
By highfairyy

2.4M 76.9K 54.6K

❝ suddenly i'm drowning in the things i never told you.❞ ✵ A story where a seventeen year old girl moves int... More



39.4K 1.3K 756
By highfairyy


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Thalia Lively

His forest green eyes fiercely stared into my hazel ones, causing me to avert my eyes to the side. I knew his anger was towards James but I couldn't help and feel like he was angry at me too. I didn't have enough time to question myself as to why I cared so much if he was angry at me. I shouldn't care but I feel a little disappointed in myself for angering him.

"Why were you hiding it?" His deep voice said, cutting through the silence loudly. I could see him tightening his jaw, looking like he was trying to hold back his anger as he spoke to me.

I felt compelled to answer him, mainly because he seemed so serious about this that simply shrugging it off wouldn't be okay with him. "Because it wasn't that big of a deal, it's healing now anyways. Plus what's the point of telling anyone?" I asked, genuinely wondering why he needed to know this anyway. What would he do with this new found information?

"What's the point?" He repeated, looking at me incredulously, with his eyebrows narrowed and eyes slightly squinted. "The point is that he laid his hands on you and that's not okay. You were just going to let it go? You have stitches because of him, Tahlia!" He raised his voice and I blinked, taken aback.

"What am I suppose to do about it? It happened two weeks ago." I defended myself. What was I suppose to do? I got my health taken care of and I didn't want to make this issue any more serious.

"So? You don't let things go like that, what if he was to do it again? Which he might because now he knows you won't do anything about it. He put his fucking hands on you and—" He paused and closed his eyes for a second. Without another thought, he was making his way up the stairs.

I ran after him and thankfully the guys stopped him from leaving as I made it to the living room seeing Carter in front of him, blocking his way to the door. The guys looked curious as they tried to get Nathan to tell them why he was acting so irrationally.

"What's wrong?" Riley asked me as she made it to my side, also wanting to know why Nathan looked so angry.

"He saw the stitches." I said to her, not taking my eyes off of Nathan's back. I didn't want him to go out and do any harm because of me, I wanted him to leave the subject alone.

"Go look at the back of her head." Nathan growled out to Carter who eyed me curiously.

"Why would we look at her head?" Ethan questioned randomly, raising an eyebrow at Nathan. I suddenly felt self conscious as everyone turned towards me, all of them staring me down. I felt like I committed a crime by the way Nathan was taking this situation.

Austin walked over to me and silently asked me if he was allowed to push my hair away so he could see the back of my head. I pulled my hair away for him and let him look, clenching my jaw when I heard him gasp. A couple more shocked reactions followed as I assume the rest of the boys came to see too. I turned around hesitantly and slowly brought my eyes up to meet their widened ones.

"What happened?" Emmett spoke first while the rest of the boys tried to gather their thoughts.

"James and I fought at the party and he slammed me against a wall, making my head bang against the edge of a painting." I explained, my voice feeling small. I felt worried for their reactions if it was going to be anything like Nathan's.

Carter shook his head, bringing his hands up to hold his face as he started walking back towards Nathan who stood at the door. Ethan and Austin looked at me with an expression full of concern. Emmett let out a 'fuck' as he closed his eyes shut.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Ethan asked me softly.

"I didn't know I was suppose to?" I said in a form of a question. "I mean, what was telling you guys going to do? I went to the hospital and got it taken care of, and I didn't want the situation becoming serious or big but I guess it's too late for that one." I huffed. I looked around for Nonna but thankfully she was nowhere to be seen, I didn't want her to hear about any of this. She would have a heart attack if she saw my stitches. I wasn't exactly hiding it, I just didn't plan on telling anyone about my injury.

"We're your friends, either way we would like to know if you're hurt, especially if it was caused by James." Austin said, Ethan agreeing with him as he nodded along to his words. A warm, unknown feeling starting filling my heart, I was completely taken back by his words.

My eyes snapped to Nathan as he opened the front door and quickly exited before we could stop him. I hated having a lot of attention on me, I preferred staying in the background so when everyone's attention was turned onto me when Nathan left, it was my first instinct to exit along with him.

