Everything Cliché (Lesbian St...

By darksideofme17

120K 5.4K 192

Two strangers meet by chance and all the cliche in the world happens to them but then again, what's a good st... More

Chapter 1: A Romeo & Juliet-esque cliche
Chapter 2: We Meet Again Cliche
Chapter 3: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Pt 1
Chapter 4: We Switched Up Phones Cliche Part 2
Chapter 5: Let's Pretend to be Girlfriends Cliche
Chapter 6: Let's Pretend to be Girlfriends Part 2
Chapter 7: Meet the Family
Chapter 8: The 'I'm In Love with my Best Friend' Cliche
Chapter 9: I'm Stuck In This One-Sided Love Cliche
Chapter 10: I'm in Denial Cliche
Chapter 11: Just A One Time Thing Cliche
Chapter 12: One Night Stand Cliche
Chapter 13: We Need Time Apart to Sort Our Feelings Cliche
Chapter 14: Things Are Complicated Now
Chapter 15: I'm Sorry It Took Long For Me To Realize
Chapter 16: Our Families Hate Each Other
Chapter 17: A Family Feud
Chapter 18: We Might Be Romeo and Juliet but We're Not Ending in Tragedy
Chapter 19: Us Against the World Cliche
Chapter 20: Hold My Hand, Never Let Me Go
Chapter 21: Be Here With Me
Chapter 22: Silence Is Deafening
Chapter 23: If This Was A Movie
Chapter 24: Unravelling The Web Of Lies
Chapter 25: Betray the Ones You Love
Chapter 26: Kiss Me Goodbye
Chapter 28: Reconciliation
Chapter 29: Whatever Happens, We Face It Together
Chapter 30: Our Road to Happy Ever After

Chapter 27: Fight For Love

3.1K 156 2
By darksideofme17

Amelia smiles as the spotlight shines against brightly at her and Logan. She tries to scan the floor for any new arrivals but the emcee is already talking making her look back at him.

"Amelia and Logan, you guys make a great couple." The emcee says as written in his script. "Tell me, how excited are you for the wedding?" He brings his mic up to Logan.

"Very excited." Logan answers with a smile before looking at her. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with such a beautiful and intelligent girl." He adds and Amelia barely contains her eyeroll. The emcee seems to accept the answer as he turns the mic to her. She opens her mouth only to hear that familiar voice booming around the room.

"What else do you know about Amelia aside from her beauty and intelligence?" Amelia squints her eyes against the bright light before Maxie comes into view. "I'm sure being her fiancé you know other things about her." The raven haired girl is wearing an easy smile as she gets closer to the stage and Amelia's breath hitches seeing her ex girlfriend. "So what else do you know about the girl you can't wait to spend the rest of your life with." From her peripheral she sees Logan smiling disbelievingly at the other girl.

"I'm sorry. Who are you exactly?" Logan asks with a smile but his voice holds anger in it.

"I'm the girl who loves Amelia Isabelle Porter." Maxie's simple answer earns gasps from the people in the venue. Amelia feels the butterfly fluttering wildly inside her stomach, threatening to break free as she listens to Maxie. "I'm the girl who will win her back." The sudden drop in her voice sends shiver down Amelia's spine. She hears Logan laugh in disbelief.

"I'm sorry but who invited you? Please get out before I call security." Logan warns, fumes when Maxie walks up the stage.

"You invited me." The raven haired girl hands the invitation. "Mackenzie Carson-Jensen. Nice to meet you Mr Logan Henson." Amelia watches as Maxie smiles at the man before golden eyes find hers. Their eyes stay lock with one another for a minute before Amelia can feel herself breathe again once those golden eyes move back to Logan. "Did you know Amelia cries during rom-com movies but she still loves watching them? Or that her favorite color is green because it reminds her of the fields in Iceland when she visited the country at the age of 8? Or that she takes small events and does it for free because she has a kind heart? Or she loves spring because it symbolizes new beginnings?" As all those things leaves Maxie's mouth, Amelia finds herself breathless once again before her heart stops when soft amber eyes gazes at her. "She loves so much that sometimes it scares me she won't have love left for herself. She gives so much that people will take it for granted. She protects so much that she lets herself get hurt in the process." Amelia can see the love in those eyes, the eyes that holds so much love for her it makes her heart beat too fast. "I'm sorry but I'm not going to let someone marry her just because she's beautiful and intelligent." She notes the change in Maxie's voice. "Do you love him?" Maxie asks. Amelia opens her mouth to speak but is cut off by the sound of her mother.

"Security!" Her mom yells. That snaps Amelia from her shock and she takes Maxie's hand. She needs to get her out of this place before her security reaches her. She manages to tug on the raven haired girl's hand but only reaches the edge of the stage before they stop.

