He Thinks Im Jealous I Book 2...

By ScoobyDo6105

4.6K 182 13

Cruz Allen didn't believe in love, that is until he saw how Kay Keller and Noah Stone acted around each other... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10

chapter 4

385 17 0
By ScoobyDo6105

he was special


FROM the moment I saw him I knew things would be different. By the way he held his control, his eyes that shined like diamonds, and his smile. Damn, his smile. It brought me in the moment I saw him. With his little dimples that surround his face, and the wrinkles that come out from his eyes. He was an amazing sight.

Even the way he looked at me when I beat that guy down made me happy. He seemed struck with shock, but his eyes were warm. And I liked the way they looked me over. I liked his voice. I didnt mean to talk to him like we did on the walk back to Noah's dorm. I don't even remember what we did talk about. I just remember wanting to hear him speak.

He was special.

I could tell.

Suddenly, Im brought out of my thoughts when a pillow hits my head and Noah tosses me a silly grin.

"Get out of your head."

His eyebrow is patched over and a bruise lines the round on his forehead. The man went for a temple hit.

"No. I like my head," I touch a hand to my hair as if to emphasize my point. He just rolls his eyes.

"I like your head too," Cruz--I learned his name was spelled that way when he put his number in my phone--peaks around Noah's shoulder, and sends me a smile. My heart lurches. "It's a pretty one." Oh God. It wasn't a lurch this time. It was a full blown flip. I grin at Cruz. His eyes meet mine and he winks before turning around the corner. I hear ruffling then he plops down on his bed with a sigh and chips. I open my mouth and lean over from the bean bag Im sat on and grab a handful.

Cruz sends me a teasing look and quirks his mouth up. "Who said you could eat my chips?"

"Me." I state and shove them in my mouth like a pig. I inwardly cringe, and close my eyes briefly before swallowing the food.

"And the fact I bought them," Kay shouts from somewhere, and Noah laughs. Cruz looks like hes going to object, but then seals his mouth with creases in his forehead.

Hes about to open his mouth when Kay interupts him.

"I did."

Cruz opens his mouth again and lets out a quick no. I laugh.

"So how long have you guys known each other?" Cruz looks at Noah, Noah looks at Kay. Kay shrugs as she rounds the corner.

"Ive know these idiots for about a year." She grabs a handful of chips, her ring catching the light. It momentarily blinds me.

"Noah and I have known each other for more than that."

"Yeah. Since, like...childhood years."

"Ah." I feel a pain, almost something like jealous. "Well now I feel left out." Cruz looks at me quickly, then throws the bag beside him and gets on the bean bag with me. Before I know it, his hands are carved around me and he's holding me in a hug. My heartbeat skips and my breath quickens. Hopefully he doesn't notice.

"Don't feel left out, Blissy, we already love you." I almost gasp at my new nickname. Oh no. No. I cant feel this. I came to college to get away from heartbreak. Cruz will definitely destroy me. But I don't move from his embrace. In fact, I hug him back.

"Cruz and Bliss, kissing in a tree--"

"Its sitting, you idiot," Cruzs mouth moves against my hair, and I try to ignore the fact he didnt deny it.

"I ship it," Kay says making me want to grin. Wait. I am grinning. I have Kays approval.

"I dont know. Bliss looks fragile. And Cruz is...Cruz. No offense Bliss." Noah adds.

"None taken."

"Hey, what about my offense!" Cruz says, moving his arms slightly to look at Noah. Wait, his arms are still around me, there is no way this is a hug anymore.

"It was meant to be an insult," Noah says. Cruz dismantles from me and slaps Noah's knee. Noah recoils sharply and glares down at his best friend. "Im just saying."

"Oh. You're right. Cruz is Cruz. No words to explain him and his awesomeness." Cruz sends me a huge grin, and then raises a questioning eyebrow. Before I can decode it, Noah sends Kay a look.

"Is your roomate on drugs?"

Kay shrugs. "Ive only known her for a few hours."

"But you love me," I meekly add. Cruz conceals me in his arms, as if tightening his hold. What the...? What is this between us? I feel like Im over exaggerating our connection, but it could be possible. The thought of Cruz being my boyfriend sends me over the high rail. Then proceeds to make me crash into a ditch.

Cruz can never be my boyfriend. Hes a player. Im afraid if I do allow him to be the one in my life, he will ruin me, and sleep with other girls.

With that thought, I silently pull away. Cruz gives me a quick squeeze, then rolls away as if he's dejected. I want to grab his shoulder and pull him back, but reality needs to set in my mind. Ive only known him for a few hours, it isnt possible to fall for someone in that short span. And Im still not over Cayde.

"We do. You've blended quite well with us."

"That and you haven't punched me in the balls yet." Noah points out.

"Key word, yet," I smirk. Noah pales.

"Oh God no. It hurts like hell, and based on earlier, you could actually do some serious damage to my children."

"Children?" Kay asks alarmed. Her eyebrows are raised and she looks right at Noah. "I didnt know you wanted kids." Noah opens his mouth to say something, but looks at me for help. I give him a nod and turn to Kay.

"Kay, did you know that children is the new term for a penis?"


"Yes. It's stupid, but, it's real," I try to lie. Why would I say children is for a penis? Oh God, thats so wrong. Stupid, stupid stupid.

"Well shit," Cruz says, eating chips again. I glance at him quickly, and he sends me a little reassuring smile.

"Yeah, my children needs to survive to its full height."

"Yes. My children doesn't need anymore punches to the face." My face twists as I look down at the conversation. Soon, the bean bag becomes my savior from embarrasment as I dive my face into it. Im in deep with this group. But its a good type of deep.

And frankly...I don't want to dig myself out of this hole.


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