Harry Potter's Other Aunt!

By LillyLovesManga

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{COMPLETED} Harry has another aunt who is magical! Can you believe it? When his aunt Katherine found out abou... More

Prologue: Where It All Begins
Chapter 1: Finding out about Harry
Chapter 2: Adopted
Chapter 3: Pampering Is A Must!
Chapter 4: Must Be Dreaming
Chapter 5: Keeping Up With The Avengers
Chapter 6: Accidental Engagement
Chapter 7: Decisions Were Made
Chapter 8: Is It Too Late To Turn Back?
Chapter 9: Endurance
Chapter 10: Slytherins, Slytherins, and Slytherins
Chapter 11: A Normal Day
Chapter 12: This Is A No Bullying Zone
Author's ideas
Chapter 13: Possible Sibling Recruitments?
Chapter 14: Siblings Acquired
Chapter 15: Is This The Love Of Wealthy Parents?
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 | The End
I got Tagged!
Author's Note | 2021 End Note

Chapter 18

18.6K 507 103
By LillyLovesManga

A/N: Here's some mother and daughter time before shit hits the fan when they go back to Hogwarts. Also this is a long chapter since I LOVE Luna, don't get me wrong I love the twins too.

《I'm too lazy so. . . the blood adoption happened and yada yada yada/ two days before they head back to Hogwarts.》

Katherine POV
"So let me get this straight", I said looking at my daughter. "These girls in Ravenclaw have been stealing all your stuff that's why you only have these tasteless rags left". Luna looked down embarrassed and ashamed. I felt my eyes soften, "Sweetie, it's alright I'm not mad at you or anything, but boy am I pissed at those little girls who decided to pick on MY daughter, oh hell to the naw, ain't nobody gonna mess with my family", I told her furiously.

She looked up to me with suspiciously looking wet eyes, "Mummy, what are you going to do to them", she asked. "Oh nothing just this and that, don't worry about it. But for now let's work on your wardrobe, no daughter of mine will have rags as clothing, afterall your mother isn't a head of a fashion company for nothing~", I told her.

In three hours I took her into 3 magical stores, I literally dragged her from store to store and finally I decided to take a break before we start hitting the muggle stores, since Luna was getting tired.

We decided on Florean fortescue ice cream parlour, I told Luna to sit in one of the booths while I go order, she was reluctant at first but went anyways. As I was ordering I heard a scream and crying, I whipped around so fast I thought my neck was going to break, I observed the scene in front of me,and I saw red.

I saw a bunch of "pretty" and "popular girls" with an asian girl leading them like a pack of hyenas making fun of Luna. I took my two ice cream cones and walked up to them and asked them in an overly sweet voice, "Excuse me what my are you doing?", apparently they didn't hear me, or they ignored me and continued to poke fun a Luna.

'Oh boy they made the wrong choice to cross Me', I though. "EXCUSE ME", I said. They looked at me, The asian girl looked at me trying to play the innocent little girl and sweetly said, "Oh I'm sorry miss did you want something?", "Yes in fact I do!", I said looking down at her.

"What are you doing to MY Daughter", I growled. They all paled except the asian girl, "Your the daughter of this pathetic loser", she said sneering. Luna bursted into tears and ran into the restrooms.

"Aww is little Looney going to cry, how pathe-", before that little bish got to finish I got my two ice creams I was holding and smashed it into her hair and I smudged it into her face, before bending down to her face, "if I even see you pretty pathetic face and your friends too, near my daughter again, oh boy I will make you life a living hell.", I threatened her before I got up and said, "Dear, I think you have something on your face so why don't you clean that up and scram,", they nodded her head quickly before running away with their tails between their legs.

I looked around and saw people looking at me shocked, "Oh excuse me we just had some business to disclose, now excuse me and let me clean up this mess", I waved my hand and all the mess disappeared and went back to its original state. I played no mind to the shocked and wide eyes as I casually walked to the bathroom to get my daughter.

I found my daughter silently sniffling on the ground near the sinks, I felt my heart sink. I crouched down in front of her, I pulled up her head and let her image sink in, she no longer had silverly blonde hair, now her hair was dirty blonde and was very dark brown at the roots.

And her once mercury gray eyes that "unnerved" some people were now blue-gray with a hint of brown from her father, this girl was now my little girl and I would cherish and protect her forever, even if it kills me. "Sweetie it's okay mommy got his of those pesky pests , they won't bother you anymore and if they do I will unleash your father and older brothers on them".

"So now sweetie wipe up those tears and let's go shopping and some more ice cream to go", I told her. She gave me a small smile before asking where the other ice creams had gone, I told what I did and she bursted in laughter and I soon followed, after a while we got up and walked outside eating our ice creams before portkeying back to America to finish up our shopping. I made her try on many dresses but my favorite outfit was perfect for the cold weather.

Anyways, the last store I took her to was a jewelry store, I had two necklaces made, I ordered them when we first adopted her, obviously it was custom made. And when I gave them to her she bursted into tears and repeatedly said "thank you thank you thank you".

Little did she know I enchanted both of them to be unbreakable, deflect and absorb curses, and warn you if there is danger or poison in your food. Also it deflects Legilimency, and somebody else can't force the necklace off of her or else they will get burn.

Anyways when we got home I casted spells on all of Luna's things and casted a protective spell on her trunk and told her that if anyone besides herself or any blood related people in her family tries to open her trunk they will be hit with a different hex every time but on the 3rd time they will get hit with a curse that will last for 24 hours and nothing will intervene and nobody is going to die.

After telling her how to open and lock it I tucked her into bed and gave her a good night's kiss, before walking into the twins room to tuck them in and give them their good night kisses, and finally I walked into Hadrian's room, I tucked him in and gave him a good night's kiss and before I walked away he asked me, "Are you happy?", i knew what he was referring to, I smiled and told him I was blessed to have these wonderful children even if I didn't birth them myself they were still my children.

I said good night one more time before walking into my bedroom, I saw Tony was still awake, I dressed into my night gown and brushed my hair before slipping into the bed with Tony. I looked at my husband's face before saying "I love you", he said "I love you too", he leaned down and gave me a kiss at first it started as a simple kiss but then it got steamy, I quickly casted a silencing spell around the room and locked the doors before we spent the whole night showing each other how much we loved each other.

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