Never Giving Up

By Natasha_Smith

58.9K 1.8K 249

Time has passed since Kaylee found out that Luca has a daughter. Days turned into weeks and before she knew i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 3

2.2K 67 6
By Natasha_Smith

The exterior of the Fournier hotel on West 44th Street in New York is somewhat different to the one back in London. For starters, it's a lot taller and all glass and steel. At a glance, I'd say it was more than thirty floors, forty at a push. A long section of glass windows, along with two sets of revolving doors, run along the width of the building. Two smartly dressed doormen are standing at either door, welcoming guests as they come and go.

Just like the London hotel, black rugs are at each door with the hotel name clearly written on them in gold script writing, which matches the sign on the building letting people know the name of the hotel as soon as they see it.

"He likes to keep things the same," Nick informs, sensing my attention on the building rather than my phone like it has been since we got off the jet. I look at him and he nods to the building we are parked up outside. "Makes people recognise the hotels easier as soon as they see them."

"I see," I nod.

I remember Luca saying something about having his hotels seem the same. However, it got a bit too confusing when he began telling me that the restaurants were called the same the hotels in places. I was suffering from a hangover so nothing else was said on the matter because my head would hurt way more trying to figure it out.

"Kaylee, I would like to make you aware of the fact that almost everyone here will have either seen of read the interview Luca gave. The walk we have from this car to the hotel entrance will generate a few looks but pay no attention to them. The people who are in the hotel, other than guests, are paid to say nothing when it comes to their boss and his personal life. It not worth them losing their jobs if they say something out of line to someone in Luca's life."

I don't respond to Nick. There's nothing to respond to but it's nice to know that no one who works in the hotel will say something to me. The guests on the other hand, they are a completely different thing which I can only hope will be dealt with before it gets out of hand.

"My assistant," Nick starts, pointing to the slim built male walking out the hotel wearing dark blue chinos with a dark brown belt and a white shirt, "has checked you in under the name Alexa Miles. He knows what's going on and will keep up the pretence until told otherwise."

I lock my phone, take a deep breath, and take my seatbelt off. "Alright."

"Don't be nervous, Kaylee. I know this is new territory for you but enjoy the experience of being here. Not a lot of people get a chance to visit the city they have wished to visit for years."

I don't get a chance to respond before the car door opens next to me. The sound of car horns and people talking outside fills into the car but I don't get time to take note of any of that as I get out the car and immediately greeted by Nick's assistant. He takes my carry on bag from my hand and passes it to a hotel staff member.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Miss. Miles. My name is Ivan," he introduces, his American accent strong, before adding, "Mr. Madden's assistant."

He holds a hand out for me to shake and I smile as I put my hand in his, my eyes squinting as I look up at him. His sandy brown is cut into a simple crew cut style which seems somewhat acceptable for his job title. No male in my office back home has a simple hairstyle like that. They just like to be fancy and try new things.

"It's nice to meet you."

He lets go of my hand and slides his dark framed glasses up his nose. His green eyes blink a few times before he gestures for me to follow him into the hotel. I don't hold back and follow him into the hotel with Nick leading the way.

The interior is modern and made up of blacks, whites, splashes of reds, and glass features throughout. There's multiple seating areas, people sitting at some of them chatting away as they wait for a taxi or wait to be shown to their room. There's a large water feature behind the dark gloss and frosted reception desk; a waterfall between two panels of glass with white lights at both the top and bottom to allow you to see past it and to the seating area at the other side.

I'm half expecting my shoes to squeak on the light polished marble floor as I walk across it, but they don't. I'm relieved to say the least but the looks I get from a few passing guests has me turning gym gaze to the floor so they don't say anything or try to take a picture of me. Staff members look at me for a moment before flashing me a welcoming smile then carry on with their work.

"There are six elevators here," Ivan explains, pressing the button on the wall in between a set of lift doors. "All elevators go to all floors apart from two. If you have booked a suite, which are found on floors thirty to forty-four, you will use these two." He points to the nearest two lifts on our right. "The plaques above these elevators are clearly marked for only those who are staying in the suites. The other four elevators go to the rest of the floors."