"Maxie please." She pleads only to get a smile from the girl. Maxie squeezes her hand in reassurance.

"Do you love him?" Maxie asks her again softly, her panic mind can vaguely hear the heavy footsteps of the security team but she calms down when she meets amber eyes. "Tell me you love him and I'll walk away." Amelia closes her eyes as a soft, gentle hand caresses her face. When she opens her eyes, it's filled with love for the girl in front of her.

"You know I'll only and always love you." She confesses turning her head to kiss the palm of her hand. "But we should stop. We fought too much already. We can't win this." She chokes as tears start spilling down her eyes. She reaches up to cup Maxie's face as she sees those amber eyes shine with unshed tears. "I love you but we can't." She says with finality and sees the defeated look in Maxie's eyes. The girl nods pulling away from her and Amelia can physically feel the pain of being far away from her love.

"I understand." Maxie tells her, gives her a sad smile and it slowly breaks her resolve. "I wish you happiness Amelia. I love you." With that she watches the girl turn away from her. Amelia holds in a sob as she painfully watches her true love walking farther and farther away from her. With her heart breaking every step the girl takes, she forces herself to stay rooted in her place and not go after Maxie as much as her entire being is screaming at her to run after her.

"Make sure she doesn't get in." Her mom's yelling orders, useless orders if you asked her. She knows Maxie won't try and get in anymore. She sees someone stand beside her, she looks up to see it was her dad looking at her with concern in his eyes.

"Reminds me of that time." Her dad says vaguely making her frown. "Her father did the exact same thing." Still not following her dad, she looks at him in question. "Do you love Logan?" The question stuns her.

"What does love have to do with anything?" She responds weakly. Her dad gives her a gentle smile.

"Everything." He tells her, squeezing her shoulder before turning her to face him. "Go." A simple word but holds so much hope for her. "Don't worry about your mom, I'll handle her. Go." He nudges her forward and Amelia's feet starts moving towards the exit. She can hear her mom calling her, telling her to get back, telling the security personnel to stop her but she can also hear her dad's voice commanding them to stop and for once she's grateful her dad is on her side. She stops running to look around the parking area to find she's too late. She sighs and sniffles before she hears footsteps coming up behind her. She turns to look at whoever followed her to see Logan a few feet away.

"I'm sorry Logan." She faces him. "I can't marry you. I don't love you. I love her." She confesses and sees hurt flash in his eyes. She steps up to him, taking his hand and placing the engagement ring in his palm. Logan's eyes pleads her to stay but she knows her heart will only belong to Maxie. "Goodbye Logan." Amelia is getting good at saying goodbye, she notices. She pulls away and walks to her car, leaving the man standing there.

The ticking of the clock is the only sound that can be heard in the silent apartment. A hand reaches for the glass of scotch on the coffee table before the contents are drained in one gulp. Maxie reaches for the scotch bottle to refill her glass when a knock stops her hand midway. She frowns, not in the mood for any visitors and chooses to ignore it. Maybe whoever is on the other side will leave if they would think nobody's home. It was highly unlikely to be Lori considering she knows where the spare key is hidden so it could either be her mom, her dad or just someone she doesn't really care about. The knocking comes again but Maxie still chooses to ignore it instead and refills her glass before downing the drink in one go. She's not much of a drinker but after everything that had happened, she can let herself indulge in alcohol. She's grateful for her high tolerance in alcohol as she pours another glassful of scotch into her glass. When the knock comes again for the third time, she stands up angrily and walks briskly to the door. Ripping the door open she's ready to tell whoever is disturbing her to go fuck off only for the words to get stuck in her throat when she's met with Amelia.

Maxie frowns, shaking her head to clear it. She can't be that drunk for her brain to start hallucinating things. She closes her eyes, takes deep breaths and prepares herself. She's positive when she opens her eyes again, this hallucination will be gone and she'll be met by an empty hallway. Except when she does opens her eyes she's still there, standing with green eyes staring at her.

