Dont let me go( a divergent f...

By crazymofos2000

49.5K 1.1K 100

Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her breath... More



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By crazymofos2000

Eric's POV

"I have a proposition."

"Okay?" I'm beyond confused.

"Max is the new leader and he needs your help with a very important mission." She talks to me like I'm five.

"Yeah?" I ask cautiously.

"You will be able to learn more latter, but do you know what..." she pauses, "divergence is?" She takes another long pause while i sift through my thoughts.
"because I need your help with something important."

"Um," I glance over at max as the blonde brigs in two men who hoist Amber onto their shoulders and takes her limp body out. Max gives me slight nod. "With what?"

"You'll find out soon enough, do you know what divergence is?" she presses.

"Um, only the things that the Erudite children repeat from what their parents say," I'm not sure what she wants me to say. What does she want.

"Divergence is a... rebellion of a sort. Some of then don't know what their doing, but some of them do. For example, The simulations don't work on them,"

"What do you mean the simulations don't work on them?" I've never heard of that. I heard whispers of rebellion and what a nuisance the divergent were, but I thought they were just rumors.

"While they are in simulations they are aware that what is happening is not actually taking place. They are awake, so to speak," she smiles at her self. Bitch.

"What does this have to do with me?" I look over at max and back to Jeannine.

"We are starting a sort of program," max steps in.

"To rid the dauntless of divergence." Jeanine finishes.

"Again, what do I have to do with it?" I close my eyes and slowly open them.

"We need your help. You run the simulations, yes?" I nod. "Excellent. you are primary for recognizing the divergent. You see them in action."

"So you want me to tell you if any of them are showing signs of divergence?" I ask. God why couldn't have four just taken this stupid ass job?

"Yes." They both nod.

"Are you gonna kill me if I say no?"

"Heavens not. We will give you a month to decide." Jeanine laughs. I feel sick.

"But initiation will be done by then." I'm confused.

"I know that. We will just have someone sit in on the final test."

I look around uncomfortably.

"May I go. I will let you know as soon as I can."

"Of course,"

"Four, why didn't you take the damn job?" I mumble to him in the hallway. We are leading the imitates to the pit for dinner.

"What?" before I can answer him a thrill scream is let out. Four and I glance at each other and sprint to where the scream came from. The Chasm.

A little girl, about 10 or 11 looked with wide eyes down at the rushing water. Four pulls the screaming girl from the edge while I walk closer to the edge, griping my gun a little tighter.

I glance over the edge and there, at the bottom is a disembodied amber. Blood is matted into her hair and her eyes are wide open. I shiver and call for some men to go help with the body as I kneel in front of the girl.
"What's your name?" I ask her. Before she can answer she runs over to a worried looking woman. The girl has tear stained checks. This will either make her want to stay dauntless, or move far away to amity. One of the two.

"What the hell?" four asks. "since when was Amber suicidal?"

"I don't know," I lie. I hope to god they covered up the bullet wound. "I'll be back." I start to walk but am stopped by Kay. Shit

"What's going on?" she asks looking around.

"I can't talk right now," I snap but as I go to apologize I realize I'm already in the hallway. My feet are running without me telling them to.

"Jeanine?" I burst into the room I was in yesterday. They are there. They look upset."whats going on?"

"The other factions said we can't replace amber with max the second in command must be in charge." She sighs.

"And who would that be?"

"Sophia, all women. stupid dauntless." She scoffs. "We can't just kill her either, then they'll know we're up to something," she shakes her head.

"I made up my mind," I announce.

"And?" Jeanine looks expectantly.

"No. I will not go along with this." I stand my ground.

"Such a shame."she clicks her tongue. I'd love to shop it out of her mouth.

"Max, you know what to do," she motions for max to move toward me.

"What are you going to do?" I back up.

"Oh we're not killing you, we need you..on our side." I see max take a durum out of a drawer. I focus back on Jeanine. "We are going to alter you memories of the past day and a half. You will remember none of the divergence or any of this happening but you will know something wrong is going on, especially with Ambers death," she smirks. Max makes his way over to me and injects me and then....nothing.

Ok I know it's short but I have these exams thingys this week so I wouldn't have been able to do a long update anyway. Anywho, please please please read confessions, my harry styles fanfiction. Idc if u guys don't like one direction please just read it, it basically just takes the names and faces of one direction. I may just decide that if you guys don't et it to a certain number if view I won't update 😁 I might do that, idk tho cause it seems kinda mean. Also if you follow me I'll follow back. And please feel free to Simmental or message me, I love hearing from you guys. Anywho please

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