Let it Go for the Gift of a F...

נכתב על ידי ShellMarie35

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Would you let it go and get help if it meant your friend’s life? How much does friendship mean to you? Demi L... עוד

Let it Go for the Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato - Book 5
Meaning of Each Book! :)
Longer Description for Book 5!
Prologue: Trainwreck
Chapter 1: Can't Back Down
Chapter 2: On the Line
Chapter 3: Never Been Hurt
Chapter 5: Really Don't Care
Chapter 6: Without The Love
Chapter 7: Falling Over Me
Chapter 8: Fire Starter
Chapter 9: Stop the World
Chapter 10: Together
Chapter 11: My Love is Like A Star
Chapter 12: Every Time You Lie
Chapter 13: So Far So Great
Chapter 14: Solo
Chapter 15: Unbroken
Chapter 16: Got Dynamite
Chapter 17: World of Chances
Chapter 18: Our Time is Here
Chapter 19: Neon Lights
Chapter 20: Made in the USA
Chapter 21: Two Worlds Collide
Chapter 22: This is Me
Chapter 23: Who Will I Be?
Chapter 24: Party
Chapter 25: What To Do
Chapter 26: Catch Me
Chapter 27: This Is Our Song
Chapter 28: U Got Nothin' On Me
Chapter 29: You're My Only Shorty
Chapter 30: Mistake
Chapter 31: Gift of a Friend
Chapter 32: Give Your Heart A Break
Chapter 33: Me, Myself, and Time
Chapter 34: You're My Favorite Song
Chapter 35: For The Love Of A Daughter
Chapter 36: Work of Art
Chapter 37: Don't Forget
Chapter 38: What We Came Here For
Chapter 39: Skyscraper
Chapter 40: Quiet
Chapter 41: The Middle
Chapter 42: Fix A Heart
Chapter 43: Lightweight
Chapter 44: Believe in Me
Chapter 45: Gonna Get Caught
Chapter 46: Here We Go Again
Chapter 47: All Night Long
Chapter 48: Hold Up
Chapter 49: In Real Life
Chapter 50: Nightingale
Chapter 51: Shouldn't Come Back
Chapter 52: Heart Attack
Chapter 53: Something That We're Not
Chapter 54: Wouldn't Change A Thing
Chapter 55: Avalanche
Chapter 56: That's How You Know
Chapter 57: Warrior
Chapter 58: Bonus Chapter #1
Chapter 59: Kayla's Pregnancy

Chapter 4: Get Back

453 16 0
נכתב על ידי ShellMarie35

Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Book 5: Let it Go for the Gift of a Friend

Note: It took me soo long to write this chapter. I have exams next week so I'm pretty busy so I think it'll be a week or two until the next update for this story. I want to concentrate on exams because they are really hard so I won't have a lot of time to write. The other stories will probably get updated because I'm ahead in writing for those, but not this one. In the mean time, remember to vote and comment! Let me know what you're thinking of the story or what you want to happen. 

Also, remember that all my chapter titles and intros are Demi's songs but all the songs written by Kayla, Demetria, Anna, Simone, etc. are all originals written by me unless I say so.

Enjoy! <3

Thank you for being so patient. :) 

Chapter 4: Get Back

Don't look at me that way, I see it in your eyes.

Don't worry about me, I've been fine

I'm not gonna lie, I've been a mess

Since you've left

Everytime I see you, it gets more and more intense.

I wanna get back

To the old days.

“Have you been writing?” Anna asked me.

I shrugged, “I didn’t know what to say. I’ve written a little though.”

“Can I hear one?”

“For you,” I smiled. I reached up and opened my journal sitting on the tray by my hospital bed.

Death is not a foul

yeah, death is not a choice.

The look in your eyes,

I never wanna see it again.

You weren't supposed to hurt

Yeah, it was never you.

I keep making mistakes,

please tell me you're okay.

Nothing can be the same,

and everything's changed.

Don't die on me now,

I can't lose you too.

Death is not a foul,

no, death is not a choice.

That scream in your voice;

I never wanna hear it again.

This is all my fault,

I know that it is,

but don't die on me now.

I can't lose you too.

I promise, for now,

I'll get better for you.

I looked over at Anna and she had tears in her eyes, “I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for? This is my fault not yours!”

“It’s not your fault either!” she told me. “It’s their fault! They ruined this for us!”

“But I’m the one who knew them!”

