Merlin Fairytale Series

By PrincessAvatarRose

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Hello, lovelies. I've returned with another story. This one is based off of various fairytales: A story of a... More

Journey to the Past: Introduction
Chapter 1: Rumors
Chapter 2: Journey to the Past
Chapter 3: Once Upon a December
Chapter 4: The Deal
Chapter 5: In the Dark of the Night
Chapter 6: The First Accident
Chapter 7: Princess Lessons
Chapter 8: The Dance
Chapter 9: A Nightmare And a Confession
Chapter 10: Haven
Chapter 11: The Truth At Last
Chapter 12: The End
A Second Chance: Introduction
Chapter 1: And So It Begins
Chapter 2: A Reunion And a Deal
Chapter 3: The Thing He Wasn't Prepared For
Chapter 4: Love Will Find a Way
Chapter 5: What Was Meant To Be
The Gift of True Love: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Beautiful Budding Romance
Chapter 2: An Arranged Accident
Chapter 3: On Board the Good Ship Misery
Chapter 4: Don't Make Me Laugh
Chapter 5: Looks Like I Got Me a Friend
Chapter 6: The Final Fight
The Cursed Princess: Introduction
Chapter 1: Forbidden Love
Chapter 2: The Curse/True Love's Kiss
Chapter 3: Saving a Princess
The 12 Dancing Princesses: Introduction
Introduction Part 2
Chapter 1: Tragedy
Chapter 3: The Princes
Chapter 4: A Magical Encounter
Chapter 5: The King's Plan
Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 7: I. AM. EMRYS!
Chapter 8: Merlin Reveals the Truth
Chapter 9: The Year of Jubilee
Forbidden: Introduction
Chapter 1: A Feud, A Fight, and A Proclamation
Chapter 2: Love At First Sight
Chapter 3: A Forbidden Romance
Chapter 4: The Secret Wedding
Chapter 5: A Devious Plot And a War
Chapter 6: The End of the Feud
Sequels Galore!!
Special Announcement

Chapter 2: The Princesses

51 1 0
By PrincessAvatarRose

Basically this is to introduce the girls (next chapter will be about their 'princes'.)
Love the Emma quote up above ^^girl gotta point!
Summary: After the tragedy, the princesses grow up in a tower.

