Chapter 2 - A sudden reversal

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- Date XX/Month YY/Year 20ZZ -
At Goldstein Mansion

The Goldstein brothers stood in front of a big door. Klaus gently knocked on the door twice.

Klaus: It's Klaus, Father.

Klaus & Elias' father: Come in.

Having their father's permission, Klaus opened the door and entered the room.
After entering the room, Elias closed the door. The door creaked as it closed behind them with a thud.

Klaus: Why did you call us here, Father? Is it something important that you need to inform us?

Klaus & Elias' father: Yes indeed. You must have known that, "The Lady Contest" is starting 2 weeks later.
And normally..Elaine will be the one who enter the contest for the Goldstein family.

Klaus: But...isn't Miss Elaine going on an errand with Brother right now? Can't we just call her back?

Klaus & Elias' mother: I've called them but they said that it was a very important errand so they couldn't quit it...

Elias: Can't we just not enter this year?

Klaus & Elias' father: It's not that simple.. If we don't enter, it'd be a big shame on our family's name.

Elias: Oh...isn't there any way else?

Klaus & Elias' mother: Well..I'm thinking of choosing one of our maids to enter the contest.

Elias: B-But.. Isn't it too risky? I mean, they have never been educated right to be suitable for the contest..

Klaus & Elias' mother: It's no big deal. We'll hired the best teacher to teach her in 2 weeks. What a problem now is to find a good maid for it--

Klaus: -Then I've had the right maid for you, Mother.

Klaus & Elias' mother: Oh? And who might be that girl?

Klaus' lips curled into a smirk.

Klaus: Her name is...


Liz: Achoo!

Liz was starting her very first works in the mansion in the living room by sweeping the floor.

Eress: Are you okay? Becareful not to catch a cold.

Eress handed Liz a tissue.

Liz: Thanks, Eress. But I'm feeling fine, just get a little sneezing due to the dusk...haha..

Eress: Is that so..

Liz: Alright! I need to work hard double from now on! So that I can reduce my bad impressions on them!! Fight-oh!!

Liz pumped her fist and held it high.

Eress: ...Good luck then.

Liz: Hey! Can't you at least encourage me some words!

Eress: I said good luck then.

Liz: Ugh! Hahh nevermind.. Alright back to work!

Just when Liz picked up her broom to get back to work, a butler came in the room with a notice.

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