Descendants BenXMal One Shots

By Marine482

44.3K 833 88

Here are a bunch of One-shots that I had written a while ago. Some Chapters may be dark and slightly trigger... More

Are You Avoiding Me?
For Better Or For Worse
Double Dating
I Can't Take It Anymore
Paparazzi Nightmare
Food Poisoning
Smoked Iron
Smoked Iron Part Two
Always Have, Always will
I Thought I Lost You
That's Not The Answer
Our Story
When A Bet Goes Too Far
Waffles Hurt
Unmasked (2)
Unmasked (3)
When Curiosity Goes Too Far
Last Christmas Together
Will you Still Save Her? (1)
How It Should've Ended ...
He Wouldn't Let Ben Go ...
After You My King
Ranting and Raving
Little Adventures
It's Been A Long Time
Let Me Teach You
What Happens When....
Wedding Day
So ...... i mean ....

Painful Announcement

1.5K 31 4
By Marine482

'Why Me? of all people in the world, why me?' Mal's hands couldn't stop shaking, in fact, her whole body couldn't stop shaking as she collapsed onto her bed. She drew her knees up to her chest and placed her head in-between. That's the moment when her breaths became more frequent and shallow, she was becoming light headed due to the lack of oxygen going around her body. Thoughts kept running through Mal's head:

'What if he leaves me?'

'Mother will kill us both'

'All my friends are going to be so disappointed in me'

'I'm just another slut'

At this point, Mal's breaths were more shallow and became quicker and louder. She thought that if she carried on through her Anxiety attack that she would pass out soon and when Evie comes back to the dorms, it would look like Mal was taking a nap. She became more dizzy and sick; she was ready to collapse when suddenly the door burst open.

Mal didn't dare to look up at whoever entered her dorm "Mal are you okay? Mal?" she knew that voice but it sadly was one of the voices that she didn't want to hear right now. Mal heard the owner of the voice run over to her bed and kneel. It was Carlos. Carlos started to rub circles against Mal's back to calm her down but her breathing patterns weren't slowing down. He placed one hand on her knees which drew so far up to her chest "Mal I need you to calm down okay, I'm going to call Evie and Jay, please you need to slow down and keep calm" it was rare to see any of the VK's beg but Mal was clearly worrying him enough to beg. Mal felt Carlos remove his hand from her knee and reach into her jacket to pull out her phone to call everyone. "Hi Evie, it's Carlos, it's an emergency. I need you back at the dorms now, Mal's hurting and I don't know what to do" Carlos was going to carry on explaining but that's when the line went dead. Then he repeated the same message to Jay and the same outcome happened, the line went dead.

*Jay's POV

As soon as I heard that Mal was hurting I ended the call and ran as fast as I could from Tourney Practice, leaving all my gear behind me and my confused team. I didn't bother removing my gear and I could only think about Mal, as soon as I reached the top of the Tourney field and the steps off the field Ben yelled my name. I didn't turn to face him, I would rather get into to trouble over leaving practice early rather than leaving one of my sisters alone to suffer, so I ran as fast as my legs would take me.

*Evie's POV

I was in the middle of a science class when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket, in a noisy classroom, it wouldn't have mattered. However, when you're in the middle of a science test, it's a pretty big deal. Our science teacher has this policy: If your phone rings during class, you must answer it and put it on the loudspeaker. Of course, this policy has embarrassed nearly everyone in the class except for a few and Evie was part of that small few who's phone had never gone off, until now.

Sir turned to towards me to give me the look that told me to answer it and so I did and placed it on the loudspeaker for the whole freaking class to hear. Everyone stopped their tests and turned to me and Doug with mischievous smiles, but their smiles were soon wiped off their faces when Carlos' voice boomed over the phone. My face that was once filled with shame was now filled with concern. Our teacher was about to open his mouth but before words could leave I ran out of the classroom. I ran fast and bumped into Jay on the way to the dorms.

*Doug's POV

Around two minutes after Evie ran out of the classroom, it was lunch. I knew something was up with Mal from Evie's phone call but I didn't want to intrude on her problems. As I was deep in thought about all the things that Mal could be going through, I was knocked back into reality as Ben started to shake my shoulders "Doug what's up? you've been really distant since the bell went" his voice was laced with concern. I turned to him and tried to tell him what happened but my brain and mouth weren't cooperating. So, I just shrugged him off and left the lunch table.

