Twisted Reunion

By AliceiaDawkins

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Forced to leave the comforts of their home planet Zefron, Twisted Reunion follows the tribulations of Taj, a... More

Chapter One - Zefron (Part One)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (May 9, 1996)
Part 2: Earth - Chapter 1
Earth: Chapter 2
Earth: Chapter 3
Earth: Chapter Four
Earth: Chapter Five
Earth: Chapter Six
Earth: Chapter Seven
Earth: Chapter Eight
Earth: Chapter Nine
Earth - Chapter Ten

Earth - Epilogue

7 0 0
By AliceiaDawkins

After we were questioned and evidently sent home, Taj and I went back to the motel. We sat in silence the whole journey there and packed our stuff the same. It was Taj who broke the silence.

"We can't run forever."

"I don't want to run forever." I sat on the bed beside my luggage and she sat beside me.

"We can't stay here either."

"I know."

We sat in silence for another moment before I finally worked up the courage to ask her what I had been thinking. "Do you think Andrew made it?"

The way Taj looked at me was the only answer I needed. She hung her head and sighed. I fought back the tears and got up.

"Running is not going to solve this Taj. You have been running for sixteen years. Aren't you tired?" Taj's head stayed hung. "Well I for one am not running."

That caught her attention. "I say we face this head on." I continued.

"That's the grief talking. You know that's crazy."

"Not crazier than running."

Taj shook her head.

"You are a strong, brilliant fighter and a great trainer even though I never gave you enough credit. You can continue training me. We could train together, figure out my powers and how to strengthen yours." She smiled. "Taj, I'm not running." I said more defiantly.

"They will come for us you know? And it won't be pretty."

"They can come. In fact, let them come. We will be ready. We can win this. We need to end this, once and for all because as you said, we can't run forever."

Taj didn't seem convinced, but she kept her face as sober as she could. 

"It's two against a whole army. What do you think are the odds?"

"They don't have me, or my secret powers. They sure as hell don't have my crazy, determined, strong aunt."

She sighed, seeming to finally concede. 

"It won't be easy." She said.

"Freedom never is." 

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