After The Storm (Sequel)

De Lovergirl723

370K 7.5K 925

Liliana Garcia has always made it through anything life has thrown her way, but after so much loss and hearta... Mais

Nothing was the same
Unhappy Holidays
Breaking Point
Valentine's Day
How to Save a life
Jaws of Life
Silver Flood
First day
We hate him
His secret
Memory lane
Believe In Yourself
I have to
Not Ready
I Wish You Were Here
How Can I help
What's Going on
It Was An Accident
This Can't Be Happening
Bigger Person
Time For A Change
Best Man
Happy Again
Wedding Bells
Hard Decisions
If you love someone tell them
A Day Back
Quality Time
Back to work
The Unknown
Look Who's In Town
Turn Coat
Are you happy?
Reunited Part 1
Reunited Part 2
Mom's Back
Never Ready
Leave It Behind
Unexpected News
Operation Day
Harper Avery's
Can We Talk?
Date night
Trial and Error
Couples Therapy
Crisis Mode
Good Intentions
Wrong Venue, Right Time

Trouble in Paradise

7.6K 121 6
De Lovergirl723

Liliana's pov

3 months later

"Are you two almost done with breakfast. I have to get you to school and daycare" I say to Zola and Bailey as I feed Ellis her bottle. Meredith had to work late last night so Jackson and I offered to keep the kids, since we love having them over and Zola has been wanting to stay at the our new house since we recently moved in.

"Yes ma'am. We're almost finished" Zola nods

"Now when your mom picks you two up after work. You tell her you had a nice healthy breakfast, don't tell her I let you eat donuts in the morning" I say and the kids smile and nod their head yes.

"You're a horrible influence, you know that" Jackson laughs walking into the kitchen and kissing me on the cheek

"So I've been told. There's more donuts on the counter and I fixed coffee" I smirk

"Thank you" he says grabbing a donut and pouring a cup of coffee before sitting at the table with the kids

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab the kids things out of the room" I say

"Okay, you want me to take Ellis" he asks

"No, I've got her. You just keep Zola and Bailey company" I smile before walking away to the room.

"You are so gorgeous sweetie. Do you know that? You have your daddy's eyes. He would've loved you so much" I smile as I talk to Ellis while grabbing the kids things, she just continued to smile at me. "Why are you so perfect. Can I steal you from your mommy? I promise I'll spoil you and make sure you're happy" I smile as she starts babbling in baby talk. "Okay, you're right your mom probably wouldn't let me take you. How about I just settle for occasionally babysitting. That sounds better right" I say. I finish grabbing the kids things before walking back into the kitchen.

"Okay, I have everyone's stuff up. It's time to go" I say. The kid's come grab their things before we lock up the house and leave.

"Sweetheart, that is like the thousandth time you've checked that thing. It is perfectly secure" Jackson says

"I know I just want to be for sure. I mean some car seats are faulty" I say

"The car seat is fine Lily" he assures me

"Okay" I sigh before checking it one more time and closing the door then getting into the passenger seat before Jackson pulls off. We drop Zola off to school first before going to the hospital and dropping the kids off to the daycare then going to the locker room to change into our scrubs.

"The kids were so much fun this morning. I love having them over" I smile

"Me too. They always keep the house lively" he says

"That they definitely do. I'm already exhausted and it's only the beginning of the day" I sigh

"I'm not surprised with the amount of times you had to run around the house to catch Bailey and get him ready for daycare" he laughs

"That is not funny. He was actually pretty hard to catch" I laugh. We finish getting dressed then we go to the board room, because there's a breakfast thing to celebrate Dr. Bailey's first day as Chief today. I walked over to a small group where Callie was talking about a woman that she's been dating.

"So I looked it up and Bailey's the first" Arizona says as she walks over

"First what" Callie asks

"First female Chief of Surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men" Arizona says

"I say it's about time" Jackson says

"And all of the department chiefs are women. Neuro, cardio..." I begin to say

"We've got trauma and plastics" Jackson says and Owen nods as he chews on his food

"Ortho" Callie points to herself. "Fetal bad ass. Ladies. This place is run by ladies. It's Ladyplace" Callie smiles making Maggie's face fall.

"No. It's not Ladyplace. Ladyplace is what my grandma calls her vagina" Maggie says making everyone laugh. "To anyone who will listen, by the way she is not shy. No, we can't call this place Ladyplace. I don't need to think of that sweet, sweet, raunchy, old lady's vag every time I walk through the doors" Maggie shakes her head

"Me neither, but I will now" Alex cringes

"She's coming, she's coming" Webber says making everyone get into place before Bailey walks into the room.

"Well I'm glad to see you're all here" Bailey smiles. "Uh, but if you would have read your email you would have known that one of the many things that I will be implementing as Chief is no more weekly attendings meetings" she says

"Uh, well, actually this is a..." Webber began to say

"See, less talking about saving lives and more saving of the lives" Bailey interrupted before walking out

"I kind of saw that coming" I say

"Yeah, me too" Jackson nods everyone walks out of the room so we can start working. I go start on the surgery schedule before being paged by Bailey and leaving to meet her in C.T.

"I'm surprised she fit. 20 bucks she's over 7 feet" Dr. Cross an intern says referring to the patient who was in C.T. The patient, who is extremely tall, had collapsed earlier today and right now we were trying to figure out exactly why

"I mean, is it drugs or the wrong combo of steroids, you think" Dr. Deluca another intern asks

"I saw LeBron at an airport once. She's taller then him" Dr. Cross says

"Hey, this is C.T. We are here to run scans on this patient, not to make bets or assumptions. Save that for lunch. You both just be quiet and stand outside" I say before they walk out of the room

"Can I ask a question without getting kicked out of the room" Jo asks

"Depending on the question" I sigh as I click on the computer, waiting for the scans to come up

"Do we think it's drugs. A growth hormone maybe" Jo asks

"It's definitely not drugs" Dr. Bailey smiles

"Waiting for a scan to confirm it" I say

"Yeah, oh, I'm right. You'll see" Dr. Bailey says

"Oh, just because you're Chief now, you think you're knower of all things" I smirk

"Look, Jade suffers from blurry vision, headaches, dizziness" Bailey says

"Abnormal growth" Jo adds

"Okay, put it all together and you get" Dr. Bailey asks

"A pituitary tumor" I say as the scans come up

"The knower of all things" Bailey laughs as we look at scans of the tumor. "I should be Chief of Surgery. Oh wait, I already am. You are welcome" she laughs. We finish looking over the scans before taking the patient back to her room so we can explain what's going on.

"So, Jade, you have two problems. Uh in addition to the pituitary tumor there" Bailey says pointing at the scans. "The fall you took caused a fracture in one of your vertebrae, so you will need surgery" Bailey tells her

"But more importantly I need to remove the tumor as soon as possible" I say

"No, no. No one cuts into my brain. Look I'm missing work" Jade says as she begins to get out of bed

"Um, Jade, this tumor is causing your growth hormones to be 16 times higher than normal. Which means you'll only continue to grow" Dr. Bailey explains

"I've been 6'6 since I was 17. Who cares" Jade says

"Actually you're 7'2" Jo says

"And a quarter. Uh we measured" Deluca adds

"You're growing at a rate faster than your body can handle. Any more force and your spine will collapse" I explain making Jade sigh

"Well, how long will surgery take" she asks

"Making a surgical plan. The surgery and recovery. We can get you back to work in a week or so" Dr. Bailey says

"Nope" Jade says as she stands up. "Look, I'll come back when, you know my work project is over" she says trying to stand up but stumbling from dizziness

"Whoa, whoa. Sit" I say as I help her sit back down. "Chief, I have some paper work to finish, but I need to do a repeat neuro check in four hours" I say and Bailey nods her head okay before I walk out of the room. I go to a conference room to begin working on scheduling and files, but a short while later I get paged by Bailey again so I leave to meet her in another conference room

"Four hours" Jackson asks as Bailey tells us what she needs done so we can operate on Jade.

"And in that time frame, I need a complete surgical plan for resection of the pituitary tumor and repair of the spinal fracture that includes a recovery time of no more than a week" Bailey tells Jackson, Maggie, Callie, and I.