I ran out of the door and dashed towards Nathan's car, holding his door open before he had the chance to close it. He didn't bother looking up at me, instead he slumped against his seat and clenched his jaw, his eyes looking forwards. It seemed like he was patiently waiting for me to either say something or let go of his door and I did none of the above. Instead, I sighed and just looked at him until he would finally look back at me. The cold breeze hit the side of me face smoothly, flowing around me freely and if my mind wasn't on the topic at hand, I would just take in this moment.

Just as my thoughts were sidetracked, I almost missed the fact that he staring up at me. We both remained silent and I decided to speak up first.

"Where are you going?" I asked him softly, already knowing the answer. I don't know why he cares so much to get this angered by it.

"I have things to do." He answered curtly.

I scoffed at his answer. "Bullshit." I called him out on it and tilted my head slightly at him. His head bounced back at my sudden raised voice, not expecting me to come at him. "Come back inside." I tried convincing him.

"No." He said back, his challenging eyes bore into mine. I swear, if I could, I would stare at his eyes all day. They captured my attention like no other, and the only thing that does the same are sunsets.

"Okay." I said slowly, nodding afterwards. "So I let you go and what do you plan doing? If it involves finding James and any form of fighting, you're coming back inside." He rolled his eyes but stayed seated in his car, still planning on leaving.

"Move, Thalia." He leaned over, reaching for the door that I was holding open. Quickly as his hand shot out to grab the door, I stuck my hand out, grabbing his and pulling him out of the car. He didn't have time to react but quickly stabled himself as I pulled him, setting his feet down and sighing once he realized my intended actions. Keeping one of my hands attached to his, I used the other one to grab the keys and close the door.

I put the keys in my pocket before he tried reaching for them. I finally turned to face him and he stood in front of me with softer features, way different than his angered, strong facade he had going on seconds ago. He huffed, shaking his head lightly at me.

"We have a room to paint, so." I said without breaking eye contact, having no idea what to say next. I just acted on impulse because I didn't want him going out and doing god knows what out of his anger, especially because of me. He didn't make a move to remove his hand from mine and I was growing more and more tense the longer he kept his hand there, I wasn't used to this type of human contact, hell I barely even talk to anyone.

Instead of replying, he simply started walking back to the house, pulling me behind him with out attached hands. I blinked repeatedly, trying to unfreeze myself but this sudden feeling of warmth corrupted every thought, all I could focus on was his hand in mine. I didn't want to let go, why don't I wanna let go?

"Thalia, where did he— oh." Riley started off as she heard the door reopen, thinking it was just me entering again. Her eyes flew straight to our hands, zoning in on the scene. A smile broke out on her face as she collected her thoughts, finally looking up to meet my eyes. I could see her silently telling me that this was going to be the topic of our conversation later.

"Finally!" Emmett's voice said loudly as he came downstairs, his shirt covered in paint. "Riley here doesn't want to help because she likes her outfit, so it's just us. You freaking left us with Ethan and Austin." Emmett looked directly at Nathan and I, almost accusingly.

"It's a cute outfit." I commented, looking at what Riley was wearing. I completely understand her concerns, I mean looking at Emmett's shirt, Riley would murder someone of hers ended up like that.

"It is." Emmett agreed looking back at Riley, his eyes travelling up and down her body. I held in my breath, as did Riley as her face automatically started turning red.

"T-thanks guys, I like your shirt." She stuttered, looking at Emmett. "Well how it was before, now it looks bad with all that paint." Her eyes widened at the words that flew out of her mouth. "N-no I mean, it doesn't look bad, you don't look bad, but the shirt looked better before." Her eyes started turning panicked. "But you still look good, like that I mean, you look good in paint covered clothes—" I quickly made my way towards her and silently told her to stop talking. I wanted to laugh so badly but I didn't want her feeling embarrassed.

Emmett smiled at her, chuckling softly. "Thank you." He replied charmingly and I'm sure Riley wouldn't fainted if I wasn't holding her up.

