You Are My Sunshine ~ Jeffmad...

By PeggyAtTheDisco

4K 201 219

In a world where you can only see black and white, Thomas Jefferson gets quite the shock one day when he meet... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Eight

275 14 24
By PeggyAtTheDisco

James woke up, blinking slowly as he looked up at the ceiling. He shifted slightly, trying with a struggle to get up. To his surprise, and fear, he was unable to move, another person resting against his chest, trapping him there.

He began to panic.

It was mild, at first. His heart began to speed up, he could hear it pounding, the blood rushing to his head.

Where was he? Who was the man he was in bed with? Had they hooked up the previous night? Had James gotten drunk again? Gone to some party?

What about Thomas?

He managed to tilt his head- just a miniscule amount- to stare at the other person. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was Thomas, thank god. James studied his soulmate for a moment, a soft smile coming onto his face at how adorable and perfect Thomas looked in his sleep.

Thomas was currently curled up atop James, using the other man's chest as a pillow. He was making soft little snores, occasionally mumbling something ridiculous and nonsensical. His mouth was hanging open partially, and his hair- god, his hair. James was pretty sure that it defied the laws of physics. How could something be that damn curly? And the way it was sticking up in about 80 different directions. It was insane. All in all, it was an extremely cute sight. James found himself wishing that he had his camera, so he could capture the moment, keep it forever.

Though, maybe he didn't need a camera. If things went well, maybe James would wake up to this every morning. Now that was a lovely thought.

After a few more minutes of James staring at him in a stalkerlike manner, Thomas began to stir. He burrowed deeper into James before snapping his eyes open.

"Jem..? What time is it?" He croaked, his voice deep and hoarse from just having woken up.

"You're awake? Finally. Good mornin', sunshine."

Thomas wrinkled his nose. He raised an eyebrow and gave James an odd look. This man wasn't used to romantic attention at all, including pet names. Unlike James, he hadn't tried dating before he foubd his soulmate. Hooking up? Yes. Deep relationships? No. James, on the other hand, was the exact opposite.

"Sunshine?" He asked softly. "And you didn't answer my question."

"Yes, I called you sunshine. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.."

"James Madison, answer my damn question!" Thomas exclaimed, blushing heavily. He hid his face in James' shoulder.

I don't know what time it is," James replied with a shrug, chuckling as Thomas made a face, who was getting jostled as James did this. "Probably like..9:40 or something. I don't have a watch."

Thomas closed his eyes again, a small yawn passing his lips. "I want pancakes," he mumbled, the words muffled. James snorted, rubbing Thomas' back in soft, circular motions.

"I can't make them if you're laying on top of me, hun," He mumbled with a laugh. "But get up, and I'll make you some."

"I don't wanna get up!" Thomas whined, pulling out of James' grasp and sprawling out on the bed. James sighed and slid out of bed, shrugging at Thomas before heading into his small kitchen. He widened his eyes, looking around. He hadn't really taken the time to observe it the night before, but wow- this place was fancy. Thomas, James decided, must be one of those rich kids who could afford penthouse suites with full kitchens and multiple bathrooms. (He was right.) James quickly got to work making Thomas' pancakes, a happy little grin on his face.

By the time Thomas had finally dragged himself out of bed, James was almost done. The smaller man was now whistling and singing to himself. He was having a much better morning than usual, even though he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, he was still in a good mood.

Thomas hoisted himself up onto the counter, swinging his bare legs back and forth. "Jemmyyy, come hereeee," He whined, holding out his arms and making grabby hands towards the other man.

"I'm going to burn the pancakes, Thomas."

"I need attention!"

With a heavy sigh and an annoyed look (which was very, very fake- though it looked real), James put down his spatula and turned off the stove. He walked over to Thomas, standing on his tiptoes to propel his short frame upwards to be at eye level with the other man.

"Is this what you wanted?"

Thomas nodded. He began peppering James' face and neck with gentle kisses, humming against his skin. James rolled his eyes. He let out an exasperated sigh, raising an eyebrow.

"Gee golly, Thomas! Would you rather eat me, or the pancakes?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.


James sputtered and pulled away, shaking his head. Thomas made a pouty face, hopping off the counter to fix himself a plate of pancakes.

The two ate standing in the kitchen, exchanging jokes and gentle kisses. Thomas could get used to this. Having someone to talk to in the morning, to interact with, was amazing.

After they'd gotten their dishes cleaned and put away, they trooped back into the bedroom to get dressed. Thomas bit his lip anxiously, glancing at James out of the corner of his eye every few seconds. He was currently rooting through his closet, trying to pick out something that wasn't too thottie. It felt weird to expose that part of him to James. He was afraid of being judged and laughed at. Coming from James, that'd hurt terribly, worse than it did with other people. In all honesty, Thomas couldn't take another heartbreak.

Little did he know, James couldn't either. These two were treading on dangerous territory, and it was only a matter of time before something happene.

After all, happiness didn't last forever.

A few moments later, Thomas worked up enough courage to pick out an outfit that he actually wanted to wear. This consisted of black fishnets, holey worn jeans, and a lavender sweatshirt with matching boots.

James- who'd just thrown on his wrinkled clothes from last night- almost passed out when he glanced over at Thomas. He licked his dry lips, his eyes roaming the other's body. "You look amazing, Tommy."

"Really? You think so? I mean, this is just-"

Thomas' words were cut off by the sound of James' ringtone, much to the annoyance of both men. James sighed and fished his phone out of his pocket. He looked at the caller ID and cringed.

"Dolley..," He mumbled weakly.

"James Madison, where have you been!? You said you'd be back at 3 last night, but I don't see ya here!"

"Calm down. You aren't my mother-"

"I might as well be!"

"Anyway, as I was trying to say, I stayed the night with Thomas," James explained, shifting uncomfortably and sending Thomas an apologetic smile.

"What!?? Did y'all fuck?"

"Wha-? Dolley, no! It's our first date, for God's sake!"

"Whatever, get your ass home. I want all the juicy details," Dolley proclaimed, before hanging up without a goodbye.

James shook his head, putting his phone back into his pocket. He looked up at Thomas, wincing. "I have to go now, unfortunately. Care to escort me to the door?" He asked, holding out his arm for his boyfriend to take. Thomas greatfully accepted it and walked out with James, trying his hardest not to look disappointed.

"So, when's our text date?" Thomas asked, an eager tone in his voice.

James turned to face him, shrugging. "Whenever. This weekend, next week. Hell, even tomorrow is fine."

"Maybe this weekend. Call me, okay?"

"Okay. Bye Thomas," James whispered, leaning in to kiss Thomas. Thomas kissed back eagerly for a moment or two, before pulling away and stepping back.

"Bye, James."

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