DanganRonpa- The Despair of M...

By monocelestia

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16 students awaken in a school, no exit to be seen. Marina can't seem to remember everything, as well as the... More

DanganRonpa- The Despair of My Life
Episode 1
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Author's Note (update)
Episode 14 pt.1
Author's note
Episode 14.2-
Ep. 14.3
Author's Note
Episode 15- The End?
Poststory- Our Lives

Episode 2

822 21 0
By monocelestia

Episode 2-

              Marina- A couple of days has gone by since our shocking experience. Everyone seemed to calm down, although there were exceptions. Svet and Jowe are the only ones who haven't really shaken it off. Svet talks more than Jowe, but she will not look at anyone in the eyes. She has been writing an awful lot in her book, scribbling things down whenever she could. I caught her writing in her book when Shannon and Shelby went at it over video games. I noticed she wrote down Shannon's exact makeup, which was a beautiful fairy makeup. It covered almost all of her face. I thought, we never really do see her real face, do we?

     Jowe usually breaks down crying. The sad thing is no one will comfort him or even talk to him. Is it because he is a farmer? Do they think he is lower than them? It is ridiculous. I had the chance to talk to him though. I wasn't sure what day it was but it was a few after that terrible day. I found him in gym, looking at his locket. There was a grim silence; I could only hear me breathing. There was no one else in the gym. It was kinda creepy. I shook the feeling off and walked up to him. I didn't really know how to approach him so I said "Hey Jowe. What are you looking at?"

           Jowe- -jumps a bit when he hears her enter-Oh, howdy Marina. –Closes the locket, but seems to change his mind and opens it again- I am just looking at the locket my mother gave me. –holds the golden locket up. There isn't one flaw in it. The gold is shiny, showing a perfect reflection of Marina. On the front, there was the Japanese spelling of the word "Love" carved into the gold and glossed red-

  Such a kind woman, she works hard to keep me well off. –shows Marina the picture inside. Marina sits next to Jowe on the floor and looks at picture- You know, I almost couldn't come here. I excel in everything agricultural, but they almost rejected me for being poor.

            Marina- I looked at the frail woman on the picture holding a small child resembling Jowe. She looked like she worked day in and day out. There were large, dark bags under her eyes. She was smiling, but you could see exhaustion in her face. I could see the white hairs creeping from her red bandana she had keeping her hair up. "She is a beautiful woman"

             Jowe- Why thank you kindly, Marina. I do miss her an awful lot. –Looks down at the picture and begins crying. A tear splashes gently onto his boot, mixing in with the caked earth plastered to the sole- I need to get out of here. That morning, Monokuma played the screaming and what not; he played one of my mother screaming. She started coughing awfully loud too. You don't reckon.....she...she –cannot finish sentence-

               Marina- I hated seeing him like this. I hate seeing anyone is this kind of agonizing pain. I wrapped my arm around him and said softly "Jowe, I am sure she is doing fine. Whatever Monokuma is doing is to make us lose our reason and start killing each other. It is what he wants..." I grabbed and held his hand "Jowe, I promise that once we get out of here, you will be back with your mother." I hugged him and felt his soft tears hit my back.

               Jowe- Oh thank you Marina! –Starts sniffling- I...I never thought I would have a friend.

  Before he could say another word, nervous laugher cuts him off.

               Svet- -is standing a couple of feet from them with a journal and pen in her hand. She finishes scribbling something in her book- Are you serious? We aren't going to ever leave. We will die in here.–Scribbles in journal and mumbling-

                 Jowe- We won't die in here Svet. Someone will find us.

              Svet- Oh, I do not disagree there. But do you know how they will find us? In body bags. One by one, we will be tossed in the back of a van like fish just caught from the sea. That is why I am writing this. It is every single thing that goes on each day. That way everyone knows who dies first up to when I get killed. It will be a number one seller by the time I am lying in the earth.

               Jowe- -a very confused look strikes his face- How could you say that? Don't you believe your parents or friends will come to find you?

