
By Frozenbeenie

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A 16 year old girl had grown up with a gang known as "the Violets". she grew tired of their criminal ways and... More

Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 2: Part 2
Chapter 3: Flora
Chapter 4: Benjamin
Chapter 5: Martin
Chapter 6: Revealed
Chapter 7: The party
Chapter 8: Drunk
Chapter 10: Drawing
Chapter 11: Jersey?
Chapter 12: Beach
Chapter 13: Discover
Chapter 14: last day
Chapter 15: the truth
Chapter 16: Martin!?

Chapter 9: Sober

215 7 6
By Frozenbeenie

Benjamin's p.o.v

I was dreaming...i was sitting in my old room back in San Antonio Texas. i was about go off to meet up with my band when i heard my mom crying...i went down stairs to check up on her. she was sitting on the coach covering both her eyes. "mom?" i called. she looked up crying more and ran to hug me. "whats wrong?" i asked worried

"Y-your father...and Anthony were...Murdered..." she cried. just by saying that, my whole world fell dad and my brother was no longer in this world... i've been doing a lot of heavy drinking and a lot of bad choices... i didn't think i could ever get myself together... My Best friends Jonathan, Christina, Victoria, and Jordan tried to snap me out of things, but it wasn't working... So one day, Christina had enough and took me out to eat. she told me that things happen, things happen for a reason. Anthony was about to live out his dream, but i had a chance to live out mine for his, if i didn't put my act together, i cant live his dream for him...and she was right... i soon got my life back and continued writing music and stuff. until mom won the lottery and we moved to New York, dream was a step closer.

My dream became to a nightmare to a random area in New York...I saw Anthony and Dad laying in a puddle of blood. it was terrible, i nearly lost it. people were walking through me looking and gasping at the scene. i felt tears burning my eyes. the dream flashed to a earlier period when they were still alive.

"I'm so close dad! I'm about to live out my dream and become a singer!" Anthony cheered. i missed his cheery personality. he was such a good person...

"yeah son, but we better hurry! i think theres a short cut through this alley way" dad said. they went through the alley. right before they went back to the streets. 7 guys and a girl blocked his way.

"hey, give me your money" a guy said. dad refused and tried to fight him off. i could see the girl shiver in fear. it was too dark to see her face. but one of her eyes were covered with her messy hair. a man was hugging her from behind trying to calm her down. the man in the scar became inpatient. the rest of the guys locked their arms, un able to move. the scar man sliced their throat open. gushing up tons and tons...of blood. my eyes widened. the girl screamed. everyone in the area was alerted. the gang grabbed the girl and ran off to who knows where. i sat there looking at both dad and much much blood..

I jolted up and saw myself not in my room, instead, i was in Flora's room...fuck... it wasn't all a dream that i came here and she took care of me...she was so mean to me, but really nice too.

my phone was next to me as i looked around the empty room, there was a dream catcher on the floor.i wonder where shes at. I held my head. man...that nightmare was terrible... I had a stomach hurts..

I looked through my phone and looked at the messages i missed. my mom wondered where i was, i texted her that I'm at Tyler's. speaking of tyler. i looked through his messages.

"Dude! where are you!?"

"Oh god! please don't be dead!"

"Your not dead right?!"

"Oh god!" Tyler freaked, i read what Flora replied

"I'm fine, I'm taking a shit at home"...she did not just-! thats embarrassing!

I got up from her soft bed and looked for her around the house. i found her in the kitchen cooking. She put something on two plates. i went over and hugged her from behind. she slowly turned around and looked at me. she held my cheeks with her one hand "you're pale" she said. i chuckled

"you actually care?"

"fine, whatever" she let go and took the plates of waffles and eggs to the table. i sat down while she sat next to me eating

"sorry...i just had a bad dream" i admit.

"sorry, i accidentally knocked over my dream catcher. my fault" she said eating her eggs. she seemed different

"its okay, just a dream catcher"

"no, nightmares don't usually happen when it's hanging"

"did you have a nightmare?". she became silent cutting her waffles.

"Sorry I ask, maybe I should go" I got up, she stopped me with her foot making me trip.

