. He was taken by the GIW, Phantom escaped from them once and they managed to capture him during the mission when he was alone."

Black Canary looked worried and angry at the GIW, "Do you know if he's okay?"

Batman hesitated for a split second, he knew she wasn't going to like his answer to her question. Batman quietly sighed, "It looks like they picked up where they left off before he escaped, that's why we're leaving as soon as we can."

Black Canary felt her hand shake just a little, "What's happening to him?" Batman couldn't find the words to tell her so he pulled up a picture, it was just one picture. Almost all of the Leaguers looked sick and several of them paled instantly, Fate just looked shocked.

Fate spoke barely above a whisper, "I've heard that people have been cruel to ghosts but I've never seen something like this." This wasn't even one of the worse pictures, this one was nicer compared to the others. The Leaguers went to get ready immediately and Batman went to the mountain to tell the team.

As soon as they heard that they were going to get Phantom they were happy, they were getting their friend back. Robin was the only one that didn't celebrate, he knew who had Phantom and what they were doing to him. Batman looked straight at Robin and a silent message went between the two and Robin felt his heart break.

He knew how serious the situation was, Phantom was probably being hurt at that very moment. They didn't know how long Phantom could last, he had survived for a year before but that didn't mean he would make it this time. Everyone went to get ready and as soon as they were the other Leaguers showed up and they headed out.

Batman took his jet and Robin went with his mentor, the team took the bio-ship. The Leaguers that could Dr. Fate and Martian Manhunter flew alongside the ships while the other Leaguers were in the ship with the team. The Leaguers couldn't stop thinking about the picture they had seen but the team remained oblivious.


I'm sorry I cut it short but the next chapter is a lot longer so I hope you'll forgive me! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you next time!

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