                  Svet- Friends? Parents? –Slams book shut- Jowe, you heard the screams yourself. They are dead! And if they aren't, they are probably begging for it at the mercy of the freaking bear! –Giggles and opens book again, scribbling in- Jowe, I will leave you to what you believe, and I hope you leave me to mine. –Walks out of the gym, still writing-

                  Marina- what was that about? I noticed Jowe was crying again and I just hugged him. "Jowe, I promise I will get everyone out of here. Svet is just upset still. We all still are. She will gain some of her sense back when we get out. "

                   Jowe- Marina, thank you. I know we have only just known each other but you are like a sister to me. I never had a sister so I am guessing this is what it is like. –Gets up and wipes tears- When we get out, I am gonna let mother meet you. She will like you a whole lot. –Exits gym, smiling for the first time since arriving-

                  Marina- I smiled. I was glad to help him. I guess he was my first friend here.  I walked out and went to the cafeteria. Ashley and Gabby were there talking. I couldn't hear Gabby though. She never seems to speak. I smiled at them. "Hello Ashley. Hello Gabby" Ashley smiled and greeted me and Gabby only smiled. It was the first time I could really see her face. She had short and raggedy. Her face was pale, but I suppose that is because she is SuperHigh School level Hacker. She had electric green eyes that matched some of the wires sticking from her pockets. She moved a bit and glare covered her glasses. I walked over to the fridge, deciding to grab a drink. "Ashley, how did you get into this school?"   I grabbed an iced coffee from the fridge and snapped it open. I took a large swig of it as I listened to Ashley.

             Ashley- Well, I don't have much of a back story. –Shrugs her shoulders.- Oh! I used to be in this popular pop band before I came here. We were known as the Rising Stars! –jumps onto the counter and smiles, holding her face in her hands- I used to be the lead singer of the group, hence my super high school level. I was recognized all around. –Starts twirling in circles, Gabby looking slightly nervous- But you know what the best part was? –Jumps down from the counter and calms down a bit- I would have never met Gabby. –Gabby's pupils get a little small- But yeah, the school recognized me for my talent. I decided to give it all up so I could excel in something greater. I don't know what the future holds, but I am sure it will be great!

              Marina- I smiled. I remembered The Rising Stars and finally recognized her. She had the same outfit on as she did during her shows. Stars covered all of her clothing, glitter shining all over her. She was a very spontaneous person. And I noticed how Gabby's quiet attitude balances there friendship out. I yawn, realizing I am quite tired. I grabbed another coffee and said goodnight to Gabby and Ashley. I walked down the hall to my room and pass by Victoria's door that was wide open. She was blasting music that I couldn't make out and she was jamming out to it on her electric guitar. She noticed me and blushed a little before slamming the door right in my face. Well then. I get into my room and lock the door behind me. It was quite chilly in here and smelled of rubbing alcohol. Monokuma must clean our stuff while we aren't in our rooms. I place the half empty coffee can on my dresser and brush my curls. Everybody has seem to forget about being locked in here. Maybe everyone is finally adapting. Jowe and I seem to be the only ones who believe there is a chance of leaving here, but who knows anymore? I finish brushing the last few strands of my right curl and yawn loudly. I put my brush back in my drawer and lay down on the bed. The sheets and blanket smelled like detergent. For a bear who wants us to kill each other, he sure has a thing with cleaning. I look up at the ceiling and stare until my eyes flutter close, filling my head with dreams of escaping with everyone alive.

 I woke up as soon as the morning announcements rang. For drinking two cans of carbonated coffee, I was well rested. I got up, straightened up my clothes, gelled my curls, and walked out of my room to the cafeteria. I noticed I was the first one in here excluding Jowe, whose head was down on a table near the back. He must have fallen asleep. I laughed a bit and decided to wake him. I went over to him and touched his hand, noticing the other one was clenched tightly around a small, porcelain cup.  "Jowe, wakeup. You fell....." I then noticed. His skin was cold and pale. I shook him gently and asked "Jowe? Are you alright?". My eyes widened with the sudden realization. I wanted to scream but my throat swallowed up any sound as I stumbled back and fell on the floor. I was in shock. Not now, it couldn't happen now! My voice finally made its way back up my throat and I screamed. Not soon after did Shannon run in, blue makeup smeared on three quarters of her face.            

         Shannon- Marina, what happened? Are you ok? Why are you....-notices Jowe, still head down and stiff, and then notices Marina's pale, frightened face- Oh my god...

   Soon Cratos ran in after, ash mixing with his sweat making him look darker than he already is. He notices Marina on the floor and Shannon's face slapped with hysteria.  All of a sudden, the intercom is switched on and an announcement was made.

           Monokuma- (over projector) Ding-Dong Ding-Dong! A body has been discovered. (Finally!) After a set period of free time, we will commence a classroom trial. During this free time, all rooms will be open to investigation. You are free to use anything you find as evidence in the trial. The body can be investigated as well, if you aren't chicken! Pupupu I will tell you when time is up.

                       Marina- I was still on the floor, shaking. I actually felt tears running down my face. How could he have been killed? He had just regained his hope... Someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and noticed Tekai has arrived. His face was stricken with remorse. Cratos must have told him.