"Aw, look at how red she is. It's adorable." We heard Ethan's voice say from above us, causing all of us to avert our eyes up the stairs where we saw Ethan standing. He was covered in paint, it looked like he took the paint bucket and just dumped it on himself.

"What the hell happened? We were gone for like ten minutes." I said, looking at Ethan with widened eyes. Austin walked out behind him, also being covered with a light nude coloured paint. Carter followed, except he looked spotless.

"These two idiots had a paint fight." Carter explained while Austin and Ethan just looked at each other and then back at me. I chuckled and looked towards Nathan who was shaking his head at the two hooligans standing at the top of the stairs. Both of their heads snapped to Austin, glaring at him for the 'idiot' part.

"Well, now that you two are here, lets go." Emmett said, walking up the stairs but stopping half way. "And you, this is your house, just go change. You defiantly are helping." Emmett said to Riley who nodded robotically at him, like she was hypnotized by his words. I shook my head at her amusingly, oh how badly I wanted to bust out laughing.

All of the boys disappear up the stairs, allowing Riley and I to have a quick conversation.

She snapped out of her gaze and excitedly turned towards me, her wild eyes meeting my amused ones. "D-did that really happen? I'm not imagining this right? Is this a fucking dream?" She ranted out questions and ended up pinching herself and wincing afterwards.

"Yes that really happened." I confirmed it for her and she squealed loudly but covered her mouth within seconds and looked up the stairs, hoping they don't hear her. I finally started laughing, she was something else and I hope she never changes.

She, all of a sudden, ran up the stairs and into what I assume is her room. I followed her path up the stairs but went into the room that contained the boy's. I walked in and choked on my laugh as I watched Ethan and Austin use themselves as paint brushes. Carter and Nathan were painting one wall, Emmett was painting another one and well Ethan and Austin were in charge of another one.

I didn't even bother questioning the two boys and decided to just get started on an empty white wall. I took the tape and started outlining the wall with the tape so the paint doesn't go on the door frame or the bottom framing. Afterwards, I grabbed a brush and sat down the floor, starting at the bottom. My brush smoothly went across the wall.

I jumped when I heard loud music start, causing me to turn around and see Austin dancing. Riley entered the room wearing a big grey t-shirt, that I assume is Mason's, and some black tights. She was starting to walk towards me and my wall but I shook my head at her and pointed at Emmett, who was painting a wall alone. She looked back at me and mouthed 'no,no,no'. I nodded my head and pointed at his direction once more.

She shyly walked over to his side and picked up some random brush, dipping it into a paint bucket and started at end of that wall, away from Emmett. I sighed at her shyness but just let her do her thing.

Carter and Nathan were talking amongst themselves it seemed, they weren't talking loud enough for me to hear their conversation but loud enough for m to hear their faint voices. I weirdly wanted to know why they looked so serious but I stopped myself from paying attention to them any longer because it wasn't my business.

I looked over at Ethan and Austin who were dancing to the music and now painting with brushes. Riley and Emmett were having a small conversation and I rooted for my ship internally. She seemed less affected but his presence now that they were really talking, that's my girl.

We all continued doing our own thing for another fifteen minutes before I heard a loud gasp echo in the large room. I turned and looked for where the gasp came from, my eyes landing on Ethan who had fresh paint dripping from his cheek. Austin stood in front of him with the paint roller in his hands, gaping at the sight of Ethan.

"Oops, I didn't see you there." Austin said after a couple seconds and Ethan sent him a deadpanned stare. Before anyone knew what was going on, a paint war started within seconds. Ethan dipped his hand in a paint bucket and went after Austin who swore profoundly. We all started laughing at the two careless boys, mostly at Ethan who deeply wanted revenge.

"This shit is going to give me pimples you dickhead, come back here." Ethan called out to Austin who hid behind a confused Riley. Riley held her hands out in front of her to stop Ethan from attacking her in the process also.

