2 Fates, 1 Love

By RoseNiji

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The Goldstein family is one of the most well-known family in Gedonelune. There is a contest called "The Lady... More

Chapter 1 - A bad or a good impression?
Chapter 2 - A sudden reversal
Chapter 3 - Getting dressed up! A disaster at the dining room!
Chapter 4 - First lesson to be a Lady ~ Walking on high heels!
Chapter 5 - Second lesson to be a Lady ~ Lunch time!
Chapter 6 - It's tea time!
Chapter 7 - A Gentle Treatment
Chapter 8 - Traditional Lessons (Nightmare)
Author's POV
Chapter 9 - Klaus' Jealousy?
Chapter 10 - The Ignition
Chapter 11 - Injured
Chapter 12 - A Trip With Klaus
Chapter 13 - Passionate Love
Author's POV (2)
Chapter 14 - Confession
Chapter 15 - Returning Home
Chapter 16 - Klaus' Punishment
Chapter 17 - An Unexpected Gift
Extra - Elias' Punishment (?)
Chapter 18 - The Lady Contest & The Unexpected Guest
Chapter 19 - "Love"
Chapter 20 - Mistake
Chapter 21 - Reservation and A Terrifying Plot
Chapter 22 - The Final Round
Final Chapter - Secret Revealing and An Eternal Love
Author's POV (3)

Extra 2 - An Idle Chat with Amelia

147 11 0
By RoseNiji

Has been given the phone by Klaus, Liz stared at it while laying on the bed, waiting for Klaus to have a bath as it was dark outside.

Liz: Hehee...

She giggled as she was happy to have her first phone ever.

Liz: Oh! Right! My notebook!

Liz suddenly remembered about her contact notebook.

Liz: Let see....did he say he put it in the drawer?

Liz rolled on the bed to the drawer's side and opened it, and she found a small, old notebook that looked like hers.

Liz: Found it!

She read through the pages and her eyes stopped on Amelia's phone number.

Liz: Oh...Amelia gave me her number.. Oh I know! Maybe I'll give it a try!

Liz opened the phone while holding the notbook. Her fingers clumsily slide on its surface.

Liz: Umm....I think it's used like this.... Got it! Now to press the call button...

She timidly press the green call button, and brought the phone to her ear. The ringtone made Liz's heart pounded with excitement. Then with a click sound, Amelia's was heard on the other side.

Amelia: ...Hello?

Liz: Amelia!

Amelia: Huh who are y- Wait! Is that your voice Liz??!

Liz: Yes! It's me Liz!

Amelia: Never thought you'd call me with a mobile number! Did you get your own phone?

Liz: Y-Yeah! I was w-working so I got enough money to buy it!

Amelia: Wow...it must have been hard.. But I'm glad for you!!

Liz: Thanks Amelia!

Amelia: Now I can chat with you more often!

Although they couldn't see each other's face, Liz could tell that Amelia was smiling through her voice and personality. That made Liz smiled too.

Liz: *giggle* Tehee...I'm looking forward to it too!

Amelia: ...By the way Liz, what job did you take?

Liz: U-Umm...

Liz was loss at words when Amelia suddenly asked about her job, which was too embarrassing to be told.

Liz: (I-I can't tell her that I was a maid..and to be more specific, one of the Goldsteins' sons' PERSONAL maid..!)

Amelia: Liz? You there?

Liz: A-Ah yes! W-Well...I-I was working as a helper at...u-uh...a very luxurious place!

Liz made up a lie with any thoughts that came to her mide first.

Amelia: You mean, like, you're a waitress at some kind of famous restaurant?!?

Liz: Y-Yeah....something like that..!

Amelia: O.M.G. I'm so envious of you! The inside must be very beautiful right?!

Liz: Yeah, it's all expensive and sparkling.

Amelia: I wish I could see one room like that once in my lifetime..

Liz: Haha...oh you shouldn't...

Liz sighed as she recalled about her unexpected luxurious life.

Amelia: How was it? Does the work easy?

Liz: Well...I mostly just do some cleaning...organizing the papers and books, and...

Amelia: And?

Liz: N-N-No nothing! Nothing at all haha..

Amelia: Okay?.. Oh, how about your boss? Is he or she scary?

Liz: My boss...

Klaus' face appeared in her thoughts.

Liz: ...Well to be honest, I didn't like him at first. He was mean, his words were harsh and as cold as ice; he's rude, bossy...and not to mentioned, he really worn me out with lots of works! I was sooo exhausted with him ordering me after a long day!

Amelia: ..Wow...it sure has been tough..

Liz: ....But...the more you get closer to him, he's actually very kind, he sometimes worries about me although it doesn't showed on his face! Like when I hurt my leg, he gave me some medicine to pit on it! ...And..he's cute too....

Liz muttered the last part.

Amelia: ...Oh? Did I hear something?

Liz: ..! N-No! It's not what you heard!

Amelia: Don't lie to me! I've heard it! You said he's CUTE!!!

Amelia: O.M.G!!! Did you have feelings for him??!!!

Liz: I...I...

