The End~Book one

By zachseavey15

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5 friends face the time they worry. The End of the world. No power, tornados, earthquakes, apocalypse, and pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 -/- The new beginning
Chapter 9-/-Thinking it through
Chapter 10-/- Sydney's pov
Chapter 11-/- Not all friends are perfect
Chapter 12-/-Disagreement
Chapter 13-/- Emad's P.O.V
Chapter 14-/-Where did I go wrong?
Chapter 15-/-Missing
Chapter 16-/-SHAKE it off
Chapter 17-/- Caroline's P.O.V
Chapter 18-/-If I lay here
Chapter 19-/- Halley's P.O.V
Chapter 20-/-On my way
Chapter 21-/-Caroline's P.O.V
Chapter 22-/-Lost Boy
Chapter 23-/- Max's P.O.V
Chapter 24-/-No Words
Chapter 25-/- A "tear" in my heart
Chapter 26-/-Edge of glory
Chapter 27-/- Halley's P.O.V
Chapter 28-/- Out of the woods
Chapter 29-/-Juliana's P.O.V
Chapter 30-/-Running wild an running free
Chapter 31-/-Caroline's P.O.V
Chapter 32-/-Spreaders
Chapter 33-/-Olivia's P.O.V
Chapter 34-/-Better Run Better Run
Chapter 35-/-Denis' P.O.V
Chapter 36-/-Running away
Chapter 37-/-Halley's P.O.V
Chapter 38-/-It's a beautiful day
Chapter 39-/-Ryan's P.O.V
Chapter 40-/-Guess who's back?
Chapter 42-/-Help us please!!~Eirelyn's P.O.V
Chapter 43-/-You Got a Friend in Me
Chapter 44-/-Juliana's P.O.V
Chapter 45-/-Worst is yet to come
Chapter 46-/-Ewan's P.O.V
Chapter 47-/-Row row row your boat
Chapter 48-/- Shawn's P.O.V
Chapter 49-/- S.O.S
Chapter 50-/-Reuntited
Chapter 51-/- Juliana's P.O.V
Chapter 52-/- Look what you made me do
Chapter 53-/- Caroline's P.O.V
Chapter 54-/-Rise
Chapter 55-/-Ryan's P.O.V
Chapter 56-/-The final Countdown

Chapter 41-/-Halley's P.O.V

16 1 0
By zachseavey15

We are now far far away from land. We haven't seen any sign of land to dock at for the mean be. I'm stuck on a canoe with Ryan, Shawn, and Ewan. I don't mind Ryan, Ewan bugs me, and Shawn is okay, but not my type. None of that matters yet, it's too foggy we can hardly see in front of us. There are still no waves. There's a slight breeze in the cool air. It's mid October now I think. It's only been 3 weeks since everything happened, but it feels more like 3 years. My mom's Dead, Juliana is a bitch, and my best friends are nowhere to be found. But other than that, life's great! I think sarcastically. We continue to paddle, we fight off the pain burning in our arms from rowing too long, and the worst thing is, none of us can go to the washroom. I don't have to, but Ryan and Ewan have been complaining for the past 30 minutes how badly they need to go. Ryan was going to pee over the side but I would never let that happen. Gross. Anyways, it's been a painfully long boat ride and I'm praying we'll find land soon.
~Four hours later~
"Guys! Guys! OMG! Look!!!" I hit Shawn in the back of the head. "Oops sorry!" I apologize. I really don't mean it, just, like, get your head out of my way when I'm trying to point. Haha. "Let's go!" Ewan says cheerfully. We paddle with all the night left in us. It sadly took so long to get close, but we eventually arrive. We all hop out of the canoe and drag it to shore. We all wonder the tiny beach on the island. It's beautiful. There's so many big oak trees, bushes, and flowers. I hear the sound of crows, which isn't pleasing to the ear, but there's wildlife so that's all that matters. "Ummm..... guys? Look." Shawn points to four footprints in the sand. One looks like a girl's, the others a boy's. We follow the footprints until it leads to this forest. "What are we waiting for? Let's go." Ryan leads the way through the damp forest. This is a bigger island than I thought. Ryan thankfully has a watch on him, so he can track the time. It took us 40 minutes running in the woods, to reach the other side of the island. I heard the peaceful sounds of water splashing onto the shoreline and the crows still crowing away. But I smelt something, it smells like, like...... a fire. I run closer to the water side and stumble across a root. "Woah!" I fell onto my back and feel strong cold hands grasp my shoulders. "Are you okay Halley?" Ryan asks me. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks." I try not to blush, but I can't help it. He's so sweet and cute. He grabs onto my hand and helps me up. As soon as I get up I wrap my arms around him, and hug him. What did I think I was doing?! Stupid Halley stupid! "Umm. Sorry! I was just wanting to thank you. For everything." I say removing myself from the hug. He started to smirk slightly. He was standing awkwardly in front of me. "Er-um, don't sweat it. I didn't- I didn't mind it." He slurs out. Did he just flirt with me. I give him a quick smile as the others catch up. "Hey. Is everything fine? I heard you fall." Shawn worries. I nod my head. He's also sweet, but I feel Ryan and I have something starting. I continue on my trail trying not to think about what happened. My heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty. I sill can't believe what happened. What would've happened if the others weren't here? Halley! Focus! I finally come across a light up ahead. "Guys a little farther! We got this!" I encourage them. "It feels like a triathlon." Ewan complains. We finally reach the campfire and I see to very familiar people. No. Frickn. Way.

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