"Oh well, okay. You know what I've got a knee replacement right now" Callie says

"I've got a vats procedure" Maggie says

"And I have a surgery schedule to finish before a tumor resection" I sigh

"Well push some things and delegate them. Now, we have to move fast. This woman has no interest in being treated. You know what? In fact, she's a flight risk. Wilson, you're in charge of making sure she stays. Go" she says to Jo, before Jo leaves the room with the interns following behind her

"Her tumor is massive. I mean we need more extensive scans and time to go over an approach for both procedures. That takes longer than four hours" I sigh

"Well, actually, uh, you have 3 hours and 36 minutes" Bailey says looking at her watch

"Bailey, we need at least until the end of the day, okay" Callie sighs

"What you're asking for is impossible" Jackson sighs in frustration

"What? I..Its what? Oh, I know you didn't say impossible" Bailey says as she walks around the table "No, nothing's impossible. You are smart people. You're good surgeons, the head of your departments. This patient has some big things to do and I have every confidence that you will figure out how she can do them" Bailey says beginning to walk away

"Bailey" Callie calls

"And make it possible" Bailey snaps before walking out of the room.

"All I wanted was a nice simple day of paper work" I sigh. We get up and go to C.T. so we can analyze the scans and try to figure out a plan.

"Can you do a minimally invasive..." Ben begins to ask Callie

"No, no, her vertebral bodies are to large. We'll have to use an anterior approach through the chest" Callie says

"I'll do a right thoracotomy" Maggie says as they discuss how to go about the spinal part of the surgery and Jackson and I discuss how to deal with the tumor

"I'm going to do a transcranial approach" I say to Jackson as we look at the scans

"Yeah, if Bailey wants a shorter recovery then an endonasal approach will help" Jackson says

"Yeah, but the tumors to big" I shake my head

"The head is abnormally big. You're gonna have space" Jackson sighs

"I'm doing a craniotomy. I need visibility" I frown as I walk over to the computer

"I'm gonna get you where you need to be with less bleeding, alright. Just listen for a minute" he sighs

"I am listening and I'm telling you your plan won't work" I say

"Yes it will" he says

"No, we need to do a craniotomy" I sigh

"I disagree" he shakes his head

"Well stop disagreeing with me" I frown throwing my pen at him

"Did you just throw a pen at me" he frowns

"Yes, yes I did" I sigh

"Avery, can you do a consult" Meredith asks walking into the room

"No" everyone in the room answers.

"It's for one of Bailey's patient's" Meredith says

"Of course it is" Jackson frowns

"She put all of our services on hold to fix her giant freaking problem" I say referring to the tumor

"She had me push two procedures for this" Callie complains

"She's doing it to you guys too. I mean, she postponed five of my consults so I could handle her patients. She didn't ask. She just pushed them. It's ridiculous" Meredith says. "No offense" she adds looking over at Ben

"Can she do that" Maggie asks

"Can she do what" Owen asks walking into the room.

"Oh, can you be Chief again? I loved you as Chief" I say

"You did stay out of people's hair" Jackson nods in agreement

"And you were very hands off and may I add had very great ties" I say

"You know what they used to call her, her interns" Callie asks

"What" Maggie, Owen and Jackson ask

"The Nazi" Meredith and I answer

"Really" Jackson asks

"Yep" I sigh

"Last time she had absolute rule over people and here she is again" Meredith says

"I love Bailey, but..." Callie sighs

"Power corrupts" Maggie says

"She's an iron fisted dictator" I frown

"She's a bond villain" Meredith frowns before Ben clears his throat

"Warren. I'm so sorry. We weren't trying to be disrespectful" Callie apologizes

"It's all good. It's all good. I'm just gonna go look into some follow up scans" Ben says before leaving the room

"Dr. Grey, I've got O.R. four for the small bowel obstruction and an angio suite for the Swanson case" Edwards says walking into the room

"I thought you said the angio suite was booked" Meredith says

"I have my ways" Edwards smiles

"Let's go" Meredith smiles before they walk out of the room

"Wait, so they called Bailey the Nazi" Owen frowns

"Yes" Callie and I nod making Owen chuckle before he leaves the room. We all start back discussing different surgery approaches which just leads to a lot of bickering and eventually time has passed and Bailey walks into the room to hear our surgery approach.