                        Tekai- I know this is hard, Marina. But we will never find out who did this if we don't get up and look for evidence. I understand your pain. –lets a tear run down his face-  Let's investigate the area. –Holds his hand out until she grabs it-

                        Marina- I picked myself up and wiped off my dress.  We decided to try to look at Jowe. I felt nauseous and I hope there isn't blood. Hankuri had arrived and had already lifted his head from the table to see the blood in his mouth and on his clothes. I saw the blood and felt my stomach drop. I threw up on the floor, unable to control myself. Tekai held my curls back, trying to avoid me making a mess of myself. I wiped my lips off. "I am sorry. I haven't seen blood in awhile. I will be fine"

                         Hankuri- I understand. –Looks through his hair as she speaks- There are no wounds visible. All of the damage seems to be internal. I suspect he has been poisoned, since the majority of the blood is in his mouth.

                         Marina- I frown. Poor Jowe, I am so sorry this happened to you. I grabbed the cup from his hand and realized it was practically full. I picked it and it sloshed gently on the sides of the cup. I sniffed the contents of it. It was tea. Peach tea, since it had an aromatic scent of the fuzzy fruit. Apparently Hankuri noticed what I was up to and she yelled.

                          Hankuri- Marina, don't drink that! It is poisoned!

                         Marina- I dropped the cup and it broke as it collided with the floor. The liquid spread like flies on honey. "Thank you" I was feeling sick seeing the blood again so I asked "Tekai, let's investigate his room" He didn't stop to ask why and we walked out. His door was open when we arrived and I went in. His room was like mine, all except the blue blanket. But his room was a little bit more decorated than mine. There was dirt all over the floor, probably coming from his boots and there were a couple of pictures of his mom on the wall. I looked down, upset that I couldn't keep a promise to him. There was a cowboy hat on his desk and a slight shimmer that caught my eye. I walked over to it and noticed it was his locket. Under it was a letter directed to....me. It read...

 "Dear Marina, you have been such a good friend and all I thought I might give you something important, my locket. Gosh, if anything ever happened to you here, I would be alone again. I never had hope in the beginning. I have always been kind of weak. But you sparked it up for me. When we get out of here, I hope we stay best friends. Mother would sure like you. Well, I will give you this letter when I stop shaking. Nervous to give it to you. You may think it is weird and all, coming from a guy that you haven't known too long. I would understand though. Sincerely yours, Jowe."

  I watched my tears fall and splash on the desk. Why did he have to go now? I promised him I would get him out. I picked the locket up and put it on. I did it for him. I clenched my fist as the tears rolled down my face. I had to find out who killed him. And I will make sure they get what they deserve. I walked out of his room and walked to the kitchen. I wanted to see if the poisoned used in the tea was in the kitchen. There was a pot on the stove with liquid still in it. It smelled just like the peach tea he drank. I looked in the trash for a bottle or jar that could give me an idea of what was used. In the trash there lay a plethora of peach pits. "Hey, Tekai? What do you think all these peach pits were used for?"

                  Tekai- -looks in garbage and scratches head- Maybe the tea was flavored with the peach pits and the person who made the tea boiled the pits in the water. I am not sure though. I failed agriculture in middle school. Learning about soil and what not was just not my thing. Apparently I thought all berries were edible. Maybe you should bag them up for evidence. –Goes to cabinet and pulls out white plastic bag- Here, we will show these to the others.

                Marina- Tekai dumped the contents of the trash bin into the plastic bag. I noticed a few drops of liquid fall in as well. I tied the bag up tightly, so it would not leak, even though I would not care since I'm not the one cleaning it. As soon as he was done, the intercom came back on. I jumped a bit, still filled with melancholy over the loss of Jowe. 

                    Monokuma- Time is up! Everyone meet by the giant red doors at the end of the hall in 5 minutes! Quick!

                     Marina- I was there first along with Tekai. I guess I was trembling because Tekai started hugging me. Hankuri came to me and put something in my hand and nodded. I was kind of confused but I was worried about what is coming. The doors opened after 5 minutes and I walked in. Who could it be? In this life or death situation, we have to find the culprit. I promised I would get everybody out, and I won't break that. I held Jowe's locket in my shaking hand. Then I realized the not Hankuri gave me. I was in the back of the elevator and I opened it up. "Meet me in the kitchen before the night hours. I have a special treat for you. I will be waiting". The handwriting was beautiful, but that could be anyone's.

I looked at it. They lured him in, almost like a friend would. All he wanted was friends. So whoever it was knew that is what he wanted, they must have. The name was erased out of the paper. I couldn't tell what it said. The elevator stopped and the door opened. Our lives are in the hand of each other in our first class room trial.

                                Survivors left- 15

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