Multi-Fandom x Reader

By Zamalda

17.3K 388 127

Basically what it says on the cover. More

Multi-Fandom x Reader
Good Aim ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader
New Kid ~ Fang x Reader
Desolation Weapon Part 1 ~ Wolverine/Logan x Reader
Adding to the Mischief ~ Weasley Twins x Reader
Insanity ~ Finnick x Reader

Just a Child ~ Levi x Child!Reader

1.7K 60 36
By Zamalda

Fandom: Attack on Titan

Gender: Female

Levi groaned as Hanji went on about her titan experiments, he was having a shitty day already, all he wanted to do was finish the paperwork on his desk so he could sleep.

"... and apparently all titans loose energy-" Hanji was cut off by Levi walking into his office, the door slamming in her face.

Levi sighed as he walked over to his desk, only to see most of his paperwork had been colored on by a certain six year old. Said six year old was standing in his chair. That was it, that was all Levi could take. He snapped.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? THAT WAS MY WORK! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STAY OUT OF MY OFFICE?" Levi yelled at you. You cowered in fear with tears brimming your eyes. Levi had alway told you that crying was for babies, so you tried never to cry in front of him, "GET OUT! NOW!"

You ran out of the room and right into Hanji who had heard all of Levi's yelling. You hugged her and cried into her leg.

"He hates me!" You wailed. Having Levi hate you was the worst possible thing in your mind, firstly because he was your father figure and you looked up to him. Secondly, he was the scariest thing you had ever seen when he was mad.

"Don't cry sweetie, he doesn't hate you, he's just not having a good day," Hanji soothed as she lead you to her room, "You can sleep here tonight if you want."

You nodded, the tears still pouring out of your eyes.

"Do you want to go visit the cadets?" Hanji asked you as she wiped the tears from your face.

She lead you to the dining hall where all of the cadets were eating.

"Oh! Hi (Y/N)!" Armin called out as he spotted you from where he was sitting with Eren and Mikasa.

You walked over to them while Hanji got you some bread and water.

"Hi Awrmin, Ewren, and Mikasa," you smiled.

"How come she can only say your name?" Eren complained to Mikasa.

"Because I'm amazing," Mikasa said as she hoisted you up to sit next to her.

Jean, Connie, and Sasha soon joined you at the table and you forgot all about Levi hating you.

"So, (Y/N), why aren't you trailing the- hmph!" Jean started but was cut off by Hanji stuffing a roll into his mouth. Hanji whispered something in his ear that was to quiet for you to hear, Jean's eye's widened slightly and he looked at you. Hanji pulled you aside to give you your food and give Jean time to tell all of the other cadets about Levi's yelling at you.

"Do you wanna eat with me, or with the cadets?" Hanji asked as she handed you a roll and a glass of water.

"Cadets!" You cheered. Hanji patted your head then turned to eat at the table with all of the other squad leaders.

"Aww, you're eating with us!" Sasha cheered.

"Sit back up next to me!" Mikasa said, patting the spot you had recently been sitting.

You climbed up there and had a nice meal chatting with the cadets.

"So, (Y/N), do you wanna go to the stables and visit the horses?" Connie asked as everyone starts to clear out from the dining hall.

"Yeah, wanna go meet Jean's family?" Eren adds with a smirk.

"Jaeger!" Jean yelled.

"Stop fighting!" Armin pleaded, "We have a kid here you know."

"So how about it, wanna go to the stables?" Mikasa asked.

"Yeah!" You exclaimed. All seven of you walked over to the stables where you pet the horses and entertained yourself for a while.

"Oi!" You heard his voice from outside the stables and you cowered in the farthest corner behind some bags that easily hid you, "Shitty brats! What are you all doing in the stables?"

"Sir we were just..." Eren trailed off as he slowly looked around for you. When he realized you were hiding he quickly made up an excuse, "We were just letting Jean visit his family."

Levi was silent, but before he left he said, "Tell me if you see (Y/N), I need to speak with her."

"Yes sir," all of the cadets saluted.

When Levi was out of sight they all started looking for you.

"(Y/N)?" Armin called out. No response, "Where are you?"

After a few more minutes of searching, the cadets realized that you were no longer in the stables.

"It looks like it's going to rain, we need to find her," Mikasa said as she frantically looked for you.

"Plus, the Corporal will have our asses for loosing her," Jean added.

*Earlier in the dining hall*

*^*Hanji POV*^*

I walked away from (Y/N), grateful that she had chosen to eat with the cadets. I had a bit of talking to do with Levi. I walked to his office since I didn't see him in the dining hall. I knocked on his door and waited.

"What do you want Shitty Glasses?" Levi groaned as he opened the door.