"no, you're in a hang over, stay until you feel better" wow...she really cares

"you really care huh?" I smiled.

"no, I just don't want to be responsible for your death if you leave too soon" alright then... that sounds more like her "Rosa!" she called, her little puppy ran over and got fed by a bag that was in another chair. Flora looked down at me "what are you still doing on the floor? get up and eat" she stood up and made something else in the kitchen. her ass looked nice in those shorts. I got on my seat and continued eating, man this taste good. She came back giving me a bottle of water and went back to eat.

Rosa wanted to play when we were finished eating. so we went to the field of flowers and just sat there as Rosa played with her plush bone and chased some butterflies. I watched Flora connecting some flowers together. I smiled as she was focused "you got some explaining to do" I laughed. she looked up

"what?".i took out my phone showed it to her, she knew what I was talking about. she was hiding her laugh.

"how could you say that?! I was not taking a dump!" I laughed

"well, you were drunk. drunk people do stupid things" she admit going back to her flowers.

"so you never explained to me what you did to me last night, about the bathroom and food" I said.

"I'm surprise you remember all that" she said not looking up.

"well, being drunk is something I'm kinda use to" I accidentally admit. she looked at me with hurt eyes. I shouldn't have said anything

"I hate drunk guys...they're stupid..." she admit finishing a flower tiara.

"you know guys that get drunk?" I asked, she sighed

"I don't want to talk about it..." she looked away

"I'm sorry". she looked at me and gave me a warm smile. my heart just jumped. she put the tiara on my head and chuckled

"you look pretty" I smiled.

"I do not!" I laughed as I tackled her to the ground.

"trust me dude! you do not want to mess with me!" she laughed getting up. I stood up and looked down at her. her was about 3 inches shorter then me. and I'm 5'6.

"bring it" I told her. before I knew it, I was in a arm lock and tackled to the ground with my face pressed on the dirt. she was fast! and strong!

"Teach you to mess with me!" she laughed getting up.i sat down looking up at her. her legs were the perfect size. her waist was strong looking. her curves were beautiful.and her boobs...they weren't as big as Brandy's but they were still big. "stop starring, you'll catch flies" she laughed. I realize I had my mouth open and was drooling. damn that's embarrassing! she walked off with Rosa. hey, I'm a boy, I can't help but stair at her perfect body. I ran next to her.

"So where your parents?" I asked

"moms out of town for a book thing, she's a writer. and dad is off in a business trip, he's the owner of a company" she admit.


"don't worry about it" we chilled in her house for several hours just watching movies and eating snacks. it was about to be sunset and I began to feel better.

"it's getting late, you should go home now" she pointed out looking through the "we heart it" app.

"yeah, you're right, I still need to unpack" I admit getting off her bed. I had a good time here. I finally knew part of the real her, the other part she refused to show, and I could tell by the way she dodges my questions on her past and stuff

I was outside her door as she held the door open "oh and when I see you at school, don't talk to me" she simply said about to close the door. I held it

"wait why? I thought we were beginning to be friends!" I said. she looked at me serious but hurt

"you came here drunk, I took care of you, that's it, we are not friends" she pushed my hand off the door and closed it completely. I banged on the door

"why Flora!? why do you shut everyone out?! why can't I be close with you!?" I yelled

"just go away! you won't understand!" I heard her voice fated away. I thought I was making progress, but turns out that it got me no where...

I got on my bike and ran my hands through my hair, I looked at the flower tiara that surprisingly stayed on my head. She's hiding something...i want to understand why she's shutting everyone out. I put the tiara in my bike pocket under the seat and drove off with my helmet on.

I hope I don't see that guy from before in my home again. "mom, I'm home!" I yelled. she was watching a novella on TV eating a whole bunch of banana split ice cream.

"hey darling, how was Tyler's?" she asked noticing me.

"It was alright, but I think I'm going to chill in bed today" I said walking upstairs

"don't forget to unpack!". I went into my room. it was big but not as big as Flora's...damn Flora, your making me go crazy! the walls were white,my furniture was dark brown. Two windows were next to my bed.the room was almost completely empty except for the messy blue bed sheets, keyboard and guitar. I jumped on my bed and looked at the ceiling. thinking about what happened the past days.

