Raddish Boy

By koropokurru

148K 8.1K 1.5K

I saw a series in youtube called 2 moons. I watched it and instantly fell in love with the character of Beam... More

Beam in the city
I Missed the Fridge
The Boy from the Alley
Raddish Boy
The New Tutor
The Wolf Brothers
Nim, Dim, Beam
Beam is mine
Here Take a Bite
Meet the Parents
The Bakers Daughter
Nothing Compares to You
The Love Potion
Stupid Forth
The Doctor Gang
The Engineering Moon
Under the Rain
Beam's Raddish Keychain
What Really Matters
The Jealousy Game
First Kiss?
Out and Proud
Us Against the World
The Masked Maniac
At My Limit
The Most Embarrassing Moment
The Only Exception
Welcome to the Family
Nightmare in Broad Daylight
The Young Master
Strike one
Strike Two
Strike Three: Game Over
My Love Rival
Turning Tables
Only if it Fits
The Mating
Trust No One
Battle to Live
Innocent Tears
Wolf Cry
Safe and Sound
Not One But Two
Thanks for the Support

My Heart Not Ready

2.7K 165 49
By koropokurru

"Beam's POV"

Stupid Forth! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! He told me he has no feelings for Belle, so why does he have to answer her like that.

"Maybe someday when your grown up." (Forth to Belle)

Is he planning to court her in the future?

Where am I suppose to go now? I ran away after I told him that I like him. I was forced to say that, beacause he assumed that I was the one in love with Belle. Stupid Forth! He is slow witted.

I had to get out of that situation. I did not want to see his reaction after my confession. I'm sure he does not like me the way I like him. He only sees me as a younger brother.

What if he will no longer want to see me after this? What if he thinks I'm a freak? Now I regret telling Forth my true feelings. I don't want him to hate me. I already enjoy how he treats me and how he cares for me. All of that will change. I'm sure he is disgusted with me.

"Beam! Where are you?" I can here him shouting. I need to hide. I have no face to show.

I hear his parents coming.

"Forth! The fireworks display is about to start. What are you still doing here?" Her mom spoke.

"Im looking for Beam."

"Ahhh.. speaking of Beam. They have announce that the Love cafe won this years festival trophy." Her mom is smiling. Forth isn't listening. He is still continously searching for me.

"Forth! Beam probably went to the school quadrangle. All the students are there."

"Mom. I know Beam with all my heart. He will not go there. He was crying before he ran. He will surely hide in a place with no people around."

I can see Forth going out of the school gate. Maybe he thought I already went home by myself.

Good! I feel relieved. At least I don't have to face him today. I'll just keep hiding for the rest of my life.

"Bang!" I heard a loud crashing sound.The wall of the school front collapsed.

Forth's parents ran outside to see what had happened. I also wanted to see so I got out of the bushes and followed them behind.

There was a car, crashed in the front wall of the school gate. The driver looks unharmed. He's swaying. He must be drunk. Where is he going? He's probably gonna run away.

On the side of the road, a familiar boy was lying with no signs of life.

Forth's parents were now shouting as they approach the body.  It's a boy and he's bleeding profusely.

This can't be real. This is not true. Tell me I'm dreaming. That is not Forth right there. Wake me up! Somebody! Please!

Forth's dad is hugging the lifeless body. Her mom is shouting for an ambulance.

Why is everything blurry? And why is everything in slow motion? I can see parents and students now. They are crowding the side of the road. Shouting and screaming, but I can't here them. Why did it became so quiet suddenly.

I tried to approach them. I had to drag my knees. They are not functioning. I bit my arm. Maybe my senses will go back if I feel pain.

Once I reach the scene, I felt like I was robbed. I saw Forth's body drenched in a pool of blood. He had a large hacking wound on his chest and legs. His head was bleeding and bruises in his face and all over his body. I touched his shoulder. It was still warm.

"Fo..or.. th.."

"Wake.. up.."

"Your joking.. right?."

Then I gripped his bloody hand tightly. I saw some facial musle twitch. Everyone gasped. Then he slowly opened his eyes. I can see blood dripping from his nose and mouth. He is trying to say something. I cannot hear what he's trying to say. The ambulance siren is so loud and the fireworks have started. I had to lean closer.

He slowly reached for my face and caressed my cheeks.

"I-m gl-aaad.. your.. s-a-fe..." he whispered.

Then with that final breath. He smiled, looked me in the eyes then he closed his. He stopped breathing.

"No son! No! Not like this! Don't leave us. Wake up! Wake up!" His dad was weeping while shaking him. I was just looking at them. My brain wasn't working. It didn't want to process the things that had just happened. It

Forth just died infront of me.

Everybody was shouting as his lifeless body was carried away by an ambulance. That time Aunt Lyn and other people were already there. I wanted to stay with Forth but Aunt Lyn prevented me from going inside the ambulance.