Despite not having any boyfriend yet, Amelia always accurately looked through things like this as if she had experienced the wold of love. Liz rolled on bed over and over, struggled to find the right words.

Liz: I...I do...have feelings for him...

Amelia: I knew it!! Your voice was so kind and sweet when you talked about him so I thought you may like him! So?! Did you confess to him??

Liz: Well...yeah...kinda. He confessed to me...and I also....a-and...

Amelia: You two are a COUPLE now?!?!?!?!

Liz: A-Amelia! M-My ears..

Amelia was so shocked about the news that she shouted loudly into the phone, making

Amelia: Oopsie! My bad!

Amelia: But I'm glad that you two got together! Because, I mean, you like him! So it would be so sad if he rejected you.. If he ever did something bad to you tell me okay? I'll give him a real nice punch in the face!

Liz: Amelia.... Thanks.

Amelia: Hehe, no prob. We're best friends! So you can ask me anytime! Just make sure listen to my stories as well!

Liz: Hehe of course!

They laughed in the phone.

Liz: ...Oh, by the way...

Amelia: Yes? Something's wrong?

Liz: Well...the thing is... H-Hey if...only IF, you were accidentally involved to something that only belongs to the high-ranked class...but you couldn't refuse... So, what do you think?

Liz wiggled her legs uncomfortably while choosing the right words.

Amelia: Hmm....that's an unusual situation...

Liz: I-I said if..

Amelia: I think I'm just gonna do my best.

Liz: Huh?

Amelia: ..Welpp I might regret doing it too because I don't like it but, I'll try my best doing what is mine, like, I can't possibly leave it be, right?

Amelia: Besides, I'll be troubled if I don't do it. High-ranked class is very...difficult to deal with...

Liz: Haha...that's true...

Amelia: Say Liz....you didn't...get into any trouble, did you?

Liz was silent for a while, then she answered.

Liz: No...I don't. But thanks for worrying Amelia.

Amelia: Sure thing, Liz. Talk to me if you're troubled okay?

Liz: Of course. Thanks.

Amelia: Oh! I have to go now. Sorry, Liz! Let's talk again later!

Liz: Okay! See you later Amelia!

Amelia: Bye!

*click* *beep beep beep*

Liz ended the call and let out a sigh.

Klaus: ...So that's what you think about me, huh?

Liz jumped in surprise and turned her head around to the terrifying voice which none other that Klaus'. He was leaning against the opened door, glaring at Liz.

Liz: K-Klaus?! H-How long have you been standing there?!

Klaus: Since when you were talking about 'your boss'.

Liz: Oof... (Uh-oh..I'm in big troblue now..)

Klaus: ...But since you said somthing nice after that, I'll let you off the hook this time.

Liz: Phew...

Klaus: ..But, aren't you beeing too defenceless? Laying on a man's bed wearing a short skirt...while facing your back to his side...

Liz: ...!

Liz quickly sat up an adjusted her clothes, she blushed and looked to the side to hide her embarrassment. Klaus chuckled and walked to the bed. He sat next to her on the bed and pulled her into an embrace. Klaus' relaxing scent having just got out of the bathroom made Liz grew fuzzy inside.

Klaus: Do you regret it?...

Liz: Huh?

Klaus: ..The contest thing.. I'm sorry if that has made you uncomfrotable.

Liz shook her head and rested her head on Klaus' shoulder.

Liz: ...I don't...regret it.

Klaus: Why?

Liz: To be honest...I was disappointed at first, being involed into something like this..and had to be your personal maid too.. It really tired me out...

Klaus: ...

Liz: ..But...I don't hate it anymore. Actually, I'm very grateful...because of that I could met you...and fell in love with you, Klaus..

Klaus: ...I see.

Klaus embraced Liz tighter and rolled down onto the bed, with him on top of Liz.

Liz: K-Klaus!--

Klaus placed a kiss on her lips, prevented her from saying anything more. Then he looked in her eyes and caressed her cheek.

Klaus: ...I'm glad that you accepted that day.. You've bought life to my colorlessly boring life...I'd never let you go..

Liz: Oh Klaus...

Klaus: Liz..I love you..

Liz: ..I love you, too...

Liz wrapped her arms around Klaus' neck and they shared a kiss once again. After they parted, they pressed their foreheads together and smiled. They stayed like for a while when suddenly the normal Klaus came back to reality.

Klaus: ...Okay that's enough. Let's get back to work.

Liz: E-Ehhhh?! Y-You've gotta be kidding me! Forget what I said! I regret doing it now!

Klaus: ...Oh? You do realize you don't have any rights to withdraw now, don't you?

Liz: ..Ugh. (He's right...)

Klaus: ...Such insolence.. I guess i have to work you hard all night..

Liz: H-Huhhhh?!?

Klaus: You'd better be prepared for it.

A mishievous smirk came across Klaus' lips while Liz's face gone red as she was upset and horrified of Klaus' remark.

Liz: Noooo!! I don't wannaaa!!!

And thus, Liz's night was longer and more tired that any nights she's been had...

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