     In the tallest tower in the castle of Paradise lived 12 highly annoyed princesses. For more than 6 years, they had been trapped, all because of something that was not their fault.
     The room they slept in was HUGE. 12 beds made a circle in the large room, each made up with the particular princess' favorite color and had a carved wooden chest at the end of each bed with the princess' name carved onto it, each stuffed with whatever suited the fancy of that princess.
     In the back of the room was a large wardrobe that housed the favorite gown of each princess and the favorite outfit to the only child and boy in the room.
                             * * * * *
     All of the princesses worried they would never find husbands and the three that had lost theirs worried of ever finding love again. All of them were finally of age and each wanted love.
     Each princess possessed her own form of beauty and was talented in some way, whether they had magic or not.
     That itself was another problem: their father despised magic and the princesses who possessed it feared what their father would do to them should he learn of it.
                         * * * * *
     Natalia was the eldest, at age 26. Her hair was as black as night and her eyes were very odd, being that they were the color of amethyst. Her favorite colors were black and blue.
     She was training to be the next high priestess of magic. Her hours were constantly filled with studying everything about magic.
     She was a kind woman and very motherly toward her sisters but she could be quite bossy because not only was she the eldest, but a perfectionist as well. Either way, her sisters still loved her very much.
     She wasn't too upset to be without a husband but she did worry about never leaving the palace.
                           * * * * *
     Regina was next, about 25 years old, and the only one with a child. Like Natalia, her hair was jet black but she had a more normal eye color, hers being a dark brown. Her son, Jason, had inherited his mother's dark hair but had his father's blue eyes. Regina's favorite color was red.
     Regina was also endowed with magic, as was her son, but their powers were somewhat different. While Natalia depended on the Earth for magic and Regina depended on her spell book.
     Jason wasn't as endowed although he was still quite young. His gift was levitation. Aside from magic, the two loved horse-back riding which was more often than not, their daily activity.
     Regina was usually a kind woman albeit very sassy but when it came to her son, she was just as overprotective as her father and even more territorial. On a bad day, it wasn't uncommon for her to have the temperament of the devil. Jason was a shy boy and clung to his mother like glue.
     This is why Regina worried. Her son should have a father in his life to teach him the things she couldn't but her father was just too stubborn to see that.
                             * * * * *
     The twins were next, both 24 and had been born exactly 5 minutes apart. They each had beautiful blue eyes and similar forms but Seraphina's hair was black, like her older sisters, while Sapphira had blonde hair. Seraphina loved dark blue while Sapphira went for the gold.
     The girls had two powers. The first was that they could shapeshift into any form they wished. The only drawback was that it had to either be human or animal. The other power they had was charmspeak, meaning they could control people but they only did this when they needed to (or for a laugh here and there).
     They'd almost convinced a stable boy to help them escape the palace but Uther caught on and they'd been punished.
     They were flirty women and flirting was their favorite thing to do which was why they were so distraught about being forbidden men. Their true joy was taken from them, just like their husbands had been.
                            * * * * *
     Marina and Arthur were the next set of twins, both 23 years old. The two were both very adventurous but only Arthur was able to live his dream which Marina found highly unfair.
      Arthur was blonde while Marina was a brunette although both had piercing blue eyes and a tan. Arthur slept in his own room with his wife, Guinevere, his three sons, which were all named after the deceased husbands of Regina, Seraphina, and Sapphira, and his daughter, Anastasia, named after his mother.
     Marina's favorite color was a light blue. She wasn't endowed with magic but was highly talented in other respects. She was gifted with curiosity and an insatiable appetite for knowledge and was a fantastic swimmer. Often she dreamed of a world where she could swim away from home and find a castle with a handsome prince who shared her fascination with collecting things.
     She was a very quiet and shy girl but if you got her talking about collecting things and far off places, she would never stop talking. She also loved to sing and had the most beautiful voice outta all her sisters.
                           * * * * *
      There was yet another set of twins after them which was Elsa and Jasmine, both 21, who were polar opposites in every way. You couldn't find a pair more different!
     Elsa was blonde, like her brother, with chilly blue eyes, pale skin, loved the color light blue, and always wore her hair in a braid.
     Jasmine had the black hair most of the girls seemed to be endowed with, brown eyes like Regina, dark skin (her being the only one with dark skin), loved the colors teal and gold, and always wore her hair in a weird fashion all her own.
     Whereas Elsa was reserved when it came to jewelry and fashion, Jasmine didn't mind showing some skin and adored earrings.
     Both were elementals, just about the only thing they had in common, (except for y'know the things every princess has in common) but on opposite ends of the spectrum. Elsa was an ice and snow elemental and was terrified of her power while Jasmine was an Earth elemental (on the spring spectrum) and relished her power.
     In addition, Elsa was quiet and reserved while Jasmine was more outspoken. One would think that, being so different, the two didn't get along but they actually got along quite well. Jasmine was supportive of Elsa and helped when her powers got outta control and Elsa often did favors for Jasmine.
     When it came to husbands, Elsa was against marriage, not wanting to have to depend on a man. Jasmine only wanted marriage if she loved the man she married. But either one would get married if it meant not being locked up.
                           * * * * *
     Ruby was the next at age 20. Like many of her sisters, she sported raven hair and brown eyes. Her favorite color was red and she was the only one of the daughters that didn't dress like a princess but more like a peasant, in leather and lace, and a red hood.
     By certain standards, she did possess magic, since she was a lycan. She wore the hood because she couldn't control herself. Despite this, she loved being able to turn into a wolf and often took long runs in the woods.
      Ruby's attitude toward marriage was very different from her sisters....she was an absolute fangirl​!
      Ruby was shy but sweet and loved her sister, Rose, to pieces, since Rose was the only one who understood her when she was a wolf. Which brings us to Rose....
                            * * * * *
     Rose had always been her mother's favorite. 18 years in age, she was claimed to look exactly as her mother had at that age. She was a unique beauty who looked nothing like her sisters. Her hair, when caught in light, glowed bright red and her eyes changed color of their own free will.
     She obviously had magic and was an enchantress of considerable power. Magic was her favorite thing in the world and she spent a great amount of time using it. Her favorite color was blue.
     She was, quite possibly, the kindest of her sisters although she had a sassy streak like Regina and possessed her father's temper.
     Being of age, Rose was a genuine romantic. She loved it and wished she could go out in the world and find her true love.
                              * * * * *
     Belle came after Rose at 17 years of age. She was one of two to be a brunette, the other being Marina. Like Regina and Ruby, her eyes were a beautiful brown. Her favorite color was gold.
     Also like Marina, she had no magic but she made up for it by being extremely intelligent and she always remembered everything she ever read.
     She was shy and soft-spoken but not afraid to stand up for what she believed in for she was just as kind as Rose. She would not tolerate hurting another unless there was no other option.
     When it came to her views on marriage, she, like Rose, relished the idea of true love but more than anything wanted adventure, much like Marina and Jasmine. It was unfair that her father keep her locked up! Even Belle had to admit that she was more than a little bitter about that arrangement.
                          * * * * *
     The last of Anastasia's children were the final set of twins, Evelyn and Lacey, who were very different, the only thing in common being that they were both very innocent and sweet girls.
     Evelyn had the popular black hair and brown eyes while Lacey had rose red hair and green eyes, similar to Rose's appearance but her hair was not as bright and her eyes stayed green. She also was the only girl with freckles dotted across her face.
     Evelyn usually wore her hair up in a ponytail and her favorite colors were blue, black, and gold. Lacey wore her hair in a braid dotted with flowers and her favorite color was white, further cementing her innocent attitude.
     Evelyn, like Marina and Belle, had no magic but she was really good with a sword and bow and arrow. She lived for adventure and was very kind like most of her sisters but also sassy.
     Lacey was a seer and an empath; she could see the past, present, and future as well as communicate with spirits and read a person's thoughts and emotions.
     Both girls were sweet but Lacey was more innocent in most things. As for the idea of marriage, they had both just reached the age when marriage was possible and felt cheated because they could not even speak to a boy let alone fall in love. And seeing how their sisters were off worried them that they would never be able to leave home.
                              * * * * *
     Of course, none of them had any idea of the events that were unfolding not too far from their home, events which would soon change their lives... forever.
To be continued....

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