"Beam! Stop! It's pointless. You cannot do anything even if you come."

"Aunt Lyn.. Forth is still alive. He was playing pranks on me. He was just holding his breath."

"Beam stop! I also feel the same as you. Forth is my student. It was an accident. Nobody wanted that to happen to him."

"No! No! I want to be with Forth. Let go of me!!" I was struggling from her embrace.

"Let's go home first and change your clothes. Your full of blood stains. We'll go to the hospital later to hear more from Forth's parents."

Aunt Lyn carried me against my will. On our way back to the apartment, I was numb, I cannot recall how we reached the building.

As we walk towards the doorstep. Aunt Lyn gasped. I turn around to see, I saw a tall man, dressed presentably. Is that him for real? He looked at me worriedly and hugged me. He was crying. It can't be. My dad. My dad was here.

It's like a switch on for my emotions. All of those tears that were held started flowing like a stream. I needed someone to share the pain. I was thankful at that time dad had returned. He became the sponge to my sorrow. I was there, in his embrace, crying like what a little kid would do when he got wounded after playing. The embrace that I longed for the past few months, finally here with me at a perfect time. Right when I needed his presence the most.

"Beam why do you have blood on your shirt? Are you okay? what happened to you?"

"Daaaad.. Fo-orth died." I was sobbing non-stop like a fool.

We got inside the apartment and aunt Lyn explained everything to dad, both of them are sharing the grief, both look distressed. After that Aunt Lyn helped me remove the blood stains. When I got out of the bathroom I saw my dad had already prepared all my lugagges.

I looked at him cluelessly.

"Beam. I know you just lost your friend. It hurts me too. But I came here not for that. We need to go now. I'll explain everything to you on the way." He looks like he had lost everything.

Something was telling me that I already know why he came back for me. I just did not want to admit it to myself.

"Dad. Is it about mom?" I asked him. My voice was shaking.

He averted his gaze away from me.

"Dad.. talk to me.. what happened to mom? Please. I can't take it anymore." I cannot loose two of my loved ones at the same time.

"She.. she's in a coma." Dad was holding his tears.

After dad said that, I wanted to jump of the building. What was happening? Is there anything worse than this? It felt like I was the one who got hit by the car.

On the plane ride with dad, he was not speaking. I was feeling no better. I lost Forth and now I am about to loose my mom. I was expressionless, looking at the plane window while tears were dripping continously from my face. It did not stop.

The flight took us 16 hours. The whole time I never slept. I never eaten. I never moved  from my seat. What for? I'm as good as dead. I was just staring at Forth's whistle and the keychain the whole time, remembering the times when we were still together. How he cooks for me and make me smile and protect me everytime. I remembered the first time we met in that dark alley. I remembered the first time I slept beside him, how he smelled and how his gentle touch gave me a feeling of security. All those. Now gone.

I did not want to forget. I was afraid that I will forget.

When we arrived at the hospital, my dad held my hand as we walked inside. I was being dragged literally.

"Beam. Are you all right? Do you want me to carry you?" He asked.

"I.. I.. I think I can't dad. My heart is not ready yet." I clenched my fist above my chest.

"I'm sorry for putting you through all of this son. But right now I need you to be strong. Mom needs us." He hugged me tightly.

We arrived at the ICU. I saw mom on the hospital bed with all those beeping machines attached to her. I could no longer recognize her face. Her eyes were sunken, hair falling with my every touch, pale as a paper. She was so thin. There were no muscles in between her skin and bones. I could no longer recognize her beautiful face.

I looked at my dad. He was crying. I wanted to do that too but my eyes failed me. I reached the point that I'm all out of tears. I held her hand just like how I held Forth's.

"Mom. Forth left me already. Please. I cannot live if you will leave me too."

I was begging her to live. I was begging her to stay with me.

I did not know what happened after that. The room started swaying, my vision started to get darker from the sides until I could no longer see anymore. I fell my legs gave up and then I hit the floor hard.

I tried to adjust at the room lights. I woke up with my dad beside me. He was sleeping while holding my hand. We were at the emergency room. I was lying in a bed with IV line on the left hand. I tried to reach for dad's head on my bed side.

"Beam! You awake! Thank goodness. You fainted in mom's room."

"How are you feeling?" He looked at me worriedly.

"How is mom?" My throat is so dry.

"She is still.. still.. in a deep sleep." I can see dad  in anguish to say those words.

After being admitted at the ER for four hours, the doctor assured us that I will be okay. He advised me to get some rest and eat properly.

We head our way back to the ICU. While walking the long hospital corridor, we saw nurses and doctors cut passed us. They were all in a hurry, running to the room where mom was staying. Dad looked buffeted. He carried me in his arms and we run towards mom's side.

Chapter 15. 😑😑😑😑

Please no death threats. 🕵🕵🕵

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