(Back in Mal & Evie's Dorm)

*Nobody's POV

Mal's breathing was slowing but it wasn't enough to make Carlos not worried. Carlos sat at the end of Mal's bed trying to calm her, that's when the door was burst open and Evie and Jay ran over to Mal. Jay kneeled by her side while Evie grabbed Carlos by the shoulder of his Tourney gear and ripped him off the bed to take his place. "Mal honey what's wrong? Please" Evie asked with nothing but worry. She had seen Mal have a few panic attacks before and they were all resolved by talking about her problems. Mal just shook her head but at least her breathing was starting to slow back to a normal rate. "Mal we know that you can hear us, please you need to talk about it, we really won't judge you" Jay kept begging but nothing happened. Carlos began to rub her back again while Evie noticed that Mal running a temperature so she went into the bathroom to get a cold compress.

Evie walked in and saw a small stick on the side of the sink. As she walked over she let out a small gasp and picked it up to show the boys. Silently she grabbed the boy's attention and mimed for then not to freak out just to make sure that Mal doesn't get any worse. They both nodded their heads and Evie raised the stick in the air for the boys to see. Carlos placed a hand over his mouth while Jay clenched his fists together. Due to the boys promising Evie not to freak out, they didn't make a sound about it however they were both silently angry with Ben. Evie then made a shooing motion with her hands and the boy's both stepped away from Mal so she could comfort her.

"Mal, it's really not the end of the world, we promise to help you no matter what" Mal began to loosen her knees and raise her head but although her breathing had started to even out, it was still a bit hitched. "Really?" it was barely above a whisper but everyone in the room could hear her. "Yeah Mal, don't work yourself up about this" Jay chipped in. "Plus our last year here is nearly over, that means that by the time you have the baby you will have your own house to stay in and I'm sure we can all chip in to help you, that's what family is for" A smile arose to Mal's face while she started to think about the future but then it dropped and everyone in the room noticed it "But what if people judge me and label me as the school slut?" Mal choked out the bit, but that's when Carlos Perked up "Then we will make sure that they won't have a mouth to say anything else" Mal's smile grew twice as big as the one before and Jay, Carlos, and Evie joined Mal for a group hug, and that's where they stayed for a few minutes until there was a knock on the now broken door.

Mal and Evie ran into the bathroom to hide while Carlos sat at Evie's sewing table and Jay went to answer the door. It was Ben and Doug. Jay knew he promised Evie not to freak out but then he saw Ben's face and lost it. He grabbed Ben by his newly ironed suit jacket and pulled him into the door and pinned him to the ground. Carlos yelled and tried to pull Jay off Ben as did Doug and that's When Evie and Mal ran out of the bathroom and helped to pull Jay off. Eventually, they did and tried to pin Jay to a chair to calm him down. After about five minutes of struggling everything became calm again apart from the odd death stare from Jay to Ben.

"JAY, HOW? WHY? WHAT?" Carlos yelled into Jay's face. "After what happened, of course, I'm going to defend my sister. She made herself so ill and scared because of him, why should I stand to the side and let it happen?" Jay retorted. Mal had enough and dragged Evie back into the bathroom and locked the door.

Ben gave Doug a confused look but all Doug did was look away. Carlos kept tugging at the door but it wouldn't budge. Evie yelled from the other side of the door stating if they could open it without force then they would spill everything. It clearly wasn't a good idea as Carlos ran out of the room only to come back with a lock picking kit. He picked the lock and the girls groaned as they slowly stepped out. "Can I ask why you have a Lock Picking Kit just lying around?" Ben asked. Carlos explained that he brought it over from the island but never used it after Ben's Coronation. Ben then turned to Mal and Evie who were now sitting on the bed "Spill" Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Doug shared a look. Doug and Carlos pinned Jay to a chair while Evie comforted Mal.




Those words slowly left Mal's mouth, each word became more painful than the last. Mal broke down in front of everyone. Evie shared a look with the boy's, so they left with Jay in their arms trying to keep him from Killing Ben.

Ben walked over the bed that held Mal and he tightened her into a hug, a hug that he and Mal were yearning for, a hug that meant reassurance to Mal. They sat like that for the rest of the lunch period and the start of period 4. Nothing in the world would've bothered them. From that day forward, was the start of their future together.

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