"Okay, where are we" she asks

"We're nowhere" Jackson throws his hands up in frustration

"Oh my God! Come on" Callie complains

"The tumor has invaded the cavernous sinus. I'm planning an approach" I sigh

"The wrong approach" Jackson says

"Shut up" I frown

"And the recovery time that you're asking for is completely unreasonable" Callie frowns

"We need more time" Maggie sighs

"No, we don't have it. Look I have to go tell this woman something, so..." Bailey says

"Jade's left. She just walked out" Deluca says walking into the room with Cross following behind him

"You let her?! I gave you one job" Bailey shouts

"Dr. Wilson was trying to reason with her, but she knows that we can't legally stop her" Deluca says

"Or physically stop her" Cross adds

"Well convince her. Go find her and get her back here. I gave them one thing" Bailey yells making them run out of the room before she turns her attention back to us. "I gave you one thing! And I started this day thinking we could accomplish the impossible, but now I'm gonna end the day with a woman probably dead on the street and a thousand African children who can't read" Bailey complains

"I don't know what we were supposed to do in such short time" I frown

"More. I expected more so damn much more" she frowns before storming off

"What do a thousand African children have to do with this" Callie asks. We all shrug our shoulders since we don't know. At this point we were all irritated with the circumstances and with Bailey. We started back discussing surgical plans, and even though we didn't have a clear plan we had no choice, but to prepare for surgery after Jade collapsed and needed to be operated on immediately. She was rushed to the O.R. and we all got scrubbed in and got ready to begin surgery.

"Hey, are we ready" Bailey asks walking into the room as we get our surgical gowns put on. We all ignore her because we are completely fed up with her at this point. "Uh, which approach are you going to use" she asks

"Jade's fall caused her spinal fracture to become severely unstable so Pierce and I will have to repair it at the same time. It's not a big deal, but..."Callie says

"We sit Jade up for a craniotomy it would paralyze her forever, so we'll be doing the surgery endonasally" Jackson says

"Which is the wrong approach, but we're out of options. Warren go scrub in" I sigh before Ben leaves to scrub in

"Someone needs to sign off on the case" I say

"Okay, I will" Bailey frowns when no one volunteers before walking out of the O.R. then we begin surgery

"Bone graft is in and yeah we're done" Callie smiles after we had been in surgery for around 4 hours.

"Warren ease down on the retractor" Maggie says

"Got it" Ben nods

"How are we" Jackson asks as we operate

"If I can get in a little further the margins will be close to perfect. Hold on. Can you advance the scope" I ask

"Damn it" Jackson yells as the monitor goes off

"What the hell happened" Maggie frowns

"We hit the carotid. I can't see a thing. Avery, suction" I say as Jade begins bleeding out of her nose

"How can we help" Callie asks frantically

"We need to compress this artery. Wilson, we need more packing in here now" Jackson orders

"Set up another suction" I say

"Bloods coming out of her mouth" Jo says

"God, she's going to bleed out" Callie says

"I knew we should've opened her skull. I knew this would happen" I sigh in frustration as we all work frantically to stop the bleeding.

"Chest tube is in" Maggie says as we continue to try to stop the bleeding

"Guy's, is there a plan here because she's lost a third of her blood volume" Callie says

"I can do a muscle patch with a little glue, it could form a clot and we can deal a vessel" Jackson says

"Will that even work" Ben asks

"No, that's a temporary fix. We need to open her neck and do a primary repair of the carotid" I say

"That's a major stroke risk" Jackson argues

"Before she dies on the table. Wilson, prep the neck" I order

"Wilson, you keep suctioning" Jackson says

"Who am I listening to" Jo asks

"You need to listen to me! You open her neck, she's going to bleed out in seconds" Jackson says

"I don't agree" I shake my head

"Look you let me do this I can stop the bleeding and help you remove the tumor. Do not open her neck. Move" he says raising his voice

"Fine" I roll my eyes before we switch sides and begin going with Jackson's plan. Today is an example of why Jackson and I try not to mix work with our relationship. We always try to avoid operating together if we can, because we're both stubborn and have a certain way of operating which almost always leads to us arguing whenever we have a surgery together, like today. We continue with Jackson's plan and eventually we get the bleeding to stop, but the patient has lost a lot blood so we won't be sure if she has any deficits until she wakes up. We take her to recovery before we all go to the attendings lounge to sit down and rest and finally just breathe after such a long stressful day.