“But you didn’t do this! You told them to leave you alone but they didn’t. Please don’t blame yourself for this, D. We need to get past this not dwell on it. I just got out of rehab I can’t handle any more stress.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll try, I promise I will.”

“Let’s not make any promises just yet. Let’s just take things one day at a time. We can concentrate on little things for now… like getting better.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“I know we haven’t known each other that long compared to a lot of other friendships, but you’re my best friend Demetria. I wouldn’t have gotten through rehab without you. I was so jealous of you.”

“Jealous? Of me? Why?”

“You can’t even see how great you have it sometimes. I can barely eat in front of people and I’m scared of letting anybody in, but you don’t care about those things. You can eat in front of people, you have dozens of family members who love you, and everyone in the world is always talking about you or your family. Even if some of the things they say isn’t true or isn’t good, they still talk about you. Nobody ever talks about me. I’m invisible. In rehab I was jealous that you were actually trying to get better. I was jealous that you didn’t care what you ate or who you ate in front of. I was jealous that you were able to pour your heart out into your journal and it actually helped you. I was jealous that you don’t need to exercise every day to have that great body. I was jealous of everything about you. I know it’s because I hate myself, but I was still jealous.”

“I was kind of jealous of you too.”

“Why? I’m me.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. I loved the attitude you had. My parents always taught me to be nice over everything else. Even if people bully you or are just really rude to you my parents taught me to respond nicely. They taught me to be the bigger person. I like that you didn’t care about that. You always just tell people things like they are. You tell the truth and you didn’t seem to care whether it came out nice or not. Especially if the other person was being mean to you.”

“I know what you two need to do,” Mom interrupted as she walked into the room.

“What?” I asked.

“Stop being so jealous of each other because there is no use in being jealous of each other when you’re best friends. Best friend qualities tend to rub off on each other, especially after being friends for a while. So years down the road each of you will have qualities that you were once jealous of the other.”

“Is that true?” Anna asked.

Mom nodded, “That’s why Demi, Maria, Anastasia, Simone, and I are all so alike now. We’ve spent so many years being friends that our qualities all rubbed off on each other. Instead of being jealous just appreciate how incredible both of you are. Compliment each other and work on loving yourselves and soon enough the jealousy will go away. There’s no need to hold resentment.”

“Thanks mom,” I smiled. “Did you get enough sleep?”

“Yes,” she chuckled, “Don’t worry about me. Your father does that enough.”

I laughed, “That’s because you work yourself too hard.”

She shrugged, “That’s how I’ve always been.”

“Didn’t dad once say something bad happened because of that?”

“Yeah,” mom nodded, “Something bad did happen. It wasn’t one thing in particular though, it was a lot of small things that just added up.”

“Can I hear the story?”

“You really want to hear it?”

I nodded.

Anna nodded too, “We need something to distract us.”

“Exactly,” I said, “and I like hearing stories from when you were my age because it makes me realize how alike we are.”

Mom smiled, “In that case, okay.”

“How old were you when this happened?”

“Sixteen, almost seventeen. It was my junior year of high school. I thought all the bad things were over because I helped get rid of the bullies the year before. So I took on all these activities at school while still trying to keep up my career. I didn’t want to take a break from my career because I loved it so much, but I was determined to graduate high school with my class too. I didn’t want to compromise.”

“Is this the same time you got your own place?”

She nodded, “The house was in my name anyway, but the house was a test to see how well I could do on my own. It’s the house we live in now. I was only a few blocks away from my family and everyone I care about so I was never truly alone. I also had my dietician and trainer coming over on a regular basis. I made sure I was not alone very often and that helped, but I was also so busy that I barely had time to relax. Your dad warned me one day at school to go home instead of staying at practice, I think.”

“What happened?”

“I just… I passed out I guess. I was so exhausted. I wasn’t getting enough sleep, I was eating enough food to keep my body going, but I still trying to do so many things at the same time. It finally all caught up to me at school that day. Your dad called an ambulance and I was sent to the hospital. I thought that if I kept myself busy then I wouldn’t think about relapsing. I thought staying busy would keep all those thoughts away and would make me feel better.”

“Did it?” Anna asked curiously.

Mom shook her head, “The voices don’t go away. That’s probably not the answer you’re looking for, but they don’t. The best thing that anybody can do to help themselves in that kind of situation is to treat your body well. Get enough sleep every night, eat healthy foods for every meal, and make time to relax. I should have done that, but at the time I was just too afraid of being alone. I was having friends come over almost every night. I made excuses that I needed help with homework or I wanted them to hear a song.”

