Chapter 3 - Getting dressed up! A disaster at the dining room!

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(Aiya sorry for the late update, my wifi has been cut lately so I couldn't post new chapter :"<
So here's chapter 3~ Hope you like it~ <3 )

- Date XX/Month YY/Year 20ZZ -
A morning at the Goldstein's Mansion...

*Chrip chirp*

The birds was singing cheerfully outside, as they were welcoming a new beautiful day.
It was a beautiful day for them about our Liz?

Liz: Mnnm...

Liz slowly opened her eyes due to the brightness. Then she slowly sat up amd stretched her arms.

Liz: Ow ow ow!

No sooner had she stretched her arms than she heard a crack sound.

Liz: Ow...the sofa is soft enough but I guess I didn't have mich space to sleep comfortably...

She carefully massaged her ached muscles as she noticed that there was a blanket on top of her.

Liz: (This blanket...did Klaus put it on for me?)

Liz looked at the sleeping Klaus and she softly smiled.

Liz: (I guess he has a good side too...)

Then she looked at the clock.

Liz: (It's 5 a.m... I guess I woke up a little bit early..)

Liz stood up, folded the blanket and fixed her clothes. Then walked over to Klaus' side.
She peered into his sleeping face.

Liz: *giggles* (He sleeps so peacefully..)

As Liz was staring at Klaus, he suddenly spoke up.

Klaus: ..How long are you intend to stare at me?

Liz: W-When did you get up, Master?

Klaus: With those groaning of yours no one can sleep well.

Liz: Grr... Sorry for disturbing your sleep, Master

Liz pouted and went to the window to open the curtains. The brightness made Liz squinted her eyes.

Klaus: Help me change into my clothes.

Liz: Yes yes...Master.

Liz then helped Klaus change into his causal clothes.

Klaus: When you're finished then get ready.

Liz: Huh? Get ready? For what?

Klaus: What else could it be? Of course it's your lessons. Don't tell me you forgot.

Liz: Ah...

Klaus: Come on, let's go.

After finished changing, Klaus went out of the room.

2 Fates, 1 Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن