The Savior Of The Unicorns

By warrior12345

2.1K 93 29

Alyssa is being haunted by a evil unicorn. As life goes on she goes to the moutains for christmas break...she... More

The Savior Of The Unicorns
Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
The four masters
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Completed Training?!?
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: prophesy, planning, and Surprise
Authors note
Chapter 16: Patience, Love and Secrets
Chapter 17 An evil victory
Chapter 18: Dragons Let Loose
Chapter 19 A Daring Escape
Chapter 20 Preperation
Chapter 21 Battle of Hearts and Minds
The truth revealed
The portal of memories

Chapter 11

46 3 0
By warrior12345

Deathbringer fell to his knees, pain shot out through his body, he yelled and cryed for the agony was that intense. Swift flinches as he watches his friend suffer, yelling and tears streaks lining his face. Sweat laced Deathbringers body and a tremondous pressure fell upon him. He was pushed to the floor. He stayed there still as a statue. Swift reached out to him. Deathbringer jolted up from a wave of pain and looks at Swift sadly. Deathbringer's eyes switched from the glorious blue to a blood red color. His hair stayed pitch black but was now laced with crimson red streaks. He also grew more mucular, his abs more pronounced and his arm muscles appeared even stronger than before. With a final yell of pain it was over. At this time a knock is heard at the door.

Swift lays Deathbringer on the couch so he can regain his energy. Then he swiftly opened the door. In the doorway was his friend, Skeel, and two other men in cloaks holding a girl. Swift ushered them inside an gengerly took the girl. Her hair was straight and brown sticking to her face frim sweat. Her face was pale her lips light pink and her breathing was shaky. He could feel the pain himself as he held her. He quickly carried her to a room laying her on the bed. He went back to Skeel and the two men.

" I need to know what happened." Swift stated.

One of the two men with a firery red cloak explained the training and her sudden fatigue and a vision. Swift then told tbem to come back at midnight, then she will be well. All three left with a grateful thanks. Swift turned to see Deathbringer sit up.

" She is here," Deathbringer states.

" Who?" Swift asked confused.

" The Savior of the Unicorns."

Swift stood there in shock, that fragil 17 year old girl is the Savior, what is the world coming to.

" She may look weak but she is not, I want to see her." Deathbringer says.

Swift led him to the room, and let him in, then without a word he left. Deathbringer looks at the pale figure, watched as she struggled with her sheets, fighting them viciously. He walks over and touches her head using his power to read her mind. Images rush him, the pain of training, every nightmare, every painful evil thought raced to him throwing him off balance for a secound. Did I cause this pain? It feels like when I drank that potion alittle while ago.

Swift came back with a bucket of water and a rag. He begins to wipe Alyssa's head with the cold water, she shivers. Swift keeps the rag on her head and leaves again to get more supplies. Why do I care that she is hurting...I should be enjoying it. Deathbringer asked himself and the answer was he simply did not know. He watched as her cheeks turned to their normal color. Swift came back with a juice and forced her to drink it. He literally had to pry her mouth open. To Deathbringer it was quite amusing and he started chuckling as she tryed to spit it out, Swift saw and promtly covered her mouth and tilted her head back until she swallowed it.

Alyssa then fell into the darkness of sleep. Swift poured a liquid substance on her head and she relaxed, Deathbringer knew she was now not seeing those horrid images.

" I dont know why you want to kill her and end unicorns." Swift stated.

" Unicorns are not supposed to be real and a whole world of unicorns and paradise with no evil...boring, besides we are just like horses with wings and horns." Deathbringer says.

" It does not matter if we look like a horse, we can feel things more and talk to anything. Our horns give us our powers and flying is paradise." Swift reasoned.

Deathbringer's eyes turned a shade darker all of a sudden. Looking at Alyssa's sleeping form he attacked the defenseless sleeping Savior.


In the human world everyone was confused, many think Alyssa died in the avalanche, yet no body has been found.Horse prints were found up till the edge of the cliff, then disappeared. Alyssa's parents worried uncontrollably. They tryed moving on, they went back home yet after a year of searching with nothing found they wanted to give up. On the brink of giving up they were given hope by Emily.

Emily told them Alyssa was admitted into a college early. She wanted to tell them but was injured and could not for awhile after her injury healed she wanted to make sure everything was set before she told them.Alyssa says she is sorry and hopes to see you in a couple years.

Alyssa's parents rejoiced, the people called off the search and many congradulations came Alyssa's parents way. Alyssa's mom baked some cookies and gave some to Emily. Alyssa's mom's curly black hair bounced as she bustled around the kitchen. Emily ran her fingers through her long straight black hair biting a cookie she sighed as the gooey chocolate chip cookies taste and smell took over her senses. What a shame that they have no idea how much Alyssa is suffering...

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