House Of Anubis (MySeasonOneC...

By usernameunknown_x

9.3K 159 73

This is a story that's based on the British TV show, House Of Anubis!! It did finish in 2013 but I am gonna w... More

Season 1||Chapter 1
Season 1||Chapter 2
Season 1||Chapter 3
Season 1||Chapter 4
Season 1||Chapter 5
Season 1||Chapter 6
Season 1||Chapter 7
Season 1||Chapter 8
Season 1||Chapter 9
Season 1||Chapter 10
Season 1||Chapter 11
Season 1||Chapter 12
Season 1||Chapter 13
Season 1||Chapter 14
Season 1||Chapter 15
Season 1||Chapter 16
Season 1||Chapter 17
Season 1||Chapter 18
Season 1||Chapter 19
Season 1||Chapter 20
Season 1||Chapter 21
Season 1||Chapter 22
Season 1||Chapter 23
Season 1||Chapter 24
Season 1||Chapter 25
Season 1||Chapter 26
Season 1||Chapter 27
Season 1||Chapter 29
Season 1 Finale||Chapter 30
Christmas Special!

Season 1||Chapter 28

172 5 1
By usernameunknown_x

Ninas POV

Senkhara shot lightning bolts in every direction, causing us all to duck behind whatever was closest to us. Me and Eddie ran towards her instead. We held hands and used our spare hands to shoot back at her.

Jerome and Fabian decided to try the same thing. They ran forward and copied me and Eddie.

This clearly isn't working enough.

I let go of Eddies hand and Fabian let go of Jeromes and individually we all began shooting lighting bolts at her. She shot back twice as fast and hit Alfie in the chest...

"ALFIEEE!!" Amber screamed running towards him.
"Nooo!" The rest of us screamed.


"Yeah. Cool. Okay, see you then KT. Bye." I say as I ended the call to KT.

I looked at my alarm clock:


KT is getting on her flight later on today (well, yesterday. It's hard to explain. Time zones are stupid.)

All day today we have been planning how to take down Senkhara and how to trap her for good. I'm a bit worried..she hasn't made my mark hurt for awhile now. Jeromes hasn't hurt either. She's plotting something. But we will defeat her, no matter how long it takes. I'm done with her controlling my life.

"She should be here by dinner tomorrow guys." I message everyone on the group chat on our phones. Named 'Sibuna' of course.

Sometimes I really hate technology but then again, it can be used for good stuff. I laugh as Alfie keeps sending funny gifs about spirits.

Who'd have thought they were real.

No one knows the half of it.

I laugh as I think back to every thing we have accomplished. I'm glad I came here. It's the BEST decision I have EVER made. No doubt in my mind about that.

I hear a slight knock on the door. Ambers asleep, so I tiptoe out of my bed, slipping my slippers on that my gran had given me last year. I miss her.

I open the door and see my boyfriend. Boyfriend. I love saying that, it has a nice ring to it.

"Hey." I say leaning on the door frame. "What are you doing here?" I ask after kissing him on the cheek and leaning on the door frame again.

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go for a little stroll around the school grounds? If you're not tired of course?" He asks with that cute grin and puppy dog eyes.

"How can I say no to that face." I say. "Give me two seconds to get changed."

I start to turn around but he grabs my hand.
"No don't. I'm in my pjamas. See? Don't worry about it, it's not like anyone else is going to be walking around at this time." He chuckles.

"I guess you've got a point there." I laugh back.

"So you coming?" He extends his arm, urging me to come.

"Yeah." I chuckle and quietly shut the door.

We make our way down the stairs making sure to be quiet so we don't wake anyone up.

We get to the 8th stair. I stop.

"Hey, remember when we pried up this floor board and the next day Victor slipped down the stairs and sprained his ankle?" I laughed/whispered.

"How could I forget?" He laughed back and squeezed my hand. "That was our first quest. It seems like that was ages ago now.." his voice drifts off a bit.

"We really did have such a good time in this house." I said as we walked out the house quietly.