I finally got up and unpacked my boxes. first my clothes, then my shoes, then my snap backs, Beanies, posters of different kinds of bands, random small stuff like music sheets, pencils, video games for my xbox, my xbox, Blue ray player. i'll get my tv from down stairs trophies and lastly, picture frames... I looked at one with all my old band members. we were all laughing together before we first preformed in our schools talent show, we totally won it. It was a great time.

i had other individual pictures with each of them in school. i should probably call them later. i placed the frames on my dresser and some on the walls. i looked back at the picture with my whole family together... me,Anthony,mom and dad... i put it back in the box full of other small stuff and placed it near my bed. i'm not in the mood to feel right now, i just left Floras house finding out that all my effort didn't do a thing

My phone went off, seeing Tyler's caller ID, i answered it "yellow?" i answered

"hey man, still at Floras?" he asked

"what? how you know? god dammit! i told Tino not to tell!"

"Its alright man, did you get some?" he laughed

"hell no, she scares me" i admit remembering the innocent back in her bath room. he laughed for a long while

"funny, hey. Julian, Tino and I are going to chill in the park tomorrow, wanna come? you can bring a guitar so you can make some extra cash, if you have one"

"yeah, i don't see why not"

"cool, meet us in the Big Lake at 9 in the morning".

"alright, i'll see you soon" i hung up and laid on my bed.

My phone went off again. it was Jonathan. I answered. there was screaming, i moved my phone away from my ear. my friends are nut bags. it was funny "chill guys!" i laughed

"are you in New york yet!? its been a week without talking to you!" i heard Victoria scream happily. Her name is Victoria Rojas, she looks white but shes mexican. shes goofy but very friendly, she played base.

"yes, i did, i had to get use to being around before i call you. i got some new friends" i said

"cool! are they better then us!? they better not be! do they play instruments? Will you start another band? how many friends?!" Jordan asked. his name was Jordan Perez, he is a karate expert, really loud, confident and ask to many questions all the time. he played Drums.

"You guys are equal, two play instruments, so i don't think i might start my own band, and i have 5 in total minus a girl" i answered his questions.

"ohhh!! a girl!? tell us about her! Is she cute!? is she a model!?" Christina giggled. her name is Christina Ramos, a quiet one in public but a crazy one in parties, she was the one that helped me out with my drinking problem, she was a reliable friend, she played the electric guitar, i know, shes very metal.

"i cant say much, but shes a nerd that refuses to talk to me or anyone in school" i admit.

"boo! seriously? a nerd? you did much better then that bro! you got chicks on the ass back home" Jonathan whined, thats Jonathan meija. he's over dramatic, funny, and such a drunky. I don't have girls on the ass! Sure i flirt with a lot of them but it never went anywhere, i always prefer to do something else then to touch all those sluts. those sluts almost tore our friendship apart. so i refuse to ever be near a actual slut.

"no i don't! you know that! But shes different...shes super hot under those glasses and ugly cloths. her ass...her boobs-"

" eww, TMI Ben!" Victoria laughed in disgusted, i admit that i went to far while day dreaming.

"sorry..." i apologized

"we should definitely come visit you one day, it'll be awesome!" Christina squealed. i had to move my phone again so my ear would fall off.

"Yeah, that'll be great, listen, i'm pretty tired, we're in different time zones, night" i said

"night!!!" they all yelled together before hanging up. before i knew it, i already fell asleep in my now complete made room.

Flora's p.o.v

That was awful...the memory...i couldn't take it...

I was with the gang in a alley just sitting their to see if a homeless guy would pass by. these people were terrible, they steal innocent peoples belongings...when they needed it the most. i sat next to Martin and across from Nicolas, Fernando,George, Ruban, Julio, and Josh. i could see from their faces that they really wanted to smoke weed and some tobacco. but they knew if they did, people would hear me almost dying my lungs out. so they wouldn't do it right now. i am 15 and its about sunset outside where we are at right now. i hugged my legs. my hair was messy as usual covering my left eye.