"I'm here to talk about (Y/N)," I stated, "She's a kid Levi, she didn't know that she was ruining your paperwork, you yelling at her crushed her. You don't understand how much that girl looks up to you. You can't treat her like a cadet."

"Why would she even look up to someone like me?" Levi asked. I pushed into his office and looked around, it was as clean as always, the only thing that was different was the stack of papers on the corner of his desk. The stack was all of the papers that (Y/N) ad drawn on. I picked them up and looked through them as I continued talking.

"You saved her from the titan that ate her family one year ago," I said, "And if thats not enough, you are Humanity's Strongest Soldier."

I stopped on a drawing, it was one that wasn't covered in scribbles. The drawing made me smile, it was two stick figures holding hands. There were names above the stick figures: '(Y/N)' along with 'Daddy'. An attempt at spelling 'humanity's strongest soldier' was scribbled out.

"And if that's not enough," I handed Levi the drawing, "This should be."

Levi looked completely shocked, and slightly pleased.

"She was with the cadets last time I saw her, but she might be in my room."

*Back to the present*

*^*Your POV*^*

Levi still seemed to be mad at you, so you did the first thing that popped into your head, you decided to run away. If you were gone, Levi would probably be happier and thats all you really wanted. For Levi to be happy.

So you had slipped off and ran into the woods that surrounded the HQ, not bothering to notice the grey clouds looming overhead.

A droplet of water landed on your head and you looked up, only to be startled by a loud clap of thunder. You screamed and took cover under a tree, thunder was what scared you the most. Tears formed in your eyes as you cowered from the storm, lost and alone under a tree.

*^*Levi's POV*^*

I had to find her. She wasn't in HQ, and she wasn't with the cadets out in the stables.

"Hanji, have you seen (Y/N)? I can't find her anywhere," I asked as I passed her.

"I told you, last time I saw her she was with the cadets, I heard that she went down to the stables," Hanji said.

"I was already down there, they didn't mention seeing her when I asked," I told her.

"Check again, I did tell them about your little meltdown, so they may have been trying ton protect her," Hanji gave a sheepish laugh.

"Damn you Shitty Glasses," I grumbled as I walked back down to the stables. I noticed that the cadets weren't down there, but i turned just in time to see them enter the doors to HQ. I grumbled as I ran after them. I caught up to them in one of the hallways.

"Shitty brats, where is (Y/N)?" I asked . They all turned with horrified looks on their faces.

"W-We don't know sir," Eren shakily answered.

"What do you mean?" I demanded.

"W-We lost her," Eren faltered.

"What?" I demanded, glaring daggers at him.

"She ran off and we couldn't find her," Eren stuttered.

I walked away from them and headed to the door, then the rain started, followed by the thunder. I froze. If (Y/N) was out there, she would be soaked and terrified because of the thunder.

I rushed out the door quickly and searched around for her. She was no where on the grounds, I turned my attention to the woods. She might have headed in there for cover from the rain.

I called out for her as I searched through the trees. I heard a small sniff followed by a loud cry.

I found her huddled under a tree, soaked, shaking, eyes closed, and crying. She was quietly muttering something that sounded like 'Help me Daddy I'm sorry'.

"Shh, shh, you're safe, I'm here," I soother her as I picked her up in my arms.

"Daddy," she murmured into my chest.

I carried her into HQ and ignored all of the odd looks that I was getting. I wrapped her in a dry towel and attempted to warm her up.

"Levi not mad?" She asked weakly.

"No, I was having a horrible day and snapped on the wrong person, I'm sorry," I answered.

"I love you Daddy," she sighed before falling asleep.

"And I love you," I said hesitantly. I laid her down on my bed before I myself got in, not willing to let go of her just yet.

*^*Your POV*^*

You woke with a heavy weight on you. You turned your small body to see that it was Levi's arm. You recalled the night before and realized Levi was no longer mad at you.

Levi woke and sat up, bringing you with him.

"Try not to run off any more," Levi said.

"I won't, promise," you answered.

"Want to observe the cadet training today?" Levi asked. He had never offered to let you watch the cadets while they were training.

"Yeah!" You cheered.

Levi got you and himself ready before you headed to the dining hall. Levi had been holding your hand when the door opened and most of the cadets, Hanji included, awwed at the adorableness.

"Erwin, cover (Y/N)'a ears," Levi ordered. The tall blonde did as he was told, because he knew what was coming.

You had no idea what Levi was yelling at all of them, but the horrified looks all of the cadets were giving Levi told you that it was bad.


SORRY!!!!!!!!! I'm so so so so so so sorry about the wait! Also, the Sherlock one was deleted somehow, so that one will be up later, hopefully.

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