As soon as we were out in the open air we began talking normally.

"Remember your first day here and there was a food fight. Spaghetti got EVERYWHERE that day." He laughed.

"Oh my, that was the most awkward day ever. You were the only person who was being kind to me that day." I chuckle. "Thank god everyone doesn't hate me now."

"No one could hate you." He says kissing my cheek.

"Except Joy." I laugh.

"Yeah..she likes you now though so that's got to count for something." He chuckles.

"Remember our first prom." I say.

"One Of The best days of my life." He smiles.

"Ditto." I smile back.

"Or the time Rufus almost killed us." I roll my eyes.

"He's a psycho. Especially with that stupid red ant timer thing as well." He laughed.

"I miss those days. And the tunnels." I say.

"Good thing I saved you from falling down that chasm other wise you wouldn't be here." He said concerned.

"And I appreciate you so much for saving me. Even if you did kiss Joy before that." I roll my eyes.

"Hey! In my defence she was wearing exactly the same things as you. And stole your mask." He said.

"Yeah I know. At least everything has worked out for the best." I smile at him.

"It really did." He says and kisses me on the lips as we stand at the clearing.

"This is one of my favourite places ever. It's where Sibuna started." I say.

"It's one of mine too. Even though Amber did announce Sibuna in the drama room." He responds.

"True. But it was made an official club here though." I laugh.

Authors POV

"Oh ancient gods of Anubis house, we pledge ourselves to your secrets and your quest. We ARE Sibuna club and we make these sacrifices as a pledge." Amber says.

"Wai-wai-wait. You are NOT sacrificing Miral." Nina says as amber holds up Nina's stuffed toy.

"This is my signed copy of The Solar System Is Your Friend!" Fabian says offended as amber held up his science book. Signed.

"Okay. Even though these things seem really dumb to me..I know they mean something to you. It has to be a sacrifice." Amber says.

"Yeah but..such a big sacrifice? Look, you can have this" Nina says holding out a key chain, "but you can't have Miral. This guy, he's my lucky mascot. So it's still a sacrifice just..not such a big one."

Amber nods and accepts the key chain as Fabian checks his pockets. A tissue. He can't sacrifice that. Nina dropped the key chain into the fire roaring in front of them. Fabian gave up and threw his sacrifice into the fire. Amber drops a picture of herself in.

Nina holds up her hand and says "I, Nina Martin, being of sound mind, well, semi- sound mind, promise to protect the secrets of Anubis house and stand by my fellow club members Amber Millington and Fabian Rutter."

Eagerly, Fabian does the same. "I, Fabian Rutter, being of sound mind, promise to protect the secrets of Anubis house and stand by my fellow club members Amber Millington and Nina Martin."

Then dramatically Amber says the same "I, Amber Millington being of sounds and minds, promise to protect the secrets of Anubis house and stand by my fellow club members. Nina Martin and Fabian Rutter."

Nina says "These are our sacred vows, let no man or woman tear them asunder. Sibuna!" Covering her eye the others copy.

"Sibuna!" Amber says.

"Sibuna!" Fabian says.

Present Day
Ninas POV

"I, Nina Martin being of sound mind promise to protect the secrets of Anubis House and stand by my fellow club members." I smile.

He grabs both my hands and stares straight into my eyes.

"I, Fabian Rutter being of sound mind promise to protect the secrets of Anubis House and stand by my fellow club members too." He smiles back.

We chuckle.

"That day was amazing. Sibuna." I say covering my eye smirking.

"Sibuna." He smirks back.

We head back towards Anubis reliving old memories. I love spending time with Fabian, I never realised how much I miss it until we do it again. I know that me and Fabian will always be with each other no matter what. I love him. And he loves me. We are there for each other no matter what.

Me and Fabes might never be able to do this again, sharing memories, talking, laughing, being .... us.

Senkhara's started a war, that only one of us can win.

Team Evil.
Team Sibuna.

To be continued...

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