"Hey, someones coming" Ruben whispered. i looked at the direction he was looking and saw a man and a cute boy walking. the man looked in his 30s and the boy was about 18 or 19. Nicolas was the first to get up. then the rest of us joined him "hey, give me your money" he said with a smirk. The older man glared

"what do i look like to you? a bank? back off!" he fought. Before i knew it, the man was trying to fight him off, he called me over to take over but Martin held me back. the boy looked super scared wanting to join the fight, but he didn't move. everyone except me and Martin grabbed both the strangers arms and locked them. Nicolas took out a pocket knife. my eyes widened, Martin held me tighter. i knew what they were going to the boy looked at me scared. his eyes were basically shouting at me to help him... i cried. Nicolas cut both their necks deeply. blood exploded out. the was terrible! i screamed like crazy! i cant believe that happened! no!! martin picked me up on his shoulders and the 8 of us left the scene..

We got back at to the base in one peace, except me, who was still crying at the memory..."what the hell Flora! you could've got us caught!" Nicolas shouted at my face. i just cried and cried covering my face.

"I'll take her to her room" Martin said holding me in bridal style

"whatever" Nicolas hissed walking away pissed.

Martin put me in my tiny room with a non working sink and twin bed. the walls were grey and rusty. he placed on the bed and stroked my head trying to calm me down "shh..shh...its okay" he cooed. "this has gotten too far... you have to leave..." he told me. i shook

"no...if i leave, they'll kill me just like they did to those guys!" i cried. he sighed

"your only 15...i hope one day that you'll be smart enough to run away on your own..." he stood up and walked out... i cant handle it...i can still the smell the blood..i need fresh air

I got out the small window and ran by the park that i was near by. it was dark so i didn't have to worry about someone seeing my face. i walked and walked for an hour. No matter how much fresh air i got, i could still smell blood... "hey..." i heard a familiar voice call behind me, i turned and saw Nicolas walk towards me. my tears automatically fell as i stood still "come on...its dark and cold..." he offered his hand. i hesitated and looked at his big hand... "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you...lets just go before we get caught" i slowly took his hand and we walked back to the base...

I opened my eyes and looked around my room. Benjamin was sleeping silently next to me. i looked at my window, why was my dream on the floor? explains the night mare. i silently cried to myself for a few seconds before going to the kitchen to cook something for Ben. he should be in his hangover stage. but it shouldn't be too strong.

As i cooked waffles, i felt arms wrap around me. I turned and saw him pale. did he have a nightmare to? "your pale".

"you actually care?" he chuckled

"fine whatever" i didn't feel like putting up with him

The day passed and i was enjoying myself with him. watching movies and eating. i avoided all the questions that made me uncomfortable. Like "What were you like when you were little?"

"What middle school you went to" stupid questions like that. and i couldn't answer any of them. I stared at him as he still wore the flower tiara i made him. he looked goofy. but pretty. i sighed and looked at my phone looking through pictures in "we heart it".

"its getting late, you should go home now" he was home all day, his hangover had to be gone by now.

"yeah, you're right, i still need to unpack" what? you been here for a week and you still haven't unpacked?

He walked out and looked at me, i held the door open. i gotta admit, i was pretty disappointed that he had to leave, but he cant stay here...i cant be close to him

"oh and when i see you at school, don't talk to me" i said about to close the door before he held it

"wait why? i thought we were beginning to be friends!" we were! thats the problem!

"you came here drunk, i took care of you, thats it, we are not friends" i pushed him away and closed the door leaning against the door...i heard him banging

"why flora!? why do you shut everyone out!? why cant i be close with you!?" he shouted. i begin to cry

"just go away! you wouldn't understand!" I ran off to my room and cried on my bed. Rosa came crying, she knew i was upset. i pet her head "he cant matter how caring and nice he is...i cant..." i told her. i got up and took a long hot bath... i promise, once i got this covered, I'm going to have lots of friends and Ben and i can be close like he wants us to... i need to talk to Martin.

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