“Did anybody know they were excuses?” I asked.

“Yeah,” mom smiled, “Demi figured it out after a while. She was planning her wedding, but she figured it out. She came over quite a bit for help with the wedding, and she asked me about it. She’s Demi, I couldn’t just hide it from her, so I told her the truth.”

“And she helped you again,” I replied.

“Yes, she helped me.”

“Can she help me like that?” I asked.

“She is helping you like that. Demi may not be here all the time, but she is always helping you. You can always listen to her music no matter where you are at. You can also text her or call her whenever you need her and she will be there. The most important thing is to find one thing that does help you stay strong. That one thing could be a song, a person, an exercise, or a book. Your one thing could be anything in the world, but find it. It might take some searching, but you’ll find it eventually.”

“What do we do when we find it?” Anna asked.

“You let that one thing help you.”

“What was it for you?” Anna asked.

“I had a few things that helped. Sometimes people only have one and that’s okay too, but as the years went on I found a few things. The first thing is Demi’s song Skyscraper. The second is her song Warrior. The third is Dylan. The fourth is running. Skyscraper and Warrior help me when I’m really close to relapsing. Skyscraper is the first song that stopped me from harming myself. Warrior followed. Running helped me when I was trying to recover. I was attempting to recover fast, and running was a good way to push myself until I was in pain, but in a healthier way. I ran to inspirational, upbeat songs and that helped too. I was smiling by the time I was done. Dylan tried to help me all along, but I didn’t realize how much he truly helped me until later.”

“Did dad help because you talked to him?”

“It was more than that. Your dad had a way of helping me forget everything around me. We would go on dates and I was having so much fun I forgot anything else was happening. We would stay up late talking to each other and almost miss school the next morning. Your dad took the pressure off my life. I felt really guilty sometimes because I thought I was bringing his life down, but he insists it was the life he wanted.”

“Do you ever want to go back?” Anna questioned.

“I used to,” she shook her head, “But I love my life too much now to go back. I love my family, I love my friends, and I love my fans. I don’t need anything else and everything happens for a reason. I am a firm believer of that.”

I smiled, “You always have been.”

“I have,” she agreed.

“Thanks for getting my mind off things for a while,” I told her. “I love you mom.”

“I love you too,” she hugged me. “I love telling you stories. I always have more whenever you need them.”

“Thank you,” I repeated.

“You feeling okay?” she asked.

I nodded, “I’m feeling a lot better.”

“Good. What about you Anna? How are you feeling?”

Anna shrugged, “I’m still in a lot of pain, but the nurses said it’ll go away because my body is still healing.”

Mom nodded, “It will go away. Things like this take a little time.”

“How is the case going?” I interrupted.

Mom sighed, “They’re still searching for them, but the information you gave was very helpful. They’ve already locked down the building they live in and all the places you said they party at. They’ll find them.”

“Good, I don’t want to get out of here until they do.”

“I understand that, and you won’t. Don’t stress about this, okay? Your dad and I are taking care of all of that so don’t worry about it. We’ll keep you updated when something important happens, okay?”

I nodded, “Okay.”

Dad walked in, kissing mom then hugging me, “How you feeling?”

“Good,” I smiled.

“I was telling them a story,” Mom explained.

“Was it about me?” he smiled.

Mom hit him in the arm, “Maybe.”

He put his arm around her, “You love me though.”

I laughed, “She just told me about something that happened when you two were in high school. When she overworked herself and you saved her.”

“Ah, I see. I do remember that. Your mom scared the hell out of me that day.”

“I’m sorry,” mom kissed his cheek.

“It’s okay, I wouldn’t go back and change it.”

“You wouldn’t?” I asked him.

He shook his head, “It sounds weird, but if your mother taught me anything it’s that everything happens for a reason. Even the bad things because they happen to teach us something.”

            I think my parents are right. I want to try and take a lesson out of every story they tell me. Maybe I can understand a little more about them and a little more about my life by doing it. This story can teach me what both my parents keep saying: everything happens for a reason. This accident happened for a reason, I have these problems for a reason, I went to rehab for a reason, and I met Anna for a reason. There is a reason behind everything and even if I don’t know that reason, it’s still there. Someday I’ll figure it out. I’ll heal, I’ll get better, and I’ll live my life to the fullest for the first time. I’m not going back. I can’t go back. I don’t miss those old times anymore. I hope for future times.


vote and comment please! :D 

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