"What-" she starts but doesn't manage to finish as the brown haired girl launches herself at her. Due to her slightly inebriated state, she stumbles back before falling to the ground with Amelia on top of her. Maxie groans at the pain but suddenly lips are pressed against hers that makes her forget of her sore back. She moans when she feels teeth scraping at her lower lip before pulling back. She chases the lips as it moves away, resting her full weight on her elbows as she kisses the girl on top of her with unadulterated passion. Air is becoming an issue and she can feel Amelia pulling away but not too far away.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She hears Amelia telling her over and over as arms wound around her neck. "I love you. I love you Maxie." Her heart starts to beat erratically, part of her scared the girl will leave again and part of her starts to believe she's staying. "I'm so so sorry I kept pushing you away. I'm sorry for not being brave enough to fight my love for you. I'm sorry for always causing you pain." Amelia continues, tears streaking down her emerald eyes. "I should have been brave enough to run away with you. I should have been brave enough to fight for you. I should have been brave enough to run after you but I was scared. I didn't want anything to happen to you. Especially because of me." Maxie sees Amelia shaking her head. "I will never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me." Maxie reaches a hand up to brush away the tears that are freefalling down the girl's cheeks. "I thought if I push you away, tell you that nothing is worth fighting for between us, was protecting you from all the hurt and pain my family will bring but I realized I'm the one hurting you the most." Amelia pulls away to look at her and she fears the girl will leave her again. Maxie knows it'll break her if Amelia walks away. "When I watch you walking away I felt heart breaking with every step that you took. I felt like I was dying the further you got away from me and I have to stop myself with everything I got to not run after you."

"You're not running away again are you?" Maxie whispers. "I don't think I can take it if you run away again." She lets her tears fall freely down her cheeks and they are quickly wiped away by gentle hands.

"I'm never running away again. If you'll have me, I want to stay by your side forever." Amelia's green eyes are shining with sincerity as they lock into her amber ones. Maxie doesn't say anything but sits up with the girl in her lap, she wounds her arms around her waist.

"I'll always want you Amelia." She confesses sincerely. "From now on, we fight together. No more leaving each other. No more walking away." She kisses tear stained cheeks one by one. "Whatever is life throws our way, we'll conquer it together." She kisses Amelia's forehead. "I'll be your strength and you'll be mine. Know that I will always be by your side." A kiss on the nose. "I love you." She whispers before closing the distance between their lips. She feels more than hears the sigh that leaves Amelia's lips and feels the girl relax in her arms. The kiss this time is much slower, sweeter, calm as they simply enjoy being back in each other's' arms. Maxie pulls away when her lungs demanded air and she can't help but smile at the serenity in Amelia's face. The sudden appearance of her cat breaks her little bubble with Amelia as Licht rubs against her back. Amelia giggles and it brings butterflies in her stomach as the girl reaches to pet the cat's head.

"Hi Licht. Did we wake you?" The brown haired girl questions as she continues to pet the cat. The cat sits back, green eyes looking back and forth at Maxie then Amelia before tilting his head to the side. Maxie swears her cat is almost smiling at them or smirking. She turns to look at the girl still on her lap. When Amelia turns her head to look at her, she tilts her head in question and a smile on her lips.

"Stay with me?" She asks and immediately gets a nod. Without another word, Maxie stands up with Amelia squealing and wrapping her arms around her tightly.

"Warn a girl next time will you?" Amelia reprimands with a slap on her arm. Maxie just laughs as she walks them into her bedroom with Licht following close behind. She carefully and gently laid the girl in her bed and is about to turn to get some clothes when Amelia stops her. A hand on behind her neck pulls her down and she feels soft lips pressing against hers. Positioning herself between the other girl's legs, she deepens the kiss by swiping her tongue over Amelia's lower lip before dipping inside and moans when she meets an eager tongue. Maxie starts moving her hand all over Amelia's body as she feels the girl underneath rock her hips against hers. She feels teeth pulling at her bottom lip, hands racking up and down her back and it lights every nerve ending in her body. However, as much as Maxie is enjoying this long overdue making out, her mind pops an image of Amelia with Logan. It's enough for the raven haired girl to pull back, ending the kiss. She meets darkened green eyes, lust swirling around them as clear as daylight before looking down to swollen red lips.

"Maxie?" Amelia calling her name snaps her out of her lust filled haze. "You okay? We don't have to do anything. I just want to be with you." A hand caresses her cheek and she sees bright green eyes shining with love and adoration. Maxie knows she's being irrational, petty, pathetic but she can't stop the gnawing in the back of her mind and she knows the only way to stop it is to ask a question she dreads.

"Did you..I mean have you done.." she sighs and rolls off Amelia.

"What is it Max?" Amelia coaxes gently, turning to her.

"Have you done anything with Logan?" Maxie questions, eyes staring intently at the ceiling. She notices the shift at her side, for a second she thinks Amelia will get up in anger but is surprised when she feels her body on top of her, their faces just a few inches away.

"I never did anything with him. I never let him kiss me anywhere aside from my cheeks." Amelia leans down kissing her cheeks. "I only ever want you to kiss me, to touch me, to make love to me." The girl finishes kissing her lips. Maxie groans turning them over and pinning Amelia beneath her. She watches green eyes study her feature, a hand reaching up to stroke her cheek before moving to her nape. She lets Amelia pull her down and when their lips touch she relaxes, all tension leaves her body as she melts into the feel of Amelia. The kiss deepens as Maxie's tongue battles Amelia's for dominance.

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