"So where are we with Jade" Dr. Bailey asks walking into the attendings lounge

"I got the whole tumor" I sigh

"She had a bad left carotid bleed" Jackson says

"I took her to angio, but she's likely to have deficits. Possibly a stroke, paralysis, speech and language issue, vision loss" I say

"She's still out. Pressures good, but we won't know until she wakes up" Callie says

"Or she could just be in a coma" I sigh. Dr. Bailey continues to look around the room in silence before finally speaking.

"You people are extraordinary. I mean, I came in here today and did all kinds of things wrong, but in spite of that you all still did amazing and perfect work. And you found a way to do something that was in fact impossible. So if there is a bad outcome, it's my bad outcome" she nods. "Tomorrow, I will be better" she tells us. We all nod our head in acknowledgement before Dr. Bailey leaves. Everyone was exhausted from today, so we were all ready to go home. I left to grab some files from the front desk so I can bring them home to work on tonight, before going to the locker room to change out of my scrubs. Jackson had already changed while I was at the desk so once I was done we went to the car to leave. The car ride home was pretty silent since we were both still irritated not only with each other but from such a stressful day. Once we finally made it home I went to take a shower and once I was finished I went to the kitchen to fix a bowl of ice cream and to work on the surgery schedule from earlier that I didn't get to finish.

"Hey" Jackson says as he sits down beside me at the table after he gets out of the shower

"Hey" I say not bothering to look from laptop

"Can we talk" he asks

"That seems to be what we're doing right now, isn't it" I yawn

"Okay, I guess I deserved that. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you during surgery today" he apologizes

"Okay" I say still not looking at him

"Come on. I said I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was just frustrated. I think we both were with the stress that Bailey put on us today. But I am sorry and I'm going to keep apologizing and bothering you until you're not mad at me anymore" he says

"Fine, I accept your apology. You're right we were both frustrated and honestly we had every right to be with all the pressure that was on us. And I'm sorry too, for throwing my pen at you" I say

"Apology accepted" he smirks before grabbing my spoon and eating some ice cream

"Hey, get your own. That's mine" I smirk slapping his arm

"We're married. What's yours is mine" he laughs

"Whatever Avery" I smile

"So there's something I kind of wanted to talk to you about earlier, but I didn't get to bring it up with today being so hectic" he says

"Okay, what's on your mind Avery" I ask

"Well I'm not really sure how to say it or how you'll feel about it" he says

"Is it something bad" I frown

"No, it's just a sensitive subject for both of us" he sighs

"You're kind of making me nervous now. Just tell me what's on your mind" I say

"I want us to try to have another baby" he says

"What" I ask, surprised by what he said. The topic of having another child is not something Jackson and I have really discussed, so I was definitely surprised.

"I want for us to try for another baby" he says as he takes my hand into his

"Why? I mean this is out of nowhere. Where is this even coming from" I ask

"It's not out of nowhere. I've been thinking about it for awhile now, it was just never the right time to bring it up with everything that's happened, but I feel like things have finally calmed down and Meredith's been back for a little while and we've been spending time with the kids and everytime they're over here I can't help but to think about how I want that to be our everyday lives. I want us to have our own child and get to watch him or her grow up. I mean we almost had that and we can try again and finally get it. I want that for us and I think you want it too. I see how you are with the kids. You are meant to be a mother. We're meant to have kids, so let's make it happen. Let's have a baby" he smiles

"I understand where you're coming from, but Jackson I was already a mother, we already had a baby and he's not here anymore" I sigh

"I know. Everyday I think about him and I wish he was here. It's not fair that we lost him, it's cruel that we had to suffer through that, but that doesn't mean we don't deserve the chance to have another child" he says

"Jackson, I don't know what to say" I shake my head

"That's okay. We don't have to have it all figured out, we don't even have to start trying right now. I just wanted to mention it, so we could at least think about it" he says

"Okay, let me rephrase that. I know what to say, but not how to say it" I sigh

"Say what" he asks

"I don't want to try again. Not now, not ever" I sigh

"What" he frowns

"Jackson, we had a baby. We had George and we lost him. I can't risk ever going through that again. I'm not having another child" I say. I could tell by the expression on his face that that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear, but it's how I feel and I don't see myself changing my mind. I'm not risking losing a baby ever again.

I posted a picture of the new house in the multi media!

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!

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