I was so busy focusing on Ethan and Austin that I didn't even notice Carter standing beside me with a brush ready to ruin my finally clear skin. I turned to face him slowly and couldn't even focus properly before I saw a brush coming at me. Thankfully I moved and it went on my neck, instead of my face.

"Carter, you ass!" I exclaimed then laughed as my hand that held my paint brush went along his plain black shirt.

He looked down at his shirt slowly, shrugging afterwards and making a quick move back at me but I was quicker. I ran away from him and straight towards Nathan who was closest to me, for protection.

"Nate, move." Carter ordered him.

"No." Nathan replied to him simply, staying out in his spot.

"Well, okay then." Carter slowly nodded and turned his attention back to Ethan who was now spitting on the floor that was covered with plastic bags. I assume he got some paint in his mouth as he rushed out of the room and into the washroom right across the hall. Nathan was watching the scene unfold also, giving me a second to catch him unguarded.

I pushed my hand forward and went for his exposed neck. It didn't work out as planned when he sadly caught me from the side of his eye and my arms were suddenly caught by his own. He held my hands and pulled me forward.

"I don't think so, sweetheart." He said, his deep voice echoing in my head as I repeated his words. He was staring into my eyes which I thought would give me another opportunity to attack so I quickly tried pulling my hand away and shooting it back to him aiming for him.

Again, it didn't work. He caught on once again but this time he not only grabbed my wrists but he managed to push my back into the wall behind me that was only a few steps away. My back gently hit the wall and I gasped at his closeness. This time I was so captivated by his stare that I didn't have time to notice him taking the brush out of my hand.

I moved my head just in time and the brush hit my left cheek. "Nathan!" I laughed out. I wiped my cheek on his shirt and he didn't stop me.

"You're going to pay for that." I warned him, trying to make my voice as imitating as his but it didn't work out that way as my normally smooth voice came the exact same.

"Oh, am I?" He challenged me, his eyes telling me to make another move but I didn't. The moment took over me and I was consumed in awe. His words held such a charm to them that literally rendered me speechless, and I wasn't used to this. I would never admit it but it was defiantly swoon worthy.

"Oh yeah." I tried convincing myself rather than him, and I guess he could see my unsureness. I was caught off guard when he struck the paint brush against my skin once more but this time on my arm. He moved away from me once I tried using his shirt as a towel again.

I chased after him and he successfully ran out of the room, causing me to follow him. He stopped abruptly and I clashed into his back, not expecting him to stop out of no where. I moved my face away from his back and looked around him, causing my eyeballs to almost shoot out of my head.

Nathan stayed all tensed up beside me as we were being stared down by someone that could possibly ruin our lives.

Noah blinked at us repeatedly, taking in out appearance for a second. If Nonna was aware of the shenanigans that we were pulling just previously, I can already see my death coming within seconds.

Nathan, being Nathan, of course played it off and went up to Noah, squatting to his level. "Hey little man."

"Hi." Noah's adorable voice said to Nathan.

"Holy shit, that was fucking disgusting— oh what, there are children here, hey man." Ethan's voice came out of no where. Ethan gave Noah the 'sup' nod and then walked back into the room silently.

Before we could say anything else, Nonna's voice was being heard throughout the house as it echoed from downstairs.

"Noah?" She called out and I could hear her footsteps coming up the stairs. I dashed for the guest room, not wanting to be in Nonna's sight. Nathan followed after dapping up Noah. We closed the door quickly and breathed out in relief.

"Guys, I made lunch!" The knocks hit my back as I was leaning against the door. Ethan's face lit up at the sound of 'lunch' and he pushed me out of the way, opening the door widely. We all yelled 'no!' at him but it was too late.

The fully covered by paint Ethan stood at the door, smiling at Nonna who blinked up at him.

"What's for lunch?" Ethan asked excitedly.


{ y'all know the deal, not edited }

Hey guys!! I didn't know where to end this chapter tbh LOLL. I hope you guys liked this one and again, I apologize on the slow updates!

Thank you all for reading.

^ me at updating, again i'm so sorry sksksksksk

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