A set of lift doors slide open and we step into the brightly lit space. I watch Ivan as he presses the button labelled forty-three then stands to the side with his hands clasped. Nick is standing behind him, next to the staff member who is carrying my bags.

"If you wish to dine in one of the restaurants, they can be found on the ground floor as well as floors one and two." Ivan points to the other numbers on the panel. "Floors three to six contain the gym, spa, meeting rooms, and event spaces."

"I think Miss. Miles will be dining in her suite for her stay here," Nick speaks up.

"Of course, Mr. Madden. I will let reception know when we go back down."

I watch Nick as he smiles on a small nod before Ivan goes on.

"If you wish to have any services from the spa or anything bought from a store out with the hotel, you call down to reception and they will arrange everything for you."

"Anything and everything you want will be paid for by the company, of course." Nick adds.

I'm not sure if the things he's saying to me right now are for the benefit of the staff member so he believes the story that I'm here as a client of Nick's or not. I'm not one to take things for nothing. I expect to pay my share which is why I brought my bank card because I want to pay my way. I'm grateful to Nick for flying me out here but I know I will need to pay for myself to go home without the luxury of a private jet waiting on me.

The rest of the ride up to the forty-third floor is done in silence until the doors open at our designated floor. Ivan leads the way, turning to the left as soon as he steps out the lift. The hallway is bright with dark wooden doors lining the way, contemporary artwork on the walls adding the splash of colour that's needed along the simplistic hallway.

Nothing is said until we come to a stop outside a set of double wooden doors. Ivan holds the hotel room card just below the door handle and when the lights above the handle turn green, he opens one of the doors.

"This is the two-story penthouse suite," Ivan announces as he holds the door open so we can walk in. "It has three bedrooms, all of which are located up the stairs, a fully equipped kitchen, dinning room, three and half bathrooms, an office – everything someone in your line of work needs, this suite has it."

I don't say anything as I step away from the three men and further into the suite, my eyes scanning everything while I'm trying my hardest to stop my mouth from falling open. There's various forms of artwork spaced precisely on the walls. The furniture contrasts with the walls which follows the same colour scheme as what the reception has – modern with splashes of colour where there needs to be.

I walk further in to the living room before turning on the spot, my feet sinking into the light coloured area rug I'm now standing still on. "I could have stayed in a simple room." I gesture to the room and smile. "This is too much."

"Not for a client of mine," Nick speaks up and assures with a grin. "If anything, my son would want one of my main clients to stay here."

I return his given smile as Ivan instructs the staff member to take my belongings up stairs. He returns moments later and stands behind Ivan with his hands clasped.

"I hope you find everything satisfactory," Ivan says, passing me the two room cards. "The master bedroom is located to the left at the top of the stairs and dinner has been arranged to be brought up to you at six."

I flash him a tight lip smile. "Thank you."

He nods at my response and opens the suite door and leaves with the member of staff following closely. Nick moves to the opened door to leave but stops short and looks back at me.

"Luca will be in his office all day tomorrow," he says informatively.

I look at Nick.

"I will have someone come and pick you up to take you to his office in the morning. He has a half an hour gap between his two morning meetings with his business partner."

"I somehow don't think that what we have to talk about will only take thirty minutes," I say.

"I know," he nods before shrugging. "Then it's just as well that his lawyers work for the same firm I do and we're the ones who are sitting in on the second meeting."

I narrow my eyes at him. "You'd really stall a meeting so your son can work on his relationship with me?"

"If it means he stops working himself into the ground, yes."

I don't respond as he leaves the suite and the door closes over, everything falling silent. I take a deep breath, my hands falling into the back pockets of my jeans, and spin slowly on the spot.

This is a good start to my first visit to New York.

Before I know it, it's morning and I'm up eating breakfast as I move around the suite trying to get ready so I can go and meet Luca. I didn't plan on waking up at six in the morning but I did and I was able to have a shower and do my hair in the added time I had to prepare myself for today's meeting.

I slip my white trainers on as I finish chewing the last piece of toast I have in my mouth and get to my feet. I place my cross-body bag on one shoulder and walk to the small entranceway where Nick is standing with Ivan and two well-built men I haven't seen before.

"Got everything?" Nick asks. His fingers smoothen out the cuffs of his black suit jacket as he eyes me closely.

I frown then hold a finger up to him to excuse myself for a minute. I rush back to the living room and pick up my phone from the side table where I placed it during my morning routine. I just slide it into my bag when a small pile of magazines catches my eye. I reach for the People magazine that's sitting under a copy of OK! and look at it, my breath catching in my throat at the sight of the headline on the cover.

Luca Madden:


My grip on the magazine only tightens as I stare down at the photo of Luca on the cover behind the headline. This is the interview I knew was coming out but didn't want to see. This is what people will be gossiping about until the new issue comes out next week. This-

"Kaylee," Nick says, his voice close.

I don't look up to him but I can sense him close by. Close to a point where, when he sees what I'm holding, his hand immediately finds my wrist and his other hand yanks the magazine from my grasp as he pulls me out the suite.

"You don't need to see that," Nick says, passing the magazine to Ivan who takes it and folds it in half. "Not today of all days."

"I . . . He . . ."

I can't find my words as my feet try to keep up with Nick's walking pace as we walk towards the lifts. He lets go of my wrist and presses the button on the wall forcefully. I watch him as his jaws sets, his eyes darken, and his brow lowers.

He's angry. It's the same look Luca gets when he's angry and no one wants to be in the firing line of their anger because no one will have a leg to stand on when they let it out.

It doesn't take long before a set of lift doors open and we all step inside. I stand to the back of the lift, Nick taking place at the front with Ivan next to him as he presses the ground floor button while holding his phone to his ear. The doors slide closed and he starts giving instructions to who I can only think is a driver.

I knew today would be a big day, as was yesterday, and I was doing so well when it came to being kept away from seeing the magazine Luca had done his interview with. Those who looked at me never said a thing and I was fine with that. However, seeing the magazine when I didn't even know it was there has thrown me. I was calm both inside and out, but now I'm about to crumble inside while I try to keep myself composed on the outside.

Maybe this isn't a good idea. Maybe I shouldn't go to see Luca. Maybe I shouldn't be here. Maybe I can run away but where would I go? I've come all this way to get away from hearing things in regards to the interview and yet, it's out there for everyone to read and comment on.

I was ready for so much to happen over the past twenty-four hours, but actually seeing the magazine and being a mere few flicks of the pages away from reading what he had said has hit home the fact that I'm not ready.

Was I ever going to be ready for this?


I was only kidding myself because I didn't allow myself to properly think of this or how it would go down. I can only pray and hope that when I see Luca, things will die down and he can do his thing and protect me like he has been before everyone found out we were together again.

The lift comes to a stop, the doors open, and we walk out to the reception area. I can faintly hear Nick give instructions to Ivan before I see him walk to the reception desk.

"This way, Miss. Miles." Ivan tells me, guiding me towards the exit with the two well-built men leading the way at either side of us.

I glance back at the reception desk before we exit the building, Nick's back to us and his arms spread out as he grips the desk tightly. You can't hear any words coming from that direction but you can tell he's venting his anger at the receptionist over what happened in the suite.

"Mr. Madden will take care of what happened," Ivan whispers with assurance. I turn my attention to him. "That magazine wasn't supposed to be there."

No kidding.

"He'll get it sorted without mentioning you're the girl in the article that his son is talking about."

"Good morning, Miss. Miles." The familiar voice of Jones greets when we get to the waiting car.

I look at him and smile. The look on his face is clear for me to see that he knows that that isn't my real name has to go with it. "Good morning."

"It no doubt should be after your meeting."

I take a deep breath and slide into the back of the car.

"Should be," I murmur